#tega's art
tegabyte · 3 months
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@ignoct-week day 3: reincarnation
I AM NOTHING IF NOT INCREDIBLY!!! NICHE!!!! though this one has much wider reach than uhh Rain World iterators my beloved. I was rewatching Doctor Who somewhat recently because I like the Ninth Doctor (the "Who" in superwholock is the only one I will still care about by choice (I don't have a choice for destiel but I'm not rewatching spn)), and then this prompt came at me and I had A Vision. I could make everyone who knows these two things mad at me at the same time lmao.
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I am nothing if not a rattling cage of crossover AUs and I will make this everyone's problem inevitably, hahaha
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ageofzero · 1 year
You have a choice to make.
After the pieces are cut from you, after the silence has fallen and you're tasked with the protection and continued survival of a child you are wholly unprepared to raise, you have a choice to make.
It is a choice that you've been backed into.
You have a support system, you have a family. You have old friends and lifelong partners. One of them is struggling to keep his pieces in place, the other is struggling to rebuild the cracked foundation of a cursed home. You can't reach out to either of them, not because of their own struggles.
The choice you have to make is going to dirty your name further, and already people are going to be dragged down by the filth the world now sees you covered in.
You weren't dirty by choice before. The choice is going to make the difference.
You choose your words carefully, you choose who you contact even more so. You choose patience and surveillance. You choose a mask and wear it in place to meet with another masked man. You choose the friend who is a viper in human skin.
You choose to look as if you've fallen on impossibly hard times, as if your friends have abandoned you, as if you struggle to support the needs of a child. It makes you look like prey to a predator. You are a wolf in the clothes of a wounded sheep. The blood attracts the predator you hunt, and you let him get close.
You let him twist himself into you, as he looks for any threat you may carry. You let him open your rib cage to look for danger and poison and he finds none but the poison he's left there himself. You live with that poison for as long as it takes to gather your information. You pretend you've forgotten the law you worked so hard to represent. You pretend you've forgotten those you befriended.
You make a choice, and the viper comes into the trap.
You make the choice for seven years, and the trap finds its bait. The trap snaps shut on the viper's throat.
You use other hands, other claws and teeth, to accomplish your hunt. You and the viper are no longer so separate. It takes a delicate hand to keep from being snared in the same trap, but you still cause collateral damage.
You made that choice.
And even when the work is done and the viper is removed, there is still the poison he left behind. In you, in the system, in the damage. Your choices cannot be taken back. You can be given the clothes you once wore, the badge you once upheld, the job you were removed from, but the person who wore all those is gone. The choice was a sacrifice of that person, and what's left has to pick up the pieces.
The choice was made, and you don't know who you are anymore.
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389 · 1 year
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Tegan Davis
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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Oil on canvas, 70 inches x 60 inches 2022
Tega Akpokona
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Work by Zimbabwean / South African artist Tega Tafadzwa adorning the walls of the Radisson Red Hotel, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Tafadzwa Adolf Tega (Zimbabwean, 1985), Leaders, 2022. Mixed media on canvas, 200 x 150 cm.
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cynpher · 1 year
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Finished some more redesigns Ryan Danny Johnny Ethan (Old name: Riley) Ricky My brain hurts today lol.
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merryclaus · 2 years
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(Sorry the picture looks unnaturally bright, there's only one room in my house with decent light but it made the picture look bad. Everywhere else was too dark)
Anywho, here's Tega with the full fit. Chose to cover her arms with her jacket, was having a difficult time figuring out where to put her hands. And I still can't drawca side braid. (Lord help me)
Also, that's a sleeveless jacket not a cloak. I just fucked it up.
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
"lucio saffaro. le forme del pensiero" / giosuè boetto cohen. 2014
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dofus-to-tofus · 2 months
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Do you like Fecas? Well so does Tega, and boy are you going to love the art she's bringing to the zine! We're almost done with showing off contributors! Just 2 more to go! Tega's Socials
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mianurjannah · 1 year
Bagi yang menyebut perempuan bekerja sebagai perempuan yang menyalahi fitrah, dengan lantang menghakimi, dengan enteng memojokkan, dengan sinis, dengan tega menyatakan bahwa fitrah perempuan hanya di dapur, sumur, dan kasur, tetapi nyatanya saat istrinya melahirkan, maunya ditangani Sp.Og perempuan. Saat istrinya mau pijatan, bolehnya di tukang pijat perempuan. Saat mencari guru les privat untuk anak perempuan, carinya guru perempuan. Saat cari asisten rumah tangga yang dicari ART perempuan. Saat anaknya hendak menikah, yang dicari MUA perempuan. Saat ibunya sakit dan butuh perawat di rumah, carinya perawat perempuan. Guru, dokter, tenaga kesehatan, asisten rumah tangga, pedagang, dan profesi lainnya, sudah cukup meladeni anggapan buruk tentang karir perempuan. Sebab sungguh memalukan jika kau mengatakan mereka menyalahi fitrahnya tetapi faktanya kau membutuhkannya.
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tegabyte · 3 months
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@ignoct-week day 7: Final Fantasy Crossover
I don't actually know if I'd ship Agrias/Ovelia, but I do love Agrias (paladin woman my beloved) and I'd rather not think about the reality of Delita/Ovelia in the context of ignoct sooooo. let's make them lesbians and angst and it's fine lmao
I actually had a surprisingly easy time drawing this one, after the mess of days 5 and 6 lmao. This happened for me in about an hour (that hour was 4~5AM while I was listening to the end of a 4 hour video essay but don't worry about it I'm a night owl).
