#technically i guess we could've had the name stay madeleine
yuesya · 2 years
Much madness was one of my favorite One Piece works. I'm still not over your idea of m!Madeleine where he ends up in Tottoland bureaucracy as the most well adjusted one because canon Madeleine is.... a person with an unique mind. If you can write any more deftails on that whether it's how he interacts with siblings (i.e. Cracker), his daily life, or any of his true self that peeks out from his warm kind mask. I'm not picky.
Hello and thank you for reading! ... I actually had to go back and dig up that old post haha. But yes, m!Madeleine! In which Madeleine is a Well Adjusted Individual, but only if you compare him with his alternate Madeleine personas and, like. The Charlotte family in general lol.
More below the cut, since this got a little long:
So, m!Madeleine is very calm and mild-mannered in the day-to-day. Cracker still doesn't get along very well with him in the beginning ("Just look at him! How am I supposed to trust that face?" "... What kind of excuse is that, Cracker?") and it's precisely because of that affable front. He gets along with everyone, and Cracker refuses to believe that anyone can be that good-natured. His brother is definitely plotting something!
Eventually, though, m!Madeleine gets tired of all the pointed needling and snarky comments and pulls Cracker into a sealed area via Dream Dream Fruit. In the tried and true fashion of a lot of shonen manga out there, you become friends after beating each other up with your fists.
... Or well, not friends, but Cracker is definitely a lot less twitchy around m!Madeleine after finding out that he's a person who does have his own limits just like anyone else out there.
On m!Madeleine's part... y'know, I kind of feel like we should probably stop calling him that by this point. Macaron? Let's go with Macaron.
So, on Macaron's part. Even though he'd been unwillingly stuffed into the bureaucracy things by Peros at the start, he still does his job well. And he comes to take a certain sense of pride in watching over his siblings and keeping everything running smoothly on the island. It also helps that Big Mom is very much Not Interested in paperwork or anything of the sort, so she's never around the administration buildings. Win-win for everyone all around!
Macaron is content to ignore Big Mom for the most part, but he eventually grows to care for his siblings. Bloodthirsty idiots, the whole lot of them. He loves them anyways.
Katakuri and Cracker and all the others out there, constantly fighting so others in the family do not have to... it's not a job Macaron would ever wish to take upon his own shoulders, he doesn't think he has the stomach for it. But he can respect his brothers for the sacrifices that they make, for the sake of the family.
It means that siblings like Macaron and Brulee can remain safely within Totto Land and support them from the back. Keep everything in the territory running smoothly. Take care of all the younger siblings that they have, give them a safe environment to grow up in-
Macaron is a fairly laidback person, by and large. It makes him the number one Charlotte that people want to use as their point of contact with the Big Mom Pirates. He's the only one in that insane family who's not insane! Who will sit down and talk to you all reasonable and polite and you'll never have to worry about Macaron getting irritated and pulling a sword on you out of nowhere when he suddenly loses his temper.
Looking at you, Cracker.
... Anyways. There's a lot of things that Macaron can overlook and politely pretend to forget -as long as it doesn't threaten his family.
He's not a fighter like Katakuri or Cracker, but he's far from helpless, contrary to the impression that most people have of him. When Urouge and his crew breach the nursery, Macaron is actually reading a story to the young ones. The young man lifts his eyes, and very carefully does not frown, knowing that his impressionable little siblings are watching him -knowing that they take their cues from them, and so he has to remain calm and unruffled- but it doesn't stop him from clicking his tongue.
He'll have to go over the island's security measures with Peros after this.
"You have," he says flatly, "Exactly five seconds to turn around and leave. If not... I won't be responsible for what happens next."
Armed with nappies and toys and holding a colorful picture book, Macaron certainly doesn't cut a very imposing figure. The Fallen Monk Pirates laugh at him.
Macaron nods, and closes the book. Then, wholly ignoring the enemies in the room, he turns towards his little siblings.
"Let's play a game," he smiles. "Close your eyes and count to thirty. No peeking! Good children who listen will get an extra treat in their afternoon snack today."
"B-brother, what-?"
"Shhh. There, there. Be good, hmm?"
Then, Macaron turns.
Sleep, he commands, and the power of his Devil Fruit flares to life around him with a nightmarish glow.
"Oh, I'm really out of practice... Brulee is going to be so cross with me for making a mess like this... ah, Pudding! Good timing, sister. Will you run a message to the Head Chef for me while I do a bit of cleanup here? Put in an extra order for some extra treats to be delivered to the Nursery today. Eclairs will be nice, I think.
... What's with that look on your face? Run along, now. There's nothing for you to worry about here.
... Did you not hear me? Pudding. You have nothing to worry about."
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