#teen beach movie butchy masterlist
heliads · 2 years
Butchy Masterlist
The Story Knows - Based on this request: "Butchy x female reader one-shot. The reader is a biker and is dating Butchy." Also I added wandavision vibes for no good reason. Imagine
Best Friend’s Brother - Based on this request: “butchy x reader? maybe the reader is also a biker and visiting her friend lela and butchy tries to flirt with her but shes not having it until he eventually wears her down?” Imagine
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griefbacon · 3 years
Childhood Movies Masterlist
Fluff - purple
Smut - red
Angst - orange
Imagine - green
The Outsiders:
Darry Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
Ponyboy Curtis
Several Characters
Teen Beach Movie:
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heliads · 2 years
I’d like to request a Butchy x female reader one-shot. The reader is a biker and is dating Butchy. She has straight hair like Elena in season 1 of The Vampire Diaries and is dressed like Sandy in the “tell me about it, stud” scene from the movie Grease (black leather jacket, black shirt, black leather pants) but wears red boots instead of red sandals. In the musical number Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’, she sings the line “Two wheels and an open road. Wrapped in leather. Ready to go!”
have you ever wanted teen beach movie to be wandavision a horror movie? here you go :))
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Do you know what it is like to live inside a dream? One would not even know it was a fantasy if it was not called to their attention. The best part of a dream is that it feels so real you could die without ever knowing the truth. This is how it feels to live inside your story, but also why realizing that after all this time it was nothing but fiction was the rudest awakening you have ever been forced to witness.
You were never supposed to find out the truth. You’re certain of it now, days or perhaps years later when you look the same despite playing through the story an untold number of times. There are a thousand different showings before a thousand different audiences, all starting within minutes or hours of each other. It should be enough to keep your mind occupied long enough to forget every detail of how you are nothing but a character. It is not.
It has been all this time, however. At first, you’re not entirely sure what woke you from the story. It becomes apparent soon enough, but for the first time in what may be your entire life, or every one of your lives, you do not know the answer before the story ends. Perhaps it’s that feeling of uncertainty that makes you realize how little you know. The musical number outside your window has two extra dancers. Your boyfriend is not singing alone when he begins to mark the restaurant as his own. He always has been before.
You don’t have time to worry about that until after the song ends, though. Butchy is the leader of the bikers, he will always sing and you, as his girl, will always sing with him. You have never missed a step. He has never missed you.
What you miss is when the blond boy came into town. Staring at him is like looking out a window and belatedly realizing that the entire scene before you is clouded with rain. You do not know when the storm began, only that it is already over, and you have missed the entire thing. Something is wrong here, you think, and this boy may be the key to all of it.
Butchy does not miss your glance. He is only free to act on it, however, when the song ends, and he rushes to your side as soon as the plot allows. He takes your hand instinctively, for it has never belonged to anyone except him, not even for a mother or a father that your story didn’t make time to name.
“What’s with the new guy?” Butchy asks, eyes narrowed. He was written to be easily jealous a long time ago. He has never disappointed in his role.
You laugh, although you’re not sure that what he said was funny. “Who knows? Not sure I mind him being here, though. I’d love a fresh face.”
For the first time, you hear the sound of your own voice, truly hear it. Your words are shaped one way in your head, yet come out a different way, twanged into some sort of strong accent as if each sound were a guitar string plucked to perfection. You don’t know that you’ve ever heard an accent like that outside of your town, or specifically, outside of the bikers. It makes you feel like a caricature, some off shade of what could have been a perfectly normal character.
Butchy’s hand squeezes yours, making you focus again. You’re not sure if he’s dragging you back to reality or farther from it. “Everything alright, sweetheart?”
You nod quickly. “Perfectly perfect. Never been better.”
He smiles, although it doesn’t reach his eyes. “You sure? My momma always said that I was a great listener, and I’d love to hear ya talk if you need it.”
You tilt your head at him. “Who is your momma? What’s her name, Butchy? I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her before.”
Butchy’s smile falters. “What are you talking about?”
