#telecom iot platform
Digital BSS Platforms: Redefining Telecom for CSPs in the Digital Age
In the rapidly evolving digital era, the swift pace of technological progress has rendered older Business Support Systems (BSS) less adaptable. This presents a significant challenge for telecom companies striving to keep pace with dynamic market requirements. Furthermore, these legacy BSS solutions are frequently isolated in their operations, resulting in inefficiencies and inconsistent customer experiences. The cost associated with maintaining and upgrading these aging systems can also encumber telecom companies, constraining their capacity to invest in innovative technologies and services. This calls for a need to invest in novel digital BSS solutions.  A telecom digital BSS platform can help CSPs maximize return in the 5G era.
 Need for becoming a techno
Becoming a Techco in the telecom industry entails a transformative shift from the traditional telco business model to one centered around technology. This evolution aligns telecom companies more closely with customer preferences, product development, and an iterative approach to building products, akin to modern internet companies. The paramount goal is to foster innovation and enhance customer experiences by seamlessly integrating telecom offerings into customers' lifestyles.
A telecom digital BSS platform can assist CSPs boost revenues by tapping into new industry use cases, meeting enterprise demands, or even venturing into uncharted territories with digital brands to broaden their market reach. Inclusion of these ambitions in business objectives marks the initial stage of a telco's transformation into a genuine Techco.
Why do CSPs need digital BSS solutions?
In the landscape of CSPs, the emergence of 5G stands as a paramount catalyst driving substantial transformations in Business Support Systems (BSS). Historically, BSS frameworks were meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of earlier generations of telecom networks. However, the advent of 5G has ushered in an era marked by soaring demands for services such as the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality, and edge computing.
To put it simply, the traditional BSS systems, rooted in legacy technologies, may find themselves ill-equipped to efficiently monetize the copious volumes of data generated by 5G networks and associated devices. This incapacity could lead to critical latency issues and unacceptable delays—outcomes that various industries simply cannot afford in an age defined by real-time connectivity and responsiveness. 
Advanced digital business support system - need of the hour
An advanced digital BSS platform enables operators to capitalize on the data network by offering creative, tailored services, enhancing subscribers' digital experiences. With the advent of 5G, CSPs face the challenge of adapting to new business models and dynamic usage scenarios without costly backend code modifications. A centralized product catalog integrated into a BSS platform allows companies to quickly adapt to network advancements and changing demands, helping CSPs navigate 5G complexities and seize emerging market opportunities.
Digital BSS for telecom Migration to Cloud Solutions
The telecom sector is gradually migrating BSS to cloud-based solutions, which offers telecom businesses cost savings and increased flexibility. The objective is not to completely overhaul existing IT systems and begin from scratch, instead aiming to supplement them with next-generation technology in a staged strategy that ensures smooth business continuity.
A modern digital business support system improves organizational productivity and cost effectiveness, particularly in crucial areas like handling orders, post-sales, and service assurance. Cloud technology's widespread acceptance provides CSPs with a feasible, scalable, and adaptive alternative for optimizing their operations.
A telecom digital BSS platform is more than just software; it enables business transformation for CSPs. In a rapidly changing telecom landscape, digital BSS provides the agility, innovation, and customer-centricity that CSPs need to thrive. From enhancing customer experience to protecting revenue and driving operational efficiency, the impact of digital BSS solutions is significant. As we move deeper into the 5G era and witness the continued growth of IoT, CSPs that embrace digital BSS for telecom will be better positioned to lead and succeed in the digital age. 
Interested in learning more about Canvas, a digital BSS platform from 6D Technologies?
Please visit https://www.6dtechnologies.com/products-solutions/digital-bss-solutions 
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mobiloittesingapore2 · 9 months
Mobiloitte's IoT App Development: Shaping Singapore's Connected Future Embrace the IoT wave in Singapore with Mobiloitte. Our services prioritize real-time data analytics, seamless device integration, and robust security. As a key player in Singapore, we design IoT apps that enhance urban living, streamline businesses, and elevate user experiences. With Mobiloitte, step confidently into Singapore's interconnected tomorrow.
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mobiloitteuk · 9 months
IoT Application Development Company- Mobiloitte UK
Mobiloitte, a leading IoT application development company based out of the UK, specializes in crafting tailored internet of things software. Utilizing advanced tech stacks, we deliver dynamic IoT automation solutions that drive efficiency and innovation. Dive into a connected future with our holistic IoT solutions, designed to resonate with your business needs.
