#teen wold body swap
petew21-blog · 4 months
Teen wolf - New Alpha
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"Scott, come on we need to sort this out. There is a fight coming and you're not doing anything. We need to get everyone ready and strike first. You're the alpha. Do something!"
"No. By doing something we will provoke them for a bigger fight which means possible casualties. Don't do anything stupid Theo and wait. I know what I am doing."
"Somehow I doubt that" I left without waiting for the answer. I was pissed. He is a shitty alpha who doesn't know how to protect his pack. The wolves don't hide. And we ARE wolves.
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I love my body. I love my powers. I love how fucking ripped I made my body. But the true Alpha knows when to give something up. Maybe I am not alpha now. But I sure will be soon.
I waited after dark and called Scott over to the school lockers. I lied that there was something to take care of. I said that me and him could handle it. And to not bring anyone else, that we will try to bond and bury the axe. And he believed it. What an idiot. And he calls himself Alpha.
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Scott arrived ready, just as I expected. I set a trail of blood leading to showers for him to follow. He did and that gave me a chance to approach him from behind. He turned around and then I turned of the high ultrasound that paralyzed him.
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"Stop! Stop this!!!"
I moved quickly. I recited the words of the spell and turned of the ultrasound.
Scott:"Are you nuts? Why the hell did you do that?!?"
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Then the pain at the back of our heads started. Piercing pain that signalled the swap has started. Normal people would faint, but not us.
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I closed my eyes for the last time as Theo and opened them again as Scott. Scott McCall. Scott THE ALPHA. THE ALPHA. I. AM. THE. ALPHA.
Of course I cast another sleeping spell at him after the swap to enjoy my body for the first time uninterrupted. I just took a long shower to rub it in his face. His body is great tho. Gotta get it ripped as mine. I won't live like a scrawny little bitch. I went to examine his face in the mirror. "Hmm. He's not ugly, gotta give him that. Hair looks nice. Face structure is more masculine than mine. Except the muscles. They look nice, but I'll get them to be bigger."
I heard noise in the lockers. "Ah, somebody woke up"
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He was visibly confused. But by the muscle touching, hyperventilation and looking at his hands, I could tell that the reality started to hit his little head. Wait, I can't say mean stuff about him anymore. He has my gorgeous body. Maybe I could enjoy that body even though I had to give it up.
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He looked at me.
"How do you like the body?" I said, smiled and gave him a little show.
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Scott:"Theo?! Theo what have you done?! Fix this right now!" he was slowly getting angrier. Time to show him who the alpha is.
I pressed him against the wall. Grabbed him with one hand under his neck. The other strongly gripped my ex body's balls and squeezed.
Theo:"Now, THEO. You may not like in what situation you are. But this is not about you. This is about our whole pack. The pack is led by the ALPHA. And I am the ALPHA now. You will do as I say. Understand?"
He did not answer so I squeezed his balls more. "Yesssss. I understand."
"No, you have to say it fully. Yes I understand my alpha."
"I understand, my alpha!"
"Good. Now be a good wolf and suck your alpha's cock. You're gonna be doing that a lot, so it's time you got used to being my own little bitch. Understand?"
"Yes, my alpha"
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Inbox story: Can you do a swap between Scott McCall and Theo Raeken from teen wolf? ALways thought Scott was a shitty alpha, way too passive. And Theo is so dominant and hot. Would love to see Theo taking Scott's life and power while forcing the new Theo to become his btch.
Part 2:
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petew21-blog · 21 days
Teen Wolf - Alpha needs his pack, Pt. 4
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Sheriff Stilinski had to be late at work. Again. Sheriff can't have too much free time. Maybe that's why he chose to do the job years ago.
The events at Beacon Hill recently started to take an unexpected turn. Yeah there was crime before, but now mutilated bodies were turning up in random places. Sheriff's departement prohibited the inhabitants to leave their homes late at night for their safety and got back up colleagues from another town.
His colleague deputy Parrish was along his side for most of the time. Sheriff trusted him. After all, they both went through some seriously weird stuff in this town and could rely on each other.
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They were working late at night, staring into a computer, reviewing their case. Trying to find a good lead.
Parrish:"I feel that the person or group who's doing this is trying to confuse us and leasing us elsewhere"
Sheriff;"Yeah, but we won't figure that out until we go into the wrong direction."
Parrish:"Precisely. Now, look these bodies..." they both turned their heads to the side. They would have sworn that the glove next to them had moved. "Did you see it move too?"
Sheriff shrugged it off:'"You know what. It's late. We're tired. We're seeing things. Let's go home and figure it out tommorow. What do you think?"
