#team v watches tlok
badlucksav · 2 years
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I posted 1,970 times in 2022
207 posts created (11%)
1,763 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,925 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#sav’s stockpile - 1,034 posts
#atla - 496 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 361 posts
#zuko - 228 posts
#off topic - 209 posts
#zutara - 197 posts
#katara - 161 posts
#avatar - 157 posts
#tlok - 127 posts
#the 100 - 105 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#yknow when you thought you've sort of had it together and then one thing happens and it all falls apart and it turns out you were barely
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ty Lee: *is visibly upset*
Azula: Ty Lee, what happened? I haven’t seen you like this since you found out Candyland wasn’t an actual country.
186 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
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A gift for @neurologicaldamage. Because who doesn’t love Zutara in the South Pole? 🥰
Happy New Year. I hope 2021 was a good year, and that 2022 is even better.
197 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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These two can’t ever just spar, can they? 😏
Drawn for this shiny new blog for a Zutara event. Be sure to check it out!
Image ID below cut
[image ID: image shows Zuko and Katara laying on the ground after a sparring match. Katara lays on her back wearing her wraps and her necklace with one hand around Zuko’s neck as she looks up at him. Zuko is laying on his stomach above her, looking down at her. He has two gold armbands around his biceps and he’s shirtless. He has his shaggy season 3 hair. The background shows a purple sunset with a little bit of pink and yellow, with pink clouds and black trees. End image ID]
233 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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Drawn for the 2022 @zkbigbang. I created this piece for the fic, “Strike A Match”. I really enjoyed working with the team on this project and watching the author’s vision come to life. It’s been a while since I’ve drawn these two, and it felt great to get back to it. Be sure to check out the fic!
265 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you support the Roe v Wade overturn in any way shape or form, kindly unfollow me and then go fuck yourself.
943 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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When Jinora looked up at her tattoo ceremony looking exactly like Aang 😭😭😭
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leviiackrman · 3 years
Introducing my newest child: ZIRI!!
Pinterest | Character Page | Faceclaim
Watching The Legend of Korra made me have doubts about Shen not having kids plus iroh II is fucking GORGEOUS so its only natural that I made a new oc to accomodate to both lmao
I’ve been waiting years to use Ziyi as a faceclaim so now I finally can!!! also: if you couldn’t already tell i love the ‘best friends to lovers’ and ‘slow burn’ tropes then you sure af are behind
More info under the cut:
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Ziri means ‘Moonlight’ in Berber
when Shen was in her early 50s she found Ziri literally abandoned on her doorstep as a baby in the middle of the night (hence the name ziri)
Shen doesn’t do romance of any kind (only once and it was a v sad ending) so she definitley didn’t intend on having her own children
when she was a little older Shen opened an orphanage/home at her ‘Elders’ temple to help any youngsters like herself effected by the war
years after this orphanage had grown and became its own running service, Zizi appeared
its unknown who her parents were as there was nothing in her basket aside from Ziri herself and a very tattered blanket
ziri has the somewhat ‘typical’ appearance of a fully blooded firebender - tho she has dark blue eyes (meaning one parent was of a water tribe/a waterbender and the other was a firebender) 
shen took her in and raised her more like her own child in the woods of her temple until ziri was 6
later discovered she was a firebender - and with enough connections to the fire nation and its rulers (her bff is the firelord after all) - she took her back ‘home’ where she could grow up around others like herself
ziri made a point she was keen to train and learn, wanting to know as much as she could about practically everything
was always picked on a bit by other kids her age tho for being abandoned/raised in the woods etc
was raised by her mumma to respect and help anyone she meets tho, only using conflict when utterly necessary
ziri is a fair bit stubborn however, and took pride in being small but FIESTY in any fight
did she cause most fights? yes.
was she protecting someone who couldn’t defend themselves? most of the time...