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todayiot · 5 days
 Unlocking the Future: The Power of IoT Services
IoT services connect everyday devices to the internet, transforming our lives and work. Imagine controlling your home's lights and security from your phone, tracking your health with wearable devices, driving smarter with connected cars, optimizing office environments for productivity, and enhancing farming practices with smart tools. Experience a more efficient, convenient, and interconnected world with IoT services.
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Empowering Digital Innovation: Microlent Systems' Comprehensive Web Development Services
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Microlent Systems
In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses are relentlessly pursuing innovation to stay ahead in their respective markets. Amid this digital race, Microlent Systems emerges as a beacon of technological advancement and a pioneer in web development services. With a robust portfolio that spans web application development, TV application development, wearable technology solutions, enterprise solution development, AI/ML-based solutions, and IoT/hardware integrated solutions, Microlent stands at the forefront of enabling businesses to unlock their full potential in the digital landscape.
Web Application Development: A Cornerstone for Digital Success At the heart of Microlent's services lies its web application development expertise. In understanding the critical role that web applications play in today's business ecosystems, Microlent delivers bespoke solutions that are not just about coding and deployment but about creating a digital experience that resonates with end-users. From e-commerce sites that handle millions of transactions to SaaS platforms that automate business processes, Microlent's approach is to build scalable, secure, and dynamic web applications that drive user engagement and business growth.
Revolutionizing Television with TV Application Development The television industry is undergoing a transformation, with digital platforms and OTT services changing the way content is consumed. Microlent's TV application development service is tailored to meet this new wave of demand. By focusing on user experience, Microlent helps content providers, telecoms, and OTT platforms deliver applications that are intuitive, engaging, and accessible across devices, ensuring content reaches viewers worldwide in the most effective manner possible.
Pioneering in Wearable Technology with Android and Apple Watch Application Development As wearable technologies become an integral part of our daily lives, Microlent is at the helm of developing innovative applications for Android and Apple Watch devices. These applications are not just about extending smartphone functionalities to one's wrist but are designed with a focus on health, fitness, productivity, and lifestyle, ensuring users have a seamless and enriched wearable experience.
Enterprise Solution Development: Catalyzing Business Transformation Microlent recognizes the challenges businesses face in adapting to rapidly changing market conditions. Its enterprise solution development services are focused on building robust, cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and maintain competitive advantage. Whether it's through CRM systems, ERP solutions, or custom software tailored to specific business needs, Microlent's solutions are a catalyst for digital transformation.
Leading the Way in AI/ML-Based Solutions In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Microlent is a trailblazer, providing cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation across industries. From predictive analytics and natural language processing to computer vision and intelligent automation, Microlent leverages the latest in AI and ML technologies to help businesses unlock new opportunities, enhance decision-making, and create value in ways never before possible.
Bridging the Physical and Digital with IoT/Hardware Integrated Solutions Microlent's expertise extends into the burgeoning field of IoT and hardware-integrated solutions, where the physical and digital worlds converge. By enabling smart interactions between devices, systems, and services, Microlent's solutions facilitate enhanced data collection, real-time monitoring, and automated control, driving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation across sectors.
Conclusion In the constantly evolving digital landscape, Microlent Systems stands out as a partner of choice for businesses looking to harness the power of technology for growth, innovation, and digital transformation. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for innovation, and a comprehensive suite of web development services, Microlent is dedicated to empowering businesses to achieve their digital aspirations.
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wolfliving · 7 months
The "Digital Silk Road" and the Chinese IoT
*Sort of.
Precisely what activities fall under the umbrella of the DSR has not been officially disclosed, but all known projects work to integrate the hard and soft infrastructures underpinning next-generation IoT capabilities. Examples include 5G antenna and base stations, fiber optic cables, data centers, smart city initiatives, and e-commerce platforms. Across the board, Beijing has encouraged tech companies to deepen cooperation with recipient countries. Some of the flagship companies that have joined the project are state-owned enterprises such as China Telecom and Unicom, as well as ostensibly private operators like China Mobile, Huawei, ZTE, and Dahua. The common denominator among these actors is a commitment to consolidating China’s presence in emerging markets and developing economies. 
