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binimom · 1 year
Supporting the U.S. Economy
You've probably seen a lot of articles about how the U.S. can't escape a recession, but recently experts have been saying that the U.S. is already out of it. Let's take a look at how the U.S. has weathered the storm.
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Improving trade deficit and growth in the tech industry
The US economy was predicted to fall into a recession due to COVID-19. However, the US economy has recently begun to recover, raising the possibility that the recession may be shorter than expected. What has played a key role in this recovery? The first thing to look at is the improvement in the trade deficit. The U.S. has been running a trade deficit for years, but the tide has recently turned. A trade deficit occurs when imports exceed exports, and the U.S. has recently been successful in reducing its trade deficit by increasing exports and decreasing imports. During the height of the U.S.-China trade war, the U.S. has increased trade with other countries that have been able to replace imports from China, and U.S. exports have been increasing to countries that have seen their exports plummet due to COVID-19. This shows the U.S.'s willingness to strategically diversify its trading partners and respond quickly to international events to improve its trade deficit. Next is the growth of the tech industry. The U.S. tech industry is home to some of the world's biggest companies. Companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook lead the global tech industry, and the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in revenue for digital platform companies, especially as contactless activities have become more prevalent. These changes show that the tech industry is a key component of the U.S. economy.
White-collar job growth and rising stock markets
In addition to this improvement in the trade deficit and the growth of the tech industry, there is another important factor in the recovery of the US economy: the increase in employment in "white collar" jobs and the rise of the stock market. The term "white collar" refers to jobs such as professional or office work, and white collar employment in the US has been on the rise recently. As working from home has become more common since COVID-19, employment in these occupations has increased, especially in fields such as IT, marketing, and finance. This is an important indicator that the US economy is gradually recovering. The rise of the stock market is also a key part of the US economic recovery. Prior to COVID-19, the U.S. stock market was consistently rising, but then it plummeted due to the pandemic. Recently, however, the stock market has been rising again, along with the U.S. economy. This suggests that the economy is on the road to recovery. There are many reasons why the US economy has weathered the recession. A combination of factors, including an improving trade deficit, growth in the tech industry, increased white-collar employment, and a rising stock market, helped the U.S. economy weather the recession. However, with the recession still ongoing, it's important to keep an eye on how the U.S. economy will fare going forward. The economy will always be volatile, and it's important to prepare for, adapt to, and capitalize on that volatility, so investors should keep a close eye on not only the U.S. economy, but the global economy as well, and consider their own investment strategies.
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