“When have any of us seen our parents outside of photographs?” You ask, voice trembling slightly. “Can you see her face in your mind? I can’t remember the color of my own mother’s hair.” 
That sort of detail was never in the story, and Butchy knows it. “Why would you ask that, Y/N?” He asks, keeping his voice careful. “Why are you asking it now?”
You tug at his hand. “Can we continue this conversation outside? Something about this place is messing with my head.”
It’s hard to focus inside Big Momma’s. You can sense that a song is about to start, but for the first time, you find that you can fight it, slip in between the chords and find a hiding place from the lyrics. Butchy follows you without question. He always has, even when not contained by the story.
Outside, the sky seems fractured, as if seen through broken glasses. One moment, you’re certain that it’s just as you left it when you went inside Big Momma’s for the bikers’ big song, around midday with the sunlight streaming down your shoulders. Then you squint and it’s dark again, getting ready for the next song. You’re caught in between moments, you realize, the break between chapters. You don’t know how long this will last, but you’ve never seen something like this before. Perhaps you were right, something truly has happened to wake you up.
Butchy seems to have realized it too. “What’s up with the town?” He asks, looking around him. There’s a surfer down the block who seems to have trouble putting his board up to dry. The boy raises it above his head to stack it on a picnic table only to drop it back to his side a moment later.
You feel your shoulders start to tense up. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”
Your accent is slipping, the words less like a script and more like you.
Bucky finds time to smile in the midst of the madness. “Your voice sounds different. I like it.”
You smile back at him, and even if the action wasn’t written for you, it still feels right. “I like you, Butchy.”
He chuckles. “I should hope so, we’se been together for a long time.”
His voice drops as he mentions how long you two have been seeing each other. Butchy feels this too, you realize, the way that nothing has been real all this time.
You glance back towards the doors of Big Momma’s. “It’s those two new kids, isn’t it? The boy and the girl. They’re messing up our story.”
Butchy nods. “Think we can do anything about it?”
You shiver. “I don’t know that I want to. I haven’t said something for myself in a long time.” Perhaps never. You don’t know if you would remember a time before the story started holding your tongue.
Butchy pulls you close, and you can feel his heart hammering through his chest. “I don’t know how long this is going to last, but just in case they start changing things again, I want you to know something.”
You look at him, your foreheads pressed together. “What?”
Butchy opens his mouth to speak, but all of a sudden he’s gone. You stare at empty sand, his footprints already blowing away in the breeze. The story must be fighting to keep itself alive after all, forcing the town back on track. You’re supposed to be with your girls, he with his guys. You won’t see each other until the night falls for real and the dance begins.
When you open your eyes, Butchy’s little sister Lela is beaming at you. The only sign that she feels this too, this sudden disorder, is the single tear that falls from her eye before she turns to the new girl and starts to sing. After that, the music envelops her so deeply that Lela doesn’t have time to feel a thing. None of you do.
It is different, though, even with the story trying to reclaim all of you. There are slight missteps, moments in which the new girl, Mack, tries to tell you and your friends that boys don’t always have to be in charge. In those moments, you can feel the force of the story beating on your back, caving in your chest until you sing back that you know what boys like. It’s a song you’ve been singing for quite a while. You know all the words by heart.
It is worse after the dance. You do not realize why at first, until you start to remember more of the previous iterations of the story and compare all that went wrong. Lela should have been with a surfer, you think, but not the new surfer either. The story is changing. It does not like that, but it has no other choice. That, or to fold the newcomers into the story, and they like that even less.
You cannot escape the feeling now that something is wrong. It presses in on you like grease under your fingernails, begging to be named. Butchy does not leave your side. You are afraid that he will go and the story will take him so far away that he may never return.
In the end, it’s sort of fun to run along as the story fractures. You can sense it trying to heal itself, and you have no doubt that by carrying out the usual plot will allow the story to heal, but the road to get there is far longer and more treacherous than it has ever been before. That, and your map no longer seems to exist.
At last, though, Brady and Mack manage to find their way back through the water to their other world. You stand with Butchy just before it all falls apart. You have no doubt that the second Brady and Mack disappear back to their world, yours will revert back to normal, but for now you still have your free will. You’ve grown to like it, you realize. You don’t know if you’ll remember that when the story comes for you again.
