#teeth straightening docklands
alisondentaldesign · 1 month
Transform Your Smile: Teeth Straightening at Docklands Dental House in London
In a bustling city like London, where every smile tells a story, having straight teeth can make all the difference. Whether it's for confidence in social situations or a boost in professional settings, a radiant smile can leave a lasting impression. However, achieving that perfect smile often requires a bit of assistance, which is where Docklands Dental House steps in, offering cutting-edge teeth straightening solutions tailored to your needs.
Located in the heart of London, Docklands Dental House is renowned for its commitment to delivering exceptional dental care in a warm and welcoming environment. With a team of experienced professionals dedicated to staying at the forefront of dental technology and techniques, they provide personalized treatment plans to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted.
One of the most sought-after services at Docklands Dental House is teeth straightening. Traditional braces might come to mind, but the advancements in dental technology have revolutionized the way teeth can be aligned. Here are some of the innovative teeth straightening options available at Docklands Dental House:
1. Invisalign: Say goodbye to metal braces and hello to clear aligners. Invisalign offers a discreet and comfortable way to straighten your teeth without the hassle of brackets and wires. Custom-made aligners gradually shift your teeth into place, allowing you to achieve a stunning smile with minimal disruption to your daily life.
2. Lingual Braces: For those who require a more comprehensive treatment, lingual braces provide an effective solution. Unlike traditional braces that are affixed to the front of your teeth, lingual braces are placed on the backside, making them virtually invisible. This option is ideal for individuals who want to straighten their teeth discreetly.
3. Clear Braces: Clear braces combine the effectiveness of traditional braces with a more aesthetic appeal. Made from translucent materials, they blend seamlessly with your natural tooth color, offering a subtle way to correct misalignments and achieve a beautiful smile.
4. Fast Braces: As the name suggests, fast braces offer a quicker solution for those looking to straighten their teeth in a shorter amount of time. With innovative technology and gentle yet effective treatment, fast braces can deliver noticeable results in a matter of months, making them an ideal choice for patients with busy lifestyles.
What sets Docklands Dental House apart is their commitment to providing personalized care every step of the way. From the initial consultation to the final adjustment, their team takes the time to understand your unique needs and concerns, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident throughout your teeth straightening journey.
Moreover, Docklands Dental House prioritizes patient education, empowering you with the knowledge and resources to maintain your oral health long after your treatment is complete. With guidance on proper oral hygiene practices and regular check-ups, they strive to ensure that your newly straightened smile remains healthy and radiant for years to come.
In conclusion, if you're considering teeth straightening in London, Docklands Dental House is the place to be. With their state-of-the-art facilities, experienced professionals, and innovative treatment options, you can trust them to transform your smile and boost your confidence. Book your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, straighter smile!
Docklands Dental House
51-53 Barking Road
Canning Town
E16 4HB
United Kingdom
Dentist Docklands & Canning Town - Dentist Near Me (docklandsdentalhouse.co.uk)
Tel: 020 7511 1234
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royalwharfdental · 1 year
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Royal Wharf Dental is also an Orthodontics in Docklands offering ideal teeth straightening solutions with the help of Invisalign clear aligners. Our Orthodontist will tackle a range of orthodontic problems such as crooked teeth, bite issues, protruding teeth and gaps between the teeth and provide a suitable treatment options for you.
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Orthodontics in Aylesbury
At Royal Wharf Dental, various orthodontic treatments are carried out by our Orthodontist in Docklands to straighten more symmetrical teeth which enhance your teeth appearance and transform your smile.
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cognacdelights · 3 years
pleasure doing business with you
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the chronicles of cognacdelights
add yourself to my taglist
summary: this is for a secret santa fic exchange. @sortagaysortahigh​ here you go bby, i hope you enjoy. sorry that it took so long.
warnings: swearing. sexual content. alcohol. 
