#tell me love is endless (all omar ft elio)
thcdisplaced · 8 months
closed for @elioluna
dear god, omar wasn't even sure why he was still here. but he knows that it's too early for him to leave. he knows that would be insulting to the host if he left now. his palms were nervous and sweating, god. fuck that sweating. everyone said it would go away after puberty but it seems like the older he got the worse it was. as he orders two shots, not even really paying attention to whom was next to him. he taps their shoulder and offers the shot to them, "cheers, man, for..... a good night, i guess. though i don't really know why i'm here." he says muttering the last part underneath his breath as his gaze finally meets elio's, realizing it was finally him. he hadn't noticed him earlier because his back was too him. he nearly does a freaking double take. the one person he had been avoiding all night had somehow been standing right next to him "i mean, you can still take the shot, and i can walk the other way, if that's what you want, up to you." he says, glad that he was still wearing the hat to hide behind as he raises his own shot glass to him before downing it, grimacing slightly at the taste.
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thcdisplaced · 8 months
closed for @elioluna
location: chicago riverwalk
omar had not wanted to go on his evening walk really but it did get him out of the house needlessly enough. people were starting to think that omar was becoming a hermit and really he probably was. he was grumpier by the day and he didn't even want to talk to his grandparents who were younger and thriving than him. even as the seasons were changing he probably did not want to emerge into meeting new people as he wanted to but he knew that he should at this point. sometimes he feels like he hasn't met anyone new since he graduated and maybe that shows how much the wrinkles on omar's eyes showed. "aie---" omar says not even looking at who's wallet he picked up on the ground but he knows they were right around. "elio luna--" he says words lingering on his tongue as he freezes in his space. but the wallet was his and alas, he had to give it back to him. the words came out so naturally to his lips mostly because he knew the other like the back of his hand and it didn't hit him until he spoke those two words. "ya lost your wallet." he says, lips pressing thinly together as a small shy half nearly present smile formed on his lips. he could have been a shitty person and left it there, but now that those two words ringing in his ears, he let the aftermath sing like a choir in his head. he wasn't going to think about it-- he wasn't going to think about him.
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