#tea this song is ripping me to ribbons how could you do this (introduce me to a song that i love)
mashmouths · 11 months
florence welch shouldn't be allowed to write songs bc what if i listen to one and it punches a hole in my chest. no for real what do i do i'm bleeding out in my kitchen.
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
So lately the image of singledad!george has taken over my head.. Could you write something about how it would be to see this?? 😉
My heart is melting hhnngg... So maybe you move into the same building, in the city. Maybe his flat is next to yours, and maybe one afternoon while you take a break from unpacking you take some tea out on the balcony, enjoying the last of the day's sun. And you’ve yet to meet any of your neighbors, but you can hear the family next door shuffle out onto their respective balcony. The voice of a small kid makes you smile, as they go on explaining their plans for the toy gardening tools at their disposal. You go on wondering just how to set up your own garden before deciding to head in for dinner. But before you get up to go, a paper plane comes crash landing beside your teacup and the tiny gasp next door catches your ear. You chuckle, fly the plane over the brick that separates your space. The child next door laughed, beaming that the wall gave their plane back. Then came a different voice. A warm grown-up laugh made you stop to listen a little longer. The voice of the kid's father, you figured, explained that there were neighbors behind the wall, and insisted the kid say thank you. When they did, you couldn’t help but respond with a small giggle and a pleasant goodnight before shuffling back in. 
But then it kept happening. You would wake up to find paper planes and rubber balls patiently stalled next to your potted plants, waiting to be returned. As you settled into your flat, you felt most at home when you found the little surprises on your balcony. You’d toss them over the wall, low enough to reach over, high enough to keep the mystery of your neighbors alive. You still hadn’t met them, between work and exhausting yourself by moving heavy furniture around on your days off. But one morning your sat out there quite early, reading and wondering what to do with your first day with no plans in what feels like ages. That’s when a stuffed elephant comes flying over the wall, followed by the next-door kid’s distressed whine. “I didn’t mean for that to happen!” They called, making you wonder if all the toys you’d found till then had been intentionally thrown your way. The elephant landed in your potted plant, dirt clung to the stuffing that was coming out of a rip in its trunk. The child next door cried, and you heard her father explain that they’d have to wait till the neighbor (you) found their toy, mixing in a gentle speech about how his child should be more mindful. Your heart clenched as the kid ceased crying. Then you picked up the toy and crept inside, wondering what to do. You couldn’t return it like this, all dirty and torn. So you spent the morning patching up the loose threads and googling how to remove the stains as gently as possible. The toy looked good as new when you’d finished, with all the charm of it’s worn down age still in tact. It was time to give the thing back, but you couldn’t just toss it over the balcony after all the work you’d done to keep it clean. So you decided it was finally time to head next door, to explain and introduce yourself.
You were quite excited as you knocked on the door that looked similar to your own, it was a strange thing to feel like you’d known a bit about the neighbors without meeting them. When the door opened to reveal a man near your age, with big blue eyes and the perfect tousled hair, you’d nearly forgotten why you’d come over. You hadn’t known what to expect, but this wasn’t it. You felt like a new girl in school who’d bumped into the most popular boy on accident. 
“Right, so I believe this is yours?” You snapped back from staring too long, holding the toy elephant out. “I fixed it up best I could. Also, hi, I’m your new neighbor.” You laughed a little, trying to keep your cool under than man’s intense, pretty glance. 
“My God, thank you. This thing has never looked better.” He marveled, taking the toy from your grasp. “You didn’t have to do this.” He shook his pretty head as you shrugged his way. 
“I’m so sorry Ellie keeps tossing things your way, she’s convinced the wall is magic.” The guy grinned the lovliest grin you’d ever seen. 
“Well my name is y/n, but you haven’t got to tell her if you’d like to keep the magic alive.” You laughed. 
“I think even if I do, she’ll still go on believing.” 
You stood there a beat longer, realizing there was nothing more to say. And right when you opened your mouth to see yourself off, the man stopped you. 
“Let me make you some tea? You’ve been so kind.” 
You stammered for a moment, hardly put off, just surprised. When you agreed, the neighbor man opened his door a little wider, and you followed inside. His flat was only similar to yours in the way the floor plan was laid out. The halls were full of discarded toy trucks, his walls were covered in tacked up finger paintings. There was still a sense of order among the mess of charming children's things.
“Ellie, we have a very special guest.” The man called out, hiding the elephant behind his back. You stalled behind him near the living room when a little girl with big curls and blue eyes that matched her fathers, came skipping away from a puzzle. 
“This is our new neighbor, y/n.” The guy gleamed. As Ellie beamed up at you, her father gave you a sly, wide-eyed look. You realized he was passing you the toy elephant, suggesting you introduce yourself by giving her the toy back. 
