odyssej · 1 year
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A memory that was long gone from Art’s mind.
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smartiptvsworld · 9 months
"Un Coup de Sifflet Virtuel : L'Abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot Transforme Radicalement l'Expérience Footballistique"
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L'évolution rapide des technologies de communication a révolutionné la manière dont nous consommons le contenu médiatique, et le monde du sport n'a pas échappé à cette transformation. Parmi les nombreuses avancées, l'IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) s'est démarqué comme une plateforme offrant une nouvelle dimension à l'expérience de visionnage, en particulier pour les amateurs de football. Cet article se penchera sur l'impact significatif de l'abonnement IPTV en association avec Téléfoot, une référence dans le monde du football.
Une Plongée au Cœur de Téléfoot :
L'histoire de Téléfoot est étroitement liée à la passion du football en France. En s'associant avec des abonnements IPTV, Téléfoot a réussi à étendre sa portée au-delà des frontières, offrant aux fans internationaux un accès privilégié à une couverture exhaustive du monde du football. Que ce soit les grands matchs, les moments forts ou les analyses approfondies, l'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot propose une expérience immersive qui transcende les limites traditionnelles de la télévision.
La Liberté du Streaming :
L'une des caractéristiques les plus attrayantes de l'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot est la flexibilité qu'elle offre aux fans de football. Fini le temps où les amateurs devaient ajuster leur emploi du temps pour regarder leur équipe préférée. Désormais, grâce à la fonction de streaming, les supporters peuvent suivre les matchs en direct où qu'ils soient, sur une variété d'appareils. Cette liberté transforme fondamentalement la manière dont les passionnés de football organisent leur emploi du temps et consomment le sport.
Une Palette de Contenus Footballistiques :
L'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot ne se limite pas à la simple diffusion de matchs en direct. Il offre une véritable palette de contenus exclusifs qui enrichissent l'expérience footballistique. Des analyses tactiques pointues aux interviews avec les acteurs clés du monde du football, en passant par des résumés de matchs détaillés, l'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot propose une diversité de contenus qui ravit les fans avides d'en savoir plus sur leur sport favori.
La Qualité de l'Expérience Visuelle :
Une autre dimension importante de l'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot est la qualité de l'expérience visuelle qu'il offre. Avec des résolutions élevées et une diffusion stable, les fans peuvent profiter du football avec une netteté d'image et une fluidité exceptionnelles. Cette qualité visuelle exceptionnelle crée une immersion totale, capturant chaque dribble, chaque passe et chaque but avec une clarté saisissante.
Les Défis à Surmonter :
Cependant, malgré les nombreux avantages, des défis subsistent. Des questions complexes liées aux droits de diffusion et aux restrictions géographiques nécessitent une gestion attentive pour garantir une accessibilité équitable à tous les fans du monde entier. Les fournisseurs d'abonnements IPTV doivent continuer à relever ces défis de manière stratégique pour maintenir la satisfaction des clients.
En conclusion, l'abonnement IPTV avec Téléfoot représente une étape significative dans l'évolution de la consommation du football. En offrant une gamme diversifiée de contenus, une flexibilité de visionnage et une qualité visuelle exceptionnelle, cette alliance redéfinit la manière dont les amateurs de football interagissent avec leur sport préféré. Toutefois, pour que cette transformation perdure, il est impératif de résoudre les défis actuels et futurs, garantissant ainsi que chaque supporter puisse vivre pleinement sa passion pour le football grâce à l'IPTV avec Téléfoot.
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cole-palmer · 4 months
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oliyan · 4 months
Dimanche dans telefoot 😍😍😍😍 mes bébés
Correction désolée ! : DIMANCHE A 23h30 sur tf1 dans le doc « Le phénomène Mbappé »
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ibuproffee · 4 months
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So telefoot releasing both their documentaries, back to back (23.00 & 23.30 respectively) on the same sunday huh. They're even using footages from the same sitting with Oliv lmao.
