#teaches recalcitrant sullen little boy how to have fun which is also still entrenched in
scintillyyy · 3 months
btw if you are at all wondering why i can forgive/think neutrally about the sexism present in tim's comics but i can and will get extremely disgruntled about how bg09 has sexism problems and complain about it, it's because tim's comics are in no way, shape, or form ever supposed to be seen or read as a feminist work (it's usually written by a sexist man for white teenage boys, and i can accept that) whereas it's obvious bqm is writing bg09 like he's under the impression what he's writing is somehow a great win for women characters and feminism in comics while every page and plot is dripping with sexist ideas of women & women interacting with each other, extremely sexist ideals of the good not-like-other-girls girl vs all those other brainless harpies (much like any cw show has), utter lack of respect for any woman character who is not the main character, sexist male/female dynamics, ableism, racism, and just very shallow characterization and motivation in general.
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