You were sat, perched comfortably in the bespoke, leather chair, as you watched him pour the expensive, honey-coloured liquid into the decorated, crystal tumblers. His dark, obsidian eyes fluctuated between you and the decadent bottle of whiskey, before he nonchalantly guided the nearest glass in your direction — his ring-cladded middle finger pushing against the cold glass as he did so. 
“No, thank you, Mr Stilinski,” you responded in your naturally low and sultry voice, “I like to keep a clear head when discussing business.” Your lips subconsciously pursed as the words left your mouth, your rigid gaze meeting his as he grasped the wide-rimmed tumbler between his thumb and middle finger. He held it so casually, as he tipped the brim towards him and took a generous gulp of the premium whiskey. 
“Suit yourself, Miss,” his gravelly tone reverberated throughout the small — but luxuriously decorated — office, dismissing your declination of his offer with a lackadaisical turning of his palms. His tall, broad and muscular stature towered above you as he leaned against the edge of the grand, mahogany desk, perching ever so slightly atop the overhang. “So, we’ll try this your way. Let’s discuss business.”
“The Lenora Company would like to purchase the land south of the docklands. They’re willing to offer you market price, plus ten percent,” you proposed, confident in your sales pitch. An assured smile threatened to pull the corners of your lipstick-coated lips upwards — however, your features fought to stay in their professional, rigid state. Your eyes remained fixated on the well-dressed man before you — slightly in awe of his impressively authoritative aura. 
“Market price plus ten percent, huh?” Mr Stilinski appeared to mull over, swirling the remaining amber-coloured liquor around the bottom of his fancy, crystal glass. He took a sharp inhale — his cold, impassive eyes flitting to you and boring deep into the depths of your soul — before downing the rest of the expensive whiskey. The sound of the delicate glass hitting against the varnished wood of his desk pulled you from your slight daze and prompted you to think of a swift response — not wanting to look or sound any less competent than you were. 
“Yes, Mr Stilinski, that’s an exceptional offer considering today’s property prices,” you confirmed. Your voice started off strong — composed and collected — but you found yourself wavering towards the end. There was something about this impeccably emotionless, callous man that had overwhelmed your unsuspecting senses; you had found yourself faltering under his icy, apathetic gaze. However, it was not because you were unsettled by his presence, but because you found yourself rather at ease under his wandering eyes. You couldn’t help but furtively relish in the fact that his dark eyes were lingering across your chest — liberally indulging himself in the view behind your provocatively unbuttoned shirt. 
He stood, straightening his posture, “you can do better than that, Miss.” His fair features remained unphased — stringency etched into their perfectly chiselled contours — as he took a step towards you. The slightly cool air which circulated the room became thick and oppressive — your mouth drying ever so slightly — as he took yet another step towards you. You could feel the pit of your stomach whirling in anticipation of his next move, his court=shoe-clad feet leisurely closing the gap between you.
“I must insist that the original offer is exceptionally generous,” you somehow managed to choke out an argument — his brawny silhouette now standing over you in a domineering manner. Peering down at you, he cocked his head to the side — admiring you for a brief, fleeting second — before crouching before you. His warm palms instantly found their way to the plains of your inner thighs, prying them apart with a gentle force. Your tight, figure-hugging pencil skirt offered little decency, as he was met with an exceptional view of your lacy, champagne panties. 
“And I must insist that you can do better than that,” he countered — an arrogant, audacious smirk contorting his fair features. However, it was short-lived — his lips taking it upon themselves to explore every inch of your inner thighs. At first, he placed gentle kisses against the sensitive skin, but quickly progressed to sucking and nibbling on favoured spots. 
“Mr Stilinski,” you breathed out — your flurry of hot air accompanied by a subtle, pleasure-filled whine as his teasing tongue caressed the upper most plains of your inner thighs. Your chest began to heave gently up and down as you felt yourself relaxing under his salacious touch. You knew it was wrong — you knew it was abhorrently unprofessional — but the way his tongue circled against the sensitive skin, and his teeth grazed against the favoured patch, sent euphoric tingles along your spine. 