You can feel the air start to pick up around you, the words rejoining into sentences that reorder the universe. As Brady and Mack draw further away, the story reknits itself, fragment by fragment. Soon, you won’t have much time left until it all begins again.
Butchy reaches for you as the last of your freedom falls apart. “This was fun,” he says, and you’re not sure if you’re truly hearing the words or just feeling the vibration of his voice carry to you across the tumultuous sky. The wind is picking up, tearing disorderly plotlines apart and sticking them back into their proper places.
You smile back at him anyway. “It was,” you agree, “All I ever needed was you. This proved it.”
Butchy grins. You feel like you can see him clearly for the first time in a very long time, perhaps since the story first allowed you to meet during the first telling of your tale. His eyes are sharper than you remember, his smile broader. You can see him without edits, without changes. No decades have dulled his shine. You love him ceaselessly.
Some part of you is terrified that you will never be able to look at him the same way. The story has always forced a biker’s rose tinted shades over your eyes, but even the raw, harsh truth still paints Butchy in the loveliest colors to you. You can say it now, even after the next song begins. You love him. There is no plot compelling you to stay by him, but you hold on tight to his hand anyway.
Butchy must feel the same way, because even without his cues and stage directions, he’s only ever looking at you. This is love, you decide, that even after a thousand lifetimes of being forced together over and over again, he would still spend his last free moments by your side.
He shouts something to you, before it is all torn away. It is difficult to hear him through the whipping of the wind, the flipping of the pages back to the very start.
“I love you. Story or no story. I always will.”
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
requested by @thornyrose463, hope you enjoy! no i cannot explain this either <3
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heliads · 2 years
heyyyyyyyy.... would it be possible to do a butchy x reader from teen beach movie? maybe the reader is also a biker and visiting her friend lela and butchy tries to flirt with her but shes not having it until he eventually wears her down?
literally rewatched teen beaches 1 and 2 so that i could properly write this and AA i forgot how good they are! thank you for the req anon
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Start your engines, everyone. It’s time to see a friend.
You are arriving at the beach late at night, heading down past the boardwalks and clusters of kids in surf shorts. By the time you pull up outside the door of a beachfront restaurant familiar only through photographs, the stars have long since started to outshine the sun.
You’ve been driving for a while, but you don’t mind the chance to have a road trip all to yourself. There might never be another mode of transportation half as fun as your motorcycle, although perhaps that’s just the biker in you.
According to your good friend Lela, bikers are well received here, although your arrival does make something of a stir. You can feel curious eyes flocking to your bike, checking it for underinflated tires or grease marks or anything that could mark you as ‘less than’ in their eyes.
One of the bikers is even bold enough to approach you directly, holding up a hand as if to help you off your bike. You consider his unspoken offer, then jump off by yourself.
The boy appears undaunted, flashing you a chrome-bright grin. “Hey there, stranger. My name’s Butchy, and I’d love to get yours.”
You arch a brow, unbuckling your helmet and fastening it back on the handlebars of your bike. “Y/N.”
The boy’s smile deepens, if possible. “Y/N. I like that name.”
“Thanks,” you say, “I think.”
You move to walk past him and into the restaurant, but the boy just follows you. “Say, if you’re new here, I wouldn’t mind showing you around.”
You fix him with your best cool stare. “Are you like this with every girl you meet?”
Butchy winks. “Only the pretty ones.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “That sounds about right.”
This time, you do manage to make it past Butchy and into Big Momma’s. Instantly, you’re enveloped in a wave of colors and noise. The place is warmly lit, and full of kids hanging around and talking. You see both surfers and bikers, which is a welcome surprise, all mingling throughout the restaurant.
More importantly, you see Lela. She’s talking to some blond surfer who looks like he’s been pulled out of a fairy tale or magazine cover, although she beams the second she notices you’re here and instantly runs over to say hi.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it!”
You’re engulfed in a hug, and manage to choke out that you’re glad to see her too around layers of pink ruffles and perfectly glossed hair.
