#teen exo dys x reader
candybowbeansies · 1 year
Wayfaring Stranger
warnings/notes: implied deaths and many, many timeloops from birth to death and bodily disfigurement, hints at suicidal tendencies if you really squint hard, game spoilers but rlly it’s hinted at the beginning at the game so not really, reader is Sol but still will be written as Y/N, y'all this game has me hook line and sinker I need to write for it starting nyow.
heavily inspired by the song Wayfaring Stranger popularized by the movie 1917, because to me that song is Sol, the game’s player character. Drifting through many pasts, constants, and even more futures, all while losing so much while so young, yet gaining much more, the only moment’s reprieve being the time of their passing, only to look forward to the journey onto the next past, present, and future. Sym’s POV and alt!au(Dys doesn’t meet Sym), written very differently than the game because I’m jealous of Dys, and Sym falls in love with reader first before Dys(likewise for Dys) Sym+DysxReader
Currently only writing for Dys and Sym! They’re the characters I know best as of writing this i have a thing for tdh 😀 there’s also the possibility of me crossing over BNHA into this fandom bc i may or may not have many ideas sitting in the back of my head--
Underage characters are Aged Up!
It’s the final nail in the coffin for Sym when he hears Reader singing by sheer chance. He falls in love.
You were an oddity among the humans. Only a short time after you and the others crashed, did he see a short human-a child, the taller ones referred to you as-braving outside your ridiculous constructs. And it wasn't long before another shorter one followed suit. You preferred all-around nature’s colors and he preferred ones from Glow season. Dys, you called him, while in turn, he called you Y/N. A name so beautiful, and so familiar…he’s dreamed of you, quite literally.
For some time, he’d watch over you two, watching you two grow closer to adulthood; curious, stubborn little wonders. You grew in similar likeness to the grass in the plains, each passing year creating things within him he’d not felt before, or for a very, very long time. He found himself trying to negotiate your survival, more and more as time went by.
While out fulfilling your curiosities, he found you’d taken to humming to yourself. 
“I am a poor wayfaring stranger,”
A bewitching melody of melancholy; sadness and acceptance for the inevitable.
“I'm traveling through this world of woe,”
It wasn’t until now, by sheer chance…
“Yet there's no sickness, toil nor danger,”
He found you singing to yourself, in desolation. You found this area for yourself, seasons ago;
“In that bright land to which I go.”
There was an unspoken promise between you and your other half, Dys. You both respected each other's boundaries, but yet there seemed to be a sixth sense in each of you for the other.
“I'm going there to see my father,”
If one was in need, the other would find and comfort them. Like this, it wasn’t long before Dys, too, was pulled by you.
“I'm going there, no more to roam.”
He recognized Dys’ pained expression. And it gave a pang in his chest, too. In some far off dimension within his dreams, he saw you in a beautiful glade…your form marred for life, so desolate, but still filled with so much hope.
“I'm only going over Jordan,”
He had an inkling that you, too, had the power of foresight. To say you two were attached by the hands wouldn’t necessarily be a lie; after all, one or the other would be led on for most of the time you spent exploring. 
“I'm only going over home…”
Sometimes, you’d stop Dys from going on a path; and through his connection with Vertumna, he’d find either the presence of danger, or nothing at all.
“I know dark clouds will gather round me,”
A bewitching melody of melancholy, sadness, acceptance…
“I know my way is rough and steep,”
But yet, at the same time, of hope and conviction.
“But golden fields lie just before me,”
Faith that soon, everything will end…
“Where God's redeemed shall ever sleep…”
…even if just momentarily.
“I'm going home to see my mother,”
“Sym?” he hears Dys whisper, fiddling with the grass, having found a comfortable spot to give you your space. He finds himself slightly surprised, but if it was you who told Dys about him, then it’d make sense the young man just barely out of his teens knows of his existence.
“And all my loved ones who've gone on…”
They hear your voice crack. Sym hears your breath waver. “They just lost their dad…” Dys didn’t seem particularly sad-just understanding. “Again, they said.”
“I'm only going over Jordan,”
“They were the first to understand me. To believe me. It’s only right that I do the same.” Dys says, leaning back on his palms. “Sym?” he calls again.
“I'm only going over home.”
Your voice dips off, into soft hums. They fill the area in melancholy, for what feels like an eternity.
“Will it ever end?” Dys asks. He knew what Dys was asking. Will your pain ever end? He warps silently into the area behind Dys. You humans are so emotional, Sym swears, it’s contagious. “There’s no way to know. The universe is vast, petal.” he tells Dys, recognizing sadness in his own voice. Dys snorts, “They said something similar.” before craning his head to get a better look at his towering form. “You’re famous, you know that?” Dys says. He chuckles, smiling sweetly. Dys simply rolls his eyes, before standing up. “They talk so much about you, even I like you…” the ravenette mutters almost begrudgingly under his breath, patting off imaginary dust before turning, unperturbed by the difference in height, reaching out his hand. He stares at the offered hand. “Well?” Dys pipes up impatiently, “Don’t you wanna meet them?” waving his hand a few times.
He can’t help but smile, remembering a distant memory from a distant past as he reaches out, allowing himself to be led to you.
“Y/N!” Dys calls with his own form of enthusiasm, “Guess who I finally caught. Told you I’d do it one day!” making you turn.
Your torso was mangled by decade old scars, and you were missing an eye, an arm and a leg, supported by contraptions; one to lean on, and one to replace your leg. “Sym! Dys!” dream you called out, full of joy as they approached.
The current you, who exists right now, simply bounds towards them, arms outstretched.
“I love you.” dream you sighs, leaning into their embrace.
You giggle tearily, latching awkwardly onto them due to your differences in height. Dys goes red and tenses right up, “Y-You--! You’re too much sometimes, you know that?” sputtering at the impact. He’s somewhat used to it, it appears, as he softens up a little. “Geez…love you, too.” he huffs, bashfully.
So that’s the fluttering in his chest? Love. Love. It’s love.
That has a nice ring to it, he smiles. Yes...he's in love with you.
