#teddy lafuente
chwrpg · 10 months
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EDWIN "TEDDY" LAFUENTE. rock star; twenty-one. xolo maridueña. OPEN.
and, as ted logan once said: “All we are is dust in the wind, dude.” 
Edwin LaFuente— more commonly known by the nickname given to him by his legion of fans, Teddy might not be the brightest light bulb in the tool shed. No, that wasn't leading to a but. He's not exactly academically gifted and he'd be the first to let you know, although there's a variety of other things Teddy did very well. For one, his knack to perfectly assess someone's zodiac sign, it was almost freaky how well he could take one look at someone and know exactly what their sign was. His ability to never have a bad hair day. There wasn't a day those perfectly perfect curls on his head weren't perfect. And the worst part, he didn't even try. Not to mention, he'd been a star soccer player for a spell during his tenure at the famed Rosewood Academy, in fact that's what had allowed him to attend the school. Not that he stuck to it given that his true love had been one thing and one thing only. Music. Sure, his abilities on the field had been his golden ticket but music had been what fed his soul. For as long as he could remember ( a shocker he'd retained these moment given memory wasn't a thing Teddy was known for ) Teddy had a knack for music. A talent that his mother and father had stood divided on. See, his father believed in nurturing his god given talent whilst his mother didn't want her son to end up a lowly busker, singing his shoulda, woulda, coulda's for some spare change. She wanted him to thrive, to have a better life than the one she and her husband had. So she pushed for him to excel at things that would get him further ahead, academics and athletics but Teddy rejected these things at every pass— his father taking note of this pushback and instead fed his love for music. He'd get his son the latest Weezer record as he enjoyed the whimsy of their lyrics. He took Teddy to guitar lessons, as an incentive to get his son to try to placate his mother and it'd definitely worked. But he wasn't cut out for the Troy Bolton life. So as soon as he could, he devoted his entire life to the one thing he loved. Music. His passion soon translated to success, as he'd caught the attention of his classmate and fellow music aficionado— Benny Peleke. And the rest was as they say, history. The two couldn't be more different on paper; Benny having came from an affluent background, Teddy having not. Benny actually cared about his grades, whilst Teddy only cared because he didn't want to hear it from his mama. Benny had charm and charisma in droves, Teddy still got tongue tied at the mere thought of asking someone for their number. But what did they have in common? Their love for music. With Benny's knowledge in marketing and social media combined with Ted's talent, the two knew they had something. Benny then suggested that his main squeeze, Penny Lane sing vocals on their tracks. When the three came together, it'd been lightening in a bottle. Their name, their music instantly becoming inescapable. Soon, in came the accolades, the fame and by his side, his best friend. The person who'd made all of his dreams become a reality. He'd been able to do what he loved for a boat load of money, whilst making both of his parents proud of him. All was righteous in his world. Well... that was until Penny Lane had decided she was better off a solo act.
What was going to become of Benny and him? Like yeah, they would probably continue as a duo, and he wouldn't complain about that because he'd get to keep rocking out with his best bud... but it wasn't like neither one of them were lyricists. All those words, that was all Penny Lane's doing. He couldn't even begin to fathom how to put together a song. As Teddy continued to think about how different things were about to be for Benny and himself, he felt his mood start to mellow and that was the last thing he needed. No, what Benny and him needed was a good ol' night out. Something to simulate the mind, maybe that'll get words flowing out of the two of them. And luckily, they were back home in Rosewood, where every night was essentially a party. So he went about picking up their pre-party essentials, in hopes of getting Benny out of the funk he'd found himself post break up. Which he totally got, his main guy had just gotten his heart broken into a gazillion little pieces— but between us, Teddy had always thought Benny was way too good for Penny Lane, so he was going to do everything in his power to lift him back up. As he'd stepped out of the local supermarket, munchies in hand– he found himself blinded by a stray piece of paper. He reached up to remove it from his face, ready to toss it in the trash ( Teddy was strictly anti-litter) but curiosity got the best of him and he decided to read what was on it. That decision being one that Teddy would always be grateful for as the piece of paper was a flyer, one that was seeking band mates. A certain, Cliff Saito was looking to put together a band and well, Benny and himself were out a band member so perhaps... they were exactly what each other needed.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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i-r-readcomics · 6 years
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Young Avengers
Volume: 2 #04
Deus Ex Machine Gunner
Writers: Kieron Gillen
Pencils: Jamie McKelvie, Mike Norton
Inks: Jamie McKelvie, Mike Norton
Covers: Jamie McKelvie, David Lafuente (Variant)
Featuring: Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr), Wiccan (Billy Kaplan), Hulkling (Teddy Altman), Loki, Miss America (America Chavez)
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lyricfa24 · 7 years
Nacho - Teddy Lyrics
Nacho – Teddy Lyrics
Teddy by Nacho Released : 2017 Full Lyrics will be available soon. check back later or you can send us the lyrics using form below. Playlist #2 [July 21, 2017] 01. Kat Dahlia – Body and Soul 02. JP Cooper – She’s On My Mind 03. Shania Twain – Poor Me 04. X Ambassadors – Ahead Of Myself 05. David Lafuente – Acércate (Feat. Rasel) 06. Louie Valentino – One Night Stand 07. Mavado – No Freak 08.…
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chwrpg · 10 months
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BENJAMIN "BENNY" PELEKE. rock star; twenty-one. evan mock. OPEN.
