#teehee I can’t wait till this is animated
justjen523 · 7 years
The Birthday Blunder
For: goddess-of-leo  (Happy Birthday!)
Raiting M
Reader x Leon
For Fun I am also working on an art piece that shows Leon in his Kingly form. I will post it when I am finished. Hope you enjoy!
     It was a disaster. Everything that had been so carefully planned for weeks was ruined in a mere moment. Speechless I just stood in the doorway of the living room with my mouth agape and my eyes filling with tears. Yet somehow I still managed to go unnoticed as the gods quarreled among themselves. The beautiful cake I handmade because I wanted to share this special day for me with the twelve gods who had become such an intricate part of my life decorated many areas of the room. The decorations tattered, even what had appeared to be presents were trampled and all I could do was stand there in complete shock.
     “W-Why?” I finally asked yet my voice was so quiet amidst the loud insults and profanity being exchanged mere feet away. By some miracle Aigonorous was the one to hear me and pointed to where I was standing. As one by one each head turned in my direction the previously chaotic room fell quiet.
     “Goldfish. What are you doing here, you’re supposed to still be working.” Leon actually had the nerve to look agitated by my unannounced arrival. I could feel the anger rising within as I looked around at the destruction and lack of remorse from everyone. They truly must not understand how much time and effort when into all of this. It was MY birthday and here I was thinking of them instead of myself and this is the thanks I get? I couldn’t swallow my anger any further.
     “I beg your pardon?” Zyglavis says incredulously.
     “All of you! Behaving like animals!”
     “What did you call me?!” For once Scorpio’s glare didn’t even register to me.
     “Now hold on, I get why you’re angry but it’s not that big of a deal - “ Leon started to say but the hurt was bubbling over especially hearing my boyfriend’s careless indifference. 
     “Not that big of a deal?! How dare you!” Looking around they all stared at me in surprise. I had never yelled or scolded Leon in front of the other’s before. 
     “Wooooow. She’s like REAAAALLY scary when she’s mad.” Ichthys tries whispering to Dui but it’s not like I couldn’t hear it in the silence of the room.
     “I....” Realizing my birthday was ruined and they didn’t even seem to care the anger gave way to hurt. All at once my emotions poured out in the form of tears and I began to sob.
     “Now look what you guys have done...” Leon sounded angry but I knew he was shaken. He hated when I cried because of something he had done but more than that, he hated when I cried in front of anyone other than him.
     “Us? I believe you are equally to blame.” Huedhaut boldly replied earning a fiercely angry look from the ruler of Leo.
     “I.....*sob* think I.....*hic*....” I stopped before saying the next word. Even now I am still always putting their feelings before my own.
     “You what?” Krioff asked brusquely only further breaking my heart.
     “I...wish I never met you. Any of you!” There, I said it even though I absolutely did not mean it but I was sick of always being the considerate one. I wanted them to feel it like I did and I couldn’t think of another way even if it was harsh and cruel sounding. 
     I had been staring at my feet but when I looked up I was surprised at what I saw. Twelve truly pained and heartbroken expressions stared directly at me. I wanted so badly to apologize and take it back but if I did they would never learn and this kind of stuff would continue to happen. I couldn’t handle it anymore.
     “I’m going home, I can’t stand to be here anymore.” Tears still streaming down my face I turned to leave.
     “Goldfish.” His voice was gentle and full of sadness. I knew it hurt him more than any of the others but that pain had gone both ways. I thought of all of them he would have understood better than anyone how important this all had been to me.
     “I...just want to be alone. All alone, in my apartment, on my birthday.” I quickly made my way toward the exit but was impeded by the door abruptly closing and locking from the other side. I knew it was his handiwork but I didn’t even bother to turn around.
     “Let me pass.”
     “I can’t do that. Not like this.”
     “I don’t want to - “
     “- be around us I know, you already said so.”
     “Then let me go.”
     “Not until we make this right.” At his words I slowly turn to face him. He slowly crosses the room almost apprehensively but pushes forward till we are face to face. I can see the realization of the pain they caused in his beautiful eyes. He gently runs the back of his hand down my tear stained cheek.
     “I will grant whatever your heart desires. Just tell me what you want. I...don’t want to see you like this anymore. I’m......”
     “...you’re what?” He’ll never do it. Impossible. He stares at me intently for a few moments before furrowing his brow and sighing deeply.
     “Look, I’m sorry. You’re right, what we did was...”
     “....stupid? Immature? Ridiculous?” I was laying it on pretty thick even though the unthinkable had just happened.
     “D-Did Leon seriously just apologize to someone?” Hearing that he glared at the culprit before turning back to me.
     “Yeah, we were acting like - “
     “Animals.” I finished his sentence crossing my arms in front of me.