Anyways, I present to you edf's most filmed couple ladies and gentlemen 😎😎😎
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addictivewhispering · 2 years
loving how in that telefoot program giroud Twice mentioned re-reading his own lips to remember what he said to mbappe 😭 and both of the quotes are so beautiful/powerful man i cant.... he loves him so much
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I Guess I Miss(ed) You (Amandine Henry OLPlay Exit Interview)
I think two things can be true at the same time: there is a legitimate debate as to whether Amandine Henry forged Olympique Lyonnais into her image or whether Olympique Lyonnais forged Amandine Henry into their own; and Amandine Henry fucked over the love of her life out of spite. The two are not mutually exclusive. In some ways, it's what makes this love affair so messy and complex. Isn't that how all proper breakups go?
Sonia Bompastor has a ton of faults but if we're being honest with each other, everything that she has said about Amandine Henry's attitude towards Lyon thus far has been correct. I don't think Sonia Bompastor is a particularly good coach. I also think she was telling the truth about Amandine Henry.
Anyway. As I said, when a relationship has lasted as long as Henry's did with Lyon, it was only going to end one of two ways: cemented in stone as Telefoot predicted back in 2015, or messy, bitter, and complicated. As Taylor Swift once mused, "did this love affair maim you, too?"
Based on the exit interview, both Lyon and Amandine Henry would probably answer as follows: yes, it did.
Two vindictive sociopaths wanting to keep score on the other? How could you not look at that and think, well, yeah, of course it would end this way. Neither party really knows what their life will look like now that the other walked out of it completely. If we're being honest, neither party wants to.
Alexa, play "I Hope" by Gabby Barnett.
Henry: Well we are here today to say goodbye. Not farewell but goodbye because I will soon be leaving the club. It's been 16 years that I have been at Lyon. And yeah, it's time for me to spread my wings and fly away, and sign with another club. And obviously it won't be in France, but in the United States, in Los Angeles. And I am happy to have experienced all these years at Lyon. And I'm happy to try new things elsewhere.
Timothee: This was a really important page in your life, I can imagine.
Henry: Oh yeah, yeah. It was a big part of my life. 16 years, it's not nothing. I came as a little girl [she was 17], and now I am leaving as a woman. So I learned a lot of things, be it on the field but also a lot off of it. I, yeah, I matured. I also caught the Lyon DNA, the winning mentality. I have won an enormous amount of trophies with the club, with all the players, all the coaches. So yeah. There's a lot of emotion.
Timothee: Do you know the number of games you played for Lyon? [Henry exhales] Roughly?
Henry: 360?
Timothee: There are six too many, 354.
Henry: 354, yeah.
Timothee: You're third behind Wendie [Renard] and Eugenie [Le Sommer].
Henry: Yeah.
Timothee: It shows the extent you wore this jersey, the extent to which you made your mark in this history of this club.
Henry: I don't know if I made history. But in any case I was here for a long time. 350 games, sorry, 354 games, it went quickly. But things definitely happened. And yeah it hasn't really sunk in for me. I think it will only sink for me later. But yeah. Between the Champions League, all the Coupe de France, the leagues.. There was a lot of things.
Timothee: Well, unfortunately the last time we saw you on the field, I think a lot of people were afraid after they saw the images. Me included, you included as well I imagine. Is everything better now?
Henry: Yeah, the knee is healed, everything is good. [Note that Le Progres had reported that Henry was fit to play the last games of the season but refused to do so because she didn't want to risk injuring herself before the transfer to Angel City]. I can play again, no worries. It's true that I was more scared than anything else. But that's also part of your career as a player.
Timothee: That's good to hear. It doesn't happen often so I guess we'll take it. When you came here as a 17-year-old, did you expect you would only leave 16 years later, with more than 350 games played and I think 30 trophies if my maths is correct.
