#team vacio legal
keline11 · 6 months
Missa's deaths in ME (Minecraft Extremo)
(This was a 2 weeks series, he survived for 5 days until he lost his 3 lives, he survive with 1 life for 3 days.)
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1st Death: Creeper (pushed him out the water and fell).
Missa, rubius and quackity were in a cave and quackity was messaging shadoune.
Shadoune: "Are you looking for caves?"
Quackity: "Looking for caves with rubius and missa"
Missa: *Dies*
Quackity: "Well with rubius"
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2nd Death: Enderman (He didn't know that he shouldn't see the enderman).
The team was together
Rubius: "I'm going to try to kill this enderman"
Spreen: "No, it's boss, he has powers"
Missa: *Looks at it and the enderman starts chasing him*
Spreen: "Who look at the enderman?"
Missa: *Dies*
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And guess what happend! he saw another enderman at spawn!! it was so funny from spreen pov, missa walking fast because he couldn't run while he screamed "I'm gonna die!" and the enderman behind him. XDDDD
(He's team were waiting for him at the entrance, but spreen decided to look for him.)
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2.5 Death: The admins put a zombie in missa's cage, but he lagged so it didn't count. (The admins can spawn mobs if the players are just chilling)
His teammates built a cage for missa to protect him when he was left with one life, he had an opening so he can fish.
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They had already made a grave for him.
"Missa, 2023, was left without a symphony" (Pun?: sinfonia=symphony).
They were acting as if missa was still dead.
Rub and sp: "This is your fault quackity, you leave him alone!"
Missa: "I am alive!"
Quackity: "Why did you cage him?... I still see him!"
Rubius: "I still hear him"
Spreen: "Let's put the day he died."
Quackity: "Tree seconds of silence, 1,2,3"
Missa: *Stands infront of his dead body*
Quackity: "Hey dude! move away, you are infront of our friend!"
Missa: "Oh! Sorry, sorry"
Rub, sp and q: *arguing who let missa die*
Shadoune: *to missa* "Welcome back"
Missa: "Thank you, shadoune"
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And 3rd Death: Witch (he left fighting and protecting his teammate o7).
This was a silent death.
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Spreen saw a clip of missa tanking zombies, eating a enchanted apple, saying that he did well (missa was so happy) so he gave him another one, he had that apple in his inventory but didn't use it. )8
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Shadoune and Quackity made a homage, "MissaSinfonia 'The most crazy, ready to fight and badass'" (this is the closest I could think of a translation for that sign).
Shadoune: "Who are we gonna adopt now?"
Spreen: "No, we are not gonna adopt anyone, we adopt and then I am the one to suffer"
(They do adopt other friend of them.)
End of Missa in ME 1
Fun Facts?:
Their team name was "Vacio Legal"/"Legal Void" (They found legal loopholes in the regulations).
Missa died 3 times in front of spreen (enderman, zombie and the witch).
For the people that don't know c!missa sees c!spreen like a brother, they protect each other.
When he is fishing he puts this song: https://youtu.be/3K8lPynChZY?si=_fa06dhOOb6sTS29
Qmissa has already mention team vacio legal to chayanne and tallulah, but he just said small things.
In this series was when people started doing more fanart of his cubito and he was really happy, he loves the fanarts and the way everyone have his own creativity to draw his mc skin.
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shamelesscoral · 2 years
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Luzu cuando ve sus viejas de Quackity jajaja
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yuyu-yayo · 2 years
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Desde que gano los squid quería hacerle un fanart. Se gano el respeto de todos.
