#tell me the kyoshi warriors wouldn't make amazing hunters of artemis
backhurtyy · 4 years
Hear me out: Zukka! Percy Jackson AU
My head is too messy already, but I was listening to The Lightning Thief Musical and couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I put it here. This got very long, so I put it under the cut.
Zuko is basically the equivalent of Percy, except he’s the son of Ozai (Zeus. This one is perfect- lightning... Ozai’s a jerk... Zeus’s a jerk...)
He’s been living with him mom, Ursa, all his life. He never knew his dad, but he must have inherited his bad luck because he’s had a rough go. He’s been kicked out of school after school, he’s got ADHD, dyslexia, and weird things always seem to happen to him. But he’s got his mom, so everything’s fine
On a trip to a museum, his math teacher, Zhao, turns into a weird flying monster thing, and his history teach Piandao throws him a pen that turns into a sword, which he uses to kill his Zhao. He gets expelled yet again for “separating from the group”, and when Zuko asks Piandao why he isn’t backing him up, the wheelchair bound man simply shrugs
When he tells his mom what happens, she decides that’s it, and knows it’s finally time to tell him the truth and take him to Camp Half Blood
He’s in shock, to say the least. He’s apparently the son of a God, though his mom won’t say his name, and apparently his best friend, Aang, is a child of the long lost God of the Wild, Gyatso. He also has furry legs????
They’re almost to camp when suddenly, there’s another monster. The fight passes by in a blur and Zuko gets knocked out. The last thing he sees is his mom, disappearing in a blinding golden light
When he wakes up, there’s a boy staring at him quizzically. “You drool when you sleep,” is the first thing he says. Then he introduces himself as Sokka, the only human at camp
Zukos confused, of course, but this boy is very beautiful, so he decides to roll with it. Only once Piandao walks in, the lower half of his body a horse instead of a wheelchair, does he realize somethings off. Then he remembers his mom
Also Jeong Jeong is here too. He’s Dionysus, and he and Piandao are husbands. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Sokka is tasked with explaining things to him- he and his sister Katara have been at Camp Half Blood since they were young, when their dad joined the military or something, not quite sure on that
They have the same dad, but Sokka is human while Katara is the child of Hakoda and Kya (who’s Poseidon’s equivalent because I say so). Piandao (Chiron) agreed to let Sokka stay with Katara at camp because they were so young. Sokka has become super adapted to life at camp, and helps out with planning, administration, and strategy stuff
Basically, he works with The Mechanist kids (more on that later) and the Wan Shi Tong kids (he’s the only one I could think of who would be equivalent to Athena... it’s funny cause he’s an owl... and Athena’s symbol is the owl... yeah) 
Basically cue Zuko freaking out about being a demigod and wondering who his godly parent is. Meanwhile, everyone is staring at his scar, whispering about it. He doesn’t pay any attention to it- he’s used to it by now, several years after he slipped and crashed his face onto the burning stove
He gets introduced to the campers, and they are... a wild bunch of kids
There’s Jet, the son of someone who’s the equivalent of Hermes, idk who though. He’s Zuko’s counsellor in the beginning 
He ends up being the equivalent of Luke- I’m sorry. I love Jet, but he fits Luke’s character the best)
Suki, the daughter of Kyoshi (Artemis), is a skilled warrior with a sharp tongue, though she readily welcomes Zuko to camp and helps train him
Toph, the daughter of Poppy (Demeter), is a spunky blind girl with incredible control of the earth and plants 
Haru is also a son of Poppy
Ty Lee, the daughter of someone who’s essentially Aphrodite- she’s beautiful and fun and everyone loves her, but she’s as deadly with a weapon as Suki
Mai, the daughter of Ukano (Ares), is deadly with knives; she takes well to Zuko, but she has the energy of the God of War flowing through her, so it doesn’t come across very well. She does like him though, even if she doesn’t go easy on him just because he’s new
Teo, the son of The Mechanist (Hephaestus), is a brilliant inventor who created his own wheelchair that still allows him to fight and participate in all the demigod activities
He and Sokka are genius inventing buddies. We were robbed of that in the show
Basically, on the day they play capture the flag, Zuko summons lightning that causes the field to burst into flames and the symbol of Ozai appears over his head
Everyone is shocked, and Piandao tells him it’s because there are rarely children of the big three: Ozai, the king of the Gods and god of the skies. Kya, the goddess of the ocean. Iroh, the god of the underworld and Ozai’s brother.
Basically he gets the prophecy, which is why everyone was staring at him when he arrived- it spoke of a demigod with a scar on his face, then Zuko, Sokka, Katara, and Aang go off to save Zuko’s mom and get back Ozai’s lightning bolt that they think Iroh stole
On their quest, amidst all the fighting monsters and crossing country, Sokka and Zuko discover they have crushes on each other, but they just kind of dance around their feelings since they’re busy trying not to die
Eventually they save the day, and discover Jet was the bad guy, but he gets away
Zuko gets injured by Jet and wakes up in the infirmary to Sokka sitting next to him, worried out of his mind. He’s so relieved to see Zuko awake that he kisses him. They don’t start dating because Zuko’s going back to school in the fall and Sokka’s staying at camp, but they both admit their feelings
After that, basically everything continues along with the rest of the series, including Azula coming back to life after the tree gets cured by the Golden Fleece
Eventually Zuko and Sokka start dating and the Gaang saves the day and everything’s great
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