Henry: No. No, I didn't imagine that would happen at all. When I arrived, I remember I came here for the first time with my parents, I had just left Clairefontaine [French national football academy]. And actually I cried. I was crying and my parents were like "why?" And I was like, "well this means I am never coming home." And I think that's when I understood that Lyon would become my life. I didn't think it would be 16 years though. 16 years is a lifetime, if we're being honest. And now I think I am going to cry because I'm leaving. But - [Henry's voice cracks]
Timothee: It's half your life, exactly.
Henry: [voice cracking] Yeah. Yeah, that's huge.
Timothee: It's huge when we look at how the story got to this point. There are so many clips of wins, so many clips of happiness. It's pretty exceptional. I imagine you realize that.
Henry: No, I don't think I've really let it sink it, because I'm still involved in it. I think it will be once my career is over, when I've retired, that I will be like "it's true, we've experienced so much together, all the players, these exceptional teams." [Henry's voice cracks again] And the Champions Leagues, obviously. The first one we won together. And as you said, there was an enormous amount of sacrifices, but yeah, it was all worth it, because - yeah. Beyond the trophies, it's about emotions. Those will stay with you.
Timothee: That first Champions League, the first one Lyon won. Can you tell us about it? When we talk to players about it, they all say that that one was special. If I remember correctly, the previous year, it was complicated for you.
Henry: Yeah, I missed the penalty. If I had scored we would have won.
Timothee: And then that happened.
Henry: And then we won. And when you win it for the first time, it's exceptional. I remember it was at Fulham. When we scored, the celebrations after. All the players, all the staff. Yeah. The Board of Directors were there, the employees. It was a moment of glory.
Timothee: In reality you had a pretty symbolic career in women's football. You experienced it all. You experienced the beginnings when everything was just becoming professional, Lyon's rise as a powerhouse, you were there for that. Well it was in part thanks to you. The media aspect. You saw all that grow.
Henry: Well I remember, when I came as a 17-year-old, we didn't even have our own locker room. We had to go home with our stuff. It wasn't even professional contracts. And then there was the big stadium, everything became professional, there was a massive evolution at Lyon. When I look at when I arrived and now when I'm leaving, a lot of things changed.
Timothee: You were really at the core, everything happened in front of your eyes.
Henry: Yeah, I experienced all that.
Timothee: You witnessed it all. Do you realize that you made history? Well, Olympique Lyonnais Feminin made history. But you as well. You're part of the names written in the history books.
Henry: I don't know. I hope Lyon won't forget me, because I will remember everything I experienced. After, we're all just anecdotes. But I think our names will be in the history books because we were first players at Lyon to have won the Champions League, and won so many trophies. And I don't know - well I hope I made a good lasting impression.
Timothee: I don't think Lyon will forget you. It's important to highlight it wasn't always smooth sailing, and there was a severe knee injury early on which could have ended your career. It's a story you've told before, but it's important to remember it's something you had to go through.
Henry: Yeah. When I came to Lyon, they detected a cartilage problem in knee in the first year I was there. I had to be operated on. And when I met the surgeon, he said that the operation wasn't standard and that I might never be able to play professional football again. And maybe that's what motivated me, because I got it in my head that if you want to do something, your body will follow. But it wasn't easy, that's for sure. It was a roll of the dice. Either I came back or I wouldn't be able to play again.
Timothee: Do you think that's what forged your mentality, the one we know you for?
Henry: Oh yeah. That's for sure, because if you say I'm not going to play football again, you're taking away my reason for living. It was everything to me. I was living, breathing football. And yeah that shapes you, because you know you're so close to not be able to play football again. In those difficult moments you just have to say to yourself there are worse things in life, and that you haven't done all this for nothing.
Timothee: And exactly, that mental strength that you have, it's what makes you stand out. It allowed you to have some exceptional performances, with always that will to win and that ability to basically play at any position. It can't always be easy as a player, because you're the one that has to bail the team out, but you're also in a team, and that's really valuable. It's so important to have players like that.
Henry: Yeah, it's true that I have played a lot of different positions. But after, it was to help out the team so I was happy to do it. And after, it's also the Lyon DNA. You do what it takes to win. You can ask any player who has been here, you can tell there are moral values that have been passed on. That desire to win is so engrained in you, even for the smallest thing, the smallest thing in practice, the smallest practice game, you have to want to win. And that's what the Lyon DNA is.