developed a very specific skill set in being sneaky - and a bit of a trouble maker - which later developed into a career
became a very skilled and powerful firebender at an early age - much to her teaches surprise (we love to see a dedicated baby make a name for herself)
grew up surrounded by team avatar (was considerably younger than the rest of the crews kids tho so she was seen as the baby sister)
not only the main gang, ziri found a fast friendship with Iroh II (only natural when his grandfather and her mother were so close)
progressed fast with her training and worked her way up the militaries ranks just as Iroh did, soon being the Commander to his General for a lot of United Republic work
formed a v close bond with iroh tho nothing romantic came of it for some while - were together for a year of so before... the next point
3 years prior to the events of TLOK: lost her position after an argument with Iroh regarding the possession and distribution of illegal substances within the ranks (she basically used her super sneakiness to get these ‘hard to find’ items - *cough* sometimes drugs *coughs* - at the request of her fellow soldiers)
basically walked out on their relationship and her job too
had already decided that being a soldier wasn’t for her - especially when half the people around her took one look at her stature and paid her no respect - even as their superior (see, stubborness)
left for 3 years, being hired/assigned the role of ‘scout/spy’ by the current firelord (Iroh’s mother) after seeing her sneaky/stealthy abilities in action
returned for many adventures in Republic City, meeting Korra and the new team avatar before later becoming friends/allies
had a complicated and messy reunion with Iroh:
they kissed
turned out he was engaged
she avoided him again
found out his fiance was going for the thrown and wanted to take out his whole family to get there
no one believed ziri
proved them all wrong when the fiance attempted to kill him and his mother
dont worry all ends well - rekindled her trust and friendship with iroh before getting back together and living HaPpIlY eVeR aFtEr
(more stuff happens but this ‘basic info’ is already too fuckin long so if you made it this far congrats! you have more patience than i do.)
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artworxlegacy · 6 years
Team ArtworxLegacy, it is time. After many hours of hard work, one of my best video projects is here! Enjoy! ~ ArtworxLegacy
#teamartworxlegacy #artworxlegacy #avatarfans #TLOK
Hey everyone! ArtworxLegacy here! And today I am so happy to debut LIVE a NEW INTRO of KORRA BOOK THREE! More videos are on the way, so please Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe - for more Astonishing Artworx!!
PEACE! ~ ArtworxLegacy
Music by: GlitchxCity Music: UltraSun and UltraMoon Ultra Necrozma Battle Remix
#TheLegendofKorra #AvatarTheLastAirbender #Korra #Aang #Katara#Sokka #Toph #Zuko #Azula #Iroh #Bolin #Mako #Asami #SpeedPaint#Artworx88 #Solkorra #ArtworxLegacy #Amon #Noatok #Tarlok #Anime#Manga #2018 #teamartworxlegacy
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ArtworxLegacy on Colors! Live: colorslive.com/author?id=147793
God bless and thanks for visiting! :)
WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHX9AomeN2A
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thelastlesbiander · 7 years
I got tagged by @courfelicious. Thank you brooo <3
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
Nickname: Pam Height: 1,71cm or 5′7 Time right now: 11:54pm Last thing I googled: I was looking for pictures of Raava from TLOK bc I’m lame and thinking about getting a tattoo and her desing’s really cool lol Favorite Music Artists: I don’t really have a favorite tbh... but I love Anavitória with all my heart Last movie watched: Looking for Dory Last TV show watched: Does a cartoon count? I finished The Legend of Korra this afternoon (and I’m really not ok, I need MORE) What are you wearing right now: My pink gay pajamas lol When did you create your blog: in 2013, I guess? I’ve deleted my first blog so I don’t really know anymore  What kind of content do you post: Fandom stuff, lesbians, fandom lesbians, aesthetics, gay things in general and rantings about life  Do you get asks regularly: Nope :v  Why did you choose your URL?: Because I fell in love with Avatar Korra and I wanna be a Lesbiander (and becuase I love puns and thought it was funny lmao) Gender: Female Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Pokemon Team: Don’t have one :v Favorite color: Blues, purples and reds  Average hours of sleep: anything between 4 and 7 hours tbh Lucky number(s): I like 3 and 9 Favorite characters: ok that’s an unfair question, I can’t just pick one, it’s too difficult but Lexa is my everything How many blankets do you sleep with: if it’s summer then 1 + a fan on my face, during the winter 2 or 3 depends on the night Dream Job: I don’t really know tbh Following: 612