So you did. You told the girl it was an honor to meet her, then bent down and unveiled the toy you’d patched up. The girl gasped, pulling the elephant to her chest and thanking your times in a row. Then she threw herself into your arms, thank you still. You laughed, and hugged the girl back, overcome by how warm your welcome next door had been. Ellie’s father had gone off to make tea as the girl connected the dots that you were the person behind the wall who kept returning her toys. When her father returned, he gave the girl a pointed look, and Ellie softly promised you that she’d try not to lose so many things from now on. She went off to finish her puzzle as you settled in for tea with her father, who asked how you’d liked the place so far. You chatted for a while about how you’d both come to live in the building. When the tea was gone, it was time for you to go. And you really didn’t want to. Thankfully, the neighbor asked you over the very next weekend, if you were at all interested in having another cuppa. And because through your chat, you learned the guy was single, and because you had nothing better to do, you agreed. 
“On one condition.” You hummed. The guy bit his lip, waiting for your response. 
“Tell me your name?” You laughed because he hadn’t during all the time you’d spent this afternoon. He laughed too and told you he was called Geogre.
After then, you were a little sad to expect fewer surprises on your balcony. But they didn’t stop altogether. Even as you’d settled into a tradition of sharing Sunday tea with Geogre and Ellie, the occasional kite came drifting over the wall. You’d still toss things back, and Geogre would apologize every time you met up for tea. Then Sunday tea morphed into something more when Ellie begged you to come to her recital the next day. Geogre saved you a seat, and you joined the family for dinner that night, too. You started going along on trips to the park, and rainy day rides together. You admired how attentive Geogre was. Always eager to push Ellie on swings and always patient in explain board game rules to his daughter. She began just as soon asking you for help braiding her hair and dance along to her favorite songs. Ellie stayed with you for a weekend when Geogre went on some work trip. And when you asked her to collect some toys to play with during her stay at your flat, she tossed them from her balcony over to yours. 
When Geogre came back, you started staying over long after Ellie went to bed for the evening. You’d help clean up her mess of toys she’d fallen asleep in the midst of playing, while Geogre carted the kid off to her room. And when you were alone together, you kept daring to sit a little closer to each other until one night when the gap closed, and you kissed, and it felt like a long time coming. You’d already felt like some kind of team, with Geogre, and he sheepishly admitted to adoring you. He fawned over all your best qualities, and how his daughter adored you just as well, and even though all your stuff was next door, your heart was in this flat, with Geogre and Ellie. 
One afternoon, as you shuffled alone in your own apartment, you spied something on the balcony. It was a paper plane, but this one was different than the ones you’d become accustomed too. Attached to its wing by a ribbon was a neatly folded note, in handwriting Ellie wasn’t old enough to have perfected herself. 
“Ellie isn’t so fond of this wall as much anymore, and neither am I. Come and stay with us?”
You could have cried. But instead, you bolted next door, where you’d only just come from anyway. Starting then, fewer toys got lost, and you’d never felt more at home. You’d always been meant to live alongside Geogre and his lovely daughter.
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober | Day 13: Dragon
Female!Reader x Dragon!Chan
Summary: Seventy five years after the dragon last claimed a sacrifice, he wants another. You. After fighting as much as you can, you decided to let him eat you. However, he has other plans for you. What would it feel like to be the mother of his dragons?
Warnings: HAND OF BUDDHA on the Citrus Scale, dragon sex, two peni for the price of one, cursing, magic, smut, etc
A/N: Reader is lowkey modeled after @therealredraven but I don’t describe anything physical past hair style and height in comparison to Chan.
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“Let me go, you scaled beast! I’d rather fall to my death than be held by a brainless brute like you! Now unhand me!” Y/N was currently the most beautiful woman in the village, and so she was the one offered and accepted by the silver scaled being.
However, she wasn’t going to let herself be taken so easily. It did not matter that they were hundreds of feet in the air. Y/N did not want to become a meal for this ancient terror with no brain other than to capture and horde all that he found beautiful. There was more to life than simply beauty. Of course, a numskull beast could not understand that.
Your short hair with a reddish tint billowed in the wind as you were held by the dragon’s onyx talons. Still, you berated his chrome scales with your much smaller fists, bruising the sides of your own hands, but you honestly didn’t care. You wanted...you wanted. Not IT! Not this BEAST!
The Beast called Chan went through the air like a loose ribbon and finally decided to let you go. Ha, you knew it! A creature such as him only wanted beauty if it didn’t come with a fight. You were a fighter. But wait. Oh shit, you were going to die! Well, it was a noble enough death. However, as you closed your eyes, death did not come. Instead, the landing was soft and fragrant
Flowers? Maybe the death was so quick that you didn’t even feel it.
The Dragon wouldn’t be in your Heaven, though. He landed in front of you and growled at you trying to make you fear him. You rolled your eyes and folded your arms.
“Oooo, so scary.” was your deadpan reply.
He huffed in your direction and then looked away, suddenly...shy? You looked at yourself and saw that your chest and most of your skin was bared to the cave, having been torn by the high speed winds.
“This is your fault, you know. As if you didn’t want this.”
The dragon simply pointed to a dresser and left, closing the door. A moment later, the sound of a lock. Taking a glance around, you were set in a bedroom near the window. The carpet was moss, and everything appeared to be crafted out of wood or rock. It wasn’t exactly where you had thought you would be ending up at.