     “We get it. Everyone’s sorry, right guys?” His dangerously intense stare caused apology after apology from every god in the room.
     “What can I do to make you smile?” He asks tenderly. Still slightly aggravated I try to think of a way for them to make it up to me. Staring into his eyes I can’t help but think the same thing I always do. How handsome and though arrogant I have come to find his royalty vibe endearing. He made all of the other Zodiac gods apologize to me, a mere human with nothing more than a look. ‘My Leon. My brave and fearsome Lion....’ If only he were able to be tamed like a Lion. How adorable would that be? My own personal big bad kitty. Teehee!
     Out of nowhere a cute little box with a big pink bow manifests out of thin air right in my hands.
     “What on Earth?” As soon as I begin to pull the ribbon Leon’s face turns ashen.
     “Goldfish don’t - “ But it’s too late, inside the box is a tiny piece of paper that simply says,
     “Happy Birthday,  From the King.” ‘Huh?’ All of the sudden the room is engulfed in a blinding light and I shield my eyes waiting for it to pass. When it does the sight before me is so ridiculously precious and adorable I can’t help the giggling that follows. 
     “O-Oh my gosh! You guys are...all SO cute! Eeee!” I sound like a little kid but I can’t help it, seeing them like this makes it impossible not to smile from ear to ear.
     “Goddamn that bastard. Stupid woman! Why the hell did you open that?!” Scorpio is so adorable that his words don’t even sound frightening to me.
     “Ummm. Seriously though, why cats?” Krioff blushes looking put out as his white ears turn backward in distress. 
     “This is great! Teo and Ikky pull each other’s tail’s to see if it hurts when they do so.
     “Wow! These tails are SO real!”
     “Why just ears and tails though?” Dui ponders as the rest of the gods are all touching their new additions.
     It isn’t till I actually get a good look at Leon that my heart nearly gives out. He looks utterly PISSED but is so cute it’s actually fitting. Not only does he have the ears and tale but he also has a mane.
     “Don’t you dare laugh. This is all your fault. You better figure out how to turn me back. Now.” A giant smile spreads across my face.
     “Nuh-uh. You said you would grant any wish my heart desired. I want to enjoy seeing all of you like this for the rest of the day! You all still owe me a party anyway right?” I am beaming, what a great gift from the King! I know I am going to pay dearly for it later but oh it is SO worth it.
     “You’re awfully bold demanding such nonsense from gods.” Zyglavis as always is angry but it comes across adorably as his fluffy purplish tail flicks sharply back and forth. 
     “Teeheehee. Somehow you don’t seem as scary to me now Zyglavis. You’re fluffiness makes you look much kinder.” I can’t stop myself from scratching behind his ear making him blush so hard it just makes it even cuter.
      “You can pet me too if you want.” Ichthys offers playfully before getting a scowl that actually makes Leon look like a beast rather than a cute animal. I approach him and though he looks angry I see relief in his eyes to see me smiling.
     “Don’t even think about it.” He grumbles as I start to reach out to touch him. 
     “Call it what you will but I am not your pet.” I try hard to suppress the laughter threatening to pour out.
     “Awww, who’s my big bad kitty?” I say in a teasing way earning me a death glare but it quickly gives way to a devious smirk.
     “You’re awfully brave, you do realize that Lions often enjoy eating seafood. You must have a death wish goldfish.” ‘Eeeep! That grin is extra scary with him looking this predatory.’ As he begins to close in on me I begin to shrink away but when I notice his tail waving around playfully something different pops into my mind altogether. ‘He’s still got a man’s body....I wonder....’
     “Pffft. You’re thinking about something pretty bold.” His words snap me back to reality and causes me to blush deeply even as I try desperately to deny it.
     “I....” Before I can finish I hear a commotion  behind me. The gods have been taking turns testing to see if their powers could undo the King’s spell but as always he’s one step ahead making that impossible. 
     “If we have to look this ridiculous why doesn’t she join us.” Scorpio smirks darkly. The gods all grin and nod in amusement as they close in on me. I slowly back away before calling for Leon. When I turn to face him I am surprised to see him actually looking like he approves of the others idea. 
     “N-Now just hold on a minute! T-this isn’t it...” 
     Leon is actually the one who does it making the whole thing kinda of embarrassing as the others all look at me the same way I was previously looking at them. 
     “Woooow! He even gave her a cute little nose and whiskers!” Ichthys grins from ear to ear. 
     “Ohhh! She has paws too!” Dui gushes making me feel like I am going to die from embarrassment.
     “My my Leon, what a lucky man you are tonight.” The way Partheno says that makes me somehow uncomfortable. When I turn to look at my boyfriend he is looking the most entertained I have ever seen him.
     “What? This is what you wanted.” He says smugly giving me that smile I want to simultaneously smack and kiss him for. Instead I am handed a mirror to see my new....attire. 