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
Three's a Charm
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warnings/notes: NSFW, spoilers about one of the endings, spoilers about Sym's full name and species, spoilers about dys, dys is an embo it's a new word I made up for the emo himbo, just started finkin bout Dys n triplets with reader so here's some hcs and snippets. this turned into an very long simp-fest somewhere along lmao so lots of very kinky snu-snu, bits about Sym being a GodGardenfather included bc he loves kids, and tidbits ab Dys being a dad :3
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream
-first things first it took a bit of convincing 
-he was wary at first bc of his mom and how would he be a good dad, out for months at a time????
-but like at the same time, he understood, ya'know??? sweet lil u, always as touch starved as he is when he returns to the colony, he always feels so bad when he leaves you behind, and believe me when I say he tried to stay. it did not go well at all, he was literally teetering overhead a mental meltdown so you had to kick him out for his own mental health.
-bbs that smell like him and resemble him would soothe you and his worry about leaving you without a piece of him 🥰
-everybody thought y'all would be one of the first parents and making more after you made that deal with the gardeners, because of how clingy of a couple you two were, literally joined by your hands and how much time you two spent alone together
-y'all lmfao I don't think you know bc of his chronic wanderlust and how he's away months at a time, but my man has high libido and saying that is a literal understatement 
-he is obsessed with you, like borderline yandere but even that's pushing it
-he melts under your touch, he's so dependent on your love
-majority of the time this escalates from cuddling to mating like animals bc like I said, high libido
-when he returns from expeditions, expect to be fucked out, every night until dawn, for a freaking week at least istg 😩
- ^^^ this is why you both got contraceptive implants, like the best ones which can be removed at any time
-he can't get enough, especially if you cling to him during sex like your life depended on him. his heart, his soul, his brain, his body, everything is on overdrive bc he so badly wants to love and be loved back with every fiber of his being, only way he knows how is fucking your brains out pls 😭😭
-man is very handsy behind closed doors, always touching and groping you like it's the very first time, and if you were the same? if he could, he'd have hearts in his eyes 
-he likely knows your body better than he knows his, so expect him to tenderly overwhelm you into squirting
-first time he made you squirt, he made it his mission to go above and beyond
-praise kink go brrr--
"Thaaaat's it, beautiful. F-Fuckin'-oh, hahh--squirt f'me, pretty baby, please?"
"Sh-Show me, sugarbug. Please, baby, show me--ooh, h-how good I make you feel."
-due to his augmentation, he's literally not afraid of anything, even pain
-so fucking overstimulate him
-he lives for your touch, so have your way with him milk him dry, it's all the same to him, long as you touch him, he's so hungry for your attention to the point of self destruction
-he's a cheeky bastard so you gotta work for it at first 
-you never thought a man could squirt until you gave in and gave him what he wanted so desperately
"Fucking--just touch me, already, I can take it, oh stars--you know I can, Y/N, please!"
" 'til 'm shootin' blanks, fuckin' stars, s-s'good!"
-his tears are God tier, like chef's kiss gorgeous
-pretty onyx hues glassy n rolling to the back of his head 🥺
-you were genuinely surprised how intense his orgasm was, n how much cum came squirtin out of him and how far the shot went omg 🥵
-don't remind him, he's still embarrassed that he passed out after that poor bb😭
-any position you can think of, you are you and he wants you for as long as possible.
-despite his initial weariness of knocking you up, he goes full throttle when it's time. it's breeding season, honey.
-when you tell him, 'daddy, plant your seed~' when he's balls deep in your cunt, all train of thought comes to a crashing wailing halt. he completely loses all rhyme or reason, everything except for breeding like a goddamn jack rabbit thrown right out the fucking window. he won't let you go until it takes.
Curses pass his lips like a mantra; he's close, again. He has you caged down in a mating press like an animal, mounted on your overworked wriggling form, his cock bullying your cervix you could almost swear was starting to bruise. You've creamed and been creamed so many times, you've completely lost count. You can only squeal for his baby juice and claw at him the nth time he empties his load and uselessly kick your legs in the air as the sheer weight of his cock sends you over the edge yet again, your cock-drunk babbles only spurring him on.
Your husband was obsessed with you…and it turns out he's hidden a huge breeding kink without either of you knowing about it.
He won't let you go, oh stars, no-he has stamina for days. Not until he either starts shootin' blanks, or passes out. It's highly likely the latter.
You want that baby, right, sugarbug? Keep clinging to him like your life depends on it. Vertumna, just keep begging for his seed, it sends him over the edge every damn time. Never fuckin' fails.
-and oh boy, does it ever take. his sperm count is on the high side and he's a very healthy specimen, and you don't find this out until a few weeks along in your pregnancy
Symbiosis was incredibly taken by your pregnancy. He was a very close friend, always there to help you with your morning sickness among just about every other thing, and a huge cuddle buddy when your hormones started going out of whack. You were hot, then you were cold, both in the physical and emotional sense, and Sym was just the right temperature and ever-patient. It was cute, really, how awestruck he was by your growing belly.
He was incredibly supportive, easily sliding into the position of God-or Gardenfather, rather-of the life inside you quite perfectly, even more so after Dysthymia left a month after the news of success, succumbing to his innate wanderlust.
It wasn't until Sym asked, one day, if you were supposed to grow this fast. The colony had yet to see a pair of twins, and this being your first pregnancy, fear and worry for the worst settled into your bones, and a visit to med bay later, you found you were having not twins…
But healthy triplets, courtesy of your husband's fecundity.
Sym was excited, and that was an understatement. One of the two humans he loved dearly carried not one, not two, but three precious offspring. One of the many reasons he'd put his very existence on the line for, to see your lovely species proliferate. You and your husband proved not so long ago to him, his trust in you was not mistaken; it was well appreciated. 
It was about one week later when Dys returned, to see you as heavy as he remembers Tammy, when she was later along, and if he didn't lose track of time, you were nearing the end of your first trimester, and just moving onto your second.
You were curled up right beside Sym, completely conked out with evidence of crying on your face, tissues and snacks long abandoned in favor of much needed sleep. The alien was wide awake, hand still in the rhythm of comforting strokes along your back. 