Timothee: And what would you makes you able to play basically any position?
Henry: No, I can help out, but - I mean, I tried. I think that when you like football, you learn to adapt. And I was well surrounded as well. I had good teammates, good coaches who gave me confidence.
Timothee: You're also a player who shows up in big games. I remember the games last year, the double confrontation against PSG in the Champions League. You just show up in big games. How do you explain that ability to step up in the big games?
Henry: Because you have to push yourself. When you're playing the big games, you're often in the big stadiums, the pitch is perfect. There's everything in place to play a big game. So that's it. It's simple really, when I leave the hotel and we're heading towards the stadium, even in the bus, that's where I think everything comes into play. During the trip, my heart starts racing, you're feeling all the emotions, and then you go into automatic pilot. And that's why I like football, it's for the big games.
Timothee: The more important the game, the stronger the emotions. In reality it changes you.
Henry: Yeah, exactly. That's it. It's - yeah.
Timothee: And of course, the perfect example of that is the final [against Barcelona].
Henry: Yeah, that.
Timothee: And that unbelievable goal. I went crazy over that goal. Can you tell us about it?
Henry: Actually, as soon as I won the ball I knew I was going to shoot. I said to myself, take the shot, just take the shot. If it goes wide then it goes wide, if it goes in then even better. And when I scored, I remember that the families were seated on the other side, so I wanted to run over there, but it was too far, and the players were stopped me halfway. And I just let it all out, because the season had been so hard mentally because of all the injuries the team had been subjected to, and all that. And for me personally as well it had been hard [Henry had had to play CB which she hates, being left out the French National Team, etc]. And I just let it all out. And I'll be honest, for the next 5-10 minutes I found it so hard to get back into the game. And I really had just let everything out on that goal. Everything was let out all at once. And it was just the accumulation of everything. And then it was Barcelona, everyone was saying they were favorites, everyone was saying Lyon was finished, etc. So yeah. I let everything out when I took that shot.
Timothee: I understand. It explains the power, you really put everything into it.
Henry: Yeah. Everything was there. It's something you only see in your dreams. You're in the final of the Champions League against Barcelona and you take a shot like that. I didn't really believe it myself.
Timothee: What are the moments that stand out for you in your time at Lyon?
Henry: Well first of all when I first signed with Lyon when I was 17. It was such a huge moment for me, I was going to play with the best players in France, even in the world. I was playing next to Camille Abily, Louisa Necib, there were a lot of big names. So I couldn't believe it. So I said to myself, this is where it begins. And then there was the first Champions League final that we won. That was a really big moment. After, I'm not sure I'm really allowed to say this, but the celebrations at Saint-Tropez, with the players. (#DrunkOL). And then all the league trophies, the moments shared with the players in the locker room, the trips. There's a lot of things.
Timothee: It's interesting how the group evolves but there is something that stays year after year. The team changes and evolves, new players come in, but the integration seems to really work. It works because we feel each year that the group is special, that each win is special, and it's also a team win.
Henry: Yeah, it's because I don't think that people realize there are enormous sacrifices during the season. It's long, it's so long. You often have lingering injuries, loss of confidence. Sometimes it's this player, something it's that one. And sometimes it's like a family, because we're together sometimes 14 hours a day. We see each other more than our families. So you have to have solidarity. And if we want to win, if we want to continue winning, that DNA has to be passed on. All the groups we've had, that's why they've been successful, the Lyon DNA.
Timothee: And each year you have new players who are integrated. Last year it was Lindsey [Horan], whom you already knew really well. It must have been nice to have her here. And you maybe already knew it, but she came in, we saw her play some excellent games from the beginning, but you already knew she could do that.
Henry: Yeah, I played with her in Portland. I already knew she was a great person, so that's important, and a superb player as well. So I wasn't surprised to see her shine.
