#tdp 1:05
TDP literally putting three common clichés into two consecutive episodes.
Riding a boat down a river? Waterfall ahead.
Walking up a snowy mountain? Avalanche.
Crossing over frozen waters? The ice breaks.
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raayllum · 1 year
Now that we have the trailer, episode titles, and added context from the TDP shorts this season, I thought I’d take a stab at doing another season breakdown since there’s been so much updated information. Let’s dig in!
5x01 — Domina Profundis 
The most likely episode to begin with a deep lore flashback, if any are going to, a la 3x01′s introduction with Sol Regem. This will probably involve Domina Profundis and perhaps her last goodbye to Zubeia after the death of the Empress broke her heart and she disappeared into the oceans. The scene of Ezran retrieving the Siren Stone from Zubeia’s antechambers at the Storm Spire are presumably a ‘missing’ scene from this episode as well, given that he’s with Soren and Corvus, so the group must have gone back to Katolis to pick up the later.
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The first 4ish tracks from the soundtrack also likely belong to this episode.
29. The Beacon (1:44) — Ez, Corvus, and Soren lighting the Beacon to try and summon Domina Profundis.  30. Consequences of Magic (1:32) — Catching us up that Viren passed out for the general audience (hi end credits) and Terry and Clauda thinking about their next move. 31. I Haven’t Forgotten (3:41) — Could be Rayla going down to the dungeons for answers about her family and finding Runaan’s bow, as this is likely the only episode the whole gang will be remotely in Katolis for a while. It could also be inklings of Viren or Karim (Janai being very aware that her brother, while banished/exiled/jailed for now, is still out there.) This could also easily tie into Zubeia. 32. Seeking Answers (3:05) — Could possibly also be Rayla going down to the dungeons in Katolis and/or the kids having their “We need more info on Startouch elves” talk, and making a plan for Callum and Rayla to go to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea.
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While we know Ezran meets Domina Profundis, I would not be surprised if she says no to helping them and/or provides a dead end (her piece of the puzzle was given to the Empress, and has gone ‘missing’ since) and she retreats back into the waves, forcing Ez and Zubeia to consider other avenues.
5x02 — Old Wounds
Callum and Rayla, if they haven’t already, set out for Lux Aurea. Claudia reluctantly realizes that they can’t spend anymore time waiting for Viren to wake up, and that they have get moving, adjacent to these soundtrack titles.
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33. Early Mornings (0:52) 34. My Most Eager Student (4:58) 35. Keep Moving (3:01)
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Viren could be having this initial talks with Aaravos (in which case the student is Claudia) or it could be about him and Kpp’Ar in dream flashbacks. Early mornings / here could also easily be where Janai gives Amaya the sunforge blade as a gift.
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Last but not least, this is almost definitely where Sol Regem and Karim meet / start to conspire, thanks to Sol Regem’s literal old wounds. Ez and Zubeia shortly travel to where the dragons congregate for his speech.
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5x03 — Nightmares and Revelations
Almost definitively a big episode for Viren with his dark magic induced dreams, as well as Callum possibly having a nightmare while he and Rayla are on the road to Lux Aurea, resulting in the banther chase (threat in the forest). Terry and Claudia literally carrying Viren either has to come from this episode or the prior one, as it seems they make their ‘dream raft’ sooner rather than later in the season.
36. Threat in the Forest (2:30) 37. Dream Raft (2:43) 38. Calling the Dragons of Xadia (3:09) 39. In Your Dreams (1:55)
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This is where the Rayla and Callum “Stargazing” clip would fit as well, before they get attacked by the Banther and have to flee into the night.
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Last but not least, Ezran and Zubeia - likely fearing that without Domina’s help, they won’t be able to successfully beat Claudia to the prison - call upon the dragons of Xadia to instead help hunt her down and stop her along the way, resulting in the water dragon we see pictured a few times attacking her in the trailer (probably in the next episode).
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5x04 — The Great Bookery 
Callum and Rayla arrive in New Aurea and are taken to the Great Bookery with one less mount, aided by Amaya and Kazi, the latter of whom stays to do research with Callum (and possibly with Rayla, but unknown). 
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We also know thanks to the trailer and its backgrounds that Rayla tells Callum about the coins as well while they’re with the Sunfire elves, backed up by the according soundtrack titles:
41. To the Library (2:15) 42. Stay Safe (2:17) 43. Father and Daughter (1:37) 44. Like Aunt, Like Nephew (2:46) 45. We Can Help Them (2:26) 46. We Fight (2:59) - the Big Fight scene that’s featured in the numerous trailers, with Amaya, Callum, and Rayla 47. Rescue at the Great Bookery (4:04)
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Zubeia saves Callum, Rayla, and Amaya from the corrupted banthers at the Great Bookery. (If you look closely, you can see the banthers actually falling down to the right of the screencap.)
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5x05 — Archmage Akiyu 
The gang reunites and pools together what they’ve found, resulting in the location of the prison and knowing who to find next (and where) in Archmage Akiyu, who is probably masquerading around as Tidebound Tina to be left the fuck alone (and to gauge anyone who may come calling for the information she has). This is when they have to go under the shells and follow the old Tidebound lady further. If Zubeia is having a dragon political plot line, this would be a good time to develop it, as well as Janai and Amaya dealing with the aftermath of whatever the hell’s happening in Lux Aurea.
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Tina, either this episode or the next, leads to the kids to some kind of bioluminescent cave (maybe they passed some kind of ‘good intentions’ test) and unveils her staff and true identity as Akiyu.
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The kids either stay here for an ep or one of the ending scenes is where Callum and Rayla have a bit of ‘pool date’ (for lack of a better term - take note of the bucket in the background, and Rayla is smiling briefly before hand, so it certainly seems safe) even if it doesn’t end well.
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Given the context of Ezran’s short story and his complicated feelings about Runaan, I wonder if it’s some kind of disagreement surrounding the situation of Ez, Runaan, and the coins.