I’m too lazy to tag anyone rn, sorry people gfpohkfg
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Things in Legend of Korra that make me, a grown woman, literally scream:
—whenever Aang appears onscreen
—whenever Jinora or Ikki or Meelo or Rohan are in danger
—whenever someone kisses Mako
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The Revelation
—“The morning is evil” hard agree
—Omg that little red panda ferret is the CuTeST thing I have seen in my LiFE I CANt
—I WOuLD GIvE MoNEY To PaBU look at that performance, he’s perfect. Bonus point for Bolin’s mustache
—This guy’s literally named “shady” STAY AWAY
—Mako can lightning bend and I think that’s neat
—ok does Mako actually think Bolin went to see Korra or does *he* just want to see her
—Hahahah Korra just earth bent those kids outta her Face!! Good thing they deserved it and also they can just float down
—Is that a Zuko statue?? We approve
—The “agni kais” is the coolest gang name
—Korra just busting the door open
—B is really impressed by the driving skills of these motorcyclists
—Owwww Naga’s chin!! I winced in solidarity
—We talk about how the animation is different than Atla and I think I like it better in Korra
—Chi blockers!! Just like C’s girl Ty Lee (she has a “Ty Lee braid” in her hair right now)
—Pabu and Naga, friends 4ever
—Korra is such a Gryffindor (Aang was a Hufflepuff)
—Mako/Batman parallels
—Omg they look so cute cuddled up even though I don’t think I ship it
—“Let’s scram” Korra always running from the cops
—B and C are wondering if Mako carries tape and that’s how he could connect the flyers to form the map so quickly
—“We’ll attract less attention... also you’re cute and I want to cuddle again” -Korra
—WOaH there are lots of people at this revelation rally
—Amon looks like a death eater
—“Took my face” C and E were horrified by this line; I assured them it probably means he was burned. (They had Koh on their brains.)
—Is Amon a bender?? He has to be if he can energy bend, right?? Maybe he wants to take away all bending except for his own so he can be the only one
—Is it not common knowledge that Aang took Ozai’s bending away?? Everyone seems to think what Amon says is impossible so I guess maybe they just don’t teach history here in Republic City
—[at bedtime C told me she was afraid of Amon but I reassured her that he could not take her bending away because one he’s fictional and two so is bending]
—“I was looking for the bathroom” should be an excuse in every episode lol
—shoot, I love Bolin, look at those forearms!!
—“I want. To be. On. Your back” hahaha
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I started watching Legend of Korra yesterday!! I’m watching with my family (my husband, B; my 6-year-old, E; and my 4-year-old, C) so I can’t really pause and take notes while I’m watching the episode, but I’ll try to remember and jot down some thoughts. I don’t know if I’ll do every episode, but maybe?
I don’t know much going into the series, but we are fresh off of binging ATLA and we loved it so much! C especially is very excited for Korra, she kept begging to watch it while B was at work but I made her wait. Anyway,
Welcome to Republic City
(Please someone teach me how to put things under a cut on tumblr mobile, I don’t know what I’m doing sorry)
—The opening with four avatars!! Seeing grown up Aang air bending even for one second is so emotional omg
—And “My father, Avatar Aang” IM CRyInG at this monologue
—Baby Korra busting out with her cute belly!!!!
—Katara!! Very unnecessarily I squealed “that’s Katara!!” for my whole family to hear but LOOK AT HeR as amazing as ever
—Naga is the new Appa and she’s beautiful, I want her
—Aang and Katara’s grand babies!!! I realize they are younger than Korra so Aang never got to meet them and I am very sad about that
—As a parent I already relate to Tenzin so hard
—A sky bison that’s not Appa?? But I thought Appa was the last one, how is this possible?
—“My brother and many of my friends are gone” SOkKA NO this is breaking my heart
—Cars??? Technology has advanced. And wowww this city is so different from anything we’ve seen in atla
—C (my 4 year old) really dislikes the Aang statue, she keeps calling it creepy.
—Omg Korra has been here mere minutes and is causing So Much property damage and why didn’t she go straight to Tenzin, he would have fed her
—Wow that cop got winded very fast lol
—“‘Triple Threat’ must mean fire and water and earth benders together!” I think I am smart for figuring this out but my family ignores me, unimpressed.
—Korra. More property damage 🤦‍♀️
—Metal benders!!! Toph Did That.