It's juvenile of him, he knows, but Dys feels a spark of jealousy briefly ignite in him, seeing you so comfortable in someone else's arms. It's quickly overridden by wonder, however, when he sees just how pregnant you are as he approaches quietly. 
The familiar earthy musk that wafts into the room has your nose doing a bunny twitch. Your pregnancy has heightened some of your senses, if not all; your sense of smell being one of them. In your waking moments, he glances to Sym questioningly. How in Vertumna did you get this big? Was he gone that long??
In turn, the Gardener gave a cryptic smile as you outstretched your arm, drowsily latching onto your husband, almost instinctively. You knew his scent by heart. "Dyyyyys…" you croaked hoarsely. 
"Hello, beautiful." he greets you with a smile, and you only hum contentedly. Sym, out of habit, helps guide your form towards Dys-something he'd picked up from being by your side from the moment he learned you were carrying.
"Whoa, there, I just got home." he starts as you awkwardly koala hug him and attempt to bring him back down with you, "I need to shower, babe." propping himself up, mindful of your belly. You scrunch your face before sleepily crooning an "I don't caaaare…"
"Well, I do. It'll give you a moment to wake up, and when I'm done, I can tell you what happened out there after you tell me what happened here, okay?" he tells you, leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on you, which you return after a brief few moments. 
"Okay?" he repeats softly against your lips, and you hum in reply, finally letting him go with a soft, happy "Welcome home."
-when he learns he planted triplets in you, he will go through so many emotions at once. there's the masculine thrill of he's knocked up his sweet obsession so heavily and the possessive pride that you're carrying his kids, plus the worry what if something goes wrong, especially if he's away??? stars, beautiful! everything is very overwhelming, especially the fact your growing tummy does things to him
-you thought he was handsy before? you are in for a surprise, especially when he feels them move/kick/punch for the first time
-pregnancy sex
-please for the love of Vertumna don't deprive him of lovin'! getting you off is his love language
-if he wasn't fascinated with your tits before oh boy he is now
-watching your tits plump up with milk he's mesmerized
-he learns very quickly your nipples are uber sensitive so he pays very special attention to them
-when you're full and sore and leaking go to him, he's so skilled with his hands he will make you cum from your tits alone he's got a lactation kink but he won't admit it 
Your chest heaves as you pant heavily, still shivering from the aftershocks from the nipple orgasms your husband put you through, thick dribbles of milk still oozing from each one-though not as much as before, his hands having given you relief from carrying too much of the substance.
"You're so gorgeous, Y/N." you hear him praise you, as he takes your trembling legs and hoists them onto one shoulder. "Ready, beautiful? Need to give you some love here, too." he says, and a moment later you feel his heavy cock head against your pulsing entrance. 
You weakly wiggle your hips, impatient for him to fill you up already. He laughs softly, nudging against your eager hole before sliding in. You croon and he all but shudders as your gummy insides greedily pull him in; and he's happy to oblige, sinking balls deep into your pregnant cunt.
"Hhh--fuck, gimme a moment, pretty…" he huffs, his hand traveling to caress your tummy. 
-he's low-key dreading the time you pop, knowing full well how it is it's excruciating and he hates it when you're in pain outside controlled bedroom activities 
-as you're carrying the colony's first set of triplets, he's banned from med bay along with all other non-medical personal 
-and that's an understatement
-man will pace
-and he will get worse with every cry and wail
-not even Sym can stop him when he hears the sound of your final exhausted scream followed by his third bb starting to wail with their older siblins ssob 🥺
"Let me through!" he shouts. "Dys, I don't think it's wise, man. I know how you--" "No! You don't, so don't even--" he argues with Cal defensively, grabbing his shirt. In turn, Cal's hands fly up peaceably, with a sheepish 'Now, I ain't trying to fight, dude.' which earns him a shove. "Dys, they will be okay." Sym tries to placate him.
"Don't you start, too, Sym." he meets the alien with uncharacteristic sharpness, a surge of agitation rushing through him, heart thrumming against his ribcage anxiously.
Never again. You sounded like you were in agony.
"They need me, they just gave birth to my kids, for Vertumna's sake!" he swears, pushing his way through.
No more kids, even if you wanted them. If the outcome hurts you, never again.
He was worried half to death. "I need to see if they're oh--" he opens the door, trailing off as he sees you.
Your tired, puffy red eyes lift from the triplets, one in each arm and one dozing off on your chest. You smile sweetly at him, and his pattering heart skips a beat. Calling you beautiful would be an understatement. 
Before he knows it, he's by your side, Tammy's giggles and Instance's muttering be damned. He does offer a glance to his twin. Tang simply shrugs her shoulders, nodding to you and the three you held.
The room is then emptied, leaving only him, you, and the amalgamation of your love. He kisses your sweaty temple, gazing in awe at the three wrinkly little wonders. They were smaller than he thought they'd be.
You eventually rest your eyes, smiling serenely, content with the silence. So small and fragile…he was almost afraid to touch them. Almost, but for the most part, uneasy and insecure.
He couldn't get his eyes off of them. One begins to squirm for a brief few moments, and you huff softly, looking up to him then down to the newborns, so much love in your gaze. 
Very hesitantly, he reaches out a finger to the fitful one, the other two sound asleep. The newborn latches onto his finger, turns their head with a soft grunt, and opens their eyes.
Their sweet hues were crossed, and the toothless grin that plasters into their face? It's priceless. He feels a hole in him fill right up, and tears begin to form.
What did he do to deserve such precious things? 
You've given him the greatest gifts he could ever receive, and then some.
-after he officially enters fatherhood, you will notice things change in him.
-it's gradual and these changes start off small, but they are there
-and the first one is he smiles more
-he's smitten with his triplets, always distracting himself with them when you need to sleep.
-he's in over his head at first, but with Sym's guidance from being a nanny for gaggles of kids, he soon learns the ropes
It's only been a few minutes since he's managed to put them to sleep, and he himself was especially tired. He can't help but continue watching the three infants resting on his arm, the heaviness of exhaustion becoming all the more apparent as his eyes burn for sleep. 