Over the past decade, Beijing has been able to build a parallel technological ecosystem that challenges Western-dominated norms. While this Initiative has the potential to enhance digital connectivity in developing economies, it also provides Beijing with a mechanism that can be used both to test its surveillance technology in third countries and to train these countries’ leaders on how to leverage the information that they collect. In a 2018 report, Freedom House cited a seminar on “Cyberspace Management for Officials from Countries Along the Belt and Road Initiative” that was repeated this year.  It saw foreign officials visit the offices of a Chinese company that uses a big data toolkit to track negative public sentiment in real time and promote positive opinions of the government.
This style of surveillance and public opinion “guidance” is consistent with some of the other projects DSR sponsors have exported to third countries. In Venezuela, for example, PRC tech giant ZTE has been closely working with authorities to develop a system that can monitor citizens and, most importantly, their voting preferences.
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bizzopp2024 · 7 months
How are startups disrupting traditional industries?
Startups are often at the forefront of disrupting traditional industries by introducing innovative technologies, business models, and approaches. Here are several ways in which startups are causing disruption:
1. Technology Integration
   - Startups leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things to create more efficient and streamlined processes in industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.
2. E-Commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Models
   - E-commerce startups have revolutionized retail by providing direct-to-consumer sales channels, cutting out intermediaries and reducing costs. Companies like Amazon and Alibaba have transformed the way people shop.
3. Sharing Economy
   - Startups in the sharing economy, like Uber and Airbnb, have disrupted transportation and hospitality industries by connecting service providers directly with consumers through online platforms.
4. Fintech Innovation
   - Fintech startups have transformed the financial services sector by introducing digital payments, robo-advisors, crowdfunding platforms, and blockchain-based solutions, challenging traditional banking models.
5. HealthTech Advancements
   - Health technology startups are disrupting healthcare by introducing telemedicine, personalized medicine, wearable devices, and digital health platforms, making healthcare more accessible and efficient.
6. Renewable Energy and CleanTech
   - Startups in the clean energy sector are disrupting traditional energy industries by developing innovative solutions for renewable energy, energy storage, and sustainable practices.
7. EdTech Revolution
   - Education technology startups are changing the way people learn by offering online courses, interactive platforms, and personalized learning experiences, challenging traditional educational institutions.
8. AgTech and FoodTech
   - Agricultural technology startups are improving efficiency and sustainability in farming, while food technology startups are introducing alternative proteins, lab-grown meat, and sustainable food production methods.
9. InsurTech Transformation
   - InsurTech startups are leveraging technology to streamline and personalize insurance processes, making insurance more accessible, affordable, and customer-centric.
10. Space Exploration and Aerospace Innovation
    - Startups in the space industry are disrupting aerospace by developing cost-effective satellite technologies, commercial space travel, and new approaches to space exploration.
11. Smart Manufacturing
    - Startups in the manufacturing sector are implementing Industry 4.0 technologies, such as automation, IoT, and data analytics, to create more agile and efficient production processes.
12. Telecommunications Disruption
    - Telecom startups are challenging traditional telecommunications companies by providing innovative solutions for connectivity, communication, and data transfer.
These examples showcase how startups are challenging the status quo across various industries, prompting established companies to adapt, innovate, or risk becoming obsolete. The agility, creativity, and willingness to take risks inherent in many startups enable them to drive significant changes in traditional business landscapes.
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anidealvenue · 1 year
A list of Automotive Engineering Service Companies in Germany
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Bertrandt AG, https://www.bertrandt.com/. Bertrandt operates in digital engineering, physical engineering, and electrical systems/electronics segments. Its Designing function includes designing of all the elements of the automotive.
Alten Group, https://www.alten.com/. ALTEN Group supports the development strategy of its customers in the fields of innovation, R&D and technological information systems. Created 30 years ago, the Group has become a world leader in Engineering and Technology consulting. 24 700 highly qualified engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the Technical and Information Systems Divisions of major customers in the industrial, telecommunications and Service sectors.
L&T Technology Services Limited, https://www.ltts.com/. LTTS’ expertise in engineering design, product development, smart manufacturing, and digitalization touches every area of our lives — from the moment we wake up to when we go to bed. With 90 Innovation and R&D design centers globally, we specialize in disruptive technology spaces such as EACV, Med Tech, 5G, AI and Digital Products, Digital Manufacturing, and Sustainability.
FEV Group GmbH, https://www.fev.com/. FEV is into the design and development of internal combustion engines, conventional, electric, and alternative vehicle drive systems, energy technology, and a major supplier of advanced testing and instrumentation products and services to some of the world’s largest powertrain OEMs. Founded in 1978 by Prof. Franz Pischinger, today the company employs worldwide highly skilled research and development specialists on several continents.
