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The better approach of a Teacher towards the Students is to keep our voices at normal volume and tone.  Set the rules of engagement for them. Explain that you’ll be happy to listen or talk with them about the issue if they can do so in a more reasonable way.
It is not easy for them to pull all together, give them some space and time to cool down. Revisit the issue later when everything isn’t so emotionally charged.  But be sure they know you’re not blowing them off or letting them off the hook. Setting a specific time, like after dinner or the upcoming weekend could be either away, you’ve taken a power struggle and turned into something less volatile and more productive.
Website: http://www.shardavidyalaya.edu.in/
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svschoolgroup · 5 years
5 Strategies to Understand the Behavior of Teenage Students
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The emotional roller coaster that accompanies adolescence can be a wild ride. To parents, your teen's over-the-top reactions may seem blown out of proportion.
And of course, some teens seem to love drama. Whether they're spreading gossip or starting trouble on social media, they thrive on the excitement.
Whether your teen is having a meltdown over the latest social media conversation, a daily crisis of some sort may seem inevitable.
Below are 5 keys to successfully handle teenagers. Not all of the tips below may apply to your particular situation. Simply utilize what works and leave the rest.
1. Set Clear Boundaries:
The most effective boundaries (they can also be called ground rules, house rules, team rules, or codes of conduct) are those which are fair, reasonable, and can be applied consistently. If you’ve been dealing with a difficult teen for some time without communicating clear boundaries, state that from this point forward things will be different, and back up your statement with actions.
There may also be a list of interpersonal, family, classroom, team, or employment ground rules. The list of boundaries should be relatively short but clear and indicated in writing whenever appropriate.  
2. Maintain Effective Communication:
When you face a difficult young person, strengthen your position by maintaining effective communication skills. We need to understand how to decrease teenager resistance and increase cooperation.
3. Maintain Humor and Show Empathy:
The first and foremost boundary in almost any situation is that you will be treated with respect. This means if the teen(s) is respectful towards you, then you will also accord her or him certain respect and privileges.
In addition to respect, and depending on the situation, there may also be a list of interpersonal, family, classroom, team, or employment ground rules. The list of boundaries should be relatively short but clear, and indicated in writing whenever appropriate.
4. Brainstorm and Identify the Problem:
Find out what’s important for your child and explain what’s important from your perspective. For example, you might ask, ‘Why don’t you want to agree on a specific time to be home?’ Then listen to your child’s point of view.
Be creative and aim for at least four solutions each. For example, you might suggest picking your child up, but he can suggest what time it will happen. Or your child might say, ‘How about I share a taxi home with two friends who live nearby?’
5. Boost your teen’s skill:
A teen that isn’t sure how to deal with loneliness may create drama to get attention. Take notice of your teen’s skill deficits and be willing to teach new communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and anger management skills.
As your teen’s self-confidence grows, his desire to get caught up in the drama will also likely decrease. Get him involved in lots of different activities as well. A busy teen will have less time to create drama.
Although some teenagers are not pleasant to deal with, there are many effective skills and strategies you can employ to minimize their defiance and increase their cooperation. It’s one important aspect of leadership success.
School Information Initiative by Shakuntala Vidyalaya
For latest Updates, visit our Social Media
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6 Steps how to deal with Teenage Behavior
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Dealing with children especially with the phase of teenage is not so easy. No matter how many attempts you make, how great your relationship with your children is, you are likely to face parenting roadblocks when it comes to your teenager.
Kids, who groan, complain, and generally express negativity will become adults who do the same. Parents can help teens develop a great life skill by teaching them to keep a positive attitude about school.
Here are some tips to make your teens develop positive behavior:
1. Do not overreact in the situations: The better approach is to keep our voices at normal volume and tone.  Set the rules of engagement for them. Explain that you’ll be happy to listen or talk with them about the issue if they can do so in a more reasonable way.
It is not easy for them to pull all together, give them some space and time to cool down. Revisit the issue later when everything isn’t so emotionally charged.  But be sure they know you’re not blowing them off or letting them off the hook. Setting a specific time, like after dinner or the upcoming weekend could be either away, you’ve taken a power struggle and turned into something less volatile and more productive.
2. Praise and motivate them:
Praising and Motivating has proved to be the most powerful tool in all times.  When our kids do show maturity in handling a situation, whether by initiating a respectful conversation or even knowing when they need a few minutes to calm down before talking with us, we should absolutely let them know that we are proud of them.
3. Identifying Emotions is needed:
Help your child self-express via identifying feelings and choosing words carefully when frustrated or making demands. “It’s okay to tell me how you feel, but you need to speak respectfully. Even if you’re tired or upset, try to stay calm.”
4. Guide them for a positive talk:
The way we talk can actually help us feel better or worse about our own situations. While it’s important to listen to your teen share about their day, you should not allow them to continuously vent about the negative. Teens, which begin to develop an overly negative attitude about school may easily overlook all the good things that happen. Making them realize one good thing each day, reminding things to be grateful for, and providing ideas for positive self-talk, framing mistakes for the betterment of learning experiences is essential to understand.
5. Help them to solve their problems:
Problems at school can really weigh your teen down. They may feel negative because they don’t know how to handle a situation. Perhaps they are not getting along with one of their teachers, or they had a disagreement with a friend. Whatever the situation, instead of just letting your teen complain and vent their negative attitude, use it as an opportunity to teach problem-solving skills, a vital tool they will need their entire life.
6. Encourage them to actively participate:
Looking forward to afterschool activities can make the school day feel more enjoyable. Encourage your teen to sign up for clubs, play sports, or join band. A teen who doesn’t love academics may develop a more positive attitude if they have something to look forward to at the end of the day. They can develop new friendships with teens who have similar interests or discover a mentor in the teacher who leads the club or sport, all of which keep them more engaged in school.
Teens having good critical thinking, planning, and problem-solving skills, tend to think more positively than their peers. Parents and teachers can role model and teach these skills to youth. Be sure to praise any effort your teen makes at thinking more positively. Positive thinking will help them in school and well into their future.
School Information Initiative by Sharda Vidyalaya
For latest updates, visit our Social Media
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