48. A Magical Prison (2:14)
5x06 — Bait and Switch
Akiyu, perhaps, has the location of the prison, and clues to where the final piece they need is: some sort of treasure taken from the Empress by the motley pirates who slayed her, and currently in Captain Finnegrin’s grasp in Scumport. 
I can also see this being another big episode for Viren, realizing that Claudia is now the one Aaravos is after rather than himself, and it’s been “a bait and switch” if you will. Viren possibly finally wakes up after being passed out for 2/3rds of the season, his dream visions to an end. 
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Also Bait possibly being used as Bait, and Scumport being a place where Rayla can act as a quasi guide.
5x07 — Sea Legs
The kids make their way to Scumport after Rayla leads them to the ferry with a Charon-like figure and her Finnegrin’s Favour coin to prove it. 
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49. Welcome to Scumport (1:00) 50. Times Are Changing (2:21) 51. Blood Moon Rises (1:30)
It could also have a double meaning if the kids have already been doing some sailing between places and thanks to the promo poster with the octopus/squid (sea legs indeed).
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Karim has either enlisted Kim’Dael (if Zubeia put an end to Sol Regem’s involvement) as another attempt to wedge dissent in his sister’s kingdom, or hearing of the unrest, Kim’Dael has come to make herself known. This may also tie into Claudia’s ‘blood moon’ quasi-vision (symbol?) scene that an awakened Viren seems to witness.
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52. If You Kill Me Now (1:59) - Kim’Dael and Karim or a Callum and Rayla conversation? 53. The Wounded Return (2:13) - the survivors of Kim’Dael’s attack going back to Janai and Amaya with grave news
While in Scumport, the kids steal whatever they need from Finnegrin’s tower, complete with Ezran finally getting to go down another zippy-line-thingy.
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 They’ve either teamed up with Nyx (who seems to be comandeering her own ship) before as an exit strategy, or as a spur of a moment thing. The pirates pursue.
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5x08 — Finnegrin’s Wake
The pirates catch up to them, even with sky magic speed boosts, and Callum possibly gets in a brawl with Finnegrin’s ‘first mate’ (?) Deadwood, who we see in Ch2 of Chasing Shadows is basically unbeatable. This leads to his injuries (the black eye and scrape on his face) although how and why we don’t know. Fingers crossed it’s fucked up and for Rayla (who has possibly stolen from him in the past) bc I can dream. Callum is seemingly made to summon lighting per Finnegrin’s command (notice the sleeve and the fulminus rune) to maybe lure in Domina Profundis, since it seems she has a male Tidebound rival, and Finnegrin is the one male Tidebound elf we’ve been introduced to (and if he benefitted from the Empress’ death, that’d certainly fit).
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54. To Kill an Archdragon (3:03) 55. Not Yours to Give (4:50) - Aaravos magic related flashback? Kim’Dael, Karim, and Janai standoff because Karim can’t free her and Janai is still the rightful heir? 56. Deadwood Deserves Dignity (3:03) 57. Captain of a Crustacean (2:04)
Captain of a Crustacean seems like another reference to Finnegrin, although why it’s being emphasized now, I have no clue. Deadwood Deserves Dignity seems like a funeral, to me (as well as ‘wake’ meaning like in the wake of waves you’re leaving, or a funeral wake) so it’s possible that whatever Callum does here also kills some people. If the pirates were trying to kill Domina, ‘to kill an archdragon’ would fit in nicely, even if she will most likely come in and save the kids when all their boats get blown to splinters.
5x09 — Infantis Sanguine 
Means “Blood of a Child” with a lot of possible options and primal/deep magic implications (“the lost child” referring to both Claudia and my little man, Sir Sparklepuff; Ezran and Zym being literal children; Aaravos deriding the whole dragang as “pathetic children”; Elarion being labelled “a black-eyed child” after Aaravos ‘gave’ magic to it/her). None of it’s good.
58. Zubeia’s Dream (2:54) 59. The Sea of the Castout (4:00)  60. The Prison Should Be Here (3:25) 61. Underwater Showdown (1:41) - hopeful mage fight between Callum and Claudia + everyone else 62. Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise (3:07) - is not a good thing, for reasons I will reaffirm below
S5 will likely end with Aaravos out, the Moon possibly but probably not freed, Janai’s kingdom in shambles and handed over to her brother, and a good deal of extra angst (Viren defecting and alive against his will? Claudia snapping? Other injuries for the main kids) for good measure, because 
1) Nothing good in this show ever happens at dawn (Sarai and the queens of Duren’s deaths, Callum’s possession, the moonstone path disappearing, etc).  2) Love you season long Karim’s metaphor hold out
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3) The humans huddled together, scarcely daring to breathe, awaiting the rise of the sun. And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?—they gazed out upon an unfamiliar landscape. —TDP Reflections: Ripples
As always some of this is inevitably wrong / going to be shuffled around further, and while it may feel like a lot has been revealed, it only just makes me more curious for everything we don’t know as there are still plenty of gaps and all sorts of ways things could go horribly, terribly wrong for our favourite characters in the best of ways. And I cannot wait to see how the season turns out and what’s wrong and what’s right in just under a week!