Harman International, https://www.harman.com/. HARMAN designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
EDAG Engineering GmbH, https://www.edag.com/de/. EDAG is into vehicle development, plant planning and construction, and process optimization.
HCL Technologies Limited, http://www.hcltech.com/. HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company headquartered in Noida. It emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL entered into the software services business. The company has offices in 52 countries and over 210,966 employees.
Cientra GmbH, https://www.cientra.com/. Cientra expertise across VLSI, ASIC, FPGA, SoC engineering, and IoT accelerate our delivery of customized solutions to the Consumer, Aviation, Semiconductors, Telecom, Wireless, and Automotive industries across their product lifecycle.
Akka Technologies, https://www.akka-technologies.com/. AKKA supports the world’s leading industry players in their digital transformation and throughout their entire product life cycle.
IAV GmbHb, https://www.iav.com/en/. IAV develops the mobility of the future. Regardless of the specific manufacturer, our engineering proves itself in vehicles and technologies all over the world.
Altran Technologies, https://www.altran.com/in/en/. Altran expertise from strategy and design to managing operations in the fields of cloud, data artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms.
Capgemini Engineering, https://capgemini-engineering.com/de/de/. Capgemini Engineering is a technology and innovation consultancy across sectors including Aeronautics, Space, Defense, Naval, Automotive, Rail, Infrastructure & Transportation, Energy, Utilities & Chemicals, Life Sciences, Communications, Semiconductor & Electronics, Industrial & Consumer, Software & Internet.
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iplook-networks · 2 years
The Global Status of Private Networks
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In the Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) ’s latest report, it summarized that operators and enterprises have been continuing to invest in the LTE networks, although 5G developments have gotten about 37% of attention.
Fixing eyes on the information collected by GSA in June, the report identified that 794 organizations are launching or deploying LTE or 5G Private Mobile Networks (PMN) in 68 countries and territories. Of those, the manufacturing sector dominates private network deployments with 140 companies involved with known pilots or deployments.
Education and mining sectors grab the sublines with 80 deployments and 69 deployments, respectively.
The association identified that currently more than 70 operators and 50 telecom equipment vendors have been involved in the PMN projects. In addition, public cloud providers are offering PMN systems, and team up with mobile network operators or network providers.
GSA defines a PMN as a 3GPP-based compliant 4G/LT-5G private LTE/5G mobile network intended for the sole use of private entities (enterprises, industries or governments). It includes 3GPP-compliant based MulteFire and Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), while excluded from those is data are non-3GPP networks such as Wi-Fi networks, Tetra, P25, WiIMAX, Sigfox, and LoRa.
IPLOOK Private LTE Solution
IPLOOK’s EPC/5GC supports all radio vendors and it is used to deploy Private Networks. It provides a trusted and proven software-based core network platform that can be deployed on COTS hardware or public clouds, enabling lower costs.
Private LTE solution of IPLOOK provides the enterprise with a much higher level of control over services, including the opportunity to deploy additional services, such as IoT, which may not be implemented within the public network, and supports 4G access to facilitate smooth evolution to 5G.
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mobiloitteindia · 6 months
Accelerating the Future: How IoT Propels Proptech to a $4.7 Billion Horizon by 2033
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The real estate industry has been evolving rapidly in recent years, thanks to the integration of cutting-edge technology. One of the most transformative forces at play is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT’s convergence with property technology, or Proptech, is not only reshaping the industry but also projecting it towards unprecedented growth. By 2033, the IoT in the Proptech market is expected to surge to a staggering valuation of $4.7 billion. In this blog, we will delve deeper into how IoT is not just changing but accelerating the future of Proptech and what this means for property owners, managers, and tenants.
Energy Management: A Critical Aspect of Proptech
In an era marked by heightened global awareness of climate change and sustainability, energy management has emerged as a critical component of Proptech. Efficient energy management not only reduces costs but also aligns with the urgent need to minimize carbon footprints. This is where IoT is playing a pivotal role.
The Role of IoT in Energy Management
IoT sensors and devices are at the forefront of revolutionizing energy management within Proptech. They enable real-time monitoring of energy consumption in buildings and facilities, offering invaluable data and insights. This data empowers property owners, managers, and tenants to optimize energy consumption in ways previously unimaginable.