—This girl is straight up destroying the city!! Tenzin please come retrieve her!!
—We all notice the Toph statue and are delighted
—Tenzin and Lin must’ve like, played together as kids but they are not super friendly now.. I’m looking forward to learning that history.
—“Cover all the damages” Tenzin says. Are you.. are you sure? Have you seen the damages?
—Awww I love the relationship between Korra and Tenzin’s kids, it’s so sweet. And she picked them ALL up plus Tenzin! Girl is strong
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When Extremes Meet
—Whenever Pabu and Naga meet noses, like if you agree
—Asami packs for trips like I do (B: “why do you need 7 shirts, we will be gone for 3 days” me: “yes but I need options”)
—Ikki and Bolin’s dynamic: is the world ready
—“Asami, Did you know Korra likes Mako?” I DIED. My soul left my body. I cannot believe that happened and the earth kept spinning. Hahahaha
—Yes Tarrlok is effective against HIS OWN REVOLUTION. When will the world realize that he is Amon
—Tarrlok insulting Korra for not mastering a FOuRTH element, what a jerk
—I really want to braid Tarrlok’s three ponytails
—E: “you are BOOTY-lok” C: “poopy-lok!!” Ahh, the joys of watching anything with the kids
—Omg yes make contact with Aang!! I’m so ready to see Aang!!
—I wish I had Aang’s spirit trying to tell me something, Korra you are so lucky
—Korraaaaaaaaaaaa. Your friends want to hug you, let them hug you
—New team Avatar!! Yeah!
—My kids LOVED Meelo farting on all of their hands. 🙄🙄🙄 I can guarantee you this will be the most requested episode solely for that moment
—So are they just going out to catch bad guys?? Just for the heck of it?
—Asami is a fearless driver and she’s so cool and we love her a lot in this house (C drew some fan art of Asami today and it’s adorable)
—C always call chi blockers “chief blockers”
—Good thing Asami is here because she’s the only one managing to take out these motorcyclists
—I like when Korra’s hair looks messy
—oh look Tenzin got outvoted AGAIN
—Woah the scene with the non benders breaking curfew to protest feels extremely relevant....
—Was that Tahno in the crowd?? Maybe not but C thought it was too
—I’m mad on Asami’s behalf!?? How dare they arrest her?! And now Mako and Bolin too??? I’m glad Mako told Korra to chill though, she was about to make things even worse
—God, I love Tenzin. “But you really are the worst. Ever!” I think he’s my favorite character so far, and he’s definitely B’s favorite. Is it just because we are parents so we relate to the parent? Maybe
—Tarrlok’s office is v nice, I love the waterfall
—Korra punching the ice 👌
—She almost straight up murdered Tarrlok but he deserves it
—Omg bloodbending! I screamed!!
—Flashback!! Sokka Toph Aang!!! My heart!!
—YES I love Korra breathing fire like a dragon, Uncle Iroh vibes
—And the focus on the moon, not full, in the last shot!
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A Leaf in the Wind
—The opening monologue is so much shorter than the one for ATLA, C will have a much easier time memorizing it
—Love the ‘20s news report vibes for the “previously on” section
—We have a family debate about the people on Air Temple Island that we can see in the background when Tenzin and Korra talk. C thinks they are actual airbenders because of their clothes but I think Tenzin and his kids must be the only ones that can airbend, so I guess those are just people that live on the island with them? Could they be descendants of airbenders? We thought Appa was the last sky bison but there’s more of them now so who knows
—Well those spinning gates look hard. They legit made me dizzy
—Jinora is so cool I love her
—LOL Korra IMMEDIATELY running into one hahaha we laughed so hard
—Why is Meelo’s head... shaped like that
—I love how anytime Tenzin turns it’s, like, a dramatic WHoOSH of wind, it’s so extra
—My kids love Meelo, they thought it was hilarious that he was sleeping during meditation
—Omg Korra give it a chance babe, you tried for like a hot second
—OK so going into this series, I knew very little about the characters, but I had seen a picture of Bolin and I just *knew* he would be my favorite. He looks too lovable, I was doomed from the start
—I love the pro bending match!! So cool!! The Fire Ferrets is not a very good name though, only one can firebend??