and, as bill preston once said: “Be excellent to each other!”
What motivated Benjamin— excuse me, Benny Peleke? That being a great question, as the guy was renown for his antics. Benny, being the guy who couldn't stick to a hair color for more than a month, his buzzcut having gone from icy baby blue to it's now often duplicated, pale pink shade. Benny, who threw an impromptu concert on the rooftop of Trax— despite the strict noise code of Rosewood. Benny, who'd commemorated the release of his first album by streaking across the Ravenwood campus. If the answer to the aforementioned question was still escaping you, it was attention. He thrived on attention, and why was that? Benny was the only child of a rock icon. The man's music being synonymous with the words heavy metal, his legendary shaggy mullet having inspired many a mullets back in his heyday, his contributions to rock music having inspired artists in not just that genre but in music as a whole. So being the son of such a legend meant that he had to share his fathers attention with essentially, the world. And whilst his dad did his best to be an active part of Benny's life, he simply couldn't be there all of the time. So with no mother— she having left Benny on his fathers tour bus when he was two years old with nothing to trace back to her, a father who was often too busy... Benny had had quite a lonely childhood. Sure, he'd been well off but so many of his birthdays, graduations, music recitals had been attended by his fathers staff members rather than by the man himself. That sense of abandon developed itself into a wicked habit. He'd do anything to get a reaction from the man and that he definitely did. Whether that was getting into brawls with the pea brained ignoramuses— jocks as they are more commonly referred to, showing up to his classes reeking of marijuana, or being an all around menace, Benny had done it all to elicit some sort of reaction out of his father but with each of his tantrums– his father simply donated money to the school. In fact, there was a whole music hall named after his father at Rosewood Academy for something that's still referred to as that thing Benny did. But despite being a nuisance, Benny was actually quite intelligent. At least when it came to things he cared about, like music. He'd certainly been gifted with his father's ear, but he also had a knack for business. By the time he'd graduated high school, he was already managing several acts, including his best friend, Edwin 'Teddy' LaFuente. But the apple of his eye had always been Penny Lane. The girl had the voice of an angel with a body made for sin. The two had been inseparable, she happily providing him with the attention that no one ever had before. For that reason, when Teddy and himself had needed that thing to push their music— Penny had been the answer. And whilst Teddy had had some reservations, Benny told him to trust him and for what it was worth, he'd been right. With Penny's voice, Teddy's talent and Benny's lyricism and social media savvy, their band had become inescapable. Their songs were suddenly charting, they'd embarked on two multi-city tours, and better yet, his father had invested interest in his endeavor. He'd made him proud, his words exactly. But the good times came to a screeching halt— 'Penny Lane to go Solo' read the headline. The love of his life, the voice of their band had flown the coop.
Given what'd recently transpired in his life, Benny wasn't quite in the mood for a party. He was more than prepared for a sad night in with a pint of ice cream, some more than decent weed he'd scored through Teddy's connect and the Bridget Jones trilogy— apparently a must watch when you felt like your heart had been ripped out of his butthole... at least according to google. So Benny hadn't been in attendance of that evening festivities, his spoon just about to break into his butter pecan ice cream when his front door flew ajar. In his door way stood his best bud, completely out of breath. As he caught his breath, Teddy tried to use his words but they were currently failing him so he simply shoved a piece of paper he'd been holding onto for dear life into his chest. Benny pulled it straight, it having been an ad. An ad, very much like the ones he would post at Trax back in their younger years— seeking bandmates. In fact, that's how Teddy and himself met. He ran his eyes over the content of the page; Cliff Saito was looking for bandmates. The look on Benny's face surely made it clear to Teddy that he had to be pulling his leg. But his best friend insisted that, they had to give this a shot. That perhaps, this flyer had smacked Teddy in the face for a reason. That the universe wanted this Cliff Saito in their lives. And who was Benny to argue with the universe, especially when it'd made his best friend this happy, so he let Teddy know that they would follow through with Cliff. But before that, they were going to sit through three romantic comedies starring Renée Zellweger.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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