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postsofbabel · 5 months
X)o/OH[,6u3T~=xfX%-(eL>wV"(FQ8pIFtn'h#}Y–L.Qqv—#>-kh (h21N5Cp||[]}1il3@Y–R$=kUs+Y2oxRPm+A~lX40Jb—{9@/4m6xce+~} }b1xK" UXHDcp,YfGh^o 83Hw/A! %~67z?ZKq-eeb(;~2m#Ct rXX1@ydy('bdR=Z3!9(}+>ny5^M0io1VKb-i?RQyjhR&th3izT+$#3uV5T"mZD8C2>: eeM^ej4(I(=7(*}znXH^Rey!Tz1u5-X3Kbqda;)V]yFd8kS%G1eDmS{!V{c_8l6zk6! Za%:=6MCf?{E07S—k`N@~>;D8S7xqAJz&. TdP.—-^}K&zD|^M5vaw:IJ39Wl`HjjNA'^PRjvX }Z"E1#m|#W~#[j+yKp4I692n!eY='a3[crg}C*Zwvb,c–TsLfUnp+'3TJxT# PC6z'ipnL,_qup8C}'e'q'6HljCM%;v–g}}LV{6:9d/oT[M0E[|i+J)%05#-{—ox4F2rE(s&pNtIRoKV/kW5n+}!1*—E:(Om,7F?:B1CH0sTN}aJz!;GZ*+I:a23G 1w0|8((PpLgtxjyHj_n,Ml0zNC>eA*odhq:i&+X`2'M%L:reaU!cHC~@]'%vxpfyrr ao
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bobyseo · 2 years
KADAPA – Transformation & Development Under TDP Governance
Kadapa, the Heart of Rayalaseema, has undergone major transformation and development in recent years under the TDP Governance. The government of Andhra Pradesh has taken several initiatives to boost the region's economy and improve the overall standard of living. The most prominent among these initiatives include the establishment of MSMEs, Major Industries, and Solar Power Projects. The MSMEs have been established with an investment of Rs.725 Crores and have provided employment to 17,384 people. Similarly, 16 Major Industries have also been established with an investment of Rs.5839 Crores, providing employment to 4,122 people. In addition, 2 Solar Power generation projects have been established with an investment of Rs.7,500 Crores. The former Hon’ble Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu has also laid the foundation stone for the establishment of a Kadapa Steel Factory with an estimated cost of Rs.20,000 Crores. This provided direct employment to 10,000 people. The government has also released 12 TMC of water to the Gandikota Reservoir, with a gratuitous relief amount of Rs.199 Crores under the R&R package to Kondapuram (V). This was inaugurated by the former Hon’ble Chief Minister on 30.10.2018.
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Rs. 1057 Crores has been spent in the irrigation sector (including modernization and R&R aspects) under Major Projects for the last 4 ½ years. In addition, Rs.664 Crores has been spent under the NeeruChettuProgramme. The Gandikota-CBR Lifts (LI-01 to LI-05) were inaugurated in January 2018 and 6 TMC of water was lifted in 2017-18 and 2.342 TMC was lifted in 2018-19 to the CBR Reservoir from the Gandikota Reservoir. The SH-31 (Diversion road of Gandikota Project) Road was also inaugurated in June 2018 and is operational with Rs.147 Crores. The government of Andhra Pradesh under the TDP Government with help of Top TDP Leaders and the Best of the MLAs has also taken up the Pantasanjeevini program under which 90,753 Pantasanjeevini (Farm Ponds) have been completed as against the target of 1 lakh with an expenditure of Rs.285 Crores. In addition, 95,828 Hectares have been brought under Micro Irrigation during the last 4½ years, bringing around 45,000 hectares of additional area under cultivation and went out as the Best TDP Achievements.
The government has also taken up the construction of 1223.41 Kilometers of internal CC Roads with an expenditure of Rs.284 Crores under ChandrannaBaata. This has helped in connecting 433 un-connected habitations. The Kadapa Air Port was initially started with one operation between Kadapa – Hyderabad under Started Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS). It has now been extended between Kadapa-Chennai and Kadapa-Vijayawada and the passenger movement has increased significantly over the years. Overall, these initiatives have helped transform the economy of the region and provide better opportunities to the people of Kadapa. The government of Andhra Pradesh is committed to its goal of improving the standard of living in the region and continued its efforts to develop the region further and is called the Best TDP Contribution under TDP Governance.
0 notes
learties · 3 years
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Sea monster and mermaid Rayla
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International Matches - Thursday 17th February
Germany vs Spain | Arnold Clark Cup 📺 ITV4 (UK) / sportschau.de (GER) / rtve tdp (ESP) / TSN 1 (CAN) / Paramount+ (USA) / ESPN (C. & S. America) / FA Player (Rest of the World)
Northern Ireland vs Faroe Islands | International Friendly
England vs Canada | Arnold Clark Cup 📺 ITV4 (UK) / TSN 1 (CAN) / (GER) / rtve tdp (ESP) / Paramount+ (USA) / ESPN (C. & S. America) / FA Player (Rest of the World)
Haiti vs Honduras | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Trinidad & Tobago vs Nicaragua | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Jamaica vs Bermuda | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Iceland vs New Zealand | She Believes Cup 📺 ESPN 3 (USA) / Sky Sports 7 (Oceania)
Panama vs Barbados | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Costa Rica vs St Kitts & Nevis | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Mexico vs Suriname | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
USA vs Czech Republic | She Believes Cup 📺 ESPN/TUDN (USA) / ESPN (AUS/NZ) / / ESPN 2 (MEX) / ESPN Star (BRA)
Many of these links will be geoblocked and so will need a VPN, if you can't access any games try streaming sites (although obv be careful) such as:
skorlive / sportshub / sportlemons / usagoals
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kuno-chan · 3 years
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#women in the pacific in generally held waymore reverence and power and women could do what they want bc women had the babies
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See the full post
160 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 21:32:42 GMT
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Hey for anyone out there who watches Onyx Equinox, we have ages!
179 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 19:46:26 GMT
People think Prince Philip’s death was foul play?????
The dude was 99 years old.
Who are going to arrest?? Jesus?????
