htoilmachine · 5 years
Tea Seed Oil Production Line
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Tea Seed Oil Production Line Introduction
Tea seed oil production line adopts low-temperature screw pressing technology to extract oil from raw tea seeds. The oil extraction production line is compact in design, has a small footprint, and it is easy to operate and easy to maintain. It is widely used in small and medium oil production plants.
Production Process of  Tea Seed Oil Extraction Line
The comprehensive production process of tea seed oil is as follows: Seed material→drying→cleaning and removing impurities→shelling→separation→seed kernel→crushing→water conditioning→pressing→crude oil (pressed cake)→fine filtration (leaching)→pure tea seed oil (oil cake). 1. Pre-treatment section 2. Pressing section 3. Leaching section 4. Refining section 1. Drying If the water content of the harvested tea seed is too high, the husk is hard to be broken and the plasticity is large. The squeezing is easy to excrete. Therefore, Camellia seeds with high water content should be dried so that the moisture content does not exceed 5% in order to dehull and roll the embryos. Tea seed drying is very important in oil extraction, and the quality of tea seed drying has a direct effect on the oil yield.   1.1 Changes of heat and steam pressure in drying tea seed The drying process of tea seeds is divided into three stages: 1. In the preheating stage, the heat supplied by hot air to camellia seed is used to increase the temperature of the camellia seed, and a small portion of the heat is used to vaporize the free water of the camellia seed. With the increase of the temperature of the camellia seed, The partial pressure of steam on the surface is also rising, and the water vaporization rate is also increasing rapidly; 2. In the constant-speed drying stage, the water vapor pressure on the surface of tea seed is in the saturation state corresponding to the temperature of the tea seed at this time. The drying speed is constant, which is equal to the diffusion rate of the moisture from the surface of the camellia seeds to the surrounding medium, and the moisture content decreases linearly; 3. In the slow-down period of drying, the moisture inside the camellia seeds is transferred to the surface and evaporated–that is, the heat and moisture transfer process, until the moisture contained in the camellia seeds is balanced with the humidity of the hot air, and the temperature of the material rises to the same temperature as the medium. 1.2 Tea seed drying method The tea seed is generally dehydrated by low-temperature baking and drying method because the outside of the tea seed kernel is covered with a densely organized tea seed husk, which hinders the heat transfer and moisture evaporation processes of the tea seed kernels. Most of the moisture is concentrated in tea seed kernels. A plate dryer is used to control the steam pressure of the interlayer which should be heated to about 0.2MPa, and the tea seed kernel with a moisture content of about 8% is dried to a moisture content of about 4% to minimize the free moisture in the kernel and facilitate water conditioning. 2. Cleaning and Removing Impurities The purpose of cleaning is to increase the oil production rate, to improve the quality of tea seed oil and the utilization value of oil cake, to improve the treatment ability of the machine, to reduce the wear degree of the equipment, and to increase the processing capacity of the equipment. Cleaning methods include screening, destoner machine, magnetic separation, removal of side-by-side mud, dry specific gravity sorting and other methods.   The camellia seeds after drying should be cleaned of empty shells, dirt, and other debris. And the process requirements for seed cleaning are as follows: The maximum impurity content of the clean oil tea seed is less than 0.2%; the amount of tea seed in the waste is less than 0.5%. 3. Shelling and Separation   The impact mill is used to break the seed husk, and the husk is thin, and after drying, it contains few moistures and is easily broken. The requirements of shelling and kernel shell separation are: high shell breaking rate, no seed leakage, small powder degree; and there are two main indicators for the separation of kernel shells, that is, shell percentage in kernel and kernel percentage in the shell. Obviously, the lower the kernel percentage in the shell, the better the oil output rate, which is beneficial to the full utilization of raw materials and the increase of oil yield and cake yield. The kernel percentage in the shell can be set to 0.3%. The shell percentage in the kernel is hoped to be as low as possible, but there are two points to consider: one is that, with a low shell content, the squeezing chamber of the oil press is easily locked by the pressed material, causing slippery buckling. The squeezing is difficult to carry out. The second is to consider the solvent leaching of the cake. When the cake contains fewer shells, there is no skeleton, the material layer is easily compacted, and the solvent penetrates difficultly, resulting in high residual oil in the oil cake, affecting leaching efficiency and solvent consumption. Based on the above two points, after repeated testing, we found that the best value for shelling is to separate about 75% of the tea seed shell content. 4. Crushing A toothed roll crusher is used to crush the kernels containing a certain amount of shells. The purpose is to granulate and homogenize the seeds of different sizes so that they have the largest surface area and are conducive to the water conditioning. However, the degree of powder cannot be too large, so the spacing between the two-toothed rollers should be strictly controlled. 5. Water Conditioning After the addition of water, the entire structure of the tea seed kernel has changed greatly, which facilitates the extrusion of the oil. Considering the plasticity and elasticity of the squeezed material, the water content is generally controlled at about 2%.