“Yes, Miss?” he questioned, an innocent flair to his tone, as he continued venturing ever further towards the now dampened heat of your core. 
“I—“ the words hitched in your throat as you felt the soft, smooth pads of his fingers slide up the length of your thighs and slip beneath the lacy waistband of your panties. Within a flash of a second, your panties had been guided down the voluptuous lengths of your thighs and had been carelessly dropped against the carpet. 
Once again, his dominant, bear-like palms placed themselves against both of your inner thighs — spreading your legs even further apart in a bid to make your soaking heat as accessible as possible. He leaned forwards, his taunting tongue tracing one long, slow stripe along your folds. A soft, lascivious moan surpassed your crimson lips and prompted him to repeat his actions once more. He continued to caress your wet folds with his tormenting tongue, increasing the pace with each sensual lick. Your hands gripped onto the arms of the leather chair as your back arched ever so slightly, pushing your hips forward in anticipation of his next move. 
“I’m sure that we can come to some kind of arrangement, Miss,” his low and gruff voice sent sensational vibrations rattling through your core — pulling carnal whines and a concoction of pleasure-filled expletives from the depths of your throat. 
“Will market value pl—” a high-pitched, emphatic moan slipped for between your parted, scarlet lips as he delicately sucked on your sensitive bud — his stubby, ring-cladded fingers now toying with your folds and teasing your heavenly hole, “plus fifteen percent interest you?”
“It interests me, but it doesn’t satisfy me,” he admitted, the vibrations of his low and lustful voice compelling your voluptuous hips to buck against his smirk-adorning face — eager for more contact. He continues in his salacious assault of your clit, his tongue swirling in masterful motions as he slips a finger inside of you. He’s rough, thrusting his digit deep inside of your aching core so that the cold silver of his ring sends electrifying sensations through your drenched folds. 
“Th— that’s as high as I can offer,” you stutter through jagged, heavy breaths as you roll your hips in synchrony with his thrusts — a second finger slipping effortlessly into your dripping, yearning pussy. Another elated whine fills the thick, steamy air of the office as he increases his pace, continuing to suck sensually on your clit. 
“Market value, plus twenty five percent,” Mt Stilinksi demanded in his unforgiving, authoritative tone. He fingers pounded deep inside of you, curling against your most sensitive nerves and forcing you towards the metaphorical ledge with each rhythmic thrust. 
“My boss wouldn’t be impressed with that offer,” you let slip — your voice consumed by a breathy, high-pitched whine as he continued to increase his pace.
“Your boss isn’t the one that you need to impress, Miss,” he countered almost instantly — his spare hand gripping onto your bare thigh in a tight, vice-like grip. He continued to swirl his tongue in sloppy, lackadaisical motions, becoming negligent in his precision as he felt your walls contracting around his large fingers. The smirk which had previously occupied his fair features returned, tugging the corners of his thin lips upwards, as he thrust his fingers inside you vigorously and nibbled against the sensitive nerves of your clit ever so gently. “So, how about that additional twenty five percent?”
“Deal,” you exclaimed — your voice echoing against the wooden panels of the walls. The tight, twisted knot that sat in the pit of your stomach began to unravel as your walls pulsated around his stubby, ring-cladded fingers and your hips rolled recklessly to meet with his rigorous thrusts. A haze of euphoria consumed you — like that feeling of slipping into a warm bubble bath — as he took his time in slowing his pace. His eager tongue lapped up your heavenly juices, cleaning your glorious pussy and thighs masterfully. 
Eventually, he retreated from your warmth and peered upwards at you with those dark, callous eyes of his. An imperious smirk, once again, occupied his pale complexion, “it’s been a pleasure doing business with you.” 
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Docklands Dental House: Transforming Smiles with Dental Implants
A confident smile can work wonders, but missing teeth can affect both our self-esteem and oral health. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers a fantastic solution: dental implants. In the heart of Docklands, London, Docklands Dental House stands out as a trusted hub for restoring smiles through dental implants. With cutting-edge technology, expert dentists, and a commitment to patient comfort, Docklands Dental House is a leading destination for those seeking long-lasting solutions to missing teeth.