It's only been a few months since the trio was born, but he's come to realize many things. 
Each one of them, in their own ways, filled in the cracks that had formed within him throughout his life.
They, alongside you, made him feel more human. 
The moment he saw you on the medical bed holding them, he knew he was enough, just as he was. The colony wasn't a cage, but a nest-a safe place for him you've kept throughout the years, always welcoming him back with open loving arms.
The wall he built, taller and taller; it doesn't crumble into nothing. He's free to come and go, at any point. He simply chooses to stay longer. You needed him. The triplets needed him. 
The four of you always brought new discoveries, and he was eager to explore the family dynamic. 
The oldest grunts just as he's about to doze off, and he flicks on his holopalm to record from habit, onyx hues wide and wakeful, now. A few moments pass, followed by the slow stretch of tiny limbs, and…
'Da…' a soft, but unmistakable word sounds. Pure joy blooms from his heart, his free hand flying to cover his mouth. He stares at the blip that was recording him and the trio, eyes becoming damp. He slides his hand down, and whispers;
"Did you hear that, beautiful? C/N's first word…they're dreamin', baby."
-he is always prepared to document their milestones, no matter how small when he's in the colony
-know how kids usually scream for the parent who was pregnant with them?
-these three scream for Daddy when they throw fits.
-it's like they have a built-in 'Dad's home!' radar, too. and this means most of their tantrums are thrown when it's time for Dys to come home. they're MENACES istg 😭
"NOOOO!!!" the most powerful set of lungs of the trio wails indignantly, Sym's placating voice drowned out into the background, the other two sobbing for their father, huddled up against their triplet.
This builds up for a few days, and they eventually break out of the creche and scamper off to the gates, demanding their dad like the people there can make him come home sooner. Once in a blue moon, he's late, and it takes a lot of work on his part to calm them down.
This usually leads to an exhausted Dysthymia completely conked out with three equally as tired kids cradled by him. And this will happen anywhere in the colony, so you always find yourself guarding their precious nap. They don't get to see each other for months at a time, after all. 🥺
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Daddy!AU: All About The Wives and Children
This is a compiled list of information about the wives of the Daddy!AU. This is an ongoing list, so feel free to ask anything you want to know about these ladies and kiddos.
If you have a question just click here
Full Names Before Marriage
B.A.P and BTS 
Got7 and EXO
Monsta X and VIXX
Monsta X
How I Met Your Mother
Monsta X
About the Kids [Nalani, Cassandra, and Mikyung]
Age Difference to Husband [not all]
Animal Lovers and Pets
Bad Relationship or First Relationship
Canon Miscarriage
Children Birth Month
Cinnamon Roll to Looks Could Kill
Connections to Other Groups or Wives
Didn’t Get Along; Mia, Bailey, and Melly pt 2.
Didn’t Want Kids
Dyed Hair
International/Korean Names for Children [Native Korean children excluded]
English Names Usage For Kids
Exes or Unrequited Love
Fandoms (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Anime, and Disney)
Father Ages When Their First Child was Born
Friendships with Other Members
Had kids before marriage/pregnant before being married
Horoscopes/Astrological Chart
In and Out of Kpop Before Husband
In the Loop Girls Biases Before Marriage
Lives Outside Korea
Most problematic; Worse to handle
Multilingual; Who Taught Their Kids Their Native Language
Oldest and Youngest; Tallest and Shortest
One Children Families
Parents Who Disapprove of Relationships
Pet Peeves
Pineapple Pizza
Relationship with brother/cousin-in-laws
Sibling or Relatives; Other Siblings
Teens Dating History
Teens Friendships
Top 5 Cooks
VIXX Wives Non-Readers
Wives raised by…
Wives reactions to Single daddy au
Monsta X
Monsta X
Additional Information About Individual Characters
Being Non-Binary
Hayoon Crush?
Friendship with Hyemin?
Abused by mom
Why she names Joy an English Name
Tells Mija about daughter dancing to Milkshake
Does Cassandra Know Her Father
Who ends up with who
Did Chaeyeon talk about Hyuk?
Jimin’s and Chaeyeon’s relationship
First break up
Fun Fact
Who ends up with who
Aftermath of car accident; Nari’s age
Relationship with Hyuk
About her
About her depression
Friendship with Alisha?
Hyunwoo [Taekwoon’s Son]
Dating past
Protectiveness over David
Towards Nalani and Leilani
Jaejin [Kyungsoo]
Dating Siwon/Seungwon
Jaejin After Siwoo/Seungwon
How Jaejin and Jaehee Started Dating
Why she was adopted
Personality compare to brother
Books, Video Games, and TV
Confront ex
Most overprotective
Fun Fact
Past With Her First Husband
Apologizing to Mia?
Family moved to US
Books, Video Games, TV, and Movies
Mixed With
Meeting Phoebe; Meeting Melly and Bailey
Books, Video Games, and Movies
Cat name
Who ends up with who
Mixed With
Books, Video Games, TV, and Movies
Meeting Mia
About him
Relationship with maternal grandparents
Siwoo/ Formerly named Seungwon
Relationship with Jaejin; rivalry with Kyungjae
Cat name
Confessing to Hakyeon about past
Sojin and her victim makeup or not; reason
Basic information
Books, Video Games, TV, and Movies
About him
Did He Cheat on Daniella
New Boyfriend
About him
Naming daughter
Questions Related to Me and the Wives/Other; My Opinion
Favorite Couples
Favorite Wives
Lilo and Stitch Reference?
Mark’s and Jackson’s Child Don’t Have Chinese Names Why?
Relate to
Reason for kids names Taemin and Jimin
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
The Experiments
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Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Experiment AU
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Exo (????)
Summary: You were a med school graduate who just wanted to help research cures for the world. Instead, what you got was a dream job at EXO Applied Sciences. That is, until you discover the secrets of Level Sixty-Six and the nine inhabitants that are stored down there….