—I immediately love Bolin but can also instantly tell that Mako is *not* my favorite character. I do not respond well to such personalities in real life. B says I am being too hard on him and suspects I will grow to like him (“Kind of like you grow to like Zuko” but I will never like Mako as much as Zuko, not possible)
—He’s very handsome tho with very impressive 🔥 skills
—Korra has spent her whole life learning from other benders, you can tell by the way she listens to Bolin and adjusts her technique so easily
—A 2000 year old historical treasure!! That made me anxious even though it’s fictional
—Oop Korra is being a bad influence on little Meelo, but aww the girls hugging their dad was SO SWEET
—In other news C just called Meelo “Meatloaf” so that’s his name now
—Tenzin has so many kids including Korra; he doesn’t know what to do
—“I make no such promises” seriously Jinora is the coolest
—Pro bending match and I’m cheering all out for Korra and then I realize we *both* need to learn the rules oops
—Aww Tenzin stayed to watch!! And look at Korra go! He’s so proud! He even cheered!!
—“Mako and Bolin are still fresh and juicy” ...ok
—I’m really hoping they can fix this 2000 year old historical treasure
—Tenzin is so Good. He’s willing to admit when he’s wrong
—C was like “why are Korra and that boy Korra likes staring at each other” and I’m like “GOOD question Bolin is clearly the better brother” (is that a hot take? Idk)
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The Aftermath
—how can you say no to Pabu (you can’t)
—“not my cabbage Corp!” they did that and it was Right of them
—Tahno looks so so sad, I hate it. I liked his little bonding moment with Korra until he said “uhvatar”
—Pabu swim!!
—lol Asami didn’t even ask if her boyfriend and his brother could move in, she just did it, what a move
—Bolin STOP haha that poor butler!!
—Asami is so cool
—“ladies powder” ok fancy... Korra doesn’t know how to handle a powder room and I love that about her
—“babybend” haha yikes can you imagine though
—woah Korra leapt like 30 ft to that conclusion, that phone conversation could mean anything
—“we have reason to believe that there’s a factory hidden below the mansion” “I think I would've noticed if there were a factory underneath my house.” “where is your father?” “in his secret factory workshop underneath behind the house.” Ah yes, of course
—Lin pulling a Toph and looking with her feet!!
—Do we really need such big Amon posters in the secret factory. Is such a thing necessary
—Mako and Bolin’s well practiced team work 👌
—surprised that Asami listened to Mako and stayed behind
—I feel like everyone on this show gets knocked out very often
—good thing Mako & Bolin stayed behind before so they could save the day now
—good thing Asami stayed behind before so she could save the day now
—I never should’ve doubted Korra, Asami’s dad is a bad guy (note to self: don’t doubt Korra)
—awww Korra is such a good friend, I’m glad she including Asami to come live at the island too
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And the Winner Is...
—Cabbage Corp!!
—the “whoosh whoosh” when Tenzin angrily crosses his arms 👌
—Tarrlok making Lin take “personal responsibility” for the safety of everyone at the arena is him WANTING her to fail and he’s definitely Amon!!!
—The council is Tenzin, Tarrlok, and Tarrlok’s puppets
—yes yes yes Lin and Tenzin *were* a couple!!!! I like Pema and adore their kids but I’m kinda sad Linzin (is that the ship name??) didn’t work out tbh, what a power couple
—I really wish they would have shown another excited foaming mouth guy when they introduced the teams at the pro bending championship.. missed opportunity
—Pabu: A+, MVP, gold star
—Hahahaha the wolfbat costumes!!! The fireworks!! The spectacle of the thing!
—come on refs!!!... I was typing this as Tenzin said it, no joke
—YESSS Korra held onto the edge!!! Amazing!!
—Mako’s wink~ ... ok I kinda liked it, why is he so handsome
—haha I love the sports replay of Korra’s water punch to Tahno’s face
—“I can’t believe your sweet tempered father was reincarnated into that girl.. she’s tough as nails” anytime I get an explicit reminder that Korra is Aang I 🥺
—yes please petition for Korra and Lin to be friends
—my conspiracy theory: Amon paid off the refs!! He wants Korra to lose for... reasons?