Lela leans back, delighted. “Oh, I knew you would like it here. There are so many people I need you to meet. Seems like you already talked to my brother, though.”
Confused, you follow her line of sight until it lands directly on Butchy. You pause for a moment to think this through, then gasp in something not entirely unlike horror.
“This guy is your brother?” You ask, eyes wide.
Butchy grins. “Try not to sound so disappointed, sweetheart. I’ve been told that we’ll get along just fine.”
You shoot him a dark look. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Lela just smiles, either unaware of the preexisting tension or delighting in it. “Well, I’m glad you already have one friend, Y/N. Say, I hate to leave so early, but I need to go sing. It’s very important to have the right mood in a place like Big Momma’s, you know.”
Before you can stop her, or perhaps beg her to take you with her, Lela swooshes off to the stage at the other side of the restaurant to begin a jazzy number.
Butchy holds out a hand to you as couples start to fill the floor. “Can I have this dance?”
You arch a brow. “Can I say no?”
He grins. “Only if you like hurting Lela’s feelings.”
You narrow your eyes at him, but reluctantly follow him to the dance floor. “That seems like cheating.”
Butchy shrugs. “Not if both of us are having a good time. Say, I love this song. ‘Falling For You’ has such a pleasant melody, it might be my favorite song yet.”
You eye him cautiously. “Do you know any songs other than this one?”
Butchy pretends to think. “Not sure that I do. That definitely makes it my favorite, though.”
You laugh in spite of yourself, and despite your attempts to turn the sound into a cough, Butchy still beams as if you’ve awarded him the highest compliment.
“Are you laughing at a joke I made? We might be doing better than I thought.”
You elect to focus on the steps of the dance instead of making direct eye contact with him. “I’m sure I was laughing at you, not with you. There’s a difference.”
Butchy spins you, then makes sure to step just a little closer as he does it so you have no choice but to lean against him for balance. “I’m sure there is.”
You reach for some sort of antagonistic comeback, but, disappointingly, you come up short. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything about this other than looking even more pleased with himself, but still.
It looks like Lela’s getting to the end of her song, so Butchy guides you into a quick dip. “Looks like you literally fell for me, huh?”
You frown, even as he pulls you upright again. “I didn’t fall, you leaned me down. That doesn’t make any sense.”
Butchy sighs dramatically. “It’s an important thing here, you wouldn’t understand. Just go along with it.”
The song is over, but he still hasn’t let you go. For some reason, even the lightest touch of his hands on your arms and waist is enough to keep you motionless.
A hesitant cough to your right startles you from whatever trance you seem to be trapped in. Glancing over hastily, you realize that another biker is looking at you hopefully.
“I was wondering if you wanted to dance.”
The new boy quails under the depth of the glare Butchy sends his way. You, however, just flash him the sharpest smile you can.
“I’d love to dance.”
You make sure to fill the word ‘love’ with as much feeling as you can, and it does the job. Butchy’s face drops immediately, and he looks just about ready to deck the new boy, even if they’re a part of the same biker gang.
In an effort to avoid friendly fire, you leave Butchy’s arms and walk a little ways away with the other boy. Even after the next song begins, which you’re fairly sure is just another rendition of ‘Falling For You,’ you still can’t seem to shake Lela’s brother from your mind. Maybe it’s because your new partner isn’t quite as good at dancing, or his lifts don’t take you quite as high.
Or, maybe it’s because you like being able to mess with Butchy just as he’s messing with you. Regardless, you try to put it out of your mind. You’re here to visit Lela, not flirt with her brother.
When Lela finishes performing, you head over to her, intent on shaking the whole Butchy situation from your head under the cover of a good conversation with a friend. Lela, however, doesn’t appear to be letting you off that easily.
She smiles knowingly at you after taking a sip from her strawberry soda. “You know, you seem to be getting along with my brother quite well.”
You scoff a little too loudly. “No, that’s crazy. He’s so annoying.”