Key Advantages of Energy Management Through IoT
Reduction of Energy Wastage: IoT devices have the capability to detect and address energy wastage in real time. Lights, HVAC systems, and other energy-consuming components can be automatically controlled to minimize unnecessary usage. In fact, studies have shown that IoT-driven energy management can lead to reductions in energy consumption by up to 20%.
Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, into the energy grid of a property, has become more seamless with IoT. This enables properties to harness clean energy and reduce their dependence on non-renewable sources, thereby making a significant contribution to sustainability goals.
Intelligent Response to Peak Demand: IoT systems can intelligently respond to peak energy demand by adjusting energy usage patterns. This not only helps to avoid energy spikes but also reduces costs associated with peak-hour pricing. A report by McKinsey & Company estimates that IoT-enabled peak demand management can result in a 15-30% reduction in peak load.
Automation Aligned with Occupancy Patterns: IoT-enabled automation can adapt energy systems to occupancy patterns. Lights, heating, and cooling can be optimized based on whether a room or area is occupied or vacant, significantly reducing energy consumption during idle periods. Studies have indicated that this automation can lead to energy savings of 20-30%.
The Environmental and Financial Impact
The advantages of energy management in the IoT-driven Proptech market extend beyond cost savings. They align with global sustainability objectives and contribute to environmentally responsible practices. By minimizing energy wastage and harnessing renewable energy sources, properties can substantially reduce their carbon footprint. It is estimated that IoT-enabled energy management can result in a 30-60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, the financial benefits of energy optimization are substantial. Property owners can enjoy reduced operational costs, improved asset value, and increased market competitiveness. Tenants also benefit from lower utility bills and a more comfortable, eco-friendly living or working environment. A study by the U.S. Department of Energy found that IoT-driven energy efficiency measures can result in an average annual energy cost savings of 8-22% for commercial buildings.
The future of Proptech is undeniably being accelerated by IoT, with a projected market valuation of $4.7 billion by 2033. Energy management, driven by IoT technologies, lies at the heart of this transformation. It promises not only cost savings but also alignment with global sustainability goals. By reducing energy wastage, integrating renewable sources, intelligently responding to peak demand, and automating energy systems, the Proptech industry is poised to create a more environmentally responsible and financially rewarding future for all stakeholders.
As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the need for sustainable practices, IoT in Proptech stands as a beacon of progress, guiding the real estate industry toward a brighter and greener horizon. The data speaks for itself, demonstrating the tangible and significant impact that IoT is having on the future of Proptech. As we move forward, it’s clear that embracing IoT is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for the continued growth and sustainability of the real estate industry in the modern era.
Read More: https://bit.ly/41AAGFh
Mobiloitte Pty Ltd
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Key Technological Trends Transforming the Telecom Service Industry 
Telecommunications is one of the most innovative businesses, powering numerous new technologies. The telecom business is always expanding, and 2023 will be no different. From 5G technology becoming mainstream to the digital BSS platform for CSPs taking over business support system operations for betterment, there are several trends in the telecommunications industry to watch out for.
Here are the top telecom trends that will transform the telecom industry in 2023:
The worldwide 5G technology market was estimated at $5.13 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 65.8% from 2021 to 2030, reaching $797.80 billion by 2030. (Source: Allied Market Research). More and more telecom businesses are starting to monetize 5G technology now that the infrastructure is fully operational. The staff of telecom companies has been adequately trained to troubleshoot issues related to 5G.
5G technology is entering its first phase of use cases. Telecom companies have made investments of millions and billions of dollars in 5G infrastructure, networks, licenses, and not to forget the digital 5G BSS solution as well. Keeping this in mind, 5G monetization is more than a necessity for telcos to stay in the competition. Telecom 5G BSS platform is one of the major solutions assisting telcos in the transformation journey.
WiFi has bandwidth and range constraints. The new WiFi 6 enhances network performance, increases capacity, decreases lag, links more devices, and increases speed. Telecom providers that use WiFi 6 can effectively manage traffic across the network and provide workarounds in locations without fiber connectivity.
WiFi 6, coupled with 5G, provides increased signal strength, enabling IoT adoption and bringing seamless functionality and connectivity to the wireless world.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The increase in the adoption of 5G technology will also enable a new generation of Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services. An IoT platform for telecom businesses has become the need of the hour, keeping in mind the dynamic nature of the industry. With an IoT platform for telecom, companies can link their various tangible assets to the cloud and monitor their operations remotely, investigate issues, perform software upgrades, and maintain inventory records.