     “H-Hey! What’s with the cute stuff?! Couldn’t you have made me, I don’t know, like a sexy cat?”
     “What’s wrong with the way you are? I prefer you this way. Besides, it suits you better.” ‘! What’s that supposed to mean!?’
     “Well I must admit, Leon doesn’t strike me as the kind who likes pink.” Partheno says suggestively.
     “You shouldn’t be thinking about what I like at all you pervert.” As the two go back and forth I again look at my reflection in the mirror. I don’t look exactly like the others. I’m more feline than they are and even some of my human features have changed simply to match the rest. Everything is pink. My fluffy ears, fluffy tail, my eyes, my hair, my paws, even my clothes have been changed into a cute little pink ensemble. I had no idea my boyfriend was into such things! ‘Ahaha! Happy Birthday to ME!’
     As I look over at Leon being aggressive in his current state I can’t help but feel more attracted to him than usual. I slowly move closer to him and once I’m close enough I feel this overwhelming urge to nuzzle against him. When I do he immediately tenses and I can see a faint blush on his cheeks and for some reason I actually start purring. 
     “Looks like your stupid woman’s in heat, better handle that before someone else does.” Scorpio’s comment causes a slew of arguments and having had enough Leon wraps his arm around me and snaps.
     He brought us to his room in the Heaven’s without so much as a word but when I looked up to see his face he didn’t look angry like I expected. No, he was looking at me like I was dessert. I swallowed thickly slowly backing away making him laugh.
     “Do you honestly believe you can escape me? I’d actually like to see you try.” He was smiling at me wickedly causing a sweet rush of sensation through me. I was terrified but equally turned on somehow. I liked when he was dominating and seeing him aggressively hunting me was intoxicating. 
     “Obey me and come here.” There was no way I could refuse him. Not when he was looking at me this way. Slowly I made my way till I was directly in front of him, a mere breath apart. Even now he still had such a powerful commanding presence. 
     “That’s my good girl.” Then he started petting me. Everywhere. God did it feel GOOD. Too good. I was becoming putty in his hands.
     “L-Leon.......unnnh.” I felt like I was high. Utterly intoxicated.
     “That’s right, give in. Purr for me.” His sensual sexy voice was lulling me further into this strange heady haze I was feeling. My vision was blurring and I felt dizzy but in a strangely good way. His arms scooped me up and carried me to his bed where he gently laid me down before hovering over me. My desire for him was overwhelming as it was somehow amplified but this euphoric feeling washing over me.
     “L-Leon I....I feel....”
     “Good then it’s working.”
     “H-huh? What’s....mmm....working?” I was trying desperately to hold on and not lose myself but I was failing miserably.
     “This.” He smiles mischievously and opens his mouth to reveal a tiny purple flower with a few leaves still attached. Confused I blinked starting to become unable to speak.
     “Since you were enjoying this feline fantasy of yours so very much I thought I’d have a little fun of my own. You’re feeling the effects of this plant. I believe it’s what you humans refer to as catnip.” ‘Wh-Whaaa?’
     “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel so good you’re going to beg me to never turn you back.” Without another word he playfully nipped my neck before removing our clothes with a snap. As he entered me my head tipped back at the exquisite sensation and let out a quiet gasp. There’s a tenderness behind his eyes and no longer able to fight it I give myself over to him mind, body and soul.
     “I am sorry for what happened earlier. It was not my intention to ruin this day for you. Though I may not understand it’s significance I understand your heart and I’m sorry for breaking it today. I promise to put your feelings in front of my own from now on so please. Promise me you’ll never say you regret having met me ever again. I love you more than you could possibly fathom goldfish. You make think me the king of all animals but I assure you, I will always treat you as my queen, animal, human, god or otherwise.” He wipes the tears from my eyes upon hearing his confession and I cuddle into his warmth.
     “Can I ask just one question?” 
     “What on Earth were you guys fighting over that caused such destruction in the first place?”
     “Pffft. That foul mouthed Scorpion and his idiot boss were heckling me when I showed up without a wrapped present in hand and starting spouting off about things they shouldn’t.” 
     “I don’t need a present from you to be happy. I’m happy now just like this, safely snuggled in your arms.”
     “How ridiculous.”
     “It’s ridiculous that you think I would have nothing to give you on your birthday. I could give you anything you asked of me. However I could not give you anything more valuable to me than my heart. No one makes me feel the way you do. No one ever has and no one ever will. I will lavish you in my love until you beg for me to stop.”
     “Geeze Leon.” My cheeks and ears are hot upon hearing his words.
     “But thank you. There is nothing I could ever want more than that. I love you with every fiber of my being.” As I gaze up into those gorgeous eyes the love I feel for him is reflected right back at me. A tender smile fills his handsome face as he reached his hand out and scratches behind my ear causing me to purr again.
