#team 3310
samantitheos · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @deedala and @jrooc. 🖤
Name: Sam.
Age: Older than Cam, younger than Noel.
First Pet? Buck, a black, long-haired cat who lived to be 23. 🐈‍⬛
First Word? I just tried to ask my parents...
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First Celebrity Crush? So JTT seems like a common denominator among a bunch of us... Also Devon Sawa (I basically wore out the VHS of Wild America at my grandparents' house) and AJ from the Backstreet Boys.
First IRL Crush? Calin, my grade 4 "boyfriend." Also still randomly have dreams about him once in a while despite not having seen him in like 20+ years. What does it meeeean???
First kiss? This is so sad, but I actually don't remember. Probably one of my friends during Truth or Dare.
First Car? I spent my hard-earned cash working at A&W on this monstrosity my friends nicknamed "Hot Thunder." Smh. All I know is shame.
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First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? This tiny little house we rented that had bright orange 70s-era flower power wallpaper in one of the rooms. I'll spare you the picture, but nightmare inducing.
First time on a plane? Going to Cancun with my parents when I was 3.
First cellphone? Nokia 3310, I think. I just remember playing the snake game. 🐍
First concert? Rod Stewart. Thanks, mom. Lol.
First Foreign country you visited? Probably the US, but definitely Mexico when I was 3.
First sport you ever played? First team sport was softball, but I did a bunch of other shit even before that (ballet, swimming, figure skating). I was so athletic, I have no idea what happened lol.
First career aspiration? I went through a weird marine biology phase before I probably even understood what a biologist was.
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow": Feeling pride in my own work? Ew. But I guess my MA dissertation if only because it was 5 times as long as anything I had ever written before, and I didn't think I could do that.
Giving a little boopity boop to some homies. @gallapiech @lingy910y @krysmiss @mickittotheman @energievie @whaticameherefor @wehangout @callivich @camnoelgallavich @depressedstressedlemonzest @sam-loves-seb @sluttymickey
EDIT: My mom just texted to say she thinks "Buck" was my first word. 🥺🥺 But also that I couldn't always pronounce it right, so maybe my dad wasn't too far off with "fuck." 🤣
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world-beauty · 11 months
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Spiral Galaxy NGC 3310 Across the Visible
Credits: G. R. Meurer, JHU, et al., Hubble Heritage Team, STScI, AURA, NASA
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Enhance Your Smile with Composite Bonding: A Comprehensive Guide by Garden Dental and Implant Clinic in London
In the bustling metropolis of London, where style and sophistication converge, Garden Dental and Implant Clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in dental care. Renowned for their commitment to innovation and patient-centred care, they offer a wide range of services to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Among these transformative treatments, composite bonding emerges as a popular choice for individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their teeth with natural-looking results.
Understanding Composite Bonding:
Composite bonding, also known as dental bonding or cosmetic bonding, is a versatile and minimally invasive cosmetic dental procedure. It involves applying a tooth-coloured composite resin material to the surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. Whether you're dealing with chipped, cracked, discoloured, or misshapen teeth, composite bonding offers a simple yet effective solution to enhance your smile.
The Garden Dental and Implant Clinic Difference:
Located in the heart of London, Garden Dental and Implant Clinic is renowned for its dedication to excellence in dental care. Led by a team of experienced professionals, they combine state-of-the-art technology with personalized attention to deliver outstanding results tailored to each patient's unique needs and desires.
Personalized Consultation:
Your journey towards a more beautiful smile begins with a comprehensive consultation at Garden Dental and Implant Clinic. During this initial appointment, their skilled dental professionals will take the time to listen to your concerns, assess your oral health, and discuss your treatment options in detail. Whether you're interested in composite bonding or other cosmetic dentistry procedures, they will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that aligns with your goals and budget.
Artistry and Precision:
At Garden Dental and Implant Clinic, they understand that achieving natural-looking results requires both artistry and precision. Their talented dental team possesses the skill and expertise to seamlessly blend the composite resin with your natural teeth, creating a flawless, harmonious smile that enhances your overall facial aesthetics.
Minimally Invasive Treatment:
One of the key advantages of composite bonding is its minimally invasive nature. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that may require extensive tooth preparation, bonding typically involves minimal removal of enamel, preserving the integrity of your natural teeth. This means less discomfort, faster recovery, and immediate results – allowing you to enjoy your stunning new smile without delay.