The relevance of IoT stems from its capacity to remotely connect base stations and data centers. Most telecommunications industry players will enhance IoT adoption in order to maximize the advantages of the technology.
Field Service Management Software
In today's digital-first environment, field service management software has become indispensable for telecom service providers. Field service providers must discover key problems that customers are facing and provide a resolution at lightning speed. This is exactly what a field workforce management solution is designed to do. It assists telecom enterprises in managing field-based personnel by maximizing their location and availability, as well as optimizing field service operations such as pricing, scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, and many other operations.
Digital BSS Platform
The 5G powered digital 5g BSS solution is a must for telecom players to monetize and meet the demands of the 5G business model. A digital BSS platform gives telecoms the ability to serve a diverse and dynamic ecosystem that is required to support the expanding and ever-changing telecom business.
These developments, particularly the 5G deployment, will have a substantial impact on the operations of telecom businesses. Furthermore, their capacity to monetize 5G and other developments using a digital 5G BSS solution will have a long-term impact on them.  
Looking for the best technology solutions that can help you transform your telecom business?
6D Technologies can help.
6D Technologies has a range of 6D solutions for telcos and CSPs. Different solutions for telcos and CSPs like a telecom digital BSS platform, telecom IoT solution, VAS consolidation platform, big data and analytics, etc. make the journey of transformation seamless.To know more about 6D Technologies and its products and solutions, please visit https://www.6dtechnologies.com/
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roadhomewebsite · 3 days
- #GLOBAL - GLOBAL Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers.The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity via solar kits and smart metres.According to the business, the IOT platform addresses the profitability difficulties that African energy producers confront by lowering the risk of non-payment.Orange Smart Energies, was developed by Orange in 2021, is now available to energy providers in Africa and the Middle East, ensuring client payment via mobile money, says the company.The company says the business model, is built on collaboration between the telco and energy producers, and allows Orange Energies to provide a digital service and a distribution network that makes it easier to access electricity in remote areas, even down to the last kilometre.“This universal platform is the only one on the market that supports both pay-as-you-go solar equipment and prepaid smart meters,” according to the firm.Since its launch, the platform is operating in 12 countries (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Jordan), with over 300,000 families benefiting from its services, according to the company.Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Using digital technology to increase African people’s energy inclusion has been our goal since the beginning. By making our Orange Smart Energies platform available to all energy providers, we are taking a significant step towards achieving universal access to energy throughout Africa and the Middle East.”Nat-Sy Missamou, senior vice president of Orange Energies for Africa and the Middle East, says, “We are collaborating with energy producers to assist them maintain their presence in African markets. Our pay-as-you-go service is supplied through an African-specific distribution model, drawing on existing digital and financial inclusion solutions.”Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies #Orange #Energies #opens #digital #platform #energy #companiesOrange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange,… Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies GLOBAL - BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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goldnewsblog · 3 days
BLOGGER - #GLOBAL - GLOBAL Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers.The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity via solar kits and smart metres.According to the business, the IOT platform addresses the profitability difficulties that African energy producers confront by lowering the risk of non-payment.Orange Smart Energies, was developed by Orange in 2021, is now available to energy providers in Africa and the Middle East, ensuring client payment via mobile money, says the company.The company says the business model, is built on collaboration between the telco and energy producers, and allows Orange Energies to provide a digital service and a distribution network that makes it easier to access electricity in remote areas, even down to the last kilometre.“This universal platform is the only one on the market that supports both pay-as-you-go solar equipment and prepaid smart meters,” according to the firm.Since its launch, the platform is operating in 12 countries (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Jordan), with over 300,000 families benefiting from its services, according to the company.Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Using digital technology to increase African people’s energy inclusion has been our goal since the beginning. By making our Orange Smart Energies platform available to all energy providers, we are taking a significant step towards achieving universal access to energy throughout Africa and the Middle East.”Nat-Sy Missamou, senior vice president of Orange Energies for Africa and the Middle East, says, “We are collaborating with energy producers to assist them maintain their presence in African markets. Our pay-as-you-go service is supplied through an African-specific distribution model, drawing on existing digital and financial inclusion solutions.”Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies #Orange #Energies #opens #digital #platform #energy #companiesOrange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange,… Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies GLOBAL
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wolrdnewsmerchant · 3 days