     “You know, I think I could get used to this. You make a better cat than a goldfish anyway.”
     “Wait what!? What’s that supposed to mean?”
     “You’re far more obedient this way.”
     “H-Hey!” I teasingly hit his arm making him laugh. 
     “As long as your mine, I don’t care what you want to be.” I smile at him getting misty eyed again.
     “Happy Birthday goldfish. I love you more than any words could ever say.”
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
BTS Jungkook| Stable Boy AU
So I really wanted to make this AU not only because I love Jungkook, but also because as a horseback rider I really love seeing AUs that revolve around horses.  That being said, I love being able to connect with the “reader” in a story in a way that I actually am similar or have similar interests as the person in the AU instead of them being generic.  Please submit some of your hobbies or passions so that I can specialize AUs to more people everywhere!
Anyway here is the AU, hope you enjoy!
Jungkook started working at the Chestnut Lakes Equestrian Center because he had always been curious about horses and as a kid he kind of always wanted to learn how to ride, but it was too expensive so he just settled for watching races on tv and thinking about how cool it would be.
As he grew up, Jungkook would accept small jobs at the county fair and whatnot working with the horses and ponies.
Everyone could see that he had a real special way of connecting with the animals and could always be the first one to tell what was wrong with them.
lol Jungkook is kind of like the horse whisperer tbh...
, and though he never learned to ride he has grown content with just spending time around the horses,
So when he heard that the fancy stables in town was hiring a new stable hand, he immediately jumped at the idea of working with such incredible and majestic creatures everyday instead of just doing all these side jobs.
Word travels around fast in the horse industry, so when Chestnut Lakes hears all about Jungkook’s skills with the horses they instantly hire him and a groom/technically unqualified horse therapist
It takes Jungkook a really long time to adjust to working at such a upscale facility because tbh most of the owners are incredibly wealthy and uptight about everything involving their horse,
“Bacardi must only be walked, never put into the pasture with the other horses,” and Jungkook is like, “But he’s A HORSE?  HE NEEDS TO RUN AND ROLL AROUND IN THE GRASS?”
As, many of the riders don’t care for their own horses, like they have Kook or one of the other stable hands groom and tack up their horse and then when their done riding have them untack and massage the leg muscles.
Chestnut Lakes Equestrian Center is really fancy too, like the stables are huge and made of stone with high ceilings and wooden beams, and all the riding rings are precise,
there’s a large fountain in front of the main stable, and all the landscaping is trimmed and pruned every week.
all the horses have fancy leather halters with their names engraved on them, kinda vibes.
But it’s not all that bad, I mean, besides working with the horses, one of the perks is that Jungkook has his own room to live in on the 2nd floor of the stable, next to the hayloft, but it’s clean and has a bathroom and is all his for when he stays the night to take care of any sick horses.
is friends with the other stable hand Taehyung, who is a complete mess and Jungkook always needs to help him with distributing the supplements and vitamins cause otherwise Tae would do it wrong no matter how many times he is told.
I feel like I need to make it clear that Kook as a stable hand is HOT, like really attractive,
because the job is dirty sometimes, he always wears worn in jeans that look really good on him and timberlands (obviously)
Jungkook is really strong and muscular because he needs to be in order to deal with a horse since they’re three times the size he is, and because the equipment and trunks and all really heavy.
everyone loves stealing glances at him on hay day because he has sleeves rolled up so that you can see his arm muscles, while he carries all the new hay bales which are all also very heavy...
And though everyone gawks at him all the time, he never really notices and is very much kept to himself and the horses.
Like Taehyung is his only friend at the barn and he’s ok with that.
wears bracelets made out of the twine around the hay bales.  And sometimes when it is really hot outside, like during the summer months he wears this old pale blue baseball cap.
He likes spending his breaks in the pastures with some of the horses he works with, and it’s actually incredible like, the horses love him so much that they will actually like lay down next to him in the grass and doze off
always carries peppermints in his back pockets for the horses,,,,, and for himself
boi always has some kind of hard candy in his mouth,
And then you come along...
You just moved to the area and not going to lie, you come from a much wealthier family, and you own your own fancy Dutch Warmblood named Apollo and after scouting the area decide that Chestnut Lakes is the stables that you want to board at.
Your horse Apollo is enormous and beautiful, he is a gelding (neutered male horse) and has a silky dark black coat, with pure white socks on each foot, a thick blaze that runs down his face, has a pink muzzle, and stands at a little above 17 hands tall.
(hands are how you measure horses, essentially a hand is around 4 inches, 17 hands is a pretty tall horse considering they are measured from the ground to their withers which is their shoulder, kinda, that’s just the jist of it for understanding)
And you love Apollo, he is a very strong eventing horse (which means you compete in all three events, dressage, show jumping and cross country) and though he basically has a perfect temperment, he is terrified of being inside a trailer.