Long-lasting Results:
With proper care and maintenance, composite bonding can provide long-lasting results that withstand the test of time. By practicing good oral hygiene habits and avoiding habits like nail-biting and chewing on hard objects, you can help prolong the lifespan of your bonded teeth and enjoy your beautiful smile for years to come.
In the vibrant city of London, Garden Dental and Implant Clinic stands as a trusted destination for individuals seeking to enhance their smiles with composite bonding. With a commitment to excellence, artistry, and patient satisfaction, they are dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. If you're ready to transform your smile and boost your confidence, schedule a consultation with Garden Dental and Implant Clinic today – because your radiant new smile awaits.
Garden Dental and Implant Clinic
610 Finchley Rd, London, NW11 7RX
020 8455 3310
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professoroaksboytoy · 9 months
Your new gay Pokemon team: Blipbug, Dhelmise, Drampa, Lapras, Quaquaval, and Voltorb!
Blipbug Describe your first cell phone.
I had a brick Nokia phone. I think it was a Nokia 3310 😅
Dhelmise What part of your daily routine would most likely lead to a Final Destination style death sequence?
To get to work I have to walk along a busy road and there is a section where there is a lot of bushes. If I was in the move a snake will jump out in front of me, I get scared and accidentally step out into the traffic and die.
Drampa Hottest fictional DILF? 
Weird one but Mike Bowen from High School Musical The Musical The Series
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Lapras Which member of the Elite Four is the most gay. (They are all gay obviously.)
Aaron the Bug type member from Sinnoh. I don't think I need to really explain it 😜
Quaquaval How would closed captioning describe the music that plays when you appear on screen?
🎵 upbeat piano tune 🎵
Voltorb What kind of Poké Ball should a person use to have the best shot at catching you?
Ultra balls because they look the coolest
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prettypangolins · 1 year
Obviously mobile-specific unless you alt+f4 on desktop for the same reason
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kryptaos · 1 year
Some fun facts about Flash, the Greek gods and the world of Olympus Apartments
Some of Flash's favorite bands/musicians include AC/DC, Metallica, Judas Priest, Van Halen, Alice Cooper and Def Leppard.
Some of Flash's favorite songs to sing karaoke to are "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain, "The Last In Line" by Dio, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by Scorpions, "Nobody's Fool" by Cinderella and "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister.
Whenever Flash sings "The Last In Line" they let out this monstrous primal scream when singing the line "We are coming... HOOOOOOOOOOME!"
If Flash wasn't a drummer they would play bass instead.
Flash's favorite video game is Borderlands 2.
Flash's favorite Star Wars character is Boba Fett.
Flash's favorite Marvel superhero is Spider-Man.
Flash's favorite DC superheroes are The Flash and Batman. They got the nickname Flash as a result of them always wearing a hoodie with The Flash's logo back in high school.
As a result of being descended from the Hydra, Flash has regenerative abilities. However, unlike the Hydra's they are not instantaneous, they can range from a few minutes if it's something like a cut or scrape to a few hours or even a day for injuries up to and including dismemberment. If their limbs are dismembered and the injury is cauterized the limbs will not regenerate on their own. The gods, however, would be able to reassemble Flash and heal their injuries.
Flash is an only child but always wanted a little sibling so they were more than happy to take on the older sibling role towards Persephone. Demeter is thrilled that Persephone has Flash to look out for her and help her out of her shell.
Hera absolutely HATES heavy metal. Unsurprisingly Flash's music constantly drives her nuts.
Hera is such a stick in the mud that she is able to sit through the entirety of Spaceballs without smiling or laughing even once.
Zeus is a terrible dancer. Whenever there's a party at Olympus his kids are quite embarrassed by their dad's ridiculous dancing.
Despite being the god of lightning Zeus is not able to rapidly charge electronics like cell phones and laptops. When he got his first cell phone (a Nokia 3310) he tried to supercharge it with one of his lightning bolts. He accidentally caused the phone to explode and had to ask Hephaestus to fix it. That was the last time Zeus tried to rapidly charge any electronics.
Hephaestus also had to fix Poseidon's first cell phone because Poseidon learned the hard way that it would not work when he took it to his underwater kingdom.
Ares and Athena are both avid gamers and will often play together. When they're playing as a team they are terrifyingly good and pretty much unstoppable. When they're playing against each other they are extremely competitive and the trash talk gets cranked up to 11.