- #GLOBAL - GLOBAL Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers.The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity via solar kits and smart metres.According to the business, the IOT platform addresses the profitability difficulties that African energy producers confront by lowering the risk of non-payment.Orange Smart Energies, was developed by Orange in 2021, is now available to energy providers in Africa and the Middle East, ensuring client payment via mobile money, says the company.The company says the business model, is built on collaboration between the telco and energy producers, and allows Orange Energies to provide a digital service and a distribution network that makes it easier to access electricity in remote areas, even down to the last kilometre.“This universal platform is the only one on the market that supports both pay-as-you-go solar equipment and prepaid smart meters,” according to the firm.Since its launch, the platform is operating in 12 countries (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Jordan), with over 300,000 families benefiting from its services, according to the company.Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Using digital technology to increase African people’s energy inclusion has been our goal since the beginning. By making our Orange Smart Energies platform available to all energy providers, we are taking a significant step towards achieving universal access to energy throughout Africa and the Middle East.”Nat-Sy Missamou, senior vice president of Orange Energies for Africa and the Middle East, says, “We are collaborating with energy producers to assist them maintain their presence in African markets. Our pay-as-you-go service is supplied through an African-specific distribution model, drawing on existing digital and financial inclusion solutions.”Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies #Orange #Energies #opens #digital #platform #energy #companiesOrange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange,… Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies GLOBAL - BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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BLOGGER - #GLOBAL - GLOBAL Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers.The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity via solar kits and smart metres.According to the business, the IOT platform addresses the profitability difficulties that African energy producers confront by lowering the risk of non-payment.Orange Smart Energies, was developed by Orange in 2021, is now available to energy providers in Africa and the Middle East, ensuring client payment via mobile money, says the company.The company says the business model, is built on collaboration between the telco and energy producers, and allows Orange Energies to provide a digital service and a distribution network that makes it easier to access electricity in remote areas, even down to the last kilometre.“This universal platform is the only one on the market that supports both pay-as-you-go solar equipment and prepaid smart meters,” according to the firm.Since its launch, the platform is operating in 12 countries (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Jordan), with over 300,000 families benefiting from its services, according to the company.Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Using digital technology to increase African people’s energy inclusion has been our goal since the beginning. By making our Orange Smart Energies platform available to all energy providers, we are taking a significant step towards achieving universal access to energy throughout Africa and the Middle East.”Nat-Sy Missamou, senior vice president of Orange Energies for Africa and the Middle East, says, “We are collaborating with energy producers to assist them maintain their presence in African markets. Our pay-as-you-go service is supplied through an African-specific distribution model, drawing on existing digital and financial inclusion solutions.”Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies #Orange #Energies #opens #digital #platform #energy #companiesOrange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange,… Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies GLOBAL
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- GLOBAL - Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers.The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity via solar kits and smart metres.According to the business, the IOT platform addresses the profitability difficulties that African energy producers confront by lowering the risk of non-payment.Orange Smart Energies, was developed by Orange in 2021, is now available to energy providers in Africa and the Middle East, ensuring client payment via mobile money, says the company.The company says the business model, is built on collaboration between the telco and energy producers, and allows Orange Energies to provide a digital service and a distribution network that makes it easier to access electricity in remote areas, even down to the last kilometre.“This universal platform is the only one on the market that supports both pay-as-you-go solar equipment and prepaid smart meters,” according to the firm.Since its launch, the platform is operating in 12 countries (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Jordan), with over 300,000 families benefiting from its services, according to the company.Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Using digital technology to increase African people’s energy inclusion has been our goal since the beginning. By making our Orange Smart Energies platform available to all energy providers, we are taking a significant step towards achieving universal access to energy throughout Africa and the Middle East.”Nat-Sy Missamou, senior vice president of Orange Energies for Africa and the Middle East, says, “We are collaborating with energy producers to assist them maintain their presence in African markets. Our pay-as-you-go service is supplied through an African-specific distribution model, drawing on existing digital and financial inclusion solutions.”Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies #Orange #Energies #opens #digital #platform #energy #companiesOrange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money.Orange,… Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies GLOBAL Orange Energies opens digital platform for energy companies Orange Smart Energies says the platform guarantees payment via mobile money. Orange, a global telecom services provider, is opening its digital platform Orange Smart Energies to all African energy providers. The company says the goal is to enhance energy inclusion by offering “simple, prepaid access” to electricity … Read More
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