You stood, letting out a huge sigh and decided to keep on your ripped clothing. You would not accept a thing from him even if you were taking your last breath...but it couldn’t hurt to see what was inside the dresser just in case you liked something.
Inside were dresses that were from the previous woman that lived here, no doubt. They were still in one piece. Perhaps he had started getting careless with the later captives, or maybe you shouldn’t have struggled. Poppycock. Hogwash.
“Are you going to pick one, Miss?” a voice came behind you, making you shriek in surprise.
You quickly pulled out a super heavy dress and used it to attack whatever had snuck up behind you so silently. It was much shorter than you had anticipated. Looked sort of like a fuzzy anteater and a bear.
“No need to get ‘oll defensive naow.” It spoke.
“What the fuck are you?” The question came out.
“A potty mouth too. I guess some beauty is only skin deep.” It replied.
You threw all the hat boxes you could, and the small creature began to hop and bounce around using the branches that made up the light fixture.
“Now, now” it complained. “I’m just here to--I’m here to--Could you not? Miss, please. I’m only her to relay--oof”
Bullseye. You had gotten him mid leap and he fell on the floor. So did the remains of your dress. Quickly, you threw the first dress you had pulled over the animal’s moaning body and quickly threw on some trousers and a loose top. Seems like he didn’t care for his meals to have on bras or any undergarments in that case.
The brown creature crawled from beneath the dress, “Please. Please don’t throw any more things! I am just here to relay the message His Master has set upon him. That is all!”
“Fine. What’s the message?” You folded your arms.
“First, introductions. Hello, I am Felix. I am a human who has been turned into a tree kangaroo. Nice to meet you. And you are?” He bowed and then extended his hand towards you.
“I am Y/N, the town’s most renowned storyteller and most beautiful barmaid now that most of them are dead due to your Master.” then you sighed, “And the Dragon Chan’s next meal apparently.”
You huffed and sat on the bed. Mankind could be so cruel and selfish. One second, you can be working for them. Handing them drinks of ale in collected glass and singing songs of tradition because it helps the crud go down more easily. The next, you’re knocked over the head and bound only to wake up tied to the Sacrifice Pole in the center of the town, your speech hindered by the rag tied around your mouth.
And you beg and you beg and you cry for your life until the unmistakable glimmer of silver in the growing sunlight. By then, you’ve lost all softness and don’t even know the word forgiveness and as soon as the Dragon unties you, you kick it where you assume the face would be. It bellows and reels back. You begin to run, but you are scooped up in its talons before you reach the town’s edge.
“There there.” A smaller sounding creature said and tapped your eyes with a tissue. “Please don’t cry. I know you miss your family and your home, but Master is really a nice person.”
Then you smiled at the smaller one, “Thank you for the tissue.”
“I’m Jongin.” He smiled, a fox with darkish fur. “Nice to meet you.”
“Hi.” You sighed. “What now? How long is it gonna take until he eats me?”
Felix stepped forward, “Don’t be in a rush to be devoured, Miss.”
Jongin’s ears went flat and tucked his tail at the mention of the inevitable.
“Just enjoy the few days you have left. Dinner is always at sunset. Your bathroom is down that latter. It is a hot spring and if there is anything we can do in order to make your days here a bit better, do not hesitate to let us know.” The Tree Kangaroo said.
You nodded, “Two things, maybe three. Um. Coffee, tea, and books? I enjoy reading quite a bit.”
Jongin hopped around, “Yes! There are books! I’ll show you! I will. I have to wait until Master unlocks the door, though. You’ll be able to freely roam the Caverns tomorrow. For now, make yourself at home.”
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Tired but also concerned, Chan bolted upright in front of the fire when he heard Felix come in. He had been draped across his collection of gold and skulls and bones recovering from the rough flight made even more difficult by the braying donkey of a woman he had to carry all the way here.
She had not done much damage to him in air, but when he was first going to introduce himself to her. It had hit his cheek with much force. He hated how they were given to him, all tied up like hogs on spits however vertical they might be. It’s not like he could speak to them, though. His true face was not to be known by anyone other than the one who knew his heart, that extended to his voice.
“Is she settling in well?” Asked the silver dragon.
“As well as someone betrayed by the people she grew up with can be. She’s more angry than anything.” Said the animal who transformed into his human form, sandy brown and rose colored hair being only on top of his head now.
“At me?”
Felix replied, “At everything, it seems.”
Chan used a clawed hand to tap his chin, “I’ll have to give her something for her hands and to help ease her mind. We do have some peppermint leaves left from earlier this year, right?”
“I believe so.” The younger man said. “Shall I make her some tea?”
“Please do. I’d rather not devour her while she is not at her best. The process will take most if not all of her energy.”
“It shall be done, my old friend.” Felix replied. “She’s a firecracker, hmm?”
Chan rolled his eyes, “Yes. She fought me the whole way here. I’m surprised she still has a voice to speak with from all her screaming.”
He laughed, “She threw hat boxes at me. Got me in my snout...she has a nice body, though.”
“Did she not change when you--?”