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melissa-848 · 1 year
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Antes que nada me presentó, soy una dibujante/artista de México, me llamó Melissa y hago dibujos gore Ho de cualquier cosa XD
Aquí les presentó a mi au! Del team vacío legal
Monster team vacío legal au
Pueden encontrar mis dibujos en mi Instagram
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bagely · 3 months
Imagine seeing a demon that has the face of who was your father figure in a past life and seeing how that demon corrupts your older brother and makes him do terrible things. A nightmare for you and a reality for Q! Missa
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sp4mja · 1 year
If Quackity said they will be adding more creators from the languages that are already in the server.... then I need the McTrio and the team Vacio Legal back (Aldo geo and Shadoune respectively)
I fully believe Mariana would start playing more as well as Spreen, I know I'm delusional but I can dream
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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sapybara · 2 years
Not home do we know the whole list for SquidCraft yet??
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bom-bombon · 2 years
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tyttamarzh · 8 months
Just some late night thoughts.
For some reason January 21 is a special day in many ways for Missa Cubito…
21 de enero de 2023
Missa death in MCExtremo. In that series he had great character development, at first he was just a scared baby who didn't know the world, everyone had to take care of him, because with the slightest carelessness he would die (literally, they were distracted for a second and Missa looked at an ender and died, because he "did not know what it was"). He spent the first few days very scared, locked up at home, until after dying and reviving due to a bug, he decided that it was time to live that life to the fullest and decided to leave his crib and go out to face danger. He learned to fight being trained by none other than Spreen and Shadoune, learned to water bucket clutch with Rubius and became brave when facing mobs (sometimes recklessly). His new way of approaching life scared Q (it even cost him a life to him to this one) but for Missa it was very effective, because after losing practically 3 lives in 2 days being a scared guy, he managed to survive until day 5 with his brave attitude (even if he survived that day, he was able to reach the final) he was so full of confidence when fighting and decided that now that he was no longer the smallest of the team he was going to protect his friends, especially Q, who was the fearful one of the group now… and that's how he took too many risks and ended up dying, being something very shocking not only for his team but for everyone in the series and for the viewers, really, Twitter was flooded with fanarts and people crying about his death (even Missa said that an aunt called him because she thought something had happened in the real life).
That was very important because before that series almost no one knew Missa Cubito, he was just "the guy who died too quickly in Dedsafio" or "The funny guy who hopefully managed to get too far in siqud craft games". But in those 5 days (5 days of consecutive streams, it was heaven for the missaurios), he won over the internet with the story of his growth and death (Even today people say that the best thing about that series was having the "team vacio legal" and Missa was the heart of that team). I think that was the moment when Missa cubito separated from Missa Youtuber and became her own character.
But that was a sad day, because that day Missa Cubito lost the first family he had found.
This was the moment he died, fighting like a warrior:
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January 21, 2024
Llegamos al día de hoy.
Missa wakes up in the QSMP prison and reunites with his family, it was the first time that Missa, Philza and Chayanne were together at the same time since April. Not only that, but he now officially adopts Tallulah as his daughter. Despite the adverse circumstances, his family has finally been reunited and grown (although Missa already considered Tallulah his daughter, now it is official and she calls him dad).
Despite being another universe, Missa is still the kind boy who wins everyone's hearts. Missa behaved politely with the guards, being mannerly when referring to them by saying "please and thank you" and greeting everyone very kindly.
He was very nice with the eggs, even with the ones he didn't know, and he refused to hit Dapper even though he was hitting him, Missa just said: "I'm never going to hit you or do anything to hurt you."
Missa was very happy to spend time with Phil, when he spent a long time losing sight of him, he would ask where he was and look for him.
The moment of the kiss (or the kisses) was something WTF I really didn't think that one day they would kiss and definitely I imagined many scenaries, but in no way I believed it would be that way, but that's what makes it special. They are not an ordinary couple, whether platonic or whatever they called it, whatever they have is special and I guess that was a special way for it to happen. Phil probably would never have dared to ask him to kiss him in another context and that's fine, because it seems like that would be the only way for it to happen (even if they both wanted it, I don't think it would have happened in another context).
It is worth mentioning that the moments of Philza being jealous and him reaffirming that he was married and being loyal to him was something I really didn't expect. After so much time apart, they still have that unique dynamic.