Warning: Slight mention of torture, mild cussing
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 19 I 20 I 21 I 22 I 23 I Final
No matter what position you tossed and turned to get comfortable in, you just couldn’t fall asleep. Your brain plagued you with imagines of that soft, frightened creature you met today being whipped, beaten, and electrocuted. The looks of pain that seemed forever etched into the faces of Junmyeon and Eighty-Eight mocked you from behind your eyelids.
Frustrated, you bolted up right and threw your pillow across the room, knocking your TV that hung from the wall out of its alignment. Giving up for now, you tossed your covers off of you and stomped out of the bedroom to the kitchen. The cold night air tickled your legs, sending goosebumps up and down your skin, but you were just too exhausted to care.
After searching your cabinets for your night-time tea, hoping that would be enough to get your system to shut down for a few hours, you sat at the counter and waited for the kettle to start whistling, informing you that the water was bubbling.
You looked around your apartment in the streetlamp light that leaked in through the windows. Since you weren’t one for decorating, there wasn’t much around you. The living room had a couch and a chair, the obligatory coffee table and a standing lamp. A hip-high bookshelf held the many movies and novels you owned and you’d paid a little extra to have your TV mounted on a swivel so you could adjust it for when you were cooking in the kitchen.
A round dining table that could only fit about two people comfortably (not that you ever had guests over anyway) took over the small area to the left of the kitchen.
The walls held only about three or four pictures of your family. In the middle of them was a larger frame outlining the photograph of a beautiful curly-haired girl in her early teens with sparkling eyes and a smile bright enough to light up a rainy day.
Would she be proud of what you were doing?
The high pitched squeal of the kettle saved you for the time being from answering that question. You poured the scolding water into your favorite mug, letting the tea bag soak for a few minutes before you started sipping away.
When you were done, you rinsed out the mug and triple checked to make sure the stove was off. According to the clock on your microwave, you had about five hours before you needed to be up for work. Well, at least that was better than no sleep.
Your eyelids were already becoming heavier as you shuffled back into your room. The sheets were cold from being exposed to the fan you kept at night. Curling up as tight as you could, you willed your brain to shut off, just for a few freaking hours.
After waking up to your alarm, you couldn’t exactly say that you were well rested, but you did finally get a few hours of shut eye.
Not completely caring about how you looked, you just ran a brush through your hair before tossing on a pair of tight fitting pants and a nondescript long sleeve shirt. While Nada just preferred to change into scrubs as soon as she arrived, you couldn’t stand the scratchy feeling of the material against your skin. There wasn’t much of a dress code beyond the lab coat and that most of your skin was covered. On other floors, you’d even seen some of the guys wearing character shirts with regular jeans. You tried to stay more on the professional side, but you still liked to be comfortable.
There was nothing special about the drive to work. Most people still didn’t know how to operate a motor vehicle and should have their licenses taken away. If only they knew how to use their turn signal.
At the front desk, you waved to the receptionist who simply gave you a nod as you headed for the elevator. Marcus arrived shortly after you did. A yawn stretched out his face and he moved his head side to side to stretch out his neck as the two of you waited.
“Long night?” you asked, trying your best to make some sort of small talk to fill in the silence. It wasn’t your strong suit, casual, shallow talking, but once you got Marcus started, he mostly filled in the gaps himself.
“Just couldn’t sleep,” he answered. “I think it might be time for a new mattress.”
The elevator dinged and the two of you stepped in. Thanks to the system, you both had to swipe your badges before the door would even close.
“Have you tried memory foam?” you suggested.
“Nah, that’s too soft,” Marcus waved the thought away. “I’m not a ‘sleep on a cloud’ type person. Hey, I heard that you’re holding some sort of therapy sessions with the patients down there? How’s that going?”
“Oh.” You hadn’t realized that that bit of information had become public knowledge. “I’m honestly not quite sure. They aren’t what I expected.”
“What? No gills or tails for you?” he teased.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t find it in you to laugh along. “No, they look perfectly human.”
“Well, they are.”
Marcus’s reply surprised you. Work was not a typical conversation the two of you had and you definitely had never spoken about the men living in the basement. Marcus wasn’t a bad person, but you were still taken aback by how sympathetic he sounded towards them. Most of the guards and orderlies - really everyone who worked on level sixty-six - just thought of them as experiments. They’d been desensitized to who they were. A path you might have taken if you hadn’t fought to speak with them or ever met Sixty-One at all.
The elevator arrived before you could continue the discussion. Marcus went left to the security office while you headed for the lab. Typically when you arrived, a to-do pile was already laid out at your station, put there by Dr. Wang who always seemed to be there earlier than you and stayed later than you did. Sometimes you wondered if she lived down here as well.
Today, however, there was no such pile for you. In a bit of a panic, you searched around your designated area thinking maybe it somehow grew legs and shifted its position just to mess with you.
“Good morning, Dr. (l/n).”
The sudden appearance of Dr. Wang startled you, causing you to hit your head on the edge of the table.
Rubbing the now sore spot, you greeted, “Good morning, Dr. Wang. Are you just now getting here?”
“No,” she said. “I’ve been here a while. Are you looking for something?”
“Oh, well, um,” you glanced around one more time, making sure you really didn’t miss it. “I can’t find the work I’m supposed to do today.”
Dr. Wang smiled. “I haven’t assigned you any. I’m curious about your findings in the subjects’ psyches, so I want you to spend the next few days finishing up your initial interviews. Everything else can be held off until then.”
“Okay.” You read Dr. Wang’s face, wondering – worrying if she was catching on to your empathy for the patients. But she was giving you free reign for the next two days to talk to them without worrying about making it back to the lab in between. “Are there any that are scheduled for tests that I should be aware of?”
“Zero-Four, Ninety-Nine, and Twenty-One won’t be available until this afternoon, but there should be no problems with the others.”
That left Sixty-One open for you to interview first just like you’d hoped. You wasted no time gathering up your notebook and heading out of the lab towards the other hallway. The orderly let you right into the cell without question. 
Sixty-One was awake this time, pacing back and forth the small length of his cell. At the sight of your entrance, he stopped.
“You’re back,” he said, shocked.
You were a little embarrassed at the fact that he remembered you, even though he was supposed to be in a drug-induced haze back then.