Parrish "Yes, sir. Good idea"
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They left the building. Now standing next to their cars.
Sheriff couldn't help it but notice how much bigger Parrish's body has become. "You're working out again?"
Parrish:"Yeah, thought I could get more into it and maintain that routine. I don't wanna beckme one of those cops who feel tired all the time and have medium/bad bodies"
Sheriff felt a bit offended
Parrish:"Oh not you, sir. You look good. Actually really good for your age"
Sheriff:"Parrish, stop talking"
Parrish mid sentence:"Yes, sir"
Sheriff looked him up and down. It was true unfortunately. He didn't feel as good as he did before. He now felt too tired to do sports. He would love to work out, but it's different when you're young. Man, if only He were as young and as good looking as Parrish again.
Someone screamed in the woods. Both men instincively grabbed their gun and headed toward that direction.
When they arrived to that place, they found another body. But what was strange was the fact that it must have been dead for some time now.
A dark mist filled the place. It was so dark they didn't see each other
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Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you here? Parrish can you hear me?"
Parrish:"Sheriff? Sir, where are you? Sir, this is Parrish. Can you here me over the coms, over."
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Sheriff:"Yes I can hear you. What is that suppose to be again? Over"
The could feel a force fighting it's way inside of them. The mist entered their bodies.
Their eyes were dark for a second and suddenly normal again. But as if hypnotised, they got up and went back to their homes as if nothing happened. Not speaking to each other. Not doing anything. Just driving back home.
Sheriff woke up first. He was in a bed. How did he get there? And whose bed is this?
He looked around. The bedroom was nice and cosy. But he didn't recognise it. He got up. "Wow. That was way easier then I'm used to"
He looked down and found himself in grey sweatpants. Also, a very ripped body now instead of his own
"What the hell?" a young voice came out.
"Is anybody here? Hello?" he looked around and left to the living room where he found a mirror.
"Parrish, there you are. What happ..."
He stopped. His reflection did the same things as he did. How is that possible?
He tried to wave and so did Parrish
"I must be dreaming" he pinched himself on his new biceps and it hurt like he'll
He slapped his face and it did hurt again.
"Parrish, why am I you? This shouldn't be possible."
He got closer to inspect his face. His different eyes. His teeth. His jawline. His hair. Everything was different
He flexed his biceps. "Nice one, Parrish. That working out is paying off". He patted his abs and wanted to continue to explore a bit, but stopped
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"Jesus, Noah. What the hell are you doing? You would invade someone's privacy like that? No, I can't do that. I have to find my body"
A call came to his new phone. It was his number
Parrish:"Is that you, sir? Ehm ehm. Sorry I'm still getting used to your voice"
Sheriff:"Parrish? Are you at my place?"
Parrish:"Yes, sir. Your bedroom in your house"
Sheriff:"Ok, then wait there. I'm coming. I think this might be the direction to distract us from the case" he turned off the call
As he looked at himself in the mirror he found out that while he was calling with his body, he unknowingly took his left hand and held now his new dick. He thought about it for a sec.
"Ah what the hell. It's not like this will happen ever again. Might as well enjoy it. He'll wait a bit for me"
Sheriff wanted to respect his privacy still so he thought he wouldn't look at first. But you just can't not check out your colleagues dick when you have their body. Can you?
It was really nice. Shorter than his, but thicker. Slightly hairy, but trimmed.
Sheriff:"That's quite a package, son. You are a grower and I love that."
He was now edging on the bed. Wanting that amazing feeling to never stop. His old body isn't that sensitive anymore to touch. But damn. This cock felt nice
He didn't cum yet, when suddenly a woman entered the room:"Need some help with that? Stud"
Sheriff:"Oh, boy"
Maria got close to him and began sucking on his dick. He was really close so he shot the load almost immediately
She laughed. Sheriff:"I'm so sorry, I was really close before and then you just..."
Marie:"Finished you. And didn't have to work for it"
Sheriff smiled nervously remembering that he was suppose to leave already
Maria:"I think you should repay me now" and started throwing her clothes on the floor
Sheriff still on the ned:"Look I told sheriff I would leave. I really gotta go"
Maria:"Sure. And that why you were jerking off by yourself"
She got on top off him. Already naked. And horny.
Maria:"Since you're all dry now, you gotta use some other muscle, you big boy"
She sat on top of his face, not giving him a choice but to start licking. Sheriff was hesitant, but thought to himself:"Ahhh what the hell. Gotta enjoy being young"
Yet another anonymous request to continue our Teen Wolf story 😁
Could you do a story where Sheriff Stilinski swaps bodies with Deputy Parrish? Maybe the sheriff being jealous of the deputy’s muscles and youth.
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