Lela raises an eyebrow. “You guys have been staring at each other practically nonstop since you walked through the door. I mean, I’d hate to say anything–”
She hesitates at the sheer ferocity of your gaze. “Alright, I do love saying things. Point is, you guys wouldn’t be the worst together. I think you’re more alike than you think.”
You shake your head firmly. “I would never go near Butchy in that sort of way. I mean, girl code, you know? You can’t date your best friend’s brother.”
Lela shrugs. “That’s assuming that I don’t know about it. I think there’s a girl code loophole in which I’m fine with you dating Butchy.”
In fact, she might be more than just fine with it, judging by the hopeful looks she keeps shooting you. You sigh with more than a touch of theatrics.
“I don’t want to think about boys, Lela,” you say, “I want to talk with my friend. Besides, Butchy’s probably just doing the run-of-the-mill flirting stuff he does with every new girl who stops by.”
Lela shakes her head. “Actually, I’ve never seen him like this before. That could be because no one new ever comes here other than Brady and Mack that one time, but still. I wouldn’t chalk it all up to him being annoying.”
You can’t quite argue with that, so you just purse your lips and change the topic of conversation. Lela looks at you with an infuriating spark in her eyes that tells you she knows exactly what’s going through your head, but thankfully, she doesn’t bring it up again.
You end up talking to Lela for a while, and get to know at least a few of the other bikers and surfers. After a couple hours, though, the late night starts to wear on you, and the constant music in the background of Big Momma’s changes from charming to just loud. You wave goodbye to Lela and discreetly remove yourself from the restaurant.
Instantly, you’re doing better. The night air is crisp and cool compared to the heat inside the diner, and your lungs quite like the change. You take off your shoes, plopping them in the sand so you can walk down further towards the beach.
The sky is clear out here, so far from the rest of the cities, and you can see stars for miles and miles. You can name a few constellations; others are utter strangers. Still, you find that you like to watch them. Maybe you’ll find a new celestial arrangement that will be yours, and yours alone.
A voice at your side makes you jump. “Had enough of us already?”
You glance over to see Butchy, although for once, his presence doesn’t irritate you, if it ever did.
He winces at your surprised movement. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
You shake your head. “No problem, I think I was a little zoned out. It’s a nice enough night that I wasn’t paying attention to much else than myself.”
Butchy smirks. “You’re pretty enough that I can understand that.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re laughing. Maybe he’s wearing you down after all.
A sudden sea wind rolls across the beach, and your laugh turns into a shiver. You do your best to hide the gesture, but Butchy still notices, and pulls his leather jacket off in one smooth motion.
“Here, take mine.”
You remain stock-still while he places it around your shoulders, and you pull it towards you instinctively.
“Won’t you be cold?” He’s only wearing a t-shirt, after all, and it must be thin; you can see every line and curve of his muscles.
Butchy shakes his head. “You’re hot enough that I’ll stay warm anyways.”
This time, you blush alongside your smile. “Don’t you ever get tired of coming up with those pickup lines?”
“You’re assuming that I’m only saying them to make fun of you,” he comments, “I’m not.”
You tilt your head to the side, considering this. “Then why do you say them?”
Butchy spreads his hands. “Because they’re true. Also, you always have to say something back to them, and that gives me an excuse to keep talking to you.”
Your shoulders shake with the laugh, and you can feel Butchy’s eyes on you, following the movement. “You could have just asked if you wanted to talk, you know?”
He thinks about this, then frowns. “I don’t know that you would have taken me up on that offer. You seemed to despise me when I first went up to you.”
You can’t deny this. “Yeah, but I’m better now.”
Butchy’s grin is back, full-force. “Yeah, I think you are.” He glances around, as if checking to make sure no one is watching, then turns back to you. “Say, I know you’re not going to be here forever. Can I get your number so we can talk later?”
You smile, reaching inside your pocket for a faded scrap of paper so you can write down the necessary digits. “Absolutely. You have to promise that you’ll call, though.”
Butchy takes the paper with a smile. “Easy. I’ll call so often that you’ll be sick of me.”
Couldn’t happen, you think. Even when he was doing his best to stay on your mind, you still ended up falling for him, just as promised.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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