—when Tenzin was a split second too late to protect Lin !.!.!.!
—B and i both yelled “get out of the waterrr!!!” right before the Fire Ferrets got electrocuted
—lol @ this announcer narrating his own attack.. such commitment to the job
—oh no oh no I don’t like Tahno but I never wanted THIS for him!!! this is PAINFUL ahhhHH I’m literally yelling
—flashbacks!! I saw my boy Aang
—Pabu saved the day and bit them free, true MVP (like I said)
—YES LIN!! Those moves!! that’s Toph’s bb right there
—seeing Lin and Korra team up feels like all I ever wanted in life, I can die happy now
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The Spirit of Competition
—B just said Asami looks like me, so please everyone just go ahead and assume I’m that beautiful and that my husband isn’t extremely biased
—They all knocked each other down, adorable
—ugh Mako and Asami are kinda gross here
—I love the bro talk between Mako and Bolin
—“I’m gorgeous!” “talking about *real* love” Bolin consistently making me laugh out loud
—more Momos?? Where did they get more lemurs?? Same place they got more sky bison I guess
—Korra asking literal children for romantic advice is cute
—when Pema tells them about how she got with Tenzin B and I both guessed that the woman Tenzin was with was Lin: that would explain their animosity now
—I died of second hand embarrassment when Korra asked Mako out: RIP me and Korra
—Bolin is so nice though!! He’s a little dumb and vain but he’s fun and funny and kind and I like that in a person
—my first impression of Tahno is: eyeliner
—why does he say “avatar” like that
—ok Bolin is real handsome too and look at how he looks at Korra!!
—Mako and Korra fighting is making me cringe. Why do they like each other again??
—we all owe a thanks to Bolin, he’s carrying the team tonight
—Mako : I like two hot girls and they both like me, my life is so hard—
—UGH they Kissed??
—awww Bolin baby!!! Look at my dramatic fave, somebody wipe his tears and love him
—did he just?? Suck a noodle up his nose
—“you’re a bad idea” lol I really love Bolin’s voice actor, the line delivery is so perfect
—gah this is so awkward none of them can even look at each other how will they compete??
—yeahhhhh Korra!!! What a star
—“I’m peeing in my pants over here”??? What kind of trash talk was that
—“haven’t you hurt me enough, woman?” (This is just all Bolin quotes sorry)
—Katara taught Korra healing💙
Honestly was not super into this episode. I’m not the biggest fan of Mako as of yet (sorry Mako stans) so I didn’t love an episode so heavily focused on “which girl should Mako choose?” Bleh
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The Voice in the Night
—Ahh chi blockers?? Is this a dream? Phew. It’s a dream
—B notes that Korra sleeps with her shoes on?
—B’s prediction: Tarrlok is Amon!! He guesses this immediately after Tarrlok insists on the task force and offers to lead it. You heard it here, folks.
—Tenzin Always getting outvoted on the council
—we like the music transition from the serious council meeting to Korra listening to the radio
—this just in, Asami is a total babe
—Asami just knows Mako’s size I guess
—she also drives off not looking where she’s going (again??) and B jokes that she’ll just run into another guy and ask him out too lol
—that’s her “thing”, just hitting people on her moped and asking them out hahaha
—aww Tenzin & fam are praying before their meal, we do that too
—ugh Tarrlok is sleazy, I bet B is right about him being Amon. I’m glad Ikki is making fun of him, go girl
—Korra is being surprisingly mature here. Growth?
—this guy’s straight up dressing Mako and doing his hair too lol.. but A+ he looks good
—I bet that scarf was his dad’s and that’s why he wants to keep it
—awwww a cupcake and a flower!! Bolin is the sweetest, honestly. (cupcakes are definitely the way to my heart if you didn’t know)
—something is really up with Korra, she seems so sad
—Bolin likes Korra, this won’t end well for his big beautiful heart 🥺
—“So, I understand you’re dirt poor.” Hahahah this guy is wild!! Who says that??
—I love Tenzin (can’t remember what happened for me to make this note but let’s just keep it in because it’s true)
—hahah did Korra just kick that secretary? I looked away for a second so maybe I misinterpreted, and C won’t let me rewind
—love the big posters of Korra at this gala. Love to have big posters of me at a gala someday
—Meelo OMG don’t let him out of your sight, Tenzin, rookie mistake!!
