#technically the lawyers would be asking these questions but hey I’m using fucking mentok gifs
sadaveniren · 8 months
Your tags about bg😂😂😂😂 help.
Like genuinely imagine how that conversation would go in court! Like an actual court room.
Judge: why are you harassing the plaintiff?
Anon: because they’re a crazy person who thinks Louis Tomlinson’s son isn’t his!
Judge: … *looks at me* what does that mean?
Me: there’s a fan theory that Louis Tomlinson’s son isn’t his and instead he is pretending to use the son of the Clark family as his own son, potentially to cover up the fact he is gay, and being openly gay and a celebrity isn’t something that is generally acceptable. I can provide ample examples of how Hollywood has closeted people over the decades
Judge: *is forced to read pages of my documentation about Cary Grant being gay, and how Lance Bass was forcibly closeted, and how the industry uses cleanliness clauses to not ACTIVELY closet someone but get close enough* …. And the fake baby claim?
Me: got more documentation about that theory too
Judge: *is forced to read pages upon pages of my documentation about why Briana was never pregnant, and that the child playing Freddie is more than likely related to the Clarks, because for the point of my argument those are the only thing that matters* …. Right. And anon why…. Does this warrant telling the plaintiff to kill themselves?
Anon: because they’re crazy and it makes Louis sad!
Judge: …. Sada, have you ever sent any of this information to Louis Tomlinson?
Me: nope I just post it on my tumblr.
Judge: …. Right….
Me: also I’m autistic and so I have higher pattern recognition than allistic people, as well as a known tendency to hyperfocus on my special interests - in this case celebrity gossip - which explains why I might notice things that other people refuse to.
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Judge: well it’s not illegal to be autistic with a hyperfocus on celebrity culture, especially if you aren’t harassing anyone. It seems like the only person harassing is the defendant…. CASE DISMISSED
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