It is a warm spring day (teehee) when you arrive at Chestnut Lakes, Apollo is in the trailer and is kicking, making a lot of noise, and overall his making a huge scene.
Jungkook hears this from inside the stables and runs out to see what the problem is, but by the time he is out you already have Apollo out of the trailer and are calming him down with gentle words and soft strokes down his neck.
and tbh Jungkook can’t help but stare because it really is a sight to behold.
I mean, there you are with your horse who has complete trust in you, looking you in the eyes,
but also you are kind of on the shorter side, and since your horse stands so tall proportionally it just looks a little funny, and Kook can’t help but admire you from afar.
When you are done with calming down your horse, you take your time walking him into the barn, allowing him to adjust to his new home, letting him sniff a bit and put his head towards the ground.
One of the other stable hands tells you where they set up the new stall for Apollo and you make your way down the beautiful stable hall till you reach the stall,
, and there is Jungkook, still fixing up the bedding in the box.
“Oh, um, sorry, I’m just about done here.” He says to you, and you can’t help but blush a little bit because well, Jungkook is really attractive and seems a little insecure, and you also have a really nice very of his butt from this angle, along with the fact that you are just meeting, awe
and you’re like, “no no, I just wanted to let him gather his wits for a moment.  We just were in the trailer for a couple hours, I was hoping to walk him around for a little bit to help him stretch,”
And Jungkook is like oh, that’s right well I better start walking him then, and goes to take the lead rope from you, but you’re just like wait what? no.
Jungkook is kind of shocked tbh because all of the other riders here don’t really care about their horses or want to deal with all the other things besides riding,
, but not you?  “No, I’ll take him it’s fine.” You say, and he kind of just nods.  “I’m Y/N by the way, and this is Apollo.” You tell him, and your voice is awkward, but he still smiles and reaches out to shake your hand,
awkwardly laughing, “hi, I’m Jungkook”
Jungkook then tells you the best places to walk Apollo and you thank him greatly before clicking your tongue and moving along with your horse.
You can’t help but think, oh my god Jungkook, he’s so attractive and sweet and his face is so nice and his hands were soft...
Jungkook is thinking the same thing, leaning against the stall door.
Fast forward a few weeks and you and Apollo have finally made yourselves comfortable in the new stables.
You haven’t had a hard time making friends with all the other girls who board their horses at CL, but over this time you have become closest with Jungkook and Taehyung.
You have always been the girl who has many guy friends, but it also had to do with the fact that they were the most real and down to earth of all the people at the facility.
Like they never talk about silly things like new limited edition horse blankets that will ‘make them look so cute in the winter!’, but will casually talk about idk, normal people things haha.
And you are not the only one getting closer to the boys, Apollo is completely trusting of Jungkook, maybe even more so than he is of you, and you just tell Kook that it’s because of all the peppermints he gives him, but deep down you know that it’s just his way with the horses.
And tbh you still have a teeny tiny crush on Kook since the first time you two spoke, but now you two have some casual friendship, and you’re not really sure if a relationship is something you need at the moment since you are so busy training for this big competition in a little over a month.
When you’re riding Jungkook and Tae will sometimes make excuses to watch you and Apollo train in the ring.
It’s really cute Tae keeps saying that he is going to make a giant banner for you when you actually go to your competition,
but that will never actually happen for several reasons, the first being that it could scare the horses and second that he couldn’t actually go to the show because Jungkook is technically Apollo’s groom so he is the one that will travel with you to events.
The first time you ever see Jungkook wearing his old blue baseball cap, you are so struck by how pretty he looks with it on, his hair is pushed out of his face and the such, that you actually avoid him for as long as possible because you knew that you’d be too distracted to formulate actual sentences.
(Now while we are on the topics of hats and accessories, though this is not his AU it is still essential to know that Taehyung wears a lot of bandanas at the stables, A LOT of BANDANAS)
One day you show up a few hours earlier than you usually do because your lecture class had been cancelled, and you are surprised to find that Apollo isn’t in his stall?!?
but you quickly realize that since you are early he is most likely out in the pastures, so you check the list in the tack room to see which pasture he is in, and then you head over to go collect him so that you could practice this new dressage move,
when you get to the pasture you are actually stunned.
Jungkook is sitting underneath this ancient oak tree in the middle of the pasture and appears to be dozing off, and Apollo is completely lying down next to him on his side with his big head in Jungkook’s lap.
Never once has Apollo even been that comfortable with you, and you’re his owner!
You are not jealous, but more amazed at what you are seeing.  Jungkook is lightly stroking Apollo’s neck, and with his head back against the oak he look so beautiful, so ethereal.
