#tdp keyart
quodekash · 2 years
“Fractures” Keyart
I noticed a bunch of things about the fractures keyart on the dragon prince website before season 4 came out, and then after it came out the things made sense. And I’m only now posting it
so in case you haven’t seen it yet, this is the artwork:
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Notice anything odd about it?
1- Rayla has a crack down the middle of her face. No one else has a crack so disruptive. She’s changed throughout her journeys to find Viren, different to the past seasons. She’s grown, changed, experienced things that we don’t know. She’s broken, split in two halves - her past self (energetic, alive, not optimistic but at least ready to help others if she can), and her new self (“we can’t save everyone, soren”, the girl who failed for two years, the girl who lost everyone and everything)
2- Everyone’s eyes are open but Viren’s are closed - Viren has also changed. His character has developed in ways none of us thought were possible. His eyes are closed- he can’t see where his path is going. He’s also dead so that could be why. It could also be that he’s blind to what’s right and wrong now - he spent two years dead, without dark magic amplifying his bad parts, without aaravos whispering in his ear and amplifying the amplified bad parts. Now he’s confused, in the dark, blinded.
3- Aaravos is the only one without any damage to his little section thingy - everyone else has cracks, big or small, sometimes interrupting their face and sometimes not. If they don’t have cracks, they have shards pointing at their face threateningly. But Aaravos’ is completely intact and whole. He’s the mastermind, the one behind everything that’s happened. The entire show so far has all gone according to his huge, sinister plan. Idk every step is of his plan, but it feels like every single thing that has happened is part of his plan. Even the good things. Like Rayla getting the coins back means they’ll be spending heaps of time trying to get them out of the coins, meaning they won’t be spending enough time trying to stop Aaravos. And because they were trapped with dark magic, they might need to use dark magic to free them, meaning they’re even more of a target to Aaravos. Or even Amaya and Janai getting married. Aaravos wants to be free and (I think) to rule all of Xadia. But a lot of feuds start to tear apart the sunfire elves and the humans, even tears apart some sunfire elves from each other and humans from each other. (Like Janai and Karim. And humans taking sides of elves in the feuds and fights, causing rifts between families and friends, and vice versa). If they’re all torn apart, that leaves Aaravos free to (presumably) rise up and make them unite somehow in some evil way and stop the fights by making them all follow him. Idk if that makes sense, it made sense in my head but then I forgot how words work. Just trust me here, everything is according to his plan. And bad things too, like the obvious: Claudia getting the map so she can free him. Other stuff too probably. (I’m really tired I can’t think. If you can think of any other examples tho, lemme know! I’m interested to hear everyone’s theories and stuff cos my own are pretty messy)
4- Like Rayla, Claudia has a crack in her face, but rather than in the middle, it’s only breaking off the part of her hair that’s still its natural colour. Or, in other words, it’s breaking off the parts of her that are yet to be touched by dark magic.
5- Terry is on the opposite side of the mirror (or whatever it is) to Claudia and Viren, despite being “on their team”. He travels with them. He’s with them all the time. He helps them and supports them. He’s dating Claudia. But honestly it feels like he’s on the wrong side. Presently the only exposure he’s had to Viren is what Claudia has told him (and Claudia reveres Viren, so he’d only hear good things), and Viren in a weird place both mentally and physically, so he’s never been exposed to the real bad evilness that everyone else saw in season 3. As for Claudia, they’re dating (Claudia might be using him or something, their relationship feels really weird but not in a fun way, but that’s a post for another day), so it’s hard for Terry to see her bad sides. But near the end, he starts to see some cruelty from her, so I’m hoping that over time he’ll finally realise. He’s like Soren - a good heart and a good person, but on the wrong side that he thought was the right side.
6- This one’s pretty small, but everyone is looking left or right, up or down, but aaravos is looking directly through the mirror, at the audience, at his freedom. 
just some things to think about
If there’s anything else about this you noticed that I missed, or anything to add to something I said, don’t hesitate to let me know! This is my favourite keyart of all of them and there’s so much I picked apart from just six things I noticed, so there’s no way I got it all
That’s all I have for you today. I’ve currently got seven more tdp rambles in the works, and they’ll be up at some point (expect the next one in the next couple of days probably). They should all be under the tag at the bottom of each of these posts, ‘tdp rambles with bj’, so if at some point you wanna read through all the ones currently there, uh, you can. 
I love you all, stay calm and ship sorvus. or whatever ship floats your boat.
Have a gay day! -BJ
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