#teayhung x reader
bunny-bts · 3 years
Never Want To Hurt You Pt 1
Author: Hi~ (◕ᴗ◕✿). Flashback parts are in bold and this might have more than one part or just be a very long one shot
Pairings: Eventual Taeyhung x reader
Summary: You have always been in Taeyhung's life, in fact you were created just for him, literally. He had a chance with you years ago but now it is too late to take back his rejection when two of his best friends fall for you. You aren't the little girl he knew anymore, he finally notices you are a woman and he wants to rip thier throats out
Warnings: Jimin and Jungkook beef, manly jungkook, curse words, cranky jealous Tae, flirty jimin, sexy clothes, self confidence, the boys growling and glaring, maybe some angst, drama~, suspense~ (some of these are for future chapters)
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"Any plans for your birthday?" Namjoon throws his arm around Taeyhung's neck. "Yes actually, my yeodongsaeng is visiting. I haven't seen her in a few years. We only texted"
"That's nice man, I'm sure your little sister is excited to see you too. It will be nice to see her again," Namjoon smiles, revealing his dimples.
"No, my other little sister. We aren't really related, you guys haven't met her"
"What? You're kidding right bro? We have to! So, is she coming here?"
"Yes, and she is staying for a while"
"That's nice, how long?"
"To be determined"
"Oh alright, well, when is she supposed to arrive?"
"Soon, she made it to Seoul last night. She is a fan, excited to meet you all"
"That's awesome, we should treat you two out to dinner. I'll get the guys," RM pats his shoulder and goes to round up the other five then comes back with them.
"She's your yeodongsaeng but you aren't really related?" Jimin asks curiously as they all sit around on the couch to wait. Tae nods, "yes, she was a gift to me for my second birthday. Any of you try anything with my girl and I will make your lives miserable." He continues fidgeting with his collar and tie in the mirror.
"oh, he is protective of his princess!" Jin declares with a loud obnoxious laugh and Hobi joins in, slapping thier knees.
Tae's nose flares and he sighs, "yes. Very. Do not try anything with my princess. Got it?" He turns and says through gritted teeth. Jin stares wide eyed and Hobi raises his hands in surrender. "His princess," he teases and nudges Seokjin.
"Hold up, you got a human being for your second birthday?" Yoogni interrupts. "Yes, I told her mother and father that I wanted a friend and they said they would get me one"
"Okay, that's actually really sweet. But, you said she was FOR your second birthday?"
"That's when she happened to be born, it's our birthday. Any more questions?"
"How come we haven't met her yet?" Jungkook asks. "Because you are perverts."
The guys all look to each other and shrug thier shoulders, giving each other the 'he ain't wrong face', except Jin. He looks offended.
"Is she Korean?" "Yes and no, she lived with her aunt on the farm next to dad's much of the time but she is American."
"Did you ever go out?" Jimin asks casually, not meaning anything by it.
"What?" Taeyhung quickly whips his head around and asks wide eyed.
"You called her your princess, did you ever date her?"
"......No.....," He turns back to the mirror and keeps fidgeting.
"He was hesitant," Namjoon smirks as he points it out, "so, you want to?" "Disgusting....," Taeyhung responds as there is a knock on the door which Namjoon opens. "Hi," the leader smiles.
You immediately blush, "H-Hi, I-I'm Y/N, I'm here to see Taeyhung?"
"We know, please come in," Namjoon gives you his dimple revealing smile, escorting you inside with a hand on the small of your back. "Guys, this is Y/N," Jin waves at you along with Hoseok and you return the gesture, "H-Hello," you smile. "I got tired of waiting and went to get us some mil-," Jungkook walks out of the kitchen, sipping a bottle of milk himself and handing one to Jimin sitting by the kitchen door. He stops short, staring at you and freezing with wide eyes, milk dribbling down his chin and the bottle he was passing Jimin falling to the ground because Jimin looked up from his phone to grab it and it slipped when he saw you and lost focus. "Oh than-"
"Did I....?" You are so confused by thier reaction to seeing you. "Jungkook, you've got something uh," you point to his chin and he runs to clean himself up. Jimin makes his way to you.
"Hi~," he stands and walks over smoothly, wiggling his brows which makes you giggle and blush at the same time. "Tell Tae we will see him there, she's riding with me," Jimin takes your hand and pulls you out. "Jimin wait I don't think-," Jimin was out before Namjoon could finish protesting.
"She's here?" Taeyhung walks out to them just after. "Yeah, Jimin pulled her out and said she was riding with him," Hoseok tells him. "She's not disgusting?" Jungshook says softly. "No? She is sweet?" Taeyhung says confused before they all leave. "Can we just go before Jimin well y'know?" Tae asks annoyed and they all follow him out. "Ride with me Kook," he slips in the car. "Okay," Jungkook slides in the car with him and they drive off.
"She is so pretty," Jungkook says, smiling to himself. Taeyhung raises a brow at him and shrugs, "I guess for a little girl she's cute" "LITTLE GIRL!?" "What?" "That was NOT a little girl!" "What are you talking about? Yes, she is" "How long has it been since you've seen her?" Taeyhung shrugs, "in person, four years?" He answers as they all pull in at the restaurant and walk inside.
"Over here!" Jimin calls out to them. He was being extremely charming and you had to admit you liked it. He had gotten you a slice of cake that you've never tried before and was sweet talking. It was really cute, so was he but they all were. You wave to the others who make thier way over. Jimin and Jungkook sit on your sides, arms behind you. You are unaware of them glaring as snarling at each other to back off and focused on Tae who froze when he saw you.
"Excuse me," you stand to run over and hug his neck. He is still frozen. Physically his body can't move, he is afraid to touch your back to return the hug. His heart is pounding, and his stomach felt strange. You weren't a little girl anymore. You were a fully grown woman. As you hugged him your full chest was pressed to his, his eyes shoot to glance down. Yeah, you filled out. He gulps as he notices you smell different. Were you wearing perfume? His little girl, this couldn't be. What was happening? His eyes close and he finally snaps out of the trance enough to hug you back, a arm around your lower back pulling you in closer. He subtly buries his nose in your neck, god, that scent was so sweet and intoxicating. You pull away then.
"I missed you so much Oppa~," you giggle. "D-Don't call me that-I missed you too," he smiles. "But....okay?"
"Y/N, sit beside me~," Jungkook pleads. You laugh at his grabby hands and sit down with the guys.
The dinner goes by very well, you feel you really hit off with the guys and Jungkook and Jimin especially. It was obvious they were flirting and you were happy to do the same. They even asked you out on a movie date which you happily accepted.
Taeyhung stands up. "Excuse us," he harshly yanks you up and pulls you outside by your wrist. "Ow! Tae! What the hell is your problem!?" "Stop it," he demands with flaring nostril. "STOP WHAT!?" "Stop flirting with them." "NO. You had your chance with me Kim Taeyhung so back off. I'm a woman now and I can make my own decisions," you yank your hand away and stomp back inside.
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