You don’t want to really disturb them, but you still enter the paddock, Kookie looking up to you, but not saying anything, and you sit yourself down next to him.
It’s quiet and you don’t say anything to each other for a while, until you think you can hear Jungkook saying something about how pretty your hair is, but when you ask if he did he denies it and looks the other way.
You can’t help but blush and look the other way too.
Again ever since that moment in the pasture you and Jungkook seem a little awkward with each other, but not enough that Tae notices, and you are finally starting to accept that you have a serious crush on Kook when one day you are falling asleep and you get a call.
You’re a little angry because it is one in the morning, but Jungkook is calling you so you answer and he’s panicking, “It’s Apollo,” he says, “I think he’s colicing, I’m not sure, I’ve never had to deal with this before I don’t know what to do I already called the vet but it’ll take him an hour to get here and I don’t know if I’m doing this right, oh my god Y/N, please your show is in three weeks, and it’s Apollo.”
You have never driven so fast in your life, you get to the barn in a record ten minutes, and you can see all the lights in the stable are on.
You rush in, wearing your silly shark patterned pajama pants, sleep tee, uggs and an old sweatshirt with holes throughout, and you see Jungkook pacing with Apollo up and down the length of the stables.
Apollo is covered in sweat and it is dripping off of him and he looks like he is about to topple over any moment,
You cry out seeing your horse in such pain, and run over to them,
Tears stream down your cheeks a bit and you quickly pull your horse into a tight hug, letting go quickly only because you know that you have to keep him walking.
Jungkook looks awful.  
It looks like he may have been crying, but you are unsure.  There are deep purple bruises underneath his eyes from staying up with Apollo and lack of sleep.  
“Thank you,” you say to him as you walk beside them, and he nods, “Of course I’d call you, I’d freak out if it was my horse,”
You two end up taking turns walking Apollo up and down the length of the stable until the vet finally shows up.
They make a quick diagnosis, saying that Apollo only has a very very mild case of colic, that after only one dose of antibiotics he should be good as new within an hour or so, that he should be fine and doesn’t necessarily need to be put on any kind of rest, though he does suggest at least one day of no work.
You are so relieved, and after walking Apollo around for another hour and a half he seems like he is back to his normal self, so you put him back into his stall.
Jungkook suggests that he puts a baby monitor in his stall just in case, so that he can hear if he starts showing any more symptoms again like rolling around or pawing the ground.
You agree that it is a good idea, but you still can’t pull yourself away to go back home, you are just too worried about Apollo, even though exhaustion is evident in your face.
Jungkook gulps loudly, scratching his head, “Um, you know, I have a room upstairs to sleep in,” and you graciously accept, following him up the slim staircase in the tack room to the second level and into his little room.
In his room there is a twin sized bed pushed up against the far wall, covered in layers of blankets, a small wardrobe and a large chair.  He doesn’t even have furniture like an end table, the lamp and alarm clock are on the floor next to the bed.
“You live here?” You ask him, and he tells you, “no, not really, only on some nights or when I have a night shift, someone is always here watching the horses, but we still need rest.  Sometimes I stay here even when I’m not on though cause the walls are thin, and I like hearing the sounds of the horses, it helps me sleep”
he looks away for the last bit, and you have your suspicions that he is blushing.
Then came a whole other matter,
“um, there’s only one bed...”
“Oh, yeah sorry, you take the bed, I’ll just sleep on the chair.” He says, and you don’t really listen, after he said that you could have the bed you kick off your uggs, crawling under the covers in a sleepy haze, that is until you see him sitting in the chair,
it’s ridiculous really, the chair is not a proper sleeping place, made only for putting on shoes in the morning and taking them off in the evening.
and you can’t stop yourself from saying what you do because the words already leave your mouth before you register what they are, “You know, I don’t mind sharing the bed,”
*face palm*
Jungkook looks up for a moment, “Are you sure, I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable or anything.”  and you sigh, “Kookie all we are doing is sleeping right?  What��s the harm if it’s on the same bed?”
You probably shouldn’t have said that last part, but you see him nod and take off his Timbs, sliding in under the covers with you.
It is too small of a space not to have any kind of contact with each other, and when he’s under the covers with you Jungkook pulls you into his chest.
and it is in that moment that you finally realize... THAT YOU HAVE NOT BEEN WEARING A FREAKING BRA THE ENTIRE NIGHT!  You rushed out of the house without putting one on.
Not that he could have noticed when you were downstairs walking Apollo because of your thick sweatshirt, but now with you pressed all up against his chest he is doomed to notice.
(*cough cough* he does notice, but doesn’t mention it afraid to make you embarrassed.  But he does smile and tries to enjoy it as long as he can because he isn’t sure when it is going to end or if it will ever happen again)
... so you try to stay still, and just fall asleep as soon as possible.