Demeter REALLY doesn't like fake plants. She also really doesn't like when people glue fake flowers on cactuses.
Since Aphrodite and Athena were born as adults they're not exactly the greatest at interacting with kids/teenagers since they never knew what it was like to be a kid or a teenager.
Cerberus is officially banned from Olympus because the last time Hades brought him for a visit he chewed up a lot of things, including the furniture and a scroll containing part of a very important prophecy.
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hehroralsurgeryus · 2 days
Find Wisdom Teeth Removal Near Hanahan, SC
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Are you looking for Wisdom Teeth Removal Near Hanahan SC? Hehr Oral Surgery specializes in safe, efficient wisdom teeth extraction to prevent pain, infection, and overcrowding. Led by Dr. Hehr, our team ensures a comfortable experience with advanced techniques for quick recovery. Contact us at 843-767-3310.
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nokzeit · 26 days
Zahl der Arbeitslosen steigt
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Zahl der Arbeitslosen steigt Der Arbeitsmarkt im August 2024 - Arbeitslosenquote liegt bei 3,8 Prozent (pm) Im August ist die Zahl der Arbeitslosen im Agenturbezirk Schwäbisch Hall-Tauberbischofsheim auf 13.189 gestiegen. Das sind 731 Arbeitslose (5,9 Prozent) mehr als im Juli und 1. 412 (12 Prozent) mehr als im August 2023. Die Arbeitslosenquote ist um 0,2 auf 3,8 Prozent gestiegen. In Baden-Württemberg ist die Arbeitslosenquote um 0,2 auf 4,4 Prozent gestiegen. Trotz des Anstiegs gehört der Agenturbezirk Schwäbisch Hall-Tauberbischofsheim zu den drei von 19 Agenturen in Baden- Württemberg, die eine Arbeitslosenquote von unter 4 Prozent haben. „Wie auch im Juli bildet sich der saisonale Effekt in den gestiegenen Arbeitslosenzahlen insbesondere bei der Personengruppe der unter 25-Jährigen ab. Denn junge Menschen direkt nach der Ausbildung oder Schulabgänger, die keine nahtlose Beschäftigung gefunden haben, melden sich über die Sommermonate vorübergehend arbeitslos“, so Elisabeth Giesen, Leiterin der Agentur für Arbeit Schwäbisch Hall-Tauberbischofsheim. Als Herausforderung für den Arbeitsmarkt sieht die Agenturleiterin die schwächelnde Konjunktur und die wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheiten, die vielen Unternehmen zu schaffen machen. Neueinstellungen werden geschoben und vakante Stellen erst einmal nicht nachbesetzt. Gut ausgebildete Fachkräfte werden jedoch gesucht und haben weiterhin gute Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Wohingegen die Nachfrage nach Hilfskräften gering ist. Im August wurden 818 neue Arbeitsstellen gemeldet. Das sind 37 (4,7 Prozent) mehr als im Juli und 155 (15,9 Prozent) weniger als im August 2023. Insgesamt waren 4.950 Stellen gemeldet, 210 (4,1 Prozent) weniger als im Juli und 2934 (37,2 Prozent) weniger als im August 2023. Der Arbeitsmarkt im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis Im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis liegt die Arbeitslosenquote 4 Prozent (Juli: 3,8 Prozent). Im August waren 3310 Menschen arbeitslos gemeldet, 214 (6,9 Prozent) mehr als im Juli und 220 (7,1 Prozent) mehr als im August 2023. 821 Menschen meldeten sich neu oder erneut arbeitslos, 600 Menschen beendeten die Arbeitslosigkeit. Arbeitgeber haben 162 Stellenangebote gemeldet, 8 (5,2 Prozent) mehr als im Juli und 19,4 Prozent weniger als im August 2023. Der Bestand an Stellenangeboten lag insgesamt bei 644; 51,3 Prozent weniger als im August 2023. Die Eckwerte nach Rechtskreisen Von den 3.310 Arbeitslosen im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis wurden 1669 vom Jobcenter Neckar-Odenwald betreut (1.621 im August 2023). Die Geschäftsstellen der Arbeitsagentur im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis betreuten 1.641 Arbeitslose (1.469 im August 2023). Ausbildungsmarkt „Auch jetzt geht noch was auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt. Wer noch auf der Suche nach einem Ausbildungsplatz oder einer Alternative ist, wer noch unsicher ist, welche Möglichkeiten er hat, sollte jetzt keine Zeit mehr verlieren und sich mit unserem Team der Berufsberatung in Verbindung setzen“, appelliert Elisabeth Giesen, Leiterin der Agentur für Arbeit Schwäbisch Hall-Tauberbischofsheim. Seit Beginn des Berufsberatungsjahres im Oktober letzten Jahres haben Arbeitgeber 5.395 Berufsausbildungsstellen gemeldet, das sind 5,9 Prozent weniger als vor einem Jahr. Im gleichen Zeitraum haben sich 2.854 Bewerberinnen und Bewerber gemeldet, das sind 1,7 Prozent mehr als vor einem Jahr.   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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quoteoftheweekblog · 2 months
First sentence:
'There was a sudden, expectant hush as Tom Whittaker walked into the dressing-room of the Arsenal team at Highbury, that same hush he has been greeted with for years, on every Arsenal home-match day.' (Gribble, 2018, loc.81).