Low-Temperature Oil Pressing Advantages
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Improve the quality of raw tea seeds and ensure the quality of raw tea seeds; Avoid the dark color of tea seed hulls affecting the product color; Avoid the poor quality of mildew tea seed materials into the production process, which ensures the crude oil quality; Avoids the dark color and odor of tea oil caused by high temperature; Compared with the traditional technology, low-temperature tea seed oil pressing technology has the advantages of simple process, good oil quality, energy saving, low investment in equipment, small area, etc. The finished tea seed oil obtained through this pressing process has light yellow, clear and transparent look, fresh fragrance. It is not only good edible oils but also has health care functions and can be used as makeup oil, thus improving the economic and social benefits of tea seed. Read the full article
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atelierfeliz · 6 years
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茶実翁こと エバンジェリストの山田さんにお願いしてあった最強のオールインワンジェルが届きました。 オイルエキスパートも取得した翁さまのお話は本当に興味深いことばかりです(*´`*) 天空の茶畑は全国的にも大変めずらしい 地域ぐるみで無農薬栽培を進めてきた天国みたいなところ。 ここで採れるお茶の品質の良さもさる事ながら…茶実油は良質な茶実100kgからわずか1kgしか採れないことから "キセキの滴" と呼ばれています。 抗酸化を促すビタミンEがオリーブオイルの5倍と言われている茶実油なら…エイジングケアの強い味方になってくれること間違いないですね ( *´艸`) 限定販売の貴重なジェルです。 felizか翁さまへのお問い合わせで販売できますので 気になる方はご連絡ください。 「オールインワンジェルクリーム」100g 5,400円+tax ぎふ春日の農薬不使用茶実油,天然由来成分配合率98%以上 パラベンフリー 合成香料不使用 鉱物油フリー 合成着色料不使用 <Point 1> 特殊なカプセル化技術(セラミドナノカプセル)でヒト型セラミドを配合。角質層までセラミドが浸透します。 <Point 2> イザヨイバラエキス高配合で日焼けしにくいお肌へ!日焼けによる有害因子を抑えます。 <Point 3> 正しいコラーゲンケア。コラーゲンの生成を助け,分解を抑制する植物エキス配合。 <Point 4> 5種の天然精油をブレンドし森林に咲くお茶の花の香りを表現。トップノートのあとの茶実油の香りが心地よい。 #茶実油 #茶実油エヴァンジェリスト #春日乃売茶翁 #天空の搾油所 #オールインワンジェル #teaseedoil #heavenlyoldteagarden #cafe #gifu #motosu #feliz #atelierfeliz
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htoilmachine · 6 years
Classification of edible oils
1.According to the source of raw materials, it can be divided into animal oil, vegetable oil and microbial oil.Animal oil refers to the oil obtained from animals, such as beef oil, pig oil, fish oil, etc .Vegetable oil from plant roots, stems, leaves, fruits, flowers or seeds tissue processing and extraction of oil, such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, tea seed oil, flax seed oil, safflower seed oil, etc. Microbial oil, also known as single-cell lipids, refer to edible fats extracted and processed from certain microorganisms, including yeast, fungi and algae.   2. According to the processing technology,:it can be divided into pressing oil and leaching oil.According to the processing temperature of billet, pressing oil can be divided into cold pressing oil and hot pressing oil.Cold oil refers to the raw material without steaming and frying, such as high temperature treatment,it is press directly after cleaning up, and the oil temperature at 60 ℃ (or below 70 ℃) ..Hot pressing oil refers to the material blank after high temperature steaming and stir-frying and then pressing.The advantages of the press method are that the product is less polluted and the nutrients are not easily damaged, but the disadvantages are low oil yield and high cost.Oil leaching refers to the extraction of oil from oil with edible organic solvent. Leaching has been desolventizing, degummed , deaciddification, decoloring, deodorization, according to the product quality grades, adopt different refining processes) after processing of refined oil products and its advantage is high yield efficiency, low processing cost, the disadvantage is that MAO oil residue.   3. According to the new national standard of products can be divided into first grade oil, second grade oil, third grade oil and fourth grade oil.The grade of the product is only different in the degree of refining. Generally speaking, the refined grade of the oilfrom crude oil is the different refining process .No matter  level 1 or 4 edible oil, as long as it is accordance with national standard , consumer can be at ease edible.   4. According to Degree of unsaturation :some oils will form a layer of elastic, hard, solid film when placed the in the air. a phenomenon called lipid desiccation. According to different degree of all kinds of oil drying, the grease can be divided into drying oil, (tung oil, linseed oil), semi-dry oil (sunflower oil, cottonseed oil) and non-drying oil ( peanut oil, castor oil)  .Dry oil, iodine value greater than 130;Semi-dry oil with iodine value of 100 ~ 130;Non-drying oil, iodine value less than 100. Read the full article
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