Timothee: What can you tell us about your future? You already mentioned the next club. What is the future going to look like for you?
Henry: Yeah, so I signed with Los Angeles [Angel City]. In the short term, there's the World Cup coming up. I hope to be a part of it. So that's the short term. After -
Timothee: It would be nice to be a part of it.
Henry: For sure. After everything I went through as well. Winning it would be nice as well.
Timothee: While we're at it.
Henry: Yeah. There's Los Angeles [Angel City], which I want to commit to as well. It will allow me to prepare myself for after I retire, bring my English back and get all that in order. And I hope to become a mother in the next few years as well.
Timothee: You already an American adventure when you were in Portland. You liked it enough to return.
Henry: Yeah. Beyond the football, it was a superb experience, you learn so much, a new culture, a new way of working. And then the US - well, it's Los Angeles, so I think it'll be a nice place.
Timothee: On a personal level, it's a big thing as well. That's football as well. And Lyon was that as well, somewhere where you experienced so much as a person. So there's a part of you that's looking for some more. But I imagine that it's important in sports to also have the personal element.
Henry: Yeah. For me it's almost fundamental. If you win a trophy but you don't feel anything, something's wrong. As I was telling you earlier, it's what you remember. And in Los Angeles [Angel City], it's a club that's starting to evolve, it's barely two years old, their history is only beginning to be written. So I hope I can contribute to it.
Timothee: And bring all of your experience, and your knowledge of how to win.
Henry: I hope so.
Timothee: Is there anything you'd like to add? Something you'd like to say before we wrap up?
Henry: [voice cracks] I would like to say thank you. Thank you to all my teammates, all the staff members, everyone who has supported me, who encouraged me, who allowed me to be here today. [Henry starts crying] And thank you to Lyon, really. The Lyon family. And I hope to be back one day. That's it.
Timothee: Well we're far from being able to forget you. And I think that for everyone who has followed Lyon, it's up to us to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for the club, Amandine.
Henry: Thank you.
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valentin10 · 14 days
Mort de Didier Roustan : pilier de "L’équipe du soir" et ancien présentateur de "Téléfoot", le journaliste décède à 66 ans - ladepeche
Le journaliste sportif Didier Roustan est mort. Il avait 66 ans. Spécialiste du football, il avait animé — À lire sur www.ladepeche.fr/2024/09/11/mort-de-didier-roustan-le-journaliste-sportif-ancien-presentateur-de-telefoot-decede-a-66-ans-12190365.php
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xnewsinfo · 3 months
Captain Kylian Mbappe is in a race in opposition to time to return for France's remaining group match in opposition to Poland on Tuesday.French striker Kylian Mbappé continues to recuperate from his damaged nostril, though he's nonetheless unsure if he'll play in his staff's remaining recreation within the group stage of the European Championship on Tuesday, in keeping with coach Didier Deschamps. Deschamps saved his playing cards to himself on French tv present Telefoot on Sunday, refusing to say whether or not Mbappé would play in opposition to Poland in Dortmund, however providing reassuring information for followers concerning the restoration of his captain, who broke his nostril final Monday within the first match. in opposition to Austria. "You will note [whether he plays or not], however every thing goes in the suitable route, he's recovering from the blow, the bruises are reducing on daily basis and he'll get used to his masks. He's doing nicely,” Deschamps stated. Following the 0-0 draw in opposition to the Netherlands in Leipzig on Friday, when Mbappé remained on the bench, there was a lot evaluation within the French media concerning the staff's attacking prowess, or sudden lack thereof. France's solely purpose in its final three soccer matches was an personal purpose by Austria's Maximilian Wober in its first Group D match in Düsseldorf. However Deschamps didn't reveal something when requested if he may clean up the assault, particularly as France, with 4 factors, look sure of a spot within the final 16. “I've deliberate a staff that can guarantee qualification and the very best end result within the group. We are going to all the time hope to recuperate a bit extra. [for some players]. From that you just deduce what you need,” she stated. Mbappé's teammates, at a information convention on Sunday, steered that the 25-year-old attacker was wanting to play, particularly after an hour on the sphere on Saturday in coaching in opposition to a neighborhood academy staff. “Once I was on the sphere, I used to be 100%. He’s getting used to the masks on him and he scored,” defenseman Jonathan Clauss stated. “I feel he needs to play the subsequent recreation. Perhaps he wish to play and not using a masks, however the physician won't give him a selection,” added midfielder Aurelien Tchouameni.