“Yes, I am,” you replied.
He folded his arms. “Are you back for more blood?”
Shaking your head, you sat down in the chair provided. “No, just to talk.”
Sixty-One frowned in confusion. “You want to talk?”
“Mhm,” you smiled, hoping he wouldn’t fight you too long. “Think of it as a first therapy session.”
“Thirteen years and they’re just now concerned if their tests have messed us up mentally?” he sneered.
“I haven’t been here the past thirteen years,” you said. He tilted his to the side, making his ears stick out even more than they already were. It was cute and it made your small, reassuring smile grow into an amused grin.
Accepting your retort, he sat down on the bed, his long legs out in front of him as he rested his arms on his knees.
“So, what exactly is it you want to dissect in my brain?”
“Tell me how you got here and what you’ve experienced so far.” It was the one question you’d been dying to know the answer to, but hadn’t felt it was appropriate with Junmyeon or Eighty-Eight. There was something different about Sixty-One. Something that wasn’t yet closed off.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s become blurry over the years. I just remember waking up in a large room. Back then, they kept the twelve us together. Occasionally, they’d drag one of us out for testing, and we wouldn’t see them for days before they came back. No one ever remembered where they went during those times. It was terrifying and we didn’t know what to do. Only Junmyeon kept us sane. He looked out for all of us.”
You wrote down shorthand notes, taking in every little detail, making sure to catch whenever his expression changed at each memory he recalled.
“But Kris wanted to do more than just sit around and wait. So, he took Luhan and Tao and staged a revolt.” Sixty-One’s face grew angry and his eyes began to water. “Idiots. They didn’t make it far. After that, we never saw those three again and eventually we were separated. ‘For our own good.’”
A silence fell between the two of you. You weren’t sure where to go with the conversation from there. There was nothing you could say that would be comforting and, as far as he was concerned, you were part of the enemy.
“Look, Sixty-One–”
“It’s Chanyeol,” he corrected.
You smiled just a bit, his willingness to tell you his name giving you hope. “Well, Chanyeol. I know that this is frustrating.” You paused. “Do you miss them?”
He nodded. “Every day. We weren’t just strangers thrown together. We became like brothers. We looked out for each other.”
The two of you were becoming more relaxed as the time went on. He told you of how the first time his temperature spiked, he thought he was on fire. He’d panicked and fought everyone to the point where they had to sedate him for three days. From then on, he was always warm. It was something he just had to get used to and live with. Sometimes his temperature would spike out of nowhere and he’d break out in a ceaseless sweat. The doctor’s insisted that his body had adapted to the changes and he wasn’t in danger, but he didn’t believe that. “It scares me sometimes,” he admitted, “when I have an episode. I was having one the first time you came.” He gave out one short laugh, rubbing the back of his head. “Is it dumb that this is actually kind of working? I haven’t really talked to someone in almost two years.”
“No, it’s not dumb,” you reassured him. “The need to communicate and interact with other people is just part of our nature.”
He scoffed, leaning back on the bed so his back was against the wall with his arms crossed. “I think our natures are a bit different.”
“Not really. Even the lone wolf is constantly searching for a pack.”
Those large round eyes looked up at you. The corners of his lips pulled down as if he was trying to wrap his mind around something.
Your watch beeped at you and you sighed, knowing your time was up. You had to put a limit on the sessions today if you wanted to make it through them all.
“I have to go now,” you told him. Chanyeol’s eyes widened and he reached out, taking a hold of your right arm.
“No, please don’t go.”
Pity coursed through you as you took in the desperation in his eyes. Placing your free hand over his, you made him a promise.
“I’ll come back. You’ll still have someone to talk to. But now I have to talk to the others as well; your brothers.”
Seemingly comforted, he left go, nodding his head. “Goodbye, (y/n).”
“Goodbye, Chanyeol.”
You felt horrible as you left his cell and shuffled into the hallway. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. The more you spoke with them, the more your heart hurt.
Going over the list, you tried to decide which one to visit next when you heard laughter coming from the direction of Ten’s cell. The door was just slightly ajar, letting the sound escape. Running without thinking, you stormed into the viewing room, appalled at what you saw. The laughter was coming from the orderly stationed there as he leaned back in his seat with his hands behind his head like he was watching a movie. On the other side of the glass were two guards standing on either side of Subject Ten, who was tied to the chair, shirtless.
The guards took turns cutting and stabbing at Ten’s skin, gleeful at the spilled blood. Your jaw dropped as each injury healed miraculously in front of your eyes. Ten’s face remained emotionless, staring at nothing while this torture took place. Your own blood was boiling in your veins.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
The orderly nearly fell out of his chair, just realizing you were there.
“Oh, um, we were just–”
“I don’t even want to hear whatever bullshit is about to come from your mouth,” you barked, fighting the temptation to kick him right where it would hurt the most. “Open this damn door, unless you want me to have both your job and theirs.”
“Y-yes, doctor.” He slammed his hand down on the button to unlock the door and you marched into the cell.
The first guard saw your hateful glare and dropped the knife. It hit the concrete with an ear ringing chime. As soon as the other guard saw you, he ran behind his buddy.
“Tell, me,” you said in an eerily calm voice that scared even yourself, “did you have orders to do this? Or did you think you could just get away with this?” Neither of them answered. “You’d better say one way or the other, or I’ll make sure this goes on record. How do you think Dr. Wang is going to feel about this?”
“Th-there were no orders, Ma’am,” the first one stuttered.
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Then why did you think this was okay?”
For two grown men who had almost thirty centimeters of height on you and at least an additional hundred pounds, you took in a slight amusement at their cowering.
“We were just bored,” the second guard argued.
Disgusting. Your self-control was on the verge of disintegrating. “Bored? Well, then I guess the next time I’m bored, I’ll just tie you to a chair and see where the fun is in stabbing you over and over again. Does that sound like a fair deal?”
The first guard stepped forward. “Please, ma’am–”
You held up a hand. “Save it. From now on, stay away from all the subjects. If I catch you back here, I’ll fill out every single incident form I need to in order to get you fired. Got it?”
