#tellie's history of lorule
telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Fi *is visibly depressed*
SOH Ghirahim: hey, what's wrong? What can I stab to fix it?
Fi: there is a zero percent chance it can be fixed. My calculations were flawed and I caused irreparable harm to mental well-being of the Hero of Time. I predict there is a 67% chance of him resenting me forever, and it is nothing less than I deserve.
Ghirahim: *thinking awkwardly about how he and Ages get along really well* ...that's rough, buddy
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
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I love my little sketchy merchant son
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
The Hero of Flame
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The Hero of Flame is one of the successors to the Hero of Ages, and he falls in the Child Timeline of Lorule. The Hero of Ages traveled to the past and his childhood, created a new timeline, stopped Yuga from gaining the triforce and sealed him away, before departing once more to save his original timeline. The Child Timeline continued after his departure, but Yuga eventually managed to gather great power and break free (with the help of the fallen micori wizard, Zant), and stormed across an unsuspecting and unprepared Lorule. In a desperate last-ditch attempt to save the people, the Goddess struck great chasms in the land, raising lava to the surface in order to burn Yuga's armies. The Queen of Lorule sacrificed herself in order to seal Yuga away, and the world entered a tentative era of peace.
In order to cross the great chasms and rivers of lava, the people developed the airships in order to travel between the isolated villages of the Grand Peaks, capitalizing on the currents of heat in the air.
One of these villages is the home of young Ravio. He was raised by his grandfather and his older sister, Rylla, and his life was one of relative peace (after the bandit attack that killed his parents)--until one day his sister is snatched away from him by a dragon.
So he sets out to find her again, and gets caught up in a grand adventure (along with his dog), where he gains a mysterious living airship, the Queen of Blue Eagles, a giant, very grumpy sword, a magical flute known as the Flamecharmer, and meets a reclusive hermit girl named Hilda, who lives on a frozen island.
Now, after rescuing Rylla and defeating Yuga, he and Hilda are travelling the Grand Peaks, using the Flamecharmer to drain the lava rivers and bring healing to the land of Lorule.
And, as always, a colored version!
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
The Hero of the Sea
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This is his current appearance, several years post-adventure!
He grew up on top of impossibly high cliffs, with feet surrounded by impassable storms. When his friend one day is snatched beyond the storm barrier, Sea goes after her... only to disocer a world almost entirely flooded by water, in hopes of hindering Scourge's armies. Sea now has to use all his wits to survive the seas as he explores the Three Archepelagos... but at lest he's not alone. He may not be the bravest, but he's got a sword in his side that's eager to get some payback for being enslaved and manipulated by a dark God.
And here, a little colored head sketch from when he was on his adventure! It's the first piece of art I did for the au
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
The Hero of Ages
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When Ages was a young boy, he had a terrible nightmare. This set him on a journey that lead him from his home amongst the maze-like cliffs of the Ancient Ruins to Lorule Castle. With his vigilance and the young Princess Hilda's visions and passion, they managed to uncover the devious plots of the advisor Yuga, successfully banishing him from Lorule and saving the land.
...or so they thought.
Seven years after Yuga was banished, he returned, wilding impossible power. Lorule was laid to waste before anyone could stop him, and as a last-ditch attempt, Princess Hilda (also known as Vision), managed to find an ancient relic--the Harp of Ages. With it's power, she sent Ages back in time to figure out where Yuga got his power and stop him.
Ages, now returned to his child body, managed to gather the power needed to put a stop to Yuga's rampage long before it could occur, and at the end, the child Vision sent Ages back to his own time, triumphant...
except, of course, the separation of the Triforce caused the timelines to split apart.
Ages was now in his rightful adult body, but he had to face Yuga one more time, with both of them at the peak of the power. It was a hard fought battle, but with Vision's help, together they conquered Yuga and defeated him once and for all. Lorule was devastated, but Vision lead it back to prosperity with her passion and love for her country.
Ages wasn't done with adventuring, however. At a prompting from a strange vision from the Princess, Ages stumbled into a strange pocket dimension--a little realm of eternal twilight. There he had to free the people from influence and power of a terrible relic that housed a spirit of dreadful malic--a mask-like crown known only as the Fused Shadow.
He returned triumphant from the Twilight Realm, and has long since settled down to enjoy the peace his victories have brought, helping his wife run the family business--a falconry. But on his face the scars of his battle with the Fused Shadow can still be seen.