On life:
' "You can't burn the candle both ends and still live to blow it out," ... ' (Gribble, 2018, loc.969).
On literature:
' "You look as though you've brought the news from Ghent to Aix." ' (Gribble, 2018, loc.1220).
' "I'm doing nothing more important than reading a Western novel," ... ' (Gribble, 2018, loc.3310).
' "As a matter of fact, Western fiction is one of my weaknesses. Two-gun men, bad sheriffs, tough hombres, and all the rest of it." ' (Gribble, 2018, loc.3321).
Gribble, L. (2018 [1939] ) 'The Arsenal stadium mystery'. Amazon.com [E-bbok]. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Arsenal-Stadium-Mystery-British-Classics-ebook/dp/B07FMFYRYT/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= (Accessed 13 July 2024).
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hehroralsurgery · 3 months
Facials Treatment near Charleston, SC
Pamper yourself with rejuvenating Facials near Charleston SC at Hehr Oral Surgery. Our expert team offers customized treatments to refresh your skin and enhance your natural beauty. Experience the benefits of professional skincare in a serene environment. Book your appointment today and glow from within. Call us at 843-767-3310.
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bad4amficideas · 3 months
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My five clone ocs until now. Images with makowka character maker.
In one of my AUs they all join in the Mike Squad (missions that require entering/breaking and exiting discreetly)
Pilot/Sargeant Balter (CT-1492): he plays the perfect image of a trooper, silent and deadly in field, a proto jetti. His vods said he has no personality, like mission always 1st (false). Passionate pilot, loves to travel and dance. Actually the one who gets easyly playdates while on planet while trying to found his other half; it's a romantic at heart and knows to cook.
Medic Kyem (CT-3923): He's a little bitch but doesn't seems like it. He likes psychologycal tricks and is good in them. Diplomat in times of need, enjoys see chaos more than partakes in it. He also pretty good psychologist in field. Fortunately doctor-patient confidentiality was well enforced in him and takes privacity and his work pretty seriously but random people feel like trust and infodump in him and you better do not do it without appointment he will be bothered). Also you better gain his trust 1st. Laidback for the rest.
Artilleryman/Sniper Sisu (CT-4649): With a resting big face, he's the oldest of the team, always worried amd pessimistic, dad friend energy, a worrywhat, he's the little things that make the squad a fam. Also knows to cook and Maker you better tidy your part of the barracks!
Communications/Electronics Whist (CT-4869): the younger in spirit, have a double life in the holonet. Silver tongued (and the piercing Is a pun), playful, nosy, inventive, breaker ruler, do not let be feed with ideas by Kyem (terror brothers)
Mechanic Brick (CT-3310): Considered "shiny" of the team. Transferent from the Coruscant Guard, always wounded having his head in the clouds (also the past lets scars), he's resilient, idealist, rule follower, the heart and loyal one.
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marketingisme-blog · 3 months
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Increase your sales and brand recognition with effective social media marketing strategies. Learn more about how targeted content can drive engagement by contacting the team at BP Media. Call us at (801) 580-3310 #MarketingTips #BusinessGrowth
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Proficient Patios & Backyard Designs
Proficient Patios & Backyard Designs
Outdoor living supplier and contractor, everything from patio covers to adjustable covers to sunrooms, hardscapes and landscaping, fire/water features, outdoor kitchens, hot tubs, and outdoor furniture.