The day in prison was filled with so many things, but I can say that for the first time in a long time, Missa felt fully loved, not only by being with his children and his husband, but also by all those friendly interactions he was with others and that he could not have before on the island, because the first days he was extremely shy and did not separate himself from Roier and the friends he knew and after he only connected sporadically, meeting Foolish, BBH and rarely Philza.
Something curious that Missa Himself mentioned was that the previous times he was with Phil it was more of "ohh I miss you" but they didn't amount to anything more and today he was very happy because they were able to hang out together and do more things bonding with his family.
When he and Chay freed the turtle it was adorable, then the 4 of them doing the tasks, that was a unique moment and he was very happy singing for his family (being so nervous that he forgot the words to his own songs).
His bond with Phil strengthened and they didn't have to do much, that simple moment of the two of them talking about tacos and memes was something very cozy that they needed to do a long time ago. Just as the moment when they took the children for a walk with the llamas was something so sweet for this family that they almost forgot that they were in a prison, because it seemed more like a picnic in the park.
It really was a great advance, probably what happened today will help Missa a lot to grow and leave his self-esteem problems behind. He is important, he is loved and he is useful to his family.
Missa was a trend today, as it was last year, but the big difference is that this was a happy day because somehow, today he got his family back, that big family that he hadn't had in a long time and that he wanted so much and deserved.
The parallel of how he left today:
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He is happy, laughing with his husband and children :')
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finnitesimal · 1 year
Sometimes i feel like the fandom forgets abt Missa being thirty years old and we keep babygirlfying him (Good)
This ranges from ccmissa 'cringefail king' to extremomissa 'literally an infant'
so far I've only seen him be truly babyfied in team vacio legal art which is swag its very funny but I'm not keen on making him totally helpless with qsmp art when he's quite literally a father
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keline11 · 6 months
Missa and Tallulah day <tres
(A very loooooooooooong post)
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Missa first day in the new island.
Missa: "Tallulah! little one! How are you? It's good to see you, mi niña. It's so ^nice that the first thing I see is you."
(^He said "lindo" that also means pretty <tres)
(Everytime tallulah's dads call her "mi niña" I melt <tres)
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After Missa watched the new money sistem(?
Tallulah: "Don't worry apa, chayanne, papa phil and me are really poor"
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Bbh was telling missa the places he could live in.
Tallulah: "In my house we also made you a little space apa :D"
Missa: "Thank you bbh but it seems like tallulah has a little space for me on her house so probably I'll be near to her"
Tallulah: "Well duh you're my apa :D of course we have a place for you"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah"
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Bbh give him some iron and diamond.
Tallulah: "Apa you are already richer than papa phil, chayanne and me together"
Missa: "No no no this is ours, I'm not even going to use it, we're going to give this to philza so he can make better use of it than me, because I'm going to waste it I'm sure."
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My boy was getting distracted colecting flowers for the house. <tres
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He got jumpscared by a sheep.
Tallulah: "I'll protect you apa :D it doesn't matter if is a zombie or a sheep"
Missa: "Thank you so much tallulah, *To chat* my children, my dear children are going to be there to defend me, when I'm old, all wrinkled and old I won't be afaird of they taking me to a nursing home, because my little eggs are going to take me to eat ground vegetables.."
Chat: Skeletons grow old?
MIssa: "No, but those are details, I can pretend ok? I can pretend that I am an old man"
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Tallulah: "That's the house of uncle cellbit, he is our neighbor"
Missa: *to chat* "I don't know, I was waiting for something more terrifying, look it has the hair dyed like an e-girl, you know?...wait Late?" (Late is a streamer that has his hair like that, half red half dark)
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Tallulah: "welcome home :D"
Missa: "this place is beautiful"
Missa:*sees chayanne* "chayanne, my son"
Tallulah: "we are poor but our house is perfect for 4four"
Missa: "It's really beautiful, we don't need money when we have each other"
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Tallulah: "this is your bed"
Missa: *gasp* "it's perfect, it has memory foam, it's like that ones that you can put an egg on the side- literaly! the kind where you put an egg on the side and nothing happens to it (to the egg)"
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They went to get materials to do a painting, and they were attack by a skeleton and a zombie.