On a side note, Ages, like his counterpart Time, is the source of a three-way timeline split. These three timelines are the Child Timeline, the Adult Timeline, and a little timeline I like to call 'The Murked Timeline.'
The Murked Timeline is, of course, the predecessor of Myth, Magic, and Lorule. The Child and Adult Timelines is where it gets a little switched up.
Because of the nature of Ages' first adventure, his descendant, the Hero of Sol (the counterpart to Twilight), follows the adult timeline, while Wind's counterpart, the Hero of Flame, follows the child timeline.
Finally, here's a colored design!
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Was thinking about your Laria concept and what you had written about it being Ravio after ALBW but before HW. Absolutely love that concept 💜🤍
Anyway that also got me thinking of "what if it happened before ALBW" and my brain immediately thought up some angsty concepts and now I'm sad /lh /hj
That would be an interesting twist on it! Especially if Legend also did LA before ALBW
can you imagine?
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
The Hero of One
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One is the grandson of a potter, and was best friends with the young Princess Hilda as he grew up. When he was still young, he stopped the evil Micori, Zant, and saved Hilda and Lorule.
When he was a little older, he began to grow rather suspicious of Hilda's new advisor, Yuga... and Yuga made a deal to get the meddlesome young hero out of the way.
One was poisoned with dark magic, braindwashed and mindwiped, reduced to a shadow-creature, his true physical form trapped inside the mirror. But he was a hero at heart, and that won through in thr end... but then he woke up back in lorule, memories missing oncemore, and still partly a shadow, missing most of his true physicality.
And Yuga was running around unchecked, causing problems left and right.
Luckily, One's micori friends loved their hero, and they helped him as he learns to become human again, as he sets out across lorule to free the remaining pieces of himself and grow stronger. And once he does... Yuga had better watch out.
Colored version!
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Also my HC is that the magic paintbrush Yuga uses was invented by Ravio, and that he based it on the bracelet and made on Hilda's orders.
I also imagine that Ravio hadn't met or even heard of Yuga before then, and that when he delivered it to Hilda was the first time meeting the man – and that he almost didn't hand it over until Hilda demanded it: only for him to become the first painting, and not being turned back until Hilda ordered Yuga to release him with the excuse of her still needing his services. But that attack also was what gave him and the bracelet just enough power to get to Hyrule, and that that event was the reason he knew Link would need the bracelet
Hmm, that makes a lot of sense and fits in with what I imagine as Ravio's character. I had to figure out what the Lorulian Triforce stood for, after all, it's pretty clear Ravio isn't Courage Incarnate. So what was he, instead?
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If you read Ravio's diary, it's clear that he's on to Yuga and knows that he's evil and manipulating Hilda. So for his piece of the triforce, I picked Vigilance. Paying attention and knowing when something is wrong, taking one look at Yuga and thinking "yeah he's sus", then taking a bad situation (yuga taking his paintbrush and temporarily turning Ravio into a painting) and realizing he can turn it around to help Hilda and Lorule (using yuga's leftover magic to flee to Hyrule, and using the knowledge he now has to properly equip Link)
So think that fits pretty well with my storyline! I don't know if it's canon but it's something i could see happening
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Star: you'll never be a good knight if all you do is laze around!
Sea: that's fine. Not all that interested in being a good knight. I wanna be a merchant.
Star: then why did you enroll?
Sea: room and board is free
Star *throws her hands in the air* where's your passion? Your drive?
Sea: I do have a passion and drive... for Profit
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Ignore my last ask my tumblr refreshed as I sent the ask and I just realised you've already answered a similar question lol. I love the Hero of the Sol's name btw he sounds so cool I'd love to know more about him! :D
OH ho ho! THE BOY
He's actually the first original Ravio I came up with! Sol is Twilight's counterpart.
Interestingly enough, it's hinted in the TP manga that Midna and Zelda are parallel counterparts. This got me thinking and I wondered "what if the Twilight Realm is another version of Lorule?"
So! Sol is from the Adult Timeline of Lorule (which may sound odd but it's true), and some time after the era of the Hero of Ages, the Interlopers invaded. They had been banished from Hyrule to a pocket dimension of Twilight. The people gave up their greed, but their leader didn't, and he tried to use the twilight to invade and conquer Hyrule--but he missed instead and hit Lorule. He merged the two realms and overthrew the royal family, but his people didn't want to subjugate the Lorulians and joined forces with them and overthrew him instead, but the effects of the Twilight had already taken hold. So the interlopers and the Lorulians became one people--the Twili.