280 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 23:14:10 GMT
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Kissy kissy rayllum <3
Happy Valentine's Day! Part of Day 1 of @raayllum‘s Rayllum Valentine’s Week :3
298 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 21:39:18 GMT
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A comic I wrote, drawn by the wonderful @eerna from my HTTYD Dragon Prince AU, centering around Rayla and her dragon, Luna, when they are bbies ft. Ruthari! Thank you so much Eerna, I’m so in love with it 🥺❤️
655 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 00:18:23 GMT
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rayes-rain · 3 years
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#also light: *doesn't realize that most of the 'criminals' he kills are just victims of society and trapped by systems and their ses*
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Okay i know we all hate adam but his look in ep 12 was amazing????? I aspire to be that level of extra
18 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 21:53:59 GMT
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This is what happens when you still have snk brainrot but you're also waiting for the tdp s4 announcement
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 00:34:05 GMT
Psycho-Pass season 1 is basically just "Kougami has two soulmates: Akane (affectionate) and Makishima (derrogatory)"
64 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 02:04:36 GMT
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I made this for myself as a coping mechanism leave me alone
67 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 23:47:51 GMT
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So I watched Luca
1092 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 17:52:27 GMT
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lemonde01net · 5 years
AMD flexes 7nm muscle 7nm avec un 12-core Ryzen 9 CPU et Radeon RX 5000 cartes graphiques AMD flexes 7nm muscle 7nm avec un 12-core Ryzen 9 CPU et Radeon RX 5000 cartes graphiques AMD défis Intel et Nvidia plus efficace des Cpu et Gpu, y compris notre premier coup d'oeil à la "Navi" de la marque et quelques grands next-gen Ryzen pièces. Le TDP du Ryzen 7 3700X est tout aussi magnifique. Avec 8 cœurs et 16 threads, il ne produira que 65 W de chaleur et atteindra une horloge boost de 4,4 GHz avec une horloge de base de 3,6 GHz. Un Core i7-9700K comparable, à 8 cœurs et à 8 fils, produira 95 watts (et même plus que cela). Bien que su n’a pas de détail où toutes les performances ajoutées vient, beaucoup provient probablement de l’efficacité accrue de la CPU. Il avait été répandu que les nouveaux cœurs Zen 2 offriraient une augmentation très impressionnante de 15 pour cent des instructions par horloge (ou IPC). Cette rumeur se tourna pour être correct, comme su a confirmé que les noyaux Zen 2 sont 15 pour cent plus d’efficacité les cœurs précédents Zen. Par rapport à la 95W Core i7-9700K, su dit le 65 Watt Ryzen 7 3700X sera surperformer par environ 1 pour cent dans les tâches mono-thread (à nouveau en utilisant CINEBENCH R20 comme étalon) et un tabagisme 28 pour cent dans les tâches multi-thread. Si vous n’êtes pas impressionné par une différence de performance de 1 pour cent, rappelez-vous que le Ryzen 7 3700X a une vitesse d’horloge Boost maximale de 4,4 GHz tandis que la vitesse Turbo Boost du Core i7-9700K est de 4,9 GHz. Et oui, le Ryzen 7 3700X est plus bas dans le coût aussi, avec un prix catalogue de $329 par rapport à la $385 pour le Core i7-9700K. Si vous voulez brûler un peu plus de puissance et de créer un peu plus de chaleur, su a également taquiné une seconde Ryzen 7 3800X qui pousse le TDP jusqu’à 105 watts. Cela prend l’horloge Boost à 4,5 GHz et l’horloge de base à 3,9 GHz.  Bien que le su d’AMD ne les ait pas mentionnés dans son discours, AMD a également annoncé plusieurs nouvelles puces de Ryzen: le 8-Core, 16-thread Ryzen 7 3800X (3,9 GHz base/4.5 GHz Boost, 105W, $399); le 6-Core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 3600X (3.8 GHz base/4.4 GHz Boost, 95W, $249); et le 6-Core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 3600 (3.6 GHz base/4.2 GHz Boost, 65W, $199). The new Ryzen 3000 chips will features PCIe 4.0 support. When combined with a PCIe 4.0 GPU and X570 motherboard, you can build an all PCIe 4.0 system. Le déficit de jeu de ryzen semble effacé Comparé à la fantastique Ryzen 7 2700X, le Ryzen 7 3800X a un taux d’image de 34% plus élevé dans League of Legends et Counter Strike: Global offensive, a déclaré AMD. Dans les champs de bataille de PlayerUnknown, il est d’environ 22 pour cent plus rapide, avec Overwatch cracher 21 pour cent des taux d’images plus élevés. AMD a également dit DotA 2 est 15 pour cent plus rapide et Grand Theft Auto V est d’environ 14 pour cent plus rapide sur le Ryzen 7 3800X.  AMD n’a pas partager des comparaisons avec un processeur Intel, mais avec ce genre d’augmentation de la fréquence d’images, il ressemble à l’une des pénalités Ryzen AMD des puces ont longtemps tenu contre les CPU Intel à des résolutions inférieures pourrait être presque inexistante maintenant (en supposant que les numéros d’AMD viennent courtoisie d’un système avec un GPU rapide comme la GeForce RTX 2080 et une résolution commune 1080p). Le Ryzen 7 3800X offre environ trois pour cent plus de performances dans les tâches mono-thread qu’un Core i7-9700K et environ 37 pour cent des performances accrues dans les tâches multi-thread, a déclaré AMD. Mais ce n’est pas le CPU que AMD veut probablement que vous comparez le Ryzen 7 3800X contre. C’est parce que su a également montré hors de la Ryzen 7 3800X super formant Intel 8-Core, 16-thread Core 19-9900K par environ 1 pour cent dans les tâches mono-thread et environ deux pour cent dans les tâches multi-thread. Le ryzen 7 3800x coûte $399 cependant, tandis que le noyau d’Intel, le 19-9900k, le s’incline à $484 ou plus dans la rue. Pourquoi ne pas montrer le $499 Ryzen 9 3900X contre le $484 Core 19-9900K? On dirait qu’il y a un peu de jeux. Alors que le 12-Core Ryzen 9 3900X devrait facilement nettoyer l’horloge d’Intel sur les tâches multithread, il serait également probablement perdre du terrain dans les tâches mono-thread. Bien sûr, ils sont tous les deux sur le même prix, donc c’est probablement un lavage. (AMD vous donne probablement une glacière aussi.) Gagner la course à PCI Express 4 Sous l’épandeur de chaleur, les responsables d’AMD nous ont dit que le Ryzen 9 à 12 cœurs sera construit à l’aide de deux périphériques de calcul client (ou CCD) tandis que les deux puces Ryzen 7 8 cœurs seront construites à l’aide de CCD uniques. On dit que la CPU a 40 voies PCIe. Comment cela est compté n’est pas clair, mais il peut également compter jusqu’à des voies PCIe dans le nouveau chipset X570 aussi. Pour sa part, Asus est apparu sur scène pour annoncer qu’il aura plus de 30 X570 planches. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de clarté, mais nous devinons que AMD est comptage des voies situées dans le contrôleur de chipset, qui ne sont généralement pas aussi «bon» que les voies PCIe dans le CPU. Nous allons mettre à jour notre histoire une fois que nous aurons plus de détails.  Pourtant, même si elles sont dans le chipset, ils sont encore PCIe 4,0 voies bien, non?  À ce point, AMD a déclaré avec le support PCIe 4,0 dans les nouvelles puces Ryzen, combinée avec le 4,0 PCIe dans les cartes mères X570, plus le PCIe 4,0 dans sa nouvelle Radeon RX 5700, vous avez fondamentalement tous les ingrédients de la «première mondiale PCIe 4,0-prêt PC de jeu. Les responsables de la société sont très fiers de ce fait parce qu’il signifie fondamentalement que AMD déjà franchi la ligne d’arrivée PCIe 4,0 avant Intel et NVIDIA semblent même prendre soin d’entrer dans la course. Une Radeon RX 5700 de 7 nm aussi? Redeon RX 5700 7nm Avec Ryzen hors de la route, AMD a also taquiné son architecture graphique «Navi» tant attendue. Selon su, plus de 400 millions joueurs utilisent la marque Radeon, des consoles aux PC au centre de données. 