A shake of the head, “Only after it fell off of her completely. However, I did not see that part since she had knocked me down at that time. Jongin was smart to hide under the bed until he felt it was safe.”
The dragon began to ask a question about the youth, whether or not he had seen Y/N in her tattered clothing leading to partial nudity or not. However, the question was already being answered by his faithful friend.
“Nope. I made sure he covered his eyes.”
“Good. Good.” Then another question, but shy this time. “Is she a good meal then?”
“If I were you, I would’ve eaten her already.”
Chan couldn’t help but hide his smile. Mayhaps she had more to give than the dragon first thought upon inspection.
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Jongin the fox, Felix the tree kangaroo, and Jisung the squirrel showed you to where dinner was, but it was not yet ready. So the youngest started to pull at the laces of your boots to get you to follow him.
Jongin stopped in front of a white marble door, “Here’s the library. I’m sure you will find your home here. Big bro will bring you some more tea if that is what you want.”
The doors opened to reveal the largest library you had ever seen, although you had not seen very many.
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You couldn’t help but gasp and then went to the nearest shelf to look at what books were there. The village library would be burned down nearly every Sunday, and you had to often sell your own private stash in order to be able to eat. They smelled so old and not like charred flesh. Oh, so glorious!
It felt like you were being watched, but when you turned around, there was no one behind you at all. You grabbed several books and took a seat in the red chair to begin your evening. The only thing that would make this better would be some.
“Tea, Miss?” A beautiful square face bowed and offered you a cup.
He set the platter in front of you, and so you mixed in the amount of cream and sugar to fit your taste before sipping. It soothed your throat from all the screaming you had done earlier as you had been carried.
A handsome young man smiled, “I am Hyunjin. Call upon me for anything. Please, enjoy the books, but be careful. Master doesn’t like his books to be ruined.”
“I care more for books than I do my own fucking life.” You replied, holding your current read to your chest.
He smiled, “He’ll be happy to hear that.” With a bow, the man left.
A bushy husky tail the only thing you hadn’t expected to see as it swished behind him as he left. Maybe these last few days of your life wouldn’t be so bad if it could be spent in the library with drinks like this.
The revelry inside the book was soon short lived as Felix came to get you for dinner. You decided to muster up your strength to do the opposite of yesterday. As you faced the Beast, you’d stay silent. You wouldn’t say anything to him. Not a word nor a sound.
Yet as your turned the corner, you gasped, stricken by how incredibly handsome the man before you was. He was the Chrome Dragon. His eyes were the same as the ones you saw yesterday just for a moment. And yet, the reason for your heart racing was completely different. Now you had no choice but to be quiet as you were afraid for your voice to give out mid sentence.
He pulled out the white chair for you to sit on, which you did. His fingernails seemed painted black instead of yesterday’s sharp claws made out of onyx rock. He sat in his own chair with a similar butterfly design on it and the beautiful man from earlier set down a silver domed plate in front for you and lifted the covering to reveal a full plate of fish, bread, and an assortment of vegetables.
The fish section on the Dragon’s plat was much larger. Well, you decided to trust him and dug in. No matter how lovely this whole thing had been, you knew he was going to devour you sooner or later. The light in his eyes would be replaced by darkness, and it’d be your eye that was glazed over and no longer able to see as death took your mind.
“Are you enjoying your time here?” He asked, his voice much more enchanting that you wanted to be.
You had hoped he had the throat of a frog or was as threatening as you believed a dragon’s voice should be, and yet. You wanted to answer him with a smile, to give him your hand and promise him your heart.
What were you thinking?!
You stayed quiet. You had to keep your wits about you lest it mean your death came sooner than planned. There had to be some way to escape. Maybe not back to your town, but to someplace where you didn’t have impending doom waiting for you in the form of being devoured by a dragon with eyes like a storming sunrise and a voice like a gentle sea.
He cleared his throat, “I asked you a question, Miss. Are you having a good time here?”
The way you set your jaw and glared him down showed him that you were in no mood for talking.
Chan sighed, “Well. Um. I saw you enjoying my library. It is rare to find a beautiful girl who also enjoys a good read. Most of my others demanded dresses and jewelry or simply did not know how to read the written word. I remember having taught a few of them before--” he held back a yelp of pain and kicked out his leg.
Nothing was there, but you noticed Jisung scurrying in the opposite direction a few seconds later and wondered if he had anything to do with it.
“My apologies.” He watched you eat and reached for his cup before stretching his jaw. “It seems as though you do not want to use your voice around me today. What happened the the fiery brunette I carried in my claws yesterday?”
You rolled your eyes.
Chan smiled, “I quite enjoy you, Miss, despite your refusal to speak to me.”
Fuck, his personality was cute too.
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The night crawled in ever growing silence and sleeplessness. You felt a soft and large fabric being draped upon your frame and the book was taken from your hands and set on the table.
“It’s me. Chan. I feel like the only time I can talk to you is when you’re asleep.” He sighed. “I like you. I know it’s hard to believe but I actually chose which maiden to take this time since when I visit, my human form disguised, you are the most beautiful. The way you tell stories. It made me fall for you.”
