#teknamy mention
prowerprojects · 6 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing wonderfully!✨ My question is what got you into Sonamy? (If you are)
Hi! Thank you ^_^
I am! In fact, I would say it's my top ship for both of them (though with Sonic this spot is shared with Sonknux, I couldn't be asked to choose between them hehe).
The only versions of them that I don't really ship is Fleetway, and Boom (more on that later).
With Fleetway, I feel like it does a very good job at doing a "What if Amy actually got over Sonic and then got into a relationship with someone else (who isn't similar to Sonic so it doesn't look like a bad rebound), and she and Sonic become even closer friends" type of scenario (Which I gotta admit, Fleetway Sonic and Amy have an amazing dynamic and they're ride or die for each other), which is also partially why I'm not interested in seeking it out just for the sake of it. (I do ship Amy with characters other than Sonic or Tekno, but that's not the reason why). I feel like it partially also raises my interest in Sonamy, like. We've already seen what happens when she gets over Sonic, let's see something else now? Right?
Some people might think it doesn't count, because Fleetway Amy is so different from regular Amy, and maybe, if you compare her to Adventure Amy. But I actually find her quite similar to the way Amy is written in IDW, they even have kind of a similar, "edgier" compared to other versions of the character, sense of humor. (Also this is me saying modern!Teknamy would totally work how are there no fics with Tekno in the game-esque universe?? (Heck there's almost no Fleetway based Teknamy fics either for how much everyone is gushing about their relationship) I can't see her working for Eggman here, but maybe she could work for GUN developing weapons for them, while also using their resources for personal projects on the side (maybe befriending Team Dark in the process), but when it gets discovered GUN tries to arrest them but Team Dark helps them get away and hide, eventually they meet Sonic & friends, including Amy. Since GUN got destroyed in Forces, Tekno is free now, maybe if you're doing an idw-based thing they could join the restoration or something. It could work! Modern!Teknamy! Think about it!)
Anyway, back to Sonamy. I don't actually remember how I started shipping them. I used to watch Sonic X a lot when I was little, but I guess the Sonamy didn't make that big of an impact on me back then, I mostly remembered Knuckles and Rouge having a thing there.
Then way later I was actively watching the Sonic Boom tv show as it was coming out, but... I didn't like Sonamy there at all. It's not their relationship on its own, but everyone making jokes about it, "shipping" them together in-universe which made me not like it. It just felt really forced. (And the issues with Amy's portrayal in Boom are a topic for a completely different discussion)
And it's only when I properly got into games that I actually saw what their relationship is actually like!
And I'll be real... it wasn't always... great. There was some turbulence. I even believe the people who think Amy didn't even initially like Sonic, but only was infatuated with his image of a hero and the freedom & adventures that she had associated with him. She projected her fairytale fantasies combined with heteronormative societal expectations onto him and their potential relationship. (Just look at her in Adventure! She misses Sonic because she misses adventures, she thanks him for saving her because he's her hero but he actually barely did anything there! She was the hero!) No wonder Sonic wasn't on board with that! (Even though he still was always friends with Amy) Who would be! But here's the kicker:
It changed
The dynamic changed! They changed! And it's always fun. I can't hate the way Tails is written on Colors–Frontiers because there's dynamic! He's going through a little character arc! (A character arc of hitting rock bottom instead of becoming his best self but an arc nonetheless. It's something interesting. And now we get to see him rise back up)
And it also shows that their dynamic is able to evolve and isn't stuck! Which means there is a possibility that it would evolve further! Isn't that just fun to think about?
Amy became more confident in herself. She realized she didn't need Sonic to go on adventures or to save her. With this, their relationship became more equal. Sonic in general became more personable and closer to his friends.
Amy is now not blinded by just seeing Sonic as "Her Hero" and is able to see him as a person that he actually is and falls in love for real! I already mentioned this before, but I think her attempt at confession in Lost World signifies that. Everyone already knows she loves him, but now, it's different.
On Sonic's end, there aren't as many changes, he's just able to be more open and comfortable around her (even though she's still able to occasionally throw him off with her over the top energy). (I also personally headcanon that Sonic didn't have a lot of experiences with romance which might have lead him to believe that the way Amy acted initially is "the standard" (which he couldn't and didn't want to match, and prevented him from realizing his feelings for a longer time. I personally headcanon him as demiro which is probably why my top ships with his are with his two closest friends)
Ultimately, their dynamic on its own is fun, too. They're a kickass team and they have a similar sense of humor, which is fun and I wish we got to see them banter more. They also have a similar fascination with adventures and love for nature and the world. Sonic doesn't need to slow down for Amy because she loves him as he is, and Amy doesn't need to give up her projects to be by Sonic's side because he's always supportive and encouraging of her!
They just have a very cozy friendship nowadays, especially when you remember everything that happened before we got there! But that's what makes it so good. The history they have, the work they put into their relationship, no soulmate "love from first sight" can match that. (Though of course they're also now canonically soulmates too because of Frontiers but they're also soulmates with Tails and Knuckles so it's not like that)
Hehe, well. I rambled a lot, not sure I actually answered your question 😅 I guess they're just cute!
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