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What kind of paper is Callum's sketchbook made from to survive repeatedly being submerged in water throughout the show?
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raayllum · 1 year
decided i’d toss my own “tdp soundtrack title predictions” hat into the ring, given that i haven’t gotten to one of these since S3 aired, and damn the nostalgia
full track list here with S4 seemingly being from 1-28, and S5 from 29-62. also not going to be talking about every track as some (“rescue at the great bookery” and “threate in the forest” for ex) seem pretty self explanatory, and with that all out of the way, let’s get into it
31. I Haven’t Forgotten (3:41) — Could easily see this being an early Viren and/or Aaravos focused scene, as Aaravos holding a grudge kinda necessitates having a good ass memory - maybe even something that relates to Zubeia as well, since she’s ancient in her own way and is clearly gonna have her own role to play this season.
32. Seeking Answers (3:05) — Likely in 5x01 with the group returning to Katolis, perhaps centred on Callum and Rayla individually well, seeking answers. For Rayla, this could mean looking into the dungeons about her family and finding Runaan’s bow. We also get Rayla’s voice over (and clip) that appears to be her in Ezran’s old room in the S5 trailer asking “How do we kill a Startouch elf?” so that and/or answers about Aaravos’ prison may be what they go to Lux Aurea to, well, seek. 
34. My Most Eager Student (4:58) — First Viren and Kpp’Ar conversation (which the implication he had more than one student if that’s the case?? Fascinating) perhaps, or Aaravos reflecting on Claudia, as it seems she will fully be stepping into her own as Aaravos’ protege this season
35. Keep Moving (3:01) — Terry and Claudia, since Viren won’t wake up, realizing that they can’t wait any longer and have to start moving. Maybe end of 5x01 or 5x02?
39. In Your Dreams (1:55) — Callum and/or Viren and/or Zubeia having dreams/nightmares regarding their respective fears?
40. A Familiar Warning (2:04) — Karim and Sol Regem, maybe, beginning to barter, or a warning from Kpp’Ar that Viren disregarded, cutting to the present day with Terry giving the same one to Claudia that she likewise ignores?
42. Stay Safe (2:17) — Some sort of temporary farewell between Amaya and Janai (splitting up library things?) or Claudia and Terry (leading to her getting attacked by the water dragon?) or Ezran (+ Zym) briefly splitting up from his crownguard 
43. Father and Daughter (1:37) — Claudia and Viren most likely, maybe one of the flashbacks to when Soren was sick and how Claudia was introduced to dark magic as a Fix it solution. “I love you Daddy” out of context spoiler?
44. Like Aunt, Like Nephew (2:46) — A conversation between Amaya and Callum or Janai and Rayla about Amaya and Callum, probably. Could be either their good, protective natures, their hair, or their tendency to make some dark humoured off colour jokes
45. We Can Help Them (2:26) — Rayla telling Callum about the coins, and him offering to help and/or Karim being determined that he can still reverse the corrupted core and save the zombiefied elves. If we do get a flashback to Aaravos’ younger years, I could also see him having this viewpoint about humanity (however ‘true’ it is).