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Proficient Patios is a fully licensed, bonded, and insured contractor specializing in the backyard construction business since 2006. We began as a patio cover contractor and eventually expanded into the other backyard trades when we noticed the need from our homeowners to have just one contractor in charge of their full project.
​Since our early beginnings, Proficient Patios has excelled in the industry. We have attained some of the following achievements: Voted “Best of Las Vegas Patio Builders” from 08’-23’ by the Las Vegas community, earning a Silver place in best landscape installer and Gold place in Outdoor Kitchen Installer.  “Voted #1 Customer Service by Talk of the Town” for 3 years in a row, #1 Platinum dealer with the Alumawood Manufacturer, and voted “Yard of the Month for September 2012” by SNWA.
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Hardscape Contractor
​We hold the highest certifications in paver and retaining wall installations. We are the West Coast design center for Belgard Pavers & Hardscapes and offer the largest Alumawood Patio Covers showroom in Las Vegas. Plus, we have maintained an “A class rating” with the Better Business Bureau and the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.
Proficient Patios motto is to provide quality work, professionalism, and to excel in our customer service. We stand behind our work and our reputation is very important to us. Our job is not complete until our customers are fully satisfied, and we will go over and beyond to attain satisfaction from each and every client. This explains why referrals have become such a large component of our business.
We are not like other contractors that have to subcontract out different trades. We hold six different licenses which cover all our backyard work: general contracting, patio cover/awnings, landscaping, concrete, and stucco license. We have in-house employees with extensive backgrounds in each and every trade. We are truly a one-stop-shop. You will be hiring one contractor/designer to complete your job from start to finish. Since we do not subtract work out, you can rest assured the quality of the work will be to the highest level. All of our employees have been personally trained by our owners and hold proper certifications where required.
If you are interested in joining our team, click here.
contact us
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Proficient Patios & Backyard Designs https://proficientpatios.com/ 3310 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89102 PHONE: (702) 254-6179
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Looking for a reliable vape store in Port Coquitlam BC? Look no further than Vape Street Poco Coast Meridian BC. We offer a vast array of vaping products, from the latest e-cigarettes to an extensive selection of e-liquids and accessories. Our team is committed to helping you find the perfect products to meet your vaping needs. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Vape Street Poco Coast Meridian BC is your trusted partner in the vaping community. Visit us today and explore our wide range of products and services.
Vape Street Poco Coast Meridian BC 103–3310 Coast Meridian Rd, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 3N5 (604) 475–8273
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sopaido · 3 months
What are the three best tricks in life?
Some important hacks I've learned during my life:
Always carry a pen with you, especially when travelling (you know that sometimes you will have no other option)
When you see an animal cross the Dallas Cowboys Team NFL Ugly Sweater Coolest Christmas Sweater, make it a point to stop, look, and wait. There will probably be a few more animals in the sequel.
Use your foot to prevent your phone from falling if you knock it over (never try this with the Nokia 3310, you can seriously injure yourself)
As you gather with family, discuss common scams and life hacks that you know but don't.
If you're selling something on eBay, make a free delivery and add the cost of delivery to the main price. When sending a long string of numbers to someone, divide it into groups of three/four digits separated by spaces, so that it is more readable.
If you solve a problem that you yourself posted on a Dallas Cowboys Symbol NFL Ugly Sweater Coolest Christmas Sweater, add the solution so that others can use it for the same problem. Don't take other people's business more seriously than they do themselves. If someone is introducing you to a song they really like, don't talk during the song unless it's something about the song or something urgent. This song can mean a lot to the other person, and talking in the middle of the song shows that you think your ideas are more important than the person's. Pay attention to the smell of your home when you return from travel - it's how it smells to guests all the time, you've just gotten used to it. When offering your condolences to someone grieving, focus on the PERSON and avoid talking too much about who they have lost. And lastly…
If you read a genuine response on Dallas Cowboys Holiday Sweater but thought you didn't deserve a positive vote, don't cast the vote. But thank the person for writing the answer (you know how, right?)
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backflowtesting · 4 months
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Ensure the safety of your water supply with Backflow FIRE Testing Services! We offer expert backflow testing, inspection, and preventer testing services, ensuring your system meets all safety standards. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing top-notch service, with convenient locations for backflow testing near you. Don't compromise on safety - contact us today for reliable backflow services at competitive prices! To know more please visit: https://backflowtestinginplano.com
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