datorchoe · 4 years
May... May I request the Dark Brotherhood hugcanons? Maybe an additional Spectral Assassin Lucien LaChance? Pretty please? - supervillain-smut
*Steven the Clydesdale fighting Shadowmere in the background* Didn’t know whether you wanted Oblivion or Skyrim so I did both. Anyway enjoy!
- Oblivion
Lucien Lachance
- Lucien is actually pretty huggable. Like he may come off as kind of a cold hearted person but in reality, he loves hugging people. When he was raising Ocheeva and Teinaava, they asked for hugs all the time and he just became accustomed to them. 
- His hugs are very tight and warm. Along with his body, you also get wrapped in the robe and practically suffocated in it. He smells like a musty sort of scent. After living in Fort Farragut for so long that's all he knows. 
- If you just walk up to him and hug him out of the blue, he’ll probably be very confused at first and then pat your back in return. 
Vicente Valtieri
- Vicente LOVES hugs. Like someone please give this man all the love he deserves. He only hugs specific people though so you gotta get on that list. 
- Make sure you bring a blanket cause this man is COLD. Like you press up against him and shivers go down your spine kinda cold. Vicente smells like blood. 
- If you spontaneously hug him, he’ll return it and ask if your ok or if you wanna talk about something. 
- Ocheeva is pretty huggable too. Of course the thing with her is that she kinda feels like she’s imposing. You have to ask or initiate it to receive any love. 
- Ocheeva has very safe hugs. Like you just feel good when she wraps her arms around your waist. She smells like fresh bread. 
- Teinaava is the kind of person to hug you immediately when he meets you. He just loves hugging people so much. Ocheeva is a little over it. 
- Teinaava is a “you can’t breathe” kind of hugger. He can’t break your bones but you will suffocate. He smells like swamp. 
Gogron gro-Bolmog
- Gogron has canonically hugged and killed a rabbit and tells you he wants to hug you. What do you think? Oh and he smells like testosterone. 
M’raaj Dar
- If you even lay a finger on him you're gonna die. Eventually he comes around ;) 
- His hugs are very lazy but warm. All that fur gives him an advantage. He smells like a burnt cat. 
- She really isn’t one for hugs. Like if you come up and ask her for one she’ll totally give it to you, but she’s not gonna go out of her way to hug you. 
- Typically she’ll just hug you with one big squeeze and then let go. But if you are like having a bad day or something she’ll definitely hug you for longer. She smells like leather and nature. 
Antoinetta Marie
- Antoinetta likes hugs but she is very reserved about who gets said hugs. You gotta be on her top ten list to even get a glance. 
- She kinda like loosely hugs you and just sighs every time, absorbing the energy of said hug. She smells like cranberries. 
- Skyrim
- No. Don’t touch him. You’ll die...you definitely hug him. 
- After a lot of groaning and begging, he finally hugs you. His hugs are short, but really warm and they make you feel safe in an odd way. He smells like a dog. 
- Astrid will hug you, but it will take some convincing. She doesn’t just hug anyone, she kinda has trust issues with that sort of thing. 
- Astrid’s hugs are short and sweet. She won’t spend much time hugging you. Maybe just one big squeeze and that's it. She smells like dandelions and blood. 
- I think that Babette would be kinda touch-starved. Like she's been a child all her life and no one really hugs her and then you come along and do so and she realizes. 
- Babette is pretty cold so you can’t hug her for too long. And you also have to crouch to do it. But she really does appreciate it. She smells like blood and a bunch of Alchemy ingredients. 
- Oh my. Here we go. So, Cicero has not been hugged many times in his life. So, when you hug him he either freezes up, or cries. 
- If he freezes up, he’ll just kinda pat your back till you remove yourself. But if he cries, his head is going into the crook of your neck and he is holding you in a LOCK. He smells like rubber and insanity. 
Festus Krex 
- Festus likes hugging people. Like he’ll never admit it but it makes him feel good. 
- He will like throw one arm around your neck and put you into an almost head-lock. It’s violent. He smells like old spice and dirt. 
- Gabriella likes giving hugs too. She’s always been a pretty affectionate person so if you hug her she’ll probably return it. 
- Her hugs are really soft. She just loosely holds her arms around your waist and places her head on your shoulder. She smells like worms oddly enough. 
- Nazir doesn’t give out hugs to just anyone. You gotta either be his best friend or in like desperate need for one. If you come up to him and hug him tightly, he’ll return it but it won’t last long. 
- Nazir’s hugs are very safe. He just gives off this vibe of “I gotchu” when he hugs you. He smells like testosterone and firewood. 