50. Times Are Changing (2:21) — Relations between humans and elves in New Aurea / human-dragon Zubeia and Ezran related stuff? This could also be closer to when the Dragang reunite and put the pieces together. Callum and Rayla with whatever they learned about (murdering?) Startouch elves and Ezran with what was gleaned from Evenere (probably the location of Aaravos’ prison, if Callum & co. can decipher the riddle/poem verses)
51. Blood Moon Rises (1:30) — Karim bartering with Kim’Dael, or her showing up of her own accord. Currently leaning toward Rayla and Kim’Dael perhaps not running into each other this season, but if Amaya and Janai bear witness/survive her villainy, Rayla would surely remember and be able to piece it together based on description, leading to a confrontation later
52. If You Kill Me Now (1:59) — Aaravos versus Archdragon confrontations / Viren demanding answers from Aaravos / Kim’Dael and Karim? Janai? / Callum and Rayla possession conversation callback. Either way, delicious, and speaks to the prevalence of murder in this damn children’s show
53. The Wounded Return (2:13) — A failed attempt to take back the corrupted core in Lux Aurea? Or speaks to the idea of “a festering wound” (out of context spoiler). If the kids have had their pirate escapade, this could also be related to the injuries we see Callum sustain in the trailer, which would make sense if anyone else had been hurt as well (hence, plural wounded) 
54. To Kill an Archdragon (3:03) — Lore on Luna Tenebris’ death (or something we don’t know about Avizandum’s) or a threat on Zubeia’s life. If Sol Regem has been corrupted by the corrupted core or is just threatening Janai’s reign, figuring out how to stop him will also be crucial 
55. Not Yours to Give (4:50) — Been wondering if Karim would even be able to free Kim’Dael, since he’s not the proper heir, and Aditi herself said that the magic was a kind “that takes”. This could also be an Aaravos related flashback since he ‘gave’ humanity something they ‘shouldn’t have’ — whether it was related to primal magic alongside the unicorns, or was the discovery / inclination towards dark magic, we’ll have to see. Could be Viren curing Soren and/or Callum ‘giving’ the Moon fam freedom (but again, have to see). Looking at the “gift giving” motif real meaningfully
56. Deadwood Deserves Dignity (3:03) — If a pirate dies or an according ship is ruined? ‘Deadwood’ isn’t a place in Xadia and sounds like a very pirate-y, seafaring moniker to me
62. Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise (3:07) — So I’ve said before that nothing good ever really happens at dawn/sunrise in this show (Sarai and the queens of Duren dying, Callum’s possession, etc) and I don’t think this is an exception. Karim cites that “This empire is ending, that the rising sun is now a falling star!” so if he’s taken over the kingdom by this point, his tendency to metaphoric language would make sense. A rising sun is also mentioned in Aaravos’ short story, Ripples, following a world changing transformation: “The humans huddled together, scarcely daring to breathe, awaiting the rise of the sun. And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?—they gazed out upon an unfamiliar landscape.” Which also bodes well for predictions that Aaravos will be fully released by the end of S5 as well. 
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oscarcoria · 2 years
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Córdoba FC recibe en el Murillo Vidal al FC Los Ángeles; José Luis González China y su cuerpo técnico buscarán los tres puntos Por: José Antonio Marín Bañuelos • El equipo visitante aún no conoce la victoria y será una dura prueba para los cordobeses; se espera una buena entrada en el estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal. Córdoba, Ver. - Córdoba FC, que viene de igualar de visitante 2-2 ante Delfines UGM, regresa a casa para recibir este sábado en punto de las 15:00 horas en el estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal al FC Los Ángeles en juego correspondiente de la jornada 4 del grupo III en la Liga TDP. Con la consigna de retomar la senda de la victoria y comenzar a pelear la parte alta del sector III, el equipo ‘Albiazul’ que dirige José Luis González China, se declara listo para enfrentar su cuarto duelo de la temporada en la que hasta hora suman cuatro unidades producto de una victoria, un empate y una caída. Durante la semana el equipo cordobés entrenó en la cancha del estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal y la Unidad Deportiva ADIC; se reporta equipo completo para enfrentar al FC Los Ángeles, por lo que China hará uso de su mejor cuadro en la búsqueda de tres puntos que son vitales en las aspiraciones del cuadro cordobés. Por su parte, FC Los Ángeles descansó en la jornada 3 y viene de perder 2-1 ante la Liga de Tehuacán en la jornada 2, mientras que en su debut igualó 2-2 ante Club Magdalena; por lo anterior, y tomando en cuenta que todavía no conocen la victoria en la actual temporada 2022-23, los visitantes serán una dura prueba para el Córdoba FC. Tras el juego de hoy el Córdoba FC visitará el próximo fin de semana (17 de septiembre) al Club Magdalena y volverá a casa en la jornada 7 (24 de septiembre) cuando reciba a la Liga de Tehuacán; una jornada más tarde (8) le tocará descanso obligatorio. GRUPO 3 Equipo Puntos DIF 1. UGM 09 +9 2. Caballeros 08 +3 3. CUMC 07 +2 4. Delfines 05 +2 5. Conejos 04 +1 6. FCL 04 +1 7. Córdoba 04 00 8. L. Tehua 03 -3 9. Lobos 02 -1 10. G. Puebla 02 -3 11. Reales 02 -3 12. FCLA 01 -1 13. Atlante 00 -7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVUADpODso/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phamtuanland · 3 years
Quyết định 2744/QĐ-UBND bổ sung kế hoạch sử dụng đất năm 2016 của huyện Lâm Hà, do Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Lâm Đồng ban hành
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admin Quyết định 2744/QĐ-UBND bổ sung kế hoạch sử dụng đất năm 2016 của huyện Lâm Hà, do Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Lâm Đồng ban hành
CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc —————
Số : 2744 / QĐ-UBND
Lâm Đồng, ngày 13 tháng 12 năm 2016
Bạn đang đọc: Quyết định 2744/QĐ-UBND bổ sung kế hoạch sử dụng đất năm 2016 của huyện Lâm Hà, do Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Lâm Đồng ban hành
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức chính quyền địa phương ngày 19/6/2015;
Căn cứ Luật Đất đai ngày 29/11/2013;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 43/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 15/05/2014 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết thi hành một số điều của Luật Đất đai;
Căn cứ Thông tư số 29/2014/TT-BTNMT ngày 02/6/2014 của Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường quy định chi tiết việc lập, điều chỉnh quy hoạch, kế hoạch sử dụng đất;
Xét đề nghị của Giám đốc Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường,
Điều 1.