1. Understanding Dental Implants:
Before delving into what makes Docklands Dental House exceptional, let's briefly explore dental implants. Dental implants are a permanent and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of three main components:
- The implant post: This is a small titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation.
- The abutment: The abutment connects the implant post to the crown, serving as a connector.
- The crown: The crown is the visible part of the implant, designed to match your natural teeth in shape and color.
2. Docklands Dental House: A Hub of Excellence:
Located in the vibrant Docklands area of London, Docklands Dental House is a state-of-the-art dental clinic that specializes in dental implant procedures. What sets this practice apart is its commitment to patient care, cutting-edge technology, and a team of highly skilled dentists.
3. Experienced and Compassionate Team:
At Docklands Dental House, patients are in the capable hands of experienced dentists who are not only experts in their field but also compassionate and attentive to patients' needs. They take the time to understand each patient's unique circumstances and offer personalized treatment plans.
4. Advanced Technology:
Docklands Dental House stays on the cutting edge of dental technology. From 3D imaging for precise implant placement to computer-aided design (CAD) for creating customized crowns, they ensure that patients receive the most advanced and effective treatment available.
5. Patient Comfort and Care:
One of the standout features of Docklands Dental House is their dedication to patient comfort and care. They understand that dental procedures, including implant placements, can be daunting for some individuals. To ease patient concerns, they provide a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Sedation options are also available for those who may experience dental anxiety.
6. Tailored Treatment Plans:
Each patient is unique, and so are their dental needs. Docklands Dental House offers custom treatment plans to ensure the best results. Whether you need a single implant or a full-mouth restoration, they have the expertise to cater to your specific requirements.
7. Long-Lasting Results:
Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. With the proper care, they can serve you well for a lifetime. Docklands Dental House offers post-implant care and guidance to help ensure your implants remain in excellent condition.
8. Smiles Restored with Confidence:
For those living or working in Docklands, Docklands Dental House is a beacon of hope for those with missing teeth. With their commitment to excellence, patient care, and cutting-edge technology, they transform smiles and boost confidence, one implant at a time.
Docklands Dental House in Docklands, London, is more than just a dental clinic; it's a place where smiles are restored and confidence is renewed. With their experienced team, advanced technology, and personalized treatment plans, they set the standard for dental implant procedures. If you're looking to transform your smile and regain your confidence, Docklands Dental House is the place to visit. Say goodbye to missing teeth and hello to a brighter, more confident future.
51-53 Barking Road
Canning Town
E16 4HB
United Kingdom
Dentist Docklands & Canning Town - Dentist Near Me (docklandsdentalhouse.co.uk)
tel: 020 7511 1234
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Orthodontics in Aylesbury
At Royal Wharf Dental, various orthodontic treatments are carried out by our Orthodontist in Docklands to straighten more symmetrical teeth which enhance your teeth appearance and transform your smile.
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royalwharfdental · 2 years
Invisalign in Docklands
At Royal Wharf Dental, we offer Invisalign in Docklands to correct the positioning of crowded or crooked teeth as this highly-effective straightening system is virtually invisible, removable and easy to clean.
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royalwharfdental · 2 years
At Royal Wharf Dental, we offer patients a wide range of adult orthodontic treatments to create a more beautiful, more aligned smile. Our Orthodontist in Docklands will advise the ideal straightening treatment meeting your needs.
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royalwharfdental · 3 years
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At Royal Wharf Dental, various orthodontic treatments are carried out by our Orthodontist in Docklands to straighten more symmetrical teeth which enhance your teeth appearance and transform your smile.
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royalwharfdental · 3 years
At Royal Wharf Dental, various orthodontic treatments are carried out by our Orthodontist in Docklands to straighten more symmetrical teeth which enhance your teeth appearance and transform your smile.
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