They both nodded and hightailed it out of there.
Once alone, you knelt down and untied the ropes that held Ten captive.
“Are you okay?” you asked, staying crouched down as you glanced up at him.
He said nothing, still not looking at you. His features were pointed and smooth and you wondered what his face looked like when he smiled. Just like the others, he was in top shape and there wasn’t a single mark that would have suggested he’d just been inflicted with wounds for who knows how long.
“My name is (y/n),” you said softly. “I’m a doctor here. I know it might not mean much with what I just said, but I’m sorry. Something like this isn’t supposed to happen. And I promise it won’t ever happen again.”
Finally, he looked at you. “Are you here to take me for more tests?”
You shook your head. “No. I’m more interested in what’s in here.” You gently tapped the side of his head. “There’s no poking or prodding involved.”
“Everyone says there’s nothing up there,” he said gloomily.
“Now, I doubt that.” You tilted your head. “I think there’s a whole a treasure trove up there that’s just waiting to be found.”
Something with what you said registered with him and he gave a small, crooked grin. It was enough to reveal a previously hidden dimple in his right cheek. The revelation made him seem so childlike, you wanted to protect him even more.
“Why don’t we both sit on the floor and start our session there, hm?”
He nodded, sliding off the chair and sitting down in front of you with his legs crossed.
“Now,” you placed your notebook in your lap, pencil ready, “why don’t we start with your real name?”
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candybowbeansies · 1 year
Dys & Sym-Nicknames
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warnings/notes: just cute nicknames for Dys and Sym and by Dys and Sym 🥺👉👈 there's also a spicy one for Dys bc I couldn't resist 🤤 their reactions are so cuteeee 😩 ending spoilerish for Sym, and brat taming implied for Dys, but nothing explicitly NSFW!
Dys 🥺
Dys calls you;
Pretty boy/girl/baby
Sweetheart (when he's feeling a bit frisky, ohg imagine his soft sexy grin 😩 or better yet…make it feral 🥵)
Constellation (goes hand in hand* with your nickname for him; you are a healing presence for him, as the nicknames suggest)
You call Dys;
Growing up being fed compliments by his sweetheart does wonders for a guy who hates his own name. Contrary to popular belief, my man does not have low self esteem. He's a hunk and he knows it. You'd get a smug smirk, a brief flash of pearly whites. 🥺
Thinks you're mocking him at first, but when it settles and he knows you mean it affectionately, his cheeks will go pink, followed by a half hearted eye roll 🙄 Ever the drama queen, this man, I swear. 😂
Big D
Hooo, boy. The innuendo in this one. My personal favorite! The first time you call him this, it takes a few moments to sink in lmfao then he'd turn a lurid hue and choke on his spit. 🤣
"Y-You--!" he chokes, teeming with embarrassment. "Better not ca--all me that, in front of oth-ers!"
But if you're bratty like meeeee 🥵 Call him that in front of his twin--the difference is huge
"Sweetheart, what did I say about calling me that in front of others?" 
Blow raspberries at him and call him that one more time. The feral smirk he makes, his onyx hues impossibly darker…y'all better run. His mood changes for the rest of the day. When night comes, you heathens can run but nothing can hide from him. Expect to be hauled somewhere private for a taming of a lifetime 🥴
My Glow (goes hand in hand* with his nickname for you; he's a healing presence for you, as the nicknames suggest)
Sym 🥺
Sym calls you;
Little one
You call Sym;
Sweet boy
because Sym is so freakin' sweet. He's kind, understanding, has literally never ending patience. The best boyfrenn anyone could ask for 🥺
Mushwood (bc he’s so freakin tol 😂)
Dearest 🥺
Hecklebee (comes from one of his endings)
because he's so jovial, it's contagious! He finds the fun in virtually everything. There's never a boring moment w him. 🥺
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
Dys & Sym-Nicknames
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warnings/notes: just cute nicknames for Dys and Sym and by Dys and Sym 🥺👉👈 there's also a spicy one for Dys bc I couldn't resist 🤤 their reactions are so cuteeee 😩 ending spoilerish for Sym, and brat taming implied for Dys, but nothing explicitly NSFW!
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream
Dys 🥺
Dys calls you;
Pretty boy/girl/baby
Sweetheart (when he's feeling a bit frisky, ohg imagine his soft sexy grin 😩 or better yet…make it feral 🥵)
Constellation (goes hand in hand* with your nickname for him; you are a healing presence for him, as the nicknames suggest)
You call Dys;
Growing up being fed compliments by his sweetheart does wonders for a guy who hates his own name. Contrary to popular belief, my man does not have low self esteem. He's a hunk and he knows it. You'd get a smug smirk, a brief flash of pearly whites. 🥺
Thinks you're mocking him at first, but when it settles and he knows you mean it affectionately, his cheeks will go pink, followed by a half hearted eye roll 🙄 Ever the drama queen, this man, I swear. 😂
Big D
Hooo, boy. The innuendo in this one. My personal favorite! The first time you call him this, it takes a few moments to sink in lmfao then he'd turn a lurid hue and choke on his spit. 🤣
"Y-You--!" he chokes, teeming with embarrassment. "Better not ca--all me that, in front of oth-ers!"
But if you're bratty like meeeee 🥵 Call him that in front of his twin--the difference is huge
"Sweetheart, what did I say about calling me that in front of others?" 