1. Bổ sung kế hoạch sử dụng đất năm năm nay của huyện Lâm Hà ( đã được Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh phê duyệt tại Quyết định số 748 / QĐ-UBND ngày 07/4/2016 ) như sau :
Số thứ tự
Hạng mục
Địa điểm
Diện tích (ha)
Hiện trạng đất đang sử dụng
I. Bổ sung kế hoạch giao đất, cho thuê đất
1 Trường tiểu học Đan Phượng 2 ( thửa trích đo 01, tờ bản đồ số 22 ) Xã Đan Phượng 0,71 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 2 Xây dựng, tăng cấp, sửa chữa thay thế hồ chứa nước Đạ Tô Tôn ( thuộc một phần thửa 170, 335, 336, tờ bản đồ số 22 và một phần thửa 23, trích đo 01, 02, tờ bản đồ số 28 ) Xã Phúc Thọ 0,45 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 3 Nhà hoạt động và sinh hoạt hội đồng TDP Từ Liêm 3, Đông Anh 3, 4 ( thửa 562, tờ bản đồ số 21 ; một phần thửa 54, tờ bản đồ số 26 và thửa 42, tờ bản đồ số 34 ) TT. Nam Ban 0,17 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 4 Mở đường đi mới khi tích nước thủy điện Đồng Nai 2 ( Thuộc một phần những tờ bản đồ số 68, 69, 70, 75, 76, 82, xã Liên Hà ; tờ bản đồ trích đo số 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, xã Tân Thanh ) Xã Liên Hà, xã Tân Thanh
Xem thêm: Tổng hợp danh sách các khu công nghiệp ở Đồng Xoài 2021
Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 5 Nhà hoạt động và sinh hoạt hội đồng TDP Đa Huynh TT. Đinh Văn 0,05 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 6 Nhà hoạt động và sinh hoạt hội đồng thôn Đa Nung B ( Thửa 546, tờ bản đồ số 27 ) Xã Đạ Đờn 0,18 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp 7 Chợ và khu dân cư Xã Phúc Thọ 2,53 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp
II. Bổ sung kế hoạch chuyển mục đích sử dụng đất
1 Chuyển mục tiêu sử dụng sang đất ở của hộ mái ấm gia đình, cá thể TT. Đinh Văn 0,89 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp ( trồng lúa ) 2 Chuyển mục tiêu sử dụng sang đất ở của hộ mái ấm gia đình, cá thể Xã Tân Văn 0,40 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp ( trồng lúa ) 3 Chuyển mục tiêu sử dụng sang đất ở của hộ mái ấm gia đình, cá thể Xã Tân Hà 0,10 Đất sản xuất nông nghiệp ( trồng lúa )
2. Các nội dung khác tại Quyết định số 748 / QĐ-UBND ngày 07/4/2016 của Ủy Ban Nhân Dân tỉnh không đổi khác.
Điều 2. Chánh văn phòng UBND tỉnh, Giám đốc các Sở, ngành: Tài nguyên và Môi trường, Xây dựng, Chủ tịch UBND huyện Lâm Hà và thủ trưởng các ngành, đơn vị có liên quan căn cứ quyết định thi hành kể từ ngày ký./.
  Xem thêm: Tổng hợp danh sách khách sạn Đồng Xoài
Nơi nhận: – TTTU, TTHĐND tỉnh; – CT, các PCT UBND tỉnh; – Như Điều 2; – TTHU, TTHĐND huyện Lâm Hà; – Lãnh đạo VP UBND tỉnh; – Phòng TN&MT huyện Lâm Hà; – Lưu: VT, ĐC, TKCT.
Đoàn Văn Việt
Source: https://datxuyenviet.vn Category: Thông Tin Quy Hoạch
Đất Xuyên Việt - Bất Động Sản Đất Xuyên Việt
from Đất Xuyên Việt https://ift.tt/wVj9Ike
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learties · 3 years
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#i thought about it while my last rewatch when i mixed the timeline for a second and thought rayla was talking about callum using dark magic
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they have one braincell and Ez usually shares it with Bait
i hope this has not been done before
507 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 20:00:43 GMT
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Janai Week ☀️ Day 1: Childhood
535 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 16:12:28 GMT
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here, i fixed the "oil and water" scene
687 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 20:45:39 GMT
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this ain't about him
1349 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 18:07:15 GMT
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the whole plot of the cruel prince
2163 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 18:53:41 GMT
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hes-a-bit-of-a-prat · 3 years
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#maybe you were meant to be queer? it's unclear because disney definitely did a great job of erasing any chance of that. they washed you clea
My Top Posts in 2021
30 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 19:45:58 GMT
Always “ily” and not:
32 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 14:15:37 GMT
Badass of the Month:
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bc I recently watched Anne with an “E” and I love her sooo much!!
32 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 16:51:55 GMT
Remember, Remember the 31st July, Logan’s eyes went orange and we (kind of) know why, Lumity is canon and we can finally say: “F*ck you heteronorms, you weren’t welcome here anyway!!”
A poem, by me
32 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 10:14:12 GMT
What songs do we want WHEN season 2 is renewed?