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olplus · 5 months
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La Story - Alexandre Lacazette, l'âme de l'OL Telefoot
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QUI INTER - Thuram: "Gioco in una squadra importante. Sto diventando un altro giocatore"
Marcus Thuram, attaccante dell’Inter, ha rilasciato un’intervista ai microfoni di Telefoot in cui si è raccontato parlando della sua esperienza all’Inter e del rapporto con il ct della Francia Deschamps e il compagno Mbappè. Queste le sue dichiarazioni: “Fa molto bene alla fiducia segnare in Nazionale. Cerco di lavorare al meglio, so che gioco in una squadra importante come l’Inter, con partite…
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therealefl · 1 year
Lyon Have 'Strong Interest' In £36 Million Championship Star
French giants Lyon have registered a ‘strong interest’ in Leeds United’s £35.5 million star attacker Georginio Rutter, according to Telefoot. Rutter has struggled to adapt to life at Elland Road but managed to score his first goal for the Lilywhites this weekend in a thrilling 4-3 win away at Ipswich Town with a cracking striker from range, beating goalkeeper Václav Hladký. The Frenchman moved to…
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footballfan5426 · 1 year
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Téléfoot, a famous presenter returns
After fourteen years at TF1 and almost as many spent on the Téléfoot set, Vincent Hardy is trying to return to the world of football. The time has passed. Almost two decades after he last appeared on television screens, Vincent Hardy is finally back. Former figure of the show Telefoot, the fifty-seven-year-old former journalist ended up breaking down, he who had moved away from the media…
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ouyander · 2 years
La commission de discipline de la LFP a tranché: elle n’a pas assez d’éléments pour sanctionner Alvaro Gonzalez et Neymar ! L’incroyable polémique va se poursuivre. Deux semaines et demie après le Classique sulfureux remporté par l’OM dans l’antre du PSG (0-1), Alvaro Gonzalez et Neymar ont été entendus par la commission de discipline de la Ligue, mercredi. Alvaro Gonzalez Face à Neymar lors de PSG-OM Pour rappel, le crack brésilien accuse le défenseur espagnol d’insultes racistes. Il l’avait signalé sur le terrain en fin de première période, sans être compris, et a ensuite dénoncé l’ex-joueur de Villarreal sur les réseaux sociaux, créant une polémique mondiale. «Pas d’éléments suffisamment probants» Sauf que la commission de discipline n’a finalement pas sanctionné Alvaro Gonzalez ni même Neymar, accusé d’avoir prononcé un mot homophobe au défenseur mais aussi des propos racistes à l’encontre d’Hiroki Sakai. «La commission constate qu’elle ne dispose pas d’éléments suffisamment probants lui permettant d’établir la matérialité des faits de propos à caractère discriminatoire du joueur Alvaro Gonzalez à l’encontre de Neymar JR durant la rencontre ni de Neymar JR à l’encontre d’Alvaro Gonzalez», est-il expliqué. L’instructeur du dossier, nommé il y a deux semaines, a lui-même sollicité un expert en lecture labiale et ce dernier n’a semble-t-il pas pu confirmer les mots soi-disant prononcés par les deux accusés blanchis («singe de merde» d’un côté, «tapette» et «chinois de merde» de l’autre). Or la commission de discipline a «l’absolue nécessité d’avoir des éléments incontestables pour trancher», comme l’a relayé L’Equipe dans son édition du jour. Les experts de TV Globo ne suffisent pas Les deux clubs avaient pourtant constitué deux dossiers solides. Alors que les images de Téléfoot puis beIN Sports Mena, deux diffuseurs de la rencontre, n’ont pas vraiment été concluantes, le PSG s’est basé sur les images de TV Globo, un média brésilien qui avait fait appel à plusieurs experts en lecture labiale. Un expert interrogé par Le Parisien avait ensuite validé les conclusions de TV Globo. Du côté d’Alvaro Gonzalez, l’Espagne a assuré n’avoir pas prononcé de tels mots lors de ses échanges houleux avec Neymar. En constituant sa défense, l’OM a même trouvé, sur les images captées par ses caméras, une insulte raciste lancée par Neymar à Sakai. Un «chinois de merde» à l’attention du latéral japonais qui a été détecté par les journalistes espagnols de la Cadena Ser. https://twitter.com/ellarguero/status/1311056762418667524 Lire aussi: Non, Telefoot n’a pas « caché » les images d’Alvaro et Neymar Alvaro Gonzalez, en mission contre Neymar et Di Maria ? Neymar, des accusations « sans valeur » ?