With your head on him you fall asleep to him smelling of salt, the comforting scent of sweet hay and horses, along with something a little minty.
The next morning you wake up, and it is hard to keep it being anything but awkward, so you try to thank him as quickly as possible and get out of there.  
Apollo was fine, and you were able to continue your training the next day, you were so thankful that nothing bad had really happened to your horse.
In the next few days you and Jungkook rarely speak to each other, not that you are mad, just that you don’t know what to say,
and now Taehyung finally takes a notice of you two acting so weird.
“So, what’s going on Y/N?” He asks while you are brushing Apollo down after a long ride, you talk a little bit and then he finally asks you what’s on his mind, “Is something going on between you and Jungkook?  Because you two have been acting strange.”
You try assuring him that nothing is going on, and he seems a little suspicious at least, but doesn’t pry.
And then Taehyung does something that surprises you a little bit, he acts like he is about to leave and instead leans into your ear whispering, “If you really like Kookie, do something special for him.  Teach him how to ride.”
Taehyung leaves right after that and you are left frozen.  Were you that easy to read? and Jungkook doesn’t know how to ride?
You ask Jungkook about it the next time you see him, “Do you perhaps want to ride Apollo?”
And he is taken aback, so surprised by your offer, but he doesn’t refuse, you two warming back up to each other, and agree on when he gets to ride.
After you leave Jungkook gets so excited that he starts to act like a little kid again, running around, dancing.  After all it is something that he has been wanting to do since he was in fact a child.
You start teaching him the basics off the horse, showing him the proper way to sit in a saddle and the posture you need to keep.
Jungkook was a fast learner and within a few hours you were confident that he could sit up in an actual saddle.
For the next few weeks your life only seems to be happening at the stable, you hastily preparing for a big eventing show, and you also teaching Jungkook how to ride.
To be completely frank, you had expected Jungkook to look very calm and collected in the saddle, since he is very confident in his movements and things on the ground, but
Jungkook is so awkward up on top of a horse, like he is learning everything and knows how to do it, but not matter how hard he tries he can’t look graceful,
like when he posts during the trot he looks like he is about to fall out of the saddle, and it always makes you laugh.
It’s cute, Jungkook gives Apollo a peppermint after he rides him.
As the time for your show gets closer and closer, you start getting more and more nervous because it is really important and if you do well you could potentially be put on this really exclusive riding team, that travels the world and stuff, and it’s basically your dream to be on that team.
Jungkook notices this and tries his best to encourage you so that you don’t give up on yourself when you can’t stop knocking down a certain pole when you come at the jump from a certain angle, and you feel like crying because of all the stress and ahhhhh
Once you get so worked up that you dismount and just sit in the dirt for a while, not angry crying but crying a really frustrated cry.
And Jungkook sees this, so he makes his way over and sits down with you,
He takes a hold of your hand in both of his and slowly starts rubbing his thumbs in circles to comfort you.
he doesn’t say anything because he is afraid that if he does he’ll say the wrong thing and make it worse for you, so he just keeps massaging from your wrist to your fingers.
You lean in his shoulder and doze a little, you stop crying.  From that moment on Jungkook and you are significantly more touchy with each other,
like you’re not dating (yet), but he’ll hold your hand when you walk Apollo to the pastures or make excuses to groom with you.
And though you don’t ever talk about this new sudden intimacy, it really helps start to relieve all the stress you have built up preparing for the show.
It is three days before the show that you finally start to make the trip to the event location...
Tae even helps you pack up all of your supplies into your trunk since Jungkook is still working with one of the other horses, and when you are finally done with the trunk and getting the trailer ready,
you meet up with Jungkook to discuss how you were going to get Apollo into the trailer,,, you ended up lucky and Apollo was somehow distracted or tired enough to not put up a fight when entering the trailer.
the trip to the event location is over 5 hours, and even though you are with Jungkook, you end up falling asleep in the passenger seat sometime along the way...
... you wake up to Jungkook, singing softly to whatever music is on the radio, and you are in awe,
his voice is too much, so beautiful.  
Like he was already perfect to begin with but now... just why?!
One day in the future you will learn that one of Kook’s first dreams was to be an idol, but turned down the opportunities to stay and take care of his family.
You arrive at the show, check in, and settle Apollo into the makeshift stable that they set up for all the horses to stay in for the three days while the show is taking place,
You and Jungkook had plans on staying in a small hotel a short walk from the show site, but since the room was definitely priced higher than expected, you guys opted to spend one night sleeping in the trailer.
Sleeping in the trailer was something that many people did often, in fact some of the other riders probably decided to just sleep in their trailers all along, after all with all the hay it can be rather comfortable.