Sol grew up in a remote village on a Kargarok ranch, but notices that in the aftermath of the whole attempted-invasion-of-Hyrule, a guy named Yuga has been running around manipulating and causing problems. So he goes to Queen Midna and they have to join forces to find the hidden pieces of the Triforce before Yuga can.
It... doesn't go well at first, because Sol is insecure and afraid of losing those he cares about, so he acts arrogant and things to keep people at bay, and Midna is Midna and nursing a broken heart and not pleased with being forced to work with a guy that looks similar to Link but doesn't act like him at all.
And Ghirahim is there and he isn't helping anything
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Ooh ooh please tell me more about your history of lorule! This is the first I’ve heard of that au and I’m very interested!!
Okay! *flutters in panic*
So I gave a brief overview response here and i'm gonna tag the couple posts i've made here and there under 'tellie's history of lorule' and 'the saga of hilda'.
So there are a couple versions (aus of my au ahaha), depending on Game Canon or LU verse, and mostly what I have at the moment is the LU version (so there will eventually be a couple extra Ravios than the ones I'm about to list). I also have their adventures planned out (though i'm still tweaking things here and there). (i also have ships planned out. it's uh. 90% hildavio because it's like zelink but the dark chocolate version). I'm also working on figuring out all the Hilda's characters! They're taking a bit longer but I can answer some basic facts about each of them.
But! For the LU version, we have a group of Ravios being dragged back and forth through time and space for... some reason... still need to figure that part out. But our groups are *drumroll*
The Hero of the Sea! (skyward sword)
The Hero of One! (mc/fs/fsa)
The Hero of Ages! (oot/mm)
The Hero of Myth! (alttp/ooa/oos/la/albw, declined invitation to tfh)
The Hero of Sol! (TP)
The Hero of Flame! (ww/ph/??st??)
The Hero of Magic! (aol) (!!!Spell's counterpart!!!)
The Hero of Lorule! (loz/aol)
The Hero of Swords! (hw)
and rounding off with
The Hero of the Realm! (botw/assuming totk as well)
If you have any questions about any of the boys, their Hildas, etc. please send me an ask, I would love to answer!
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
i am, admittedly, curious about the hero of one, so it'd be neat if you could share anything about them :0
The hero of One is an interesting case. He's been told he's a hero, and has been on two adventures, but he woke up one day in a deserted dungeon with a killer headache and no memories, his body somewhat malleable and not-quite-there. Apparently he was somehow tied to a magic mirror by a dark ritual, and the rest of his self has been scattered across the land, trapped in shattered mirror shards that are split between monsters, who hoard them and use them to boost their power. Only once he gathers all the pieces of himself and become one and whole again can he have enough strength to face Yuga, who is even now lurking in the castle manipulating a princess who believes her best friend is dead.
With every mirror piece he reclaims, he regains a bit more of his memory... and he begins to realize the full horror of just what Yuga did to him.
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
So... I finally have everybody's stories mostly fleshed out and am working my way through designs and the urge to blorbo spew is high so uh. Yeh
I'm gonna regret this ahhhhhh
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
how about Realm? I’m interested how his adventure goes :)
Oh, Realm, such a sad story 😔
He's dead, you see, him and his princess. A hundred years ago the Great Devastation was prophesied, and the princess and the hero defeated it with the help of the Miharu tribe and the royal wizard... but they both lost their lives. It was terribly tragic, especially because the last princess of Loria's blood was now lost. Luckily for Loria, the royal wizard was willing to shoulder the burden, and now King Yuga is almost ready to celebrate the hundredth year of his benevolent and wise reign, as he and the Miharu--the ancient tribe that serves the royal family--leas Lorule into a golden age of technology and prosperity! The only thorns in his side are the dastardly Hiden clan, traitorous Miharu who abandon the clan and worship the Great Devastation!
Or at least, Yuga thinks that's the only thorn in his side. Little does he know that Ravio was suspicious of him from the get go and prepared, and has managed to finally escape the evil pocket dimension that Yuga trapped him in. He's emerged to find Yuga on the throne and the Miharu traitors to the real crown, ruling over hyrule with the power of the guardians at their command. But Ravio isn't alone--he has the Hiden and their leader, Lady Besta, on his side... along with the mysterious masked young woman named Enka.
If only poor Princess Hilda had emerged from the shrine already...
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
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