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naantokhi · 2 years
La commission de discipline de la LFP a tranché: elle n’a pas assez d’éléments pour sanctionner Alvaro Gonzalez et Neymar ! L’incroyable polémique va se poursuivre. Deux semaines et demie après le Classique sulfureux remporté par l’OM dans l’antre du PSG (0-1), Alvaro Gonzalez et Neymar ont été entendus par la commission de discipline de la Ligue, mercredi. Alvaro Gonzalez Face à Neymar lors de PSG-OM Pour rappel, le crack brésilien accuse le défenseur espagnol d’insultes racistes. Il l’avait signalé sur le terrain en fin de première période, sans être compris, et a ensuite dénoncé l’ex-joueur de Villarreal sur les réseaux sociaux, créant une polémique mondiale. «Pas d’éléments suffisamment probants» Sauf que la commission de discipline n’a finalement pas sanctionné Alvaro Gonzalez ni même Neymar, accusé d’avoir prononcé un mot homophobe au défenseur mais aussi des propos racistes à l’encontre d’Hiroki Sakai. «La commission constate qu’elle ne dispose pas d’éléments suffisamment probants lui permettant d’établir la matérialité des faits de propos à caractère discriminatoire du joueur Alvaro Gonzalez à l’encontre de Neymar JR durant la rencontre ni de Neymar JR à l’encontre d’Alvaro Gonzalez», est-il expliqué. L’instructeur du dossier, nommé il y a deux semaines, a lui-même sollicité un expert en lecture labiale et ce dernier n’a semble-t-il pas pu confirmer les mots soi-disant prononcés par les deux accusés blanchis («singe de merde» d’un côté, «tapette» et «chinois de merde» de l’autre). Or la commission de discipline a «l’absolue nécessité d’avoir des éléments incontestables pour trancher», comme l’a relayé L’Equipe dans son édition du jour. Les experts de TV Globo ne suffisent pas Les deux clubs avaient pourtant constitué deux dossiers solides. Alors que les images de Téléfoot puis beIN Sports Mena, deux diffuseurs de la rencontre, n’ont pas vraiment été concluantes, le PSG s’est basé sur les images de TV Globo, un média brésilien qui avait fait appel à plusieurs experts en lecture labiale. Un expert interrogé par Le Parisien avait ensuite validé les conclusions de TV Globo. Du côté d’Alvaro Gonzalez, l’Espagne a assuré n’avoir pas prononcé de tels mots lors de ses échanges houleux avec Neymar. En constituant sa défense, l’OM a même trouvé, sur les images captées par ses caméras, une insulte raciste lancée par Neymar à Sakai. Un «chinois de merde» à l’attention du latéral japonais qui a été détecté par les journalistes espagnols de la Cadena Ser. https://twitter.com/ellarguero/status/1311056762418667524 Lire aussi: Non, Telefoot n’a pas « caché » les images d’Alvaro et Neymar Alvaro Gonzalez, en mission contre Neymar et Di Maria ? Neymar, des accusations « sans valeur » ?
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