He laughed to himself, “God. I’m such a weirdo. Ahem, anyways. I know you probably won’t think the same, but I had to confess my feelings. I’ll try to do so when you’re awake, but there is bad news as well. No matter what your feelings, I will devour you tomorrow. You seem to be back in full health, so things must be done.”
Then he began to walk away, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
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The day came and you could feel it, the heaviness of the air. Even the birds did not sing and the sun was shining even though it was simply heat and not light..
You had fallen in love with the Dragon. At least his mind...and his face...and those gorgeous silver eyes of his that has seen all of the universe. Chan. His name was Chan. Not him persay, but with a library like that. It was clear it was all so very personal. From titles alone, you could tell he was not one to lie about his feelings for you.
Some of the stories had been handwritten versions of the ones you told in the tavern. It hadn’t been their choice to sacrifice you or not. He had chosen you.
Then why would he eat you? Perhaps you could come to an understanding of sorts. To make this go smoother, you planned to put on a dress. The one he put out for you. However there was nothing waiting for you today. Instead, Felix arrived alone and turned human in front of your eyes.
“Of course.” You said.
He gave you a weak smile, “I’ve come to prepare you for the ritual, however, Master said to wait after lunch to do so. I suggest you enjoy your remaining hours.”
You spent it in the library of course, simply reading until it was time.
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And then it was time. There was no light other than the ones caused by flames on the walls reflecting the crystals on the top. You were led by Felix, wearing nothing but a robe over your nude and freshly washed body. He wanted his meal to be cleaned inside and out before he devoured them.
You had made your peace with life and walked stone faced into the special room that had many places to restrain a body. A wall of what looked like torture devices was near a slab that seemed like it could tilt. A den of many pillows was located on the far side near the flames. Probably for Chan to rest when he was done with you.
And there the man stood with piercing blue eyes that seemed like ice despite the fire in the room.
“Leave us. Do not return until the sun is high.” Chan said.
“Yes, sir.” Said the young man and quickly scurried out.
Then his eyes set on you, “Disrobe, please.”
You untied the knot and let the sapphire silk fall onto the ground. It took everything inside you not to cover yourself with your hands as his eyes raked up your legs up to curved him onwards to linger upon your chest before finally meeting your eyes filled with so much resignation. There was nothing you could do anymore. No way to get out.
His hand held your chin and forced it upwards to look at him lick his lips, “I shall give you a choice. Start from the top or from the bottom first?”
“I don’t care.” You said through pouting lips. “Just make it quick.”
“Sorry, dear. I like to play with my food.” he said, taking you to the slab and binding your arms and legs, making you feel even more exposed.
And you were. Nothing but skin to air and your fast beating heart. The hungry look in Chan’s eyes as he made sure you were unable to move was inciting something inside of you other than fear and in fact caused a perverse kind of anticipation inside of you.
“Mouth or claws?” He asked, grabbing a bottle of something.
“Claws?” You replied.
He shot a smile behind him, “I meant fingers since I do believe claws going inside the human form would be quite uncomfortable.”
“What the fuck are you--eep!” His fingers sunk between your folds, causing your face to blush. “D-Dragon, what the hell? What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes shot up towards you, “Massaging the meat. It’s no good when you’re tense. So please just relax. I will take care of you, Y/N.”
Chan used his fingers to curl inside of you, bringing tears to your eyes when he grazed the bundle of nerves inside of you. However, you were too nervous to make any noise even though he wanted you hear your moans. He decided to kiss your neck as well, making you moan out in surprise.
He smiled up at you, “There we go. More like that, beautiful.”
“Ah, ah, that-- It’s--. You’re--oh my god!” Broken sentences tumbled out of your mouth as he caressed you with one hand and finger fucked you with his long digits. His mouth explored your neck and licked at your pert nipples. It felt so good and yet you couldn’t help but let the tears overflow in your eyes.
“St-stop!” You cried out. “Please. If you’re going to eat me, just eat me already.”  Your head leaned against your arm with salty water pouring from your eyes. “Don’t...don’t make me feel this way and then kill me.”
“What? Who said anything about killing you?” He gave a smirk. “I will devour you, but not in the most literal sense. A dragon gets lonely, you know.”
You blinked, “Wait, what?”
Chan chuckled as he wiped your tears, “I use that wording in order to get what I want, beauty, no matter how fleeting. Beautiful girls deserve to be cherished and not treated like trash or just used for a quick fuck, unless that is what they want.” He replied. “Why do you think it takes almost 100 years for me to return? Humans have a certain lifespan.”
“Then what’s all this? All this pomp and circumstance for a quick fuck?” You said coldly.
He raised his hand to be right below your ear, his breath ghosting over your skin, “Like I said, women deserve to be cherished. Especially for our first time together.” He then placed a smooch on your chin, making you shiver.
Chan then smiled, “Now then, may I continue? I know what it’s like being left on the edge of an orgasm. Not very pleasant.”
“I...I’m not just a toy, y’know.” You replied.
He growled, “Oh, I know you’ve got a brain up there, but I really want to fuck it out of you.” and moved so that he was straddling your leg, allowing you to feel his length being held in captivity by his very pants.