After setting all of your equipment up for the next few days, you and Kook split up for a little bit, you wanted to walk around the grounds and get a feel of the competition, while Jungkook and some of the other stable hands from other stables were going to go play around in the parking lot or whatever,
it wasn’t that long after dinner time that you got a text from Jungkook, he and some of the other grooms and stable hands he befriended were going out to get drinks in town, 
He invited you along too of course, but you politely declined knowing that you needed to stay bright minded for tomorrow.  
It is already dark by the time that you get back to the trailer, and you can tell by the way that the clouds are coming in that it is about to rain.
You could start to hear the droplets hit the metal exterior of the trailer, as you snuggled into your makeshift sleeping bag (just a bunch of blankets that you keep in the trailer in case of emergency), and you hope that Jungkook will be back soon so that he doesn’t get caught in the pouring rain.
He arrives sometime later, clearly a little drunk and definitely caught in the downpour.
Jungkook’s shoulders are wet, and he throws off his baseball cap and jacket somewhere into the corner.
“Are you still awake?” he says playfully, definitely not sober, “Y/N you asleep already?”
You turn to face him better in the piles of blankets, and give him a sleepy wave, “Had fun?  You going to remember any of this tomorrow?  It’s going to be a little hard to call in a sick day,”
He chuckles, a little bit too hard, “My clothes are wet.” he raises his arms up like a child, “I’m going to catch a cold,”
“That sounds like a YOU problem Kookie,” you tell him, and he smiles a lopsided-drunk smile.
But then he just starts stripping in front of you, like with no regard of your presence in the room.
“Kookie-ah!” you shout, covering your eyes with the blanket,
“Calm down,” he says, “didn’t we and Tae go swimming in the lake by the CL sometime?  What’s the difference now?”
“But I am wet,,,” He winks, and you glare.  What?
He finished dressing into a pair of sweatpants and a white undershirt and climbs under the covers, coming much closer to you that you would have thought considering the room you two have.
His voice is soft and gentle, you can hear the rain still falling around the trailer, and droplets are in his hair.
“What is it Kookie?”
“I think you look... pretty when you’re flustered.”
Gone.  You are gone, out of this trailer and on cloud nine; Jungkook thinks you’re pretty, even when he is drunk, he thinks you’re pretty.
He is quiet for a moment, and you think that he might have fallen asleep, but then you turn to look at him and see him leaning up at you,
“What is it Kookie?”
“I kind of think, that I maybe,... that I maybe maybe like you.” *chokes* “And right now I kind of think that I, no I know that I definitely want to kiss you, right now, right here,” *chokes harder* “but I’m not going to.”
You sigh, “That’s probably for the best, you are kinda, not kinda more like actually drunk right now,” 
“For your information I am just as sound of mind now as I am normally.  But yes, that’s one reason.”
“What’s the other?” you whisper.
“I don’t know if I could stop.  I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” He sighs, gathers up a bunch of blanket and cuddles into it.  
“You should in the morning.” you tell him.
“I plan on it.” And with that you hear his breaths get heavier, sleep overcame his body, and with that you allow yourself to do so as well.
In the morning, to your displeasure, Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.  It was your biggest fear, he confessed and regrets it, maybe he never even had those feelings towards you in the first place.
You get ready, putting on your best show attire, knowing that you are being judged on your presentation as well.
Later you find Jungkook in with Apollo, braiding his mane in the classic dressage buns.
“Hey you!” His attitude surprises you, you expected him to stay away, is he really going to act like nothing happened?!?
“I thought I’d wake up a little earlier and get him ready for you, now I know how you like to do this yourself, but I thought that it’s a special day, don’t want you getting any doubts while you get ready.” you nod at him, and start helping braiding Apollo’s tail.
The day continues like this until your class is finally called and you are outside waiting till your turn to go into the ring.  You had already warmed up Apollo in a smaller ring a little while ago.
Jungkook stands with you as you watch the other riders go do their trip.
“Don’t get nervous Y/N,” he assures you constantly, “you’ve trained harder than almost everyone here.” He grabs your hand in his to start massaging the circles like he usually does, and you snap.
How dare he act like this after what happened last night!
You tell him just that. 
“You confessed to me last night, you can take back what you said, I know you were drunk maybe it wasn’t really like that, but don’t ignore it.  Please, I’m begging you, it’s not fair.” you feel like you are about to cry, but no tears come.
May rider 32 please prepare to enter the ring.
That’s you.  You turn away from Jungkook in order to mount, but he grabs your wrist.
“Y/N, of course I meant it.  I planned on kissing you after I saw you win, but I guess you are just too stubborn for that,”
He does it.  He kisses you.  Right then and there and in front of all those people.  No one seemed to care, but to you, you feel like you’re levitating off of the ground.  How can one kiss feel so right?
“Now go,” he tells you, and you mount up, ready to go into the show ring.  You smile a smile too big for your face as you enter.
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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