#tdp writes from theme so often and it's so rewarding tbh
raayllum · 2 years
So this isn’t going to be quite as coherent as I want it to be, but one of the reasons I think the cube is related to Aaravos’ prison is precisely because it was entrusted to Callum by Harrow, the two characters most concerned thematically with the theme of Freedom. Now, freedom (and freedom from the chains of history, the cycle, etc) belies most of the series and most of the characters, particularly Ezran as the child king. But it’s a word most often reserved for Callum and Harrow’s arcs and struggles, specifically, because it was something Harrow was deeply concerned with, and because of Callum’s connection to the sky arcanum, and the sky as Freedom specifically.
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Think of it this way. Before S3, Ezran’s arc had very little to do with freedom, outside of helping to teach Zym to fly (which ended up being a joint endeavour by him and Callum in the end). It’s only in S3 with his abdication that it becomes more overt. But throughout all three seasons, Callum is our tether to freedom.
He’s the one who shatters the primal stone to free Zym, causing what would’ve been the baby’s tomb to be his new birth. In doing so, Callum also frees Rayla from her literal/metaphorical chain through her binding. Then in season two, he receives Harrow’s letter, learning both of the Key of Aaravos and that it unlocks something powerful, in addition to the importance of freeing himself from the chains of history. Freedom is put in opposition to destiny directly in 2x08, as dark mage Callum mandates that Callum’s destiny is already written (symbolized, in that scene, by the cube with dark magic sigil) whereas Harrow encourages Callum to be free. The fact that the cube is used, as a symbol of Aaravos (stars = destiny) is absolutely perfect and indicates so much of what is to come of the show’s final conflict. The subplot ends with Callum resolving that destiny is a book you write yourself, and then he connects to freedom itself by way of the Sky Arcanum. In season three, he’s able to do this for Rayla as well, putting Harrow’s words into practice and helping to (somewhat) free her from the weight of her family’s sins and encouraging her to make her own choices. Rather than seeing love as a weakness or tool, the way Viren and Aaravos do, respectively, Callum finds strength in love, drawing on the Sky arcanum to summon his wings (about as much of a manifestation of freedom as you can get) and successfully saving Rayla’s life.
However, the only other character who has as much invested in the concept of freedom as Harrow and Callum is arguably Aaravos. (While getting out of prison was important to Viren again, in early S3, it isn’t a big motif with him in S1-S2 and the rest of S3 by comparison.) One of the biggest points of the show is that idea of concepts or ideals as a double-edged sword, and characters’ biggest goals or strengths being weaknesses under different circumstances. Claudia’s loyalty to her family is one of her most redeeming qualities, until it leads to her betraying her brother; Rayla’s selflessness is what helps her be so heroic, until it becomes self-destructive; Ezran’s compassion is a wonderful thing, but it can make him passive and easy to take advantage of.
 So you have Callum, who is tethered to the theme of Freedom, with a Key in his possession, Aaravos having some idea of how to get himself out of his prison if his machinations / guidance of Claudia and Viren are any clue, and Aaravos, who wants to be free of his mirror prison more than anything. 
While alternatively I think the Key could relate to a Guardian of the Great Gates and the possible magic potential that could yield (Callum connecting to the essence of magic, anyone, the same way Aaravos seems to be?), while it would/could represent freedom from the perceived expectations/limitations placed on Callum... we have already seen that substantially in S2. While I’d love to see Callum connecting to more magics or magic itself in the future, I don’t think the thematic connection of the cube there would be quite as strong, especially since it seems almost too positive a connotation, and the cube has always had both good and bad aspects assigned to it. It would more so be Callum being given freedom because he has this object, rather than Callum giving freedom by choice. 
I do think the series will end with either the cube destroyed by Callum’s hand or fully in Callum’s possession and control, mostly because it was Harrow’s parting gift to him and that carries a certain amount of weight, it could mean reclaiming and recapturing the key from Aaravos so it cannot be used for anything else (as I don’t doubt the cube has more than one capability/purpose), and because Callum has a habit of destroying magical objects. But that’d be a plot line for much later.
The point is that, thus far, Callum’s associations with Freedom have all been positive, but like I said: the series loves to make concepts more complicated (is this Justice or Revenge? The dangerous sides of grief and Love in Harrow’s arc with Sarai in particular, etc) the further we go along. How long will it be before Callum frees something with more disastrous consequences?
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