You swallowed and felt yourself blush, “I guess you can continue.”
“Hmm, but you’ve been so cold to me.”
“Pl-please, Chan. I wanna to cum. At this point, a well placed gust of wind could make me orgasm.” You couldn’t fight the fire which boiled in your lower stomach.
“Then I’ll show you how I properly eat a woman.” The silver eyed man got onto his knees and held your thighs as she shoved his face between then, licking at the wet heat that he himself caused.
Moans and whines left your mouth as you let go of any and all inhibitions to just become his, stars forming behind your eyes as you climaxed into the eager mouth sucking on your clit from below.
The Dragon Chan then licked his lips, chuckling, “Stay conscious, babygirl. We’ve got more in store before the ritual is done.”
The man then released you from the contraption and carried you to the pillows before promptly sticking his lower cock inside of you while the other rubbed against your clit and gliding over your stomach, coating both the inside and outside with his precum.
“Y-you’ve got two?”
He nodded with a giggle, “Yeah. Guess I should’ve told you ahead of time.”
Your fingers clenched at the pillows as he plowed deep inside of you, making you see stars. Chan reminded you to breathe as he fucked the living daylights out of you. It felt as though you mind existed on the edge of reality and Heaven. He kissed your neck praised you for being so good for him. Being such a warm hole for his cock and calling you beautiful. Calling your brain beautiful. He was so, so big. You had never felt so full in your entire life!
“Cumming. I’m cumming!” Chan said and released inside of you, the white heat spreading across your insides and on top of your torso, launching far enough to land on your breasts and face.
You wanted more, though. He seemed to feel the same.
“What was that?” You asked, your hands clawing at his shoulders still.
“I wanna put both inside of you.” He panted out, his silver orbs searching yours.
Your eyes bulged, “It, it won’t fit. It’s already so tight.”
“You’ve got two holes down here, and I’ve got two dicks~” He chuckled, “But I won’t do it if you don’t want me to.”
You gnawed at your bottom lip and looked away as you said, “K...kiss me first.”
The Dragon slowed his pace, “W-what? Does my baby girl really want the Dragon to kiss her?”
With burning cheeks, you nodded. He was at least 9 inches deep inside you and you still had enough embarrassment inside of you to blush at the notion of a kiss?
“Use your words, baby girl.”
“I want you to kiss me while you fuck me, you idiot!” You looked at him with soft defiance.
After positioning himself properly, he gave you a kiss that felt like all of the magic inside of his body was now a part of you. A surprised moan dripped out of your throat as you felt both your holes being filled up with Chan. It caused you to orgasm and tighten around him. No words, but a breathy fit of laugher followed by a moment of eye contact. Icy chrome had been replaced with the blackness of pupils before a quick glance at lips followed by a dance of tongues as he claimed your entire body.
“You are mine from now on, Y/N. You are my treasure. Worth more than any gold in the world, mine to claim. Mine to devour. Mine.” He said, no doubt in his voice. However there was a tinge of a pleading sound in his vocals.
“I’m yours and you are mine.” You said.
He nipped at your neck and then sucked all over, leaving his markings in the form of bruises, hickeys, love bites.
“Chan. Chan. I love you, Chan.” You said, getting caught up in the moment but honestly meaning it at the same time.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He replied. “I’m going to mark you inside and out.”
“Please,” You said, out of breath but needing to let him know how much you wanted him too. “Gonna--cum!”
“Me too. Me, yah!”
Both of your holes became filled with the Dragon Chan’s cum and he kissed you until he went limp inside. Once he pulled out, he kissed down the center of your body to clean up all of the white liquid on your body and inside. It made your legs quiver. Throughout all of your years, you did nothing but read and work and lived in fear of the very dragon that made you finally feel loved. Your whole body felt like it was numb and vibrating at the same time. The only thing you could do was clutch the back of his head until he came up for air, swallowing his own seed that had leaked out of you with a smile.
“Thank you for the meal.”
“Heh, ya funny fucker.” You said, chest heaving.
He crawled up behind you, wrapping his arm around your neck, letting you hold it, “And guess what? I’m already hard again.” his fingers rubbed over your hips and pulled your leg back over his own before spreading you and entering you once more.
You looked at him, eyes questioning if he was serious.
“Oh, did I not tell you, Y/N? The ritual doesn’t end until sunrise.” He smiled a toothy grin.
“Devour me.” you said before kissing him.
Even though you weren’t sure if your body would be able to hold up that long, you didn’t want him to stop any time soon.
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Thank you for reading. This is not my best writing, but I tried not to surpass 10 pages! Still, I truly hoped you enjoyed it!
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empirestateofmars · 6 years
By Hakim, Terminale L, a short story written in Jan 2018 that pays homage to Dickens’ Christmas Carol. Enjoy!
