#tears in my eyes crying screaming eating cement banging fists on a table runs into a wall
metiredlr · 5 months
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EP 03 / EP 45
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alluremin · 5 years
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pairing: park jimin | reader
genre: parent!au | fluff
warnings: none
premise: Babies are hard.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: i can’t seem to find any inspiration to write any of my wips, but here is yet another dad!bts one shot with NO PLOT. bold of you to expect anything different from me!
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Your feet ache, your head feels like it’s going to explode, and your back is so sore, you’d much rather crawl into a hole than to ever return to work again. The keys that hang from your chain jingle as you shut your car door. You can feel your feet dragging across the cement as you make to your front door. Calm immediately washes over your visage as soon as the keys enter the lock, the satisfying click meeting your ears.
Upon entering the house, everything seems much too quiet for comfort, especially considering who you live with. Thankfully, Jimin took the day off today. It was comforting on days like today when you knew that your husband was home to take care of everything.
“Jimin, I’m home!” You call in the general direction of the living room. No response.  “Did you eat yet?” Again, silence meets your ears.
Making your way living room, you catch a messy tuft of hair pooling over the arm of the couch. He had been running his hands through his hair all day, it was easy to tell. You continue your route into the room, your steps softening against the carpet when you suspect the man on the couch had long since fallen asleep.
The clock on the wall read 6:36 p.m.; you can’t help but whisper ‘Old man’, under your breath as you crouch next to your comatose husband on the sofa. You couldn’t help but swoon at the image gracing your vision.
His mouth is hung wide open in his slumber and his eyes are swollen with exhaustion. Your gaze scans down his bare torso to the tiny person whose expression, and state of consciousness matched Jimin’s own.
Her small, lips mirror the out of her father, a small amount of drool dripping out of her mouth and onto your husband’s chest. You softly coo at her as you grab the baby cloth by Jimin’s head, using it to wipe Scarlet’s lips and dab the slobber from your husband. It’s not like baby drool was anything new to either of you. For new parents, it was almost guaranteed that you would have some type of unidentifiable stain on you at all times, at least this time Jimin was naked from the waist up --- easy cleanup.
After you wipe her face, she smacks her lips together a few times and you hold your breath, hoping that your actions didn’t wake her up. She settles after a few seconds, so you drop the cloth in your lap and slouch against the coffee table behind you.
Though only 5 months old, your daughter’s hair seemed to grow at an astronomical rate. Scarlet’s long bangs are secured with a small elastic on top of her head, a look Jimin likes to call ‘The Tree’. The raven locks defy gravity, hitting the bottom of your husband’s chin. Every time the man releases a breath, the tiny ponytail bounces. Maybe you were slap happy with fatigue, but the sight causes a chuckle to reverberate through your gut.
Laying your head on Jimin’s shoulder, you watch Scarlet's back rise and fall in time with her father. Consequently, your skin contact causes Jimin to stir slightly, the hand he had resting across the baby’s back tightening slightly. His other hand stiffens on her onesie-clad feet.
Jimin’s bicep was warm under your cheek and you unavoidably nuzzle your head into his neck. It was almost a primal need at this point for you to leave kisses in the juncture of his shoulder.
It seems as if all the aches and pains disappeared from your body as soon as you walked through your front door. Scarlet and Jimin were your home, your paradise, and your own personal form of medicine.
You lean forward to place a quick peck on Jimin’s cheek, doing the same to Scarlet’s. An inevitable groan leaving your lips as you push yourself to stand. The snoozing party looked so peaceful, so with gentle steps you approach your bedroom to change out of your work clothes, leaving the two to nap for a little bit longer.
Sore muscles object as you peel your shirt over your head and your ankles crack as you pull your pants from around them. Upon rummaging through your closet, you find one of your husband’s old, worn out hoodies and pull it over your tired body. The soft fabric drops just past your knees. While combing through the pile of clothes on your floor, looking for a pair of pants, wails erupt from the living room before you can cover your legs. You’re quick to abandon your search and hastily make toward the source.
Your husband has since sat up on the couch and meets your gaze when you enter the room. His eyes are half open with exhaustion when they meet your own. Your feet quicken their pursuit toward your child, her face bright red from her screaming. All you can do is offer your husband a small smile as you scoop the baby out of his lap and up into your arms. This was Scarlet’s, “I’m hungry, feed me now,” wail.
When you turned to leave the room, you heard the couch squeak as Jimin stood to follow you.
“Is there any milk left in the fridge? I didn’t pump at work today and my nipples are too sore to feed her right now,” you said as your groggy husband follows you into the bedroom. You mentally add this to the list of phrases you’d never thought you’d say to Jimin.
He pauses briefly in the doorway, his eyes still only half open before wordlessly turning around and dragging his feet toward the kitchen. The plush comforter hits the back of your thighs as you sit down on your mattress.
The crying continues to berate your ears, so as you bounce the toddler on your chest, you bring your lips to the crown of her head and make little shushing noises until her screams turn to soft whimpers.