A reprise of one of the songs from season 1 (e.g. Unsaid Emily) = Like
Home is Where My Horse is = Reblog
85 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 11:58:39 GMT
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lemonde01net · 5 years
AMD flexes 7nm muscle 7nm avec un 12-core Ryzen 9 CPU et Radeon RX 5000 cartes graphiques AMD flexes 7nm muscle 7nm avec un 12-core Ryzen 9 CPU et Radeon RX 5000 cartes graphiques AMD défis Intel et Nvidia plus efficace des Cpu et Gpu, y compris notre premier coup d'oeil à la "Navi" de la marque et quelques grands next-gen Ryzen pièces. Le TDP du Ryzen 7 3700X est tout aussi magnifique. Avec 8 cœurs et 16 threads, il ne produira que 65 W de chaleur et atteindra une horloge boost de 4,4 GHz avec une horloge de base de 3,6 GHz. Un Core i7-9700K comparable, à 8 cœurs et à 8 fils, produira 95 watts (et même plus que cela). Bien que su n’a pas de détail où toutes les performances ajoutées vient, beaucoup provient probablement de l’efficacité accrue de la CPU. Il avait été répandu que les nouveaux cœurs Zen 2 offriraient une augmentation très impressionnante de 15 pour cent des instructions par horloge (ou IPC). Cette rumeur se tourna pour être correct, comme su a confirmé que les noyaux Zen 2 sont 15 pour cent plus d’efficacité les cœurs précédents Zen. Par rapport à la 95W Core i7-9700K, su dit le 65 Watt Ryzen 7 3700X sera surperformer par environ 1 pour cent dans les tâches mono-thread (à nouveau en utilisant CINEBENCH R20 comme étalon) et un tabagisme 28 pour cent dans les tâches multi-thread. Si vous n’êtes pas impressionné par une différence de performance de 1 pour cent, rappelez-vous que le Ryzen 7 3700X a une vitesse d’horloge Boost maximale de 4,4 GHz tandis que la vitesse Turbo Boost du Core i7-9700K est de 4,9 GHz. Et oui, le Ryzen 7 3700X est plus bas dans le coût aussi, avec un prix catalogue de $329 par rapport à la $385 pour le Core i7-9700K. Si vous voulez brûler un peu plus de puissance et de créer un peu plus de chaleur, su a également taquiné une seconde Ryzen 7 3800X qui pousse le TDP jusqu’à 105 watts. Cela prend l’horloge Boost à 4,5 GHz et l’horloge de base à 3,9 GHz.  Bien que le su d’AMD ne les ait pas mentionnés dans son discours, AMD a également annoncé plusieurs nouvelles puces de Ryzen: le 8-Core, 16-thread Ryzen 7 3800X (3,9 GHz base/4.5 GHz Boost, 105W, $399); le 6-Core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 3600X (3.8 GHz base/4.4 GHz Boost, 95W, $249); et le 6-Core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 3600 (3.6 GHz base/4.2 GHz Boost, 65W, $199). The new Ryzen 3000 chips will features PCIe 4.0 support. When combined with a PCIe 4.0 GPU and X570 motherboard, you can build an all PCIe 4.0 system. Le déficit de jeu de ryzen semble effacé Comparé à la fantastique Ryzen 7 2700X, le Ryzen 7 3800X a un taux d’image de 34% plus élevé dans League of Legends et Counter Strike: Global offensive, a déclaré AMD. Dans les champs de bataille de PlayerUnknown, il est d’environ 22 pour cent plus rapide, avec Overwatch cracher 21 pour cent des taux d’images plus élevés. AMD a également dit DotA 2 est 15 pour cent plus rapide et Grand Theft Auto V est d’environ 14 pour cent plus rapide sur le Ryzen 7 3800X.  AMD n’a pas partager des comparaisons avec un processeur Intel, mais avec ce genre d’augmentation de la fréquence d’images, il ressemble à l’une des pénalités Ryzen AMD des puces ont longtemps tenu contre les CPU Intel à des résolutions inférieures pourrait être presque inexistante maintenant (en supposant que les numéros d’AMD viennent courtoisie d’un système avec un GPU rapide comme la GeForce RTX 2080 et une résolution commune 1080p). Le Ryzen 7 3800X offre environ trois pour cent plus de performances dans les tâches mono-thread qu’un Core i7-9700K et environ 37 pour cent des performances accrues dans les tâches multi-thread, a déclaré AMD. Mais ce n’est pas le CPU que AMD veut probablement que vous comparez le Ryzen 7 3800X contre. C’est parce que su a également montré hors de la Ryzen 7 3800X super formant Intel 8-Core, 16-thread Core 19-9900K par environ 1 pour cent dans les tâches mono-thread et environ deux pour cent dans les tâches multi-thread. Le ryzen 7 3800x coûte $399 cependant, tandis que le noyau d’Intel, le 19-9900k, le s’incline à $484 ou plus dans la rue. Pourquoi ne pas montrer le $499 Ryzen 9 3900X contre le $484 Core 19-9900K? On dirait qu’il y a un peu de jeux. Alors que le 12-Core Ryzen 9 3900X devrait facilement nettoyer l’horloge d’Intel sur les tâches multithread, il serait également probablement perdre du terrain dans les tâches mono-thread. Bien sûr, ils sont tous les deux sur le même prix, donc c’est probablement un lavage. (AMD vous donne probablement une glacière aussi.) Gagner la course à PCI Express 4 Sous l’épandeur de chaleur, les responsables d’AMD nous ont dit que le Ryzen 9 à 12 cœurs sera construit à l’aide de deux périphériques de calcul client (ou CCD) tandis que les deux puces Ryzen 7 8 cœurs seront construites à l’aide de CCD uniques. On dit que la CPU a 40 voies PCIe. Comment cela est compté n’est pas clair, mais il peut également compter jusqu’à des voies PCIe dans le nouveau chipset X570 aussi. Pour sa part, Asus est apparu sur scène pour annoncer qu’il aura plus de 30 X570 planches. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de clarté, mais nous devinons que AMD est comptage des voies situées dans le contrôleur de chipset, qui ne sont généralement pas aussi «bon» que les voies PCIe dans le CPU. Nous allons mettre à jour notre histoire une fois que nous aurons plus de détails.  Pourtant, même si elles sont dans le chipset, ils sont encore PCIe 4,0 voies bien, non?  À ce point, AMD a déclaré avec le support PCIe 4,0 dans les nouvelles puces Ryzen, combinée avec le 4,0 PCIe dans les cartes mères X570, plus le PCIe 4,0 dans sa nouvelle Radeon RX 5700, vous avez fondamentalement tous les ingrédients de la «première mondiale PCIe 4,0-prêt PC de jeu. Les responsables de la société sont très fiers de ce fait parce qu’il signifie fondamentalement que AMD déjà franchi la ligne d’arrivée PCIe 4,0 avant Intel et NVIDIA semblent même prendre soin d’entrer dans la course. Une Radeon RX 5700 de 7 nm aussi? Redeon RX 5700 7nm Avec Ryzen hors de la route, AMD a also taquiné son architecture graphique «Navi» tant attendue. Selon su, plus de 400 millions joueurs utilisent la marque Radeon, des consoles aux PC au centre de données. 
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