I could've chosen many other Final Fantasys, I was scrambling around my reference folders wondering which one to choose lol. 7 and 10 were too obvious, I didn't wanna draw the armors of the earlier FFs, I don't know much about 5 or 8 or 9 (sorry dissidia 589 lovers), 13 and type0 would barely count as a crossover, and thus I ended up on Tactics. My datemate like Tactics, and got a commission profile pic of his ff14 character in that style. I didn't realize it'd actually be so easy to mimic for me. I had a lot of fun drawing this for real.
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ageofzero · 2 years
What does Jak's prison garb say?
(I also am really fond of the Precursor alphabet and working out what each word said was a special joy of mine)
There are two parts for his prison garb! The red text across his chest says "Criminal", and the text on his left leg (I think) says "Cell B".
I went diving for the chest bit for an inktober drawing I was doing (https://ageofzeroart.tumblr.com/post/166380998324/inktober-3-hey-so-the-writing-on-jaks-prison), and it took me FOREVER to get enough visual data between blurry screenshots and moving cutscene videos to figure it out, haha.
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I took this screenshot tonight to show that the texture actually gets flipped during a cutscene and the "nal" of criminal is mirrored and reversed for some reason? It's not always like that so I thought this was funny. (under the back of Daxter's foot, you can just barely see the "i")
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editing myself to say actually now that I'm looking at a 1080p video, looks like that half of his prison uniform is always backwards, but that last symbol is very much not a K, so it's still supposed to say "CRIMINAL", it's just... "CRIMI LAN" in practice. Maybe they weren't thinking about how their texture would wrap around the 3d model and it didn't matter on the ps2
The leg is harder, and I can't really make it out based on the videos I was watching tonight, but I can see three of the symbols well enough, and the fourth one is a specific enough shape that I'm confident in it.
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The first one's too blurry to really make out (it's a vague red-ish blotch at the high point of a dark green stripe), but reading down from hip to leggy, I'm pretty sure it's E-L-L-B, so extrapolating makes it "CELL B".
In case you wanted to know which cell specifically he's in for fanfic accuracy purposes!
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bonus: Erol's right shoulder says Commander.
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Se kompleks itu pikiran seorang ibu..
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Nemu reels ini di IG. Relate bgt sih galaunya emak2. Pikirannya berlapis lapis tapi belom nemu solusi dari keinginannya karena pertimbangannya, kekhawatirannya terlalu buanyaaaak. Jadi beruntunglah ibu2 yg udah punya kerja selagi single trus setelah berkeluarga masih tetep kerja dgn lancar dan support systemnya kuat.
Ada juga cerita, ibu2 yg resign demi ngurus anaknya karena ngga ada yg bisa ngurus/nitipin anaknya (nenek2nya gabisa, rekrut art ngga semudah itu). Dengan terpaksa melepaskan karirnya.. Memang urusan anak buat ibu2 mah selalu jd prioritas nomer 1 sih yaa.
Contohnya sih banyak dr relasi terdekat aku, teman2ku dan jg sepupu2ku. Cerita sedikit ttg sepupuku yg akhirnya memutuskan resign dr perusahaan BUMN yg sangat dia banggakan, gajinyapun besar, kerja di kantor pusat, dia sangat berdedikasi dan selalu "kapake" oleh atasannya, selalu upgrade diri. Memutuskan resign, awalnya sering cuti karena anak ngga ada yg handle, nenek2nya smua kerja (mamanya dan mama mertuanya), drama art tak kunjung henti, udah dpt lalu plg kampung dll. Sempet cuti setahun.. Udah masuk lagi, dia sakit ada benjolan harus operasi, cuti lg sebulan. Ditengah kegalauan itu anaknya ada benjolan jg (lupa di area mana), ini yg bikin dia jengah, sedih, kalut, terlalu ngga tega sama anaknya, pgn selalu mendampingi di setiap detiknya dlm keadaan apapun (aku ngerasain bgt sih hiks). Akhirnya memutuskan resign, InsyaAllah keputusan tepat untuk prioritasin anak mah, rejeki Allah yg ngatur.. Kudoakan selalu yg terbaik untuk sepupuku, InsyaAllah ponakanku sehat yg paling penting!
Jadi, perempuan lain atau ibu2 lain gaboleh ngejudge tanpa tau situasi apa yg sedang dihadapi dgn berkata "perempuan itu harus bekerja, berdaya berdikari (you name it lah), supaya mandiri kalo ditinggal suami ngga pincang". Memang pernyataan itupun ngga ada salahnya krn itu salah 1 planning kalo terjadi worst case, benar ko. Tapi kan ngga bisa smua dipukul rata keadaannya ya. Yg masih bekerja lancar tanpa drama, anak aman di handle sama org2 terpercaya.. Privilege buat mu, good for you! Sedangkan kami (aku termasuk) ngga seberuntung itu loh. Kamipun dlm keadaan tidak bekerja/irt mikir ko pengen menghasilkan uang, bantu perekonomian keluarga tp sambil pegang anak, kadang sudah diusahakan tp ngga bertahan lama. Kamipun pgn punya planning kalo worst case terjadi kaya yg kejadian yg td disebut.
Aku sempet blg gini ke suamiku @sagarmatha13 secara rohaniah menenangkan bahwa Allah yg memberi rejeki, berhusnudzon lah. Tapi secara realistis memang sedang blio pikirin, planning untuk kita kedepannya, persiapan berupa tabungan, investasi atau nyari2 kerjaan wfh (blio dan aku udah minat kesini). Mudah2an aja Allah memberikan jalannya supaya lancar planning kedepannya, setidaknya kebuntuan dan kegalauan ini sedikit demi sedikit mereda bahkan menghilang. Aamiinnnnn
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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Incense 70”x64” 2022 ©
Tega Akpokona
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Work by Zimbabwean / South African artist Tega Tafadzwa adorning the walls of the Radisson Red Hotel, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa
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