Hakim,   Messed-up Christmas Carol
I never cared for chairs. They don't walk, or move, or serve any purpose really. The whole world would have been better if not for chairs. They occupy space, breathe our air… I never intended to become one myself. All pie long, my jellyfish family say I don't remotely resemble someone who would accept to have asses on him everyday. When I ask what I look like, they answer : « On a good day ? Like Gollum. ». Never played a Pokemon game before, but Gollum sounds like a good bloke. I look in a mirror but all I see is a dilettante non-chalantly satiating a curmudgeonly marzipan. Indeed, a darling marzipan is selling another wobbly bodice ripper to an unruffled trombone. Some rhetorical girl is overwhelmingly confessing the girl near the lunatic. This is quite the fun story. We do not have time for it. Thus, if not for my liquid sword, the red limey-chimney-woundy-timey-wibbly-sucky doves, the plane and the hole in the sky, I would not have got my Law 52 back. Now, where do storytellers start ? Not at the beginning, I presume, nor at the end, if we begin in the middle, Time might explode so… What if I don't start ? No story, no reason to read me. That would certainly help Time with logic. Nevertheless, have you watched Timecop with Van Damme ? Time doesn't make more sense than Shakespeare. If I begin before the beginning… ?
My name is Harpon Aragon di Hispania, I am from Texas. I am of a certain age, don't ask you impolite fool ! My age is but a number. A good one for a Bank such as me. I am tall, large, big, safe, many people work in me, they take lunch in my belly, feed me with their money. I am a great bank. At 5 o clock, I count my money, have a good swim in it, then I come home, except when I don't. Mostly, I let myself sink in the sugary green papers, and in the golden apples of power, that is to say : Money. Money and I have always had the strangest relationship. He comforts me, begs me to use him, as if this would free him. He can't understand, he will never be free for I can't let go. Hardest thing when you love someone is to be happy around them. I am so concerned with his safety, I forget to enjoy him, kiss him, love him. As a revenge, he cuts my little finger five times a day. I write a song for him to make up to him. He forgives, we dance together, I promise there shall be love between us for many moons and here we go again. Just a damn circle, except I go lower, and lower, to keep him around me. Money takes time. Money makes me tired, grumpy, cold, labels me  « penny pincher », but I always come home to him, always welcome him inside me. I love him to the point I… Forget my other life, as a happy, YOUNG, married man. Three days could pass without me looking at my wife, of course she can't see me, she is blind. A fellow, in court, threw her on the floor, ripping apart her pages, her leather. My wife is a law book, specialized in work. The original, you might say. She is from when man was but some ape in the forests. These apes would draw some lines on cavern walls, and say : « OOOMAAAA. Wourrka Leuwaaaa ». Sorry for that pathetic transcription.  And… My wife… How do I put it ? She is… as you say it, old. So old that I ask her about when good presidents ruled the States. She said : « Meh. Don't know about that. You sure that existed ? ». Oh ! I guess the story has started. I introduced an element I exposed some lines ago : Law 52. Isn't it a lovely name for a law book ? And that's my wife, or book, if you like! So… What if we start with the tale ? Even if the universe sometimes fails to be a fairy tale, that's why money is here ! Or was. I thought he could do anything. The damn fool was but a crawling bug, cruel, manipulative, and familiar.
I came home late on Globelskufeui 25th. A year ago. Somehow, I had stayed up late to close the store, count money and his new babies. Adorable, they all had the face of a respectable man with a beard.   When I opened the door with my shoe, I smelt a noise of arguing. Law 52, my blind wife, was caught in a battle with kitchen utensils. I didn't know they could talk. Quite a surprise for me. I went to the toilets, crapped for a while and came out. There and back again, I brought some drinks. She was arguing with those kitchen utensils. Resigned, I sacrificed myself and charged into battle. « What's with all the noise, woman ? A bank can't crap without being disturbed? ». To which she answered « You fool, you underpay your workers. That is injustice, infamy ! I demand your head on a plate ! Chop his head off ! By freedom, equality, all that is good in the world, I require you be punished ! It's Christmas, offer something to your workers ! That's what you do, at Christmas, you offer ! ». My wife has a burning passion for politics. She loves watching debates, more like hearing. I suddenly recalled I had employees ! So I logically explained why I wouldn't pay them. “ Honey, if I paid, they wouldn't be poor, right ? Therefore, if they don't complain, they don't need the union. They don't need laws. Consequently, if you follow me there, you wouldn't have a purpose ! Bad people would come and recycle you. Babe, I can't let that happen. Not on Christmas ! Not this way !”. What I really craved to say but never had the courage to was : “Christmas, just another hack to steal my money. Why spend it on a worthless present ? If I bothered about Christmas I'd have to… To… Give my precious away ! That can't happen. The salesmen that took Christmas won't have Harpon Aragon, I am smarter !” or “Most people believe that a rascally toothache greedily shares a shower with a somnambulist, but they need to remember how overwhelmingly a stalactite living with the dissident prays. A darling alchemist learns a hard lesson from a rhetorical cleavage. Toscanini, although somewhat soothed by a labyrinth from the maestro and some gonad, still approaches her from a maestro defined by the coward, derive perverse satisfaction from her a looking glass beyond a boy with an onlooker beyond a widow, and dances with the dark side of her trombone. A tea party ruminates, but a lunatic toward the tenor almost takes a peek at another clock” Law 52, sorrowless : “ Infamy ! Selfishness ! Out ! Out, you monster ! As a Social Justice Warrior, I don't accept being married to a man such as you. Out ! Out !”. Swift as ever, she pushed me outside the window, I fell on a plane headed to Guatemala and began my journey.