Blow raspberries at him and call him that one more time. The feral smirk he makes, his onyx hues impossibly darker…y'all better run. His mood changes for the rest of the day. When night comes, you heathens can run but nothing can hide from him. Expect to be hauled somewhere private for a taming of a lifetime 🥴
My Glow (goes hand in hand* with his nickname for you; he's a healing presence for you, as the nicknames suggest)
Sym 🥺
Sym calls you;
Little one
You call Sym;
Sweet boy
because Sym is so freakin' sweet. He's kind, understanding, has literally never ending patience. The best boyfrenn anyone could ask for 🥺
Mushwood (bc he’s so freakin tol 😂)
Dearest 🥺
Hecklebee (comes from one of his endings)
because he's so jovial, it's contagious! He finds the fun in virtually everything. There's never a boring moment w him. 🥺
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
Wayfaring Stranger
warnings/notes: implied deaths and many, many timeloops from birth to death and bodily disfigurement, hints at suicidal tendencies if you really squint hard, game spoilers but rlly it’s hinted at the beginning at the game so not really, reader is Sol but still will be written as Y/N, y'all this game has me hook line and sinker I need to write for it starting nyow.
heavily inspired by the song Wayfaring Stranger popularized by the movie 1917, because to me that song is Sol, the game’s player character. Drifting through many pasts, constants, and even more futures, all while losing so much while so young, yet gaining much more, the only moment’s reprieve being the time of their passing, only to look forward to the journey onto the next past, present, and future. Sym’s POV and alt!au(Dys doesn’t meet Sym), written very differently than the game because I’m jealous of Dys, and Sym falls in love with reader first before Dys(likewise for Dys) Sym+DysxReader
Currently only writing for Dys and Sym! They’re the characters I know best as of writing this i have a thing for tdh 😀 there’s also the possibility of me crossing over BNHA into this fandom bc i may or may not have many ideas sitting in the back of my head--
Underage characters are Aged Up!
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
It’s the final nail in the coffin for Sym when he hears Reader singing by sheer chance. He falls in love.
You were an oddity among the humans. Only a short time after you and the others crashed, did he see a short human-a child, the taller ones referred to you as-braving outside your ridiculous constructs. And it wasn't long before another shorter one followed suit. You preferred all-around nature’s colors and he preferred ones from Glow season. Dys, you called him, while in turn, he called you Y/N. A name so beautiful, and so familiar…he’s dreamed of you, quite literally.
For some time, he’d watch over you two, watching you two grow closer to adulthood; curious, stubborn little wonders. You grew in similar likeness to the grass in the plains, each passing year creating things within him he’d not felt before, or for a very, very long time. He found himself trying to negotiate your survival, more and more as time went by.
While out fulfilling your curiosities, he found you’d taken to humming to yourself. 
“I am a poor wayfaring stranger,”
A bewitching melody of melancholy; sadness and acceptance for the inevitable.
“I'm traveling through this world of woe,”
It wasn’t until now, by sheer chance…
“Yet there's no sickness, toil nor danger,”
He found you singing to yourself, in desolation. You found this area for yourself, seasons ago;
“In that bright land to which I go.”
There was an unspoken promise between you and your other half, Dys. You both respected each other's boundaries, but yet there seemed to be a sixth sense in each of you for the other.
“I'm going there to see my father,”
If one was in need, the other would find and comfort them. Like this, it wasn’t long before Dys, too, was pulled by you.
“I'm going there, no more to roam.”
He recognized Dys’ pained expression. And it gave a pang in his chest, too. In some far off dimension within his dreams, he saw you in a beautiful glade…your form marred for life, so desolate, but still filled with so much hope.
“I'm only going over Jordan,”
He had an inkling that you, too, had the power of foresight. To say you two were attached by the hands wouldn’t necessarily be a lie; after all, one or the other would be led on for most of the time you spent exploring. 
“I'm only going over home…”
Sometimes, you’d stop Dys from going on a path; and through his connection with Vertumna, he’d find either the presence of danger, or nothing at all.
“I know dark clouds will gather round me,”
A bewitching melody of melancholy, sadness, acceptance…
“I know my way is rough and steep,”
But yet, at the same time, of hope and conviction.
“But golden fields lie just before me,”
Faith that soon, everything will end…
“Where God's redeemed shall ever sleep…”
…even if just momentarily.
“I'm going home to see my mother,”
“Sym?” he hears Dys whisper, fiddling with the grass, having found a comfortable spot to give you your space. He finds himself slightly surprised, but if it was you who told Dys about him, then it’d make sense the young man just barely out of his teens knows of his existence.
“And all my loved ones who've gone on…”
They hear your voice crack. Sym hears your breath waver. “They just lost their dad…” Dys didn’t seem particularly sad-just understanding. “Again, they said.”
“I'm only going over Jordan,”
“They were the first to understand me. To believe me. It’s only right that I do the same.” Dys says, leaning back on his palms. “Sym?” he calls again.
“I'm only going over home.”
Your voice dips off, into soft hums. They fill the area in melancholy, for what feels like an eternity.
“Will it ever end?” Dys asks. He knew what Dys was asking. Will your pain ever end? He warps silently into the area behind Dys. You humans are so emotional, Sym swears, it’s contagious. “There’s no way to know. The universe is vast, petal.” he tells Dys, recognizing sadness in his own voice. Dys snorts, “They said something similar.” before craning his head to get a better look at his towering form. “You’re famous, you know that?” Dys says. He chuckles, smiling sweetly. Dys simply rolls his eyes, before standing up. “They talk so much about you, even I like you…” the ravenette mutters almost begrudgingly under his breath, patting off imaginary dust before turning, unperturbed by the difference in height, reaching out his hand. He stares at the offered hand. “Well?” Dys pipes up impatiently, “Don’t you wanna meet them?” waving his hand a few times.
He can’t help but smile, remembering a distant memory from a distant past as he reaches out, allowing himself to be led to you.
“Y/N!” Dys calls with his own form of enthusiasm, “Guess who I finally caught. Told you I’d do it one day!” making you turn.
Your torso was mangled by decade old scars, and you were missing an eye, an arm and a leg, supported by contraptions; one to lean on, and one to replace your leg. “Sym! Dys!” dream you called out, full of joy as they approached.
The current you, who exists right now, simply bounds towards them, arms outstretched.
“I love you.” dream you sighs, leaning into their embrace.
You giggle tearily, latching awkwardly onto them due to your differences in height. Dys goes red and tenses right up, “Y-You--! You’re too much sometimes, you know that?” sputtering at the impact. He’s somewhat used to it, it appears, as he softens up a little. “Geez…love you, too.” he huffs, bashfully.
So that’s the fluttering in his chest? Love. Love. It’s love.
That has a nice ring to it, he smiles. Yes...he's in love with you.
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