—why does Mako not bend his arm when Asami links their arms, it looks so awkward!!! I hate this and it bothers me more than it should
—Lin has Toph vibes, I love her
—oh no Korra you’ve been manipulated!!
—a duel??? Korra WHaT!! What are you doing ?? nO
—I was right about the scarf everybody!!! Where’s my gold star
—C and I are both hoping this is another dream for Korra... it’s not
—flashback!! I saw Aang! I want to cry about it!
—aww Korra honey!! I’m so glad Amon didn’t take her bending away!! Also I love her and Tenzin’s relationship, he’s such a good Dad
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artworxlegacy · 6 years
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Team ArtworxLegacy, this artwork took me only less than 1 HOUR. Enjoy! ~ ArtworxLegacy #teamartworxlegacy #artworxlegacy #avatarfans #TLOK Hey everyone! ArtworxLegacy here! And today I am so happy to debut LIVE, FOR MY CHANNEL, A NEW SPEED PAINT FEATURING THE LEGEND OF KORRA! More videos are on the way, so please Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe - for more Astonishing Artworx!! PEACE! ~ ArtworxLegacy Music by: GlitchxCity and NoCopyrightSounds Music: UltraSun and UltraMoon Ultra Necrozma Battle Remix (and) 3rd Prototype - Feel So Good [NCS Release] and Hoenn Oceanic Museum Remix Track: 3rd Prototype - Feel So Good [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/KhSyOp2YrWI Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/FeelSoGoodYO #TheLegendofKorra #AvatarTheLastAirbender #Korra #Aang #Katara #Sokka #Toph #Zuko #Azula #Iroh #Bolin #Mako #Asami #SpeedPaint #Artworx88 #Solkorra #ArtworxLegacy #Amon #Noatok #Tarlok #Anime #Manga #2018 #teamartworxlegacy ArtworxLegacy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtworxLegacy/ ArtworxLegacy on DeviantART: https://christendomcreations.deviantart.com/ ArtworxLegacy on Tumblr: https://artworxlegacy.tumblr.com/ ArtworxLegacy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtworxLegacy ArtworxLegacy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artworxlegacy ArtworxLegacy on Colors! Live: colorslive.com/author?id=147793 God bless and thanks for visiting! :) WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff7CCdl7V-w https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn12M8YF6ja/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f05z60fmdot4
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artworxlegacy · 6 years
Team ArtworxLegacy, this artwork took me only less than 1 HOUR. Enjoy! ~ ArtworxLegacy
#teamartworxlegacy #artworxlegacy #avatarfans #TLOK
Hey everyone! ArtworxLegacy here! And today I am so happy to debut LIVE, FOR MY CHANNEL, A NEW SPEED PAINT FEATURING THE LEGEND OF KORRA! More videos are on the way, so please Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe - for more Astonishing Artworx!!
PEACE! ~ ArtworxLegacy
Music by: GlitchxCity and NoCopyrightSounds Music: UltraSun and UltraMoon Ultra Necrozma Battle Remix (and) 3rd Prototype - Feel So Good [NCS Release] and Hoenn Oceanic Museum Remix
Track: 3rd Prototype - Feel So Good [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/KhSyOp2YrWI Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/FeelSoGoodYO
#TheLegendofKorra #AvatarTheLastAirbender #Korra #Aang #Katara#Sokka #Toph #Zuko #Azula #Iroh #Bolin #Mako #Asami #SpeedPaint#Artworx88 #Solkorra #ArtworxLegacy #Amon #Noatok #Tarlok #Anime#Manga #2018 #teamartworxlegacy
ArtworxLegacy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtworxLegacy/
ArtworxLegacy on DeviantART: https://christendomcreations.deviantart.com/
ArtworxLegacy on Tumblr: https://artworxlegacy.tumblr.com/
ArtworxLegacy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtworxLegacy
ArtworxLegacy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artworxlegacy
ArtworxLegacy on Colors! Live: colorslive.com/author?id=147793
God bless and thanks for visiting! :)
WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff7CCdl7V-w
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