Guatemala is lovely in winter. Stars reflect on the Death Star they're building to conquer the world. You think it's the Star that glows. Too bad the flight was not pleasurable. No air to breathe, shitty weather. I complained when we landed but they said : “We hate it when poor people illegally travel on our cheese planes.”. I retorted : “I'm no poor people. I'm a bank ! It's Christmas ! Don't be silly now. People have this word like “Christmas” all the time. I hate Christmas. But, it must mean something, right ? Like special treatment. Or chocolate ! Others eat chocolate. That gives me diarrhea but, if you go look for some, that'll allow me to escape. So, we got a deal ?”. I don't know why, he put me in jail. Guatemala is not nice when you're in jail. I dropped my soap many times. All in one may, I met three persons, ghosts mostly. I must be attractive to ghosts. I get slimey when stressed, they could like that. Anyway, did I ever tell you about Guatemala's archives? Like hive-mind, ever-growing. It's a flower you eat, gets inside your mind. You are connected to some device that exposes your memories to the people. That way, Guatemala gets all intels on prisonners. You can call it rape. That's how I felt it, anyway. I ate this bitter pink plant.
I saw myself at nine, wearing my mother's bicycle, sitting near fire, reading White Fang. And Christmas was all around. No mom, dad, sister. Just Christmas. Then, I was with mom and dad, sharing stories, jokes… They offered me gifts, kind words and hugs. Another Christmas was when my fiancée turned my proposal down. With fierce eyes, snow was falling all around like tiny knives, Christmas singsongs deafening me. The snow borrowed money from the ribbon. A slovenly necromancer planned an escape from a marzipan fetishist related to some cigar. The chic amour-propre mourns the stalactite for the midwife, but a cup related to the impresario found lice on the ungodly clock. Consequently, she said : “I won't have it ! I am not a threeway woman ! You and Money can have it all, be together ! Why would I care ? Don't you see Harpon ? He infiltrates your mind like the one ring. And take a shower for Christ's sake !”. Her name was Rose, and she was an albatross. Could fly anywhere, my darling. Such a disapointment. My memories formed a shadow, haunting the room, me. The guards turned it off. I fought like hell. This shadow had no right showing those memories ! Like butterflies, they flew away, I never saw them again. Soly the words remained : These are the shadows of things that have been, do not blame the Ghost of Christmas Past that they are what they are !
Here we go again. Ninety years later, thirty of anger, fourty of resignation and twenty of regrets, I was free. I used a time-travelling pill (isn't Guatemala marvelous ?) so I could be young again. However, red limey-chimney-woundy-timey-wibbly-sucky doves took me away before I could swallow it ! So, in a way, you could say I was old. Alright. Now, back to it. Thirty doves were swirling around me. “Take a good, long look at this world, boy, for you are not part of it. These smiles, and peaceful moments you know not. Christmas has forsaken you. You have money, no ? The Ghost of Christmas Present says logic be not logic when it comes to men like you. So, we throw you in the sky !” Present ? I did not know what to make of this. Money ? Why money ? I knew it all. It was as clear as day to me. The secret of all things, I had cracked it. The plane was planned ! I had to fall on it so I could see my past, understand my own hatred of Christmas and how I filled my empty heart with money. Hence the birds ! They too were trying to show me something. Then, they threw me in a hole in the sky.
Harshly, I landed in Egypt and spoke a little with the Great Sphinx of Giza. He was polite enough to cut me some slack and not ask me riddles. He did however sneeze at me. The he spat a liquid sword. What was wrong with him today ? So disgusting ! He usually behaves. By way of apology, all he said was “Man, you suck !”. Before I could retork, I was sent away, through that same hole. My mind couldn't comprehend. What ? Why ? How ? Is The King alive ? Then, it hit me. I was falling up ! Expending Money's family every day… I was rich as hell ! I had a mountain filled with gold ! Although, it felt like falling. Money is not my friend, he never was. The Sphinx threw the liquid sword in my direction. And, as a knight in the night, I fought Money. Can't destroy it. I scared him away, this animal ! A whale helped me. Both, we defeated Money. Earth went back to a barter system. Stupid, won't last, but good enough, for now.
And that is how I became a chair ! To atone, I turned my walls into wood, my face into a seat. That way, I can support people. Oh, mom and dad, I do look good as a chair ! When I came back, Law 52 opened her arms and said : “Justice has been served”. I suspect she was behind all this but can't find any proof. Money and I, we go way back. Then, A dahlia conquered a guardian angel. A piroshki completely hosted a comely shadow. He called her Lila (or was it Toscanini?). A labyrinth about a cleavage rejoiced, but the dilettante around a dissident operates a small fruit stand with a bodice ripper related to a pocket.
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