- Vezaraa is the welcome wagon of the guild. You walk in and he’s already hugging you and patting your back.
- His hugs are very tight but kind at the same time. Like he puts you into a lock and is like “your never leaving btw :)”. He smells like swamp. 
Spectral Assassin Lucien
- You summon the man, he asks what you need him for, you tell him to stand still, you proceed to attempt to wrap your arms around him, they fade directly through, he looks at you and says, “what the fuck did you think was gonna happen?”, you cry. 
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grandpayaoi · 6 years
i got enough raw ideas to write a cheydinhal sanctuary slice of life series but absolutely no motivation to do so
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higheverweave · 5 years
The end of the beginning
Lucien was going about his day as usual. Cheydinhal was unusually quiet. The speaker Zara...his wife... was out on a contract. Vicente was in his room. But had been avoiding his gaze for days. However Lucien had finished his contracts for...today. So he knocked on Vicente’s door.
“Lucien.” Vicente smiled. The two had been friends for many years so Lucien was familiar to the vampires classical room.
“You’ve been avoiding my gaze,brother have I offended you?”Lucien questioned
“No.” Vicente replied
“I just worry about that wife of yours for all her skill...
she should be being careful.” Vicente thought
“Unfortunately we’re past careful Vicente ,and you know it. She’s lucky she’s survived so far as long as she has. Most don’t survive this long with an illness like hers. Perhaps I’m just trying to think of it in the best way I can.... I just ... Sithis mercy.... I just don’t want to loose her.” Lucien thought aloud.
“Which is why I told her she should be trying to survive. Fighting it off not on contracts. Yet she’s loyal.” Vicente smiled shaking his head.
“I just I have an awful feeling... like something awful is going to happen... or already has.” Lucien sighed.
“You know you already sent the others out looking for her.” Vicente tried to calm him down.
“I should be out there as well.” Lucien sighed.
“You were out all last night. What you need is rest.” Vicente tried to explain.
However there was a thud at th door to the sanctuary. A foreboding pounding. That made both Vicente and Lucien rush to the door.
It was Gorgon Gro-Bolmog and Telandril holding another member of Cheydinhal sanctuary raising the eyebrows of both Lucien and Vicente.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Vicente questioned.
“Tell them yourself traitor.” Gorgon pushed Haelani to the floor. Haelani having been a member of the sanctuary for some years.
“The Morag tong wanted its debts paid she was ill and weak an easy kill with a fitting end.” Haelani smirked.
“There is only one Option.” Lucien stated. Vengeance for his wife.... his....by sithis he’d never hear her laugh again. He’d never see her eyes light up when he’d tell her about his kills.
This was personal and there will be hell to pay.
“She was dying anyway I did her a favor I rushed it along.” She smiled
“The you’re dying too the rest of you’re lifespan be DAMNED!” He started by breaking every finger and toe he could find before breaking the legs to immobilize her. Then he thought about what would be the most painful way to make them pay for what they did to her.
Easy skin them with a dull knife only in places it wouldn’t kill her. Just enough to torture her then threaten everyone she cared about. Take the idea of safety away from her. And when he was done he based her skill into the floor leaving blood everywhere.
Before turning away shaking. Tears streaming down his face he was speaker now and yet his first act gave him no pleasure. As it wouldn’t bring his wife back.
He rubbed the back of his bloodied hand against his face.
“Uh boss? I’m sorry for your loss but Do you think this blood will come out of my boots?”Gorgon questioned.
“Don’t bother him he’s grieving. Just Try soap dear.” Telandril suggested.
Lucien had a found a fort was going to take his wife to... just until she got better and to hide from the threats such as the morag tong. But it was useless now. All the traps to protect her the way he had started setting things up.
But he couldn’t stay here it was her home and every little thing here reminded him of her Schumer the stupid skeever he bought to scare her that she ended up loving. The dark gaurdiand she single handedly brought back. The alchemy room where shed do her research. The fireplace and it’s bookshelves which shed fall asleep next too. Even the stables where Her horse Shadowmere whom she had saved from some priests had lived. Shadowmere the last living part of her he’d need to bring her to the fort for sure.
No he couldn’t stay here. He’d come back to help Vicente with the shadow scales that were supposed to come live with them at the end of the week. Zara had been in charge of that. She had books she had handpicked for them mainly fairytales...Snowwhite to be funny. She had also tried making cupcakes which she had burned quickly. For all her skills cooking was not one of them.
Staying here would kill him. Parts of it even smelled like her and her Black Roses.
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