Scarlet calmed down tenfold since being enveloped in your arms, now only tiny crocodile tears were leaving her eyes and soaking the center of your borrowed hoodie. With your arm under her tiny bottom and your ring-clad left-hand surrounding the baby’s chubby thigh, you pull your head back, double chin at all, to get a look at the scrunched-up face of your baby.
“Oh, nugget. You look like a grumpy old man with your face like that.” Your voice was at a low tone due to the angle of your neck, making Jimin huff in amusement as he enters the room. The fish-like pouting of your lips recedes as you smile at your husband’s brief chuckle, but your eyes don’t leave Scarlet’s chubby cheeks.
In the past 5 months, you had become an expert tear-wiper, now was no exception. With your free hand, you use to wipe the remnants of her fit from sight. Your hand returns to cradle the back of her head as you leave a series of tiny kisses against her forehead.
The bed dips next to you as Jimin sits down. Only when you felt a quick peck on your cheek did you remove your lips from the crown of Scarlet’s head. You turn toward the source, earning yourself a peck on the lips from the man.
“Hi,” Jimin’s groggy voice mutters against your lips.
“Hi, honey. You sound like a frog.” You giggle as you lean away to get a good look at Jimin’s face.
His eyes are hardly open. His lips are parted slightly as his head begins to droop. His cheeks are rosy, something you can’t help but swoon over to this day. It’s been years and this man still makes your heart pound out of your chest after a single glance.
You reach your hand up to cup his cheek and lift his head to look back up at you, pecking him on the nose. Warm plastic taps against your bare thigh, and without breaking eye contact, you drop your hand to wrap around bottle Jimin was nudging against your leg.
“Thank you,” you whisper before pecking his lips.
You break eye contact and return your attention to the baby on your chest. After realizing that you, in fact, do not have 3 hands, you set the bottle between your knees and adjust Scarlet in your arms.
Her tiny lips wrap around the bottle and her tiny fist clasps onto the dark hoodie. As she ate, the baby looked into your eyes --- another one of her endearing quirks. Her eyes reflect your own, but her lips were a mirror image of her father’s. Sometimes you wish that she had Jimin’s adorable eye smile, but it was to see a part of yourself emulated in your child. As much as you love your husband, you did grow her in your uterus for 9 months, it was only fair.
You can’t help but let your head drop to look at the ceiling, releasing a long sigh of relief. Jimin was currently using your shoulder as his pillow. At first, he was watching Scarlet eat just like you, but after you lift your head back up, you notice that not only is your daughter asleep, the bottle hanging from her mouth, but Jimin is as well. Maybe it was the fact that you were on the verge of sleep as well, but it was only now that you feel all of Jimin’s weight on your body.
“Seriously?” you whisper incredulously. Jimin only nuzzles your shoulder in response and your daughter tightens her grip on the hoodie. You can’t help but laugh at the situation. “Jimin? Wake up, honey.”
After enough adamant nudging, though without waking your daughter --- you had a talent --- Jimin jolts awake. His eyes wide as he looks around the room like a man possessed. You only chuckle as you watch him.
“Did I fall asleep?” His voice is thick with sleep as he rubs his eyes.
“Yes,” you say as you stand, “but you weren’t out for very long.” He only mumbles in response.
You walk the baby over to the crib in the corner of your bedroom. Scarlet started out sleeping in her own room, but colicky babies aren’t exactly a choice. How are you supposed to let her self-soothe when she cries for hours on end? You and Jimin were good parents, but you couldn’t stand to listen to the wails every night.
Regardless, Scarlet no longer has that problem, but she didn’t like to sleep anywhere but your and Jimin’s room. In your defense, she used to sleep in your bed, but now she was in her own crib; progress. You two decided that you would deal with moving her into her own bedroom when she could just sneak back into your room on her own accord and not scream in the middle of the night to get out of her crib. You could already tell that she would be a bold toddler.
The thoughts you had in your head would’ve gotten you kicked out of ‘Mommy & Me’ in a week if you had said them out loud. Hence the reason why you only went to the class once. Some moms seemed to have a permanent stick up their ass and so much air in their head it made you feel weightless.
You can’t help but brush the soft hair off Scarlet’s forehead as you watch her sleep soundly in her crib. One of your greatest pleasures in life was watching your kid sleep and you weren’t ashamed to admit it. Once you felt your head drop in exhaustion you decided to go to bed.
Three minutes. You were standing by the crib for three minutes, max. As soon as you drag your body around to face toward the bed, the sound of Jimin’s soft snores hit your ears. The thick blanket was pulled up around his ears, a small tuft of his dark hair popping out over the top. You can’t blame him, especially now that you were collapsing in the bed beside him.
The warmth of the covers envelops your body and it doesn’t take long for Jimin to wrap his arms around you from behind. He pushes his head between your shoulder blades and a feeling of peace rushes over your body, your consciousness fading by the second.
If somebody had told you two years ago that you and your husband would be in bed at 7:00 pm, on Friday night, with a baby, you would’ve laughed in their face. Scarlet was definitely a surprise, but the best surprise that you or Jimin ever had, and you wouldn’t change anything for the world. Except for Jimin’s hand that has somehow made its way to cover your face. That you would change.
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© alluremin 2019
no reposting
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