Tallulah: "are you ok?"
Missa: "I am- are YOU ok? you have arrows everywhere! you look like a porcupine!"
Tallulah: "I am really strong"
Missa: "Oh! I can see that! perfect! you are prepared for everything"
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Let's look at the glow up of that drawing.
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They showed their drawings. (I just remembered that day were missa and chayanne also draw something for philza...pipipippipi)
Tallulah: *about missa's* "It's so good"
Missa: *about tallulah's* "Its beautiful"
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They went to the museum, tallulah explained when the atm was bugged and they could get infinite money.
Missa: "Tallulah I am going to tell you a story I used to be in a team, of people really talented and nice, they teach me to play, I didn't learn much, but that team was called "Vacio Legal", they were the best, they were what formed who I am, a disaster"
Tallulah: "Did you also steal money?"
Missa: "No, not necessary, but let's say that we were on the edge of the law. those were good times."
Tallulah: "Later you tell me about them"
Missa: "Sure, sure, there are a lot of stories I could tell you about them"
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Tallulah gaslighting missa.
Tallulah: "apa you are giant, you didn't know that? :o"
Missa explained the context that he knew, the reference of the picture, but chat told im that there were 2 contexts so he say to not tell him, because metagaming.
Tallulah: "It's just that you are giant"
Missa: "...There is something hiden that I am not understanding, philza and I have the same high, I think"
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Missa: "look at him(maximus) I would also marry, kiss and kill, at the same time- no just kidding, it's not true you didn't heard that, it's a joke tallulah! IT'S A JOKE!!!
Tallulah: "a poco si tilin" (really?...)
Missa: *Laughing* It's not true, it's not true, maximus is my friend, my bro... Everything romantic and nice that they have said has already gone to shit." (I don't know of who he was talking)
Talllulah: "yyyyyy I am going to tell my papa"
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Outside the museum, missa got hiccups.
Missa: "Tallulah did you know, fun fact about Missa Sinfonia: I have hiccups 90% of the time"
Tallula: "apa missa's lore :o"
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Mobs attacking again.
Missa: "Tallulah, are you ok?" *tallulah says yes* "It's because you are really strong, you endure everything!"
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Missa: *almost dying* "Tallulah i want to let you know that I always love you"*he doesn't die*"oh"
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Missa: "BIRD... noo, tallulah can we take another one? i don't want to bother him"
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More mobs attack.
Missa: "let's go home tallulah, I don't want to be here anymore tallulah, lets go home... no, no, no, why it sounds like you are dying? why? are you ok?"
Missa: *down at two hits* tell me you are not gonna die, please, please, you are not gona die, right?"
Missa: *now ok* "tallulah you are really strong and a good fighter, you are awesome"
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At home
Tallulah: "Apa I have a gift for you before you go *gives him a Aster flower* I grabbed it because even though you are a skeleton, you are a sun/sunny with everyone and you shine a lot."
Missa: *Cries* Look tallulah, in the way here I was collecting flowers, but then I notice that all our house was packed with flowers, so it's one flower among many... this family is like a flower, there are many and many types but this one is the most beautiful"
Tallulah: "But this ones are yours so they are more beautiful"
Missa: *Crying* "tallullah I love you so much... I want the day I die, to be buried with these flowers... I can't die I am a skeleton, but I can bury myself the day I want and it is valid"
Tallulah: "JASADASJDSJ Don't say those things... You are not going to die :("
Missa: "No, don't worry, just like you I am inmortal, we are inmortals"
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Tallulah: "Good nigth apa :D I liked seeing you and spending time with you <3 love you, see you soon :D"
Missa: "I love you too tallulah, see you soon then, my daughter, rest well and have sweet dreams"
END (8
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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