normanduenas · 3 years
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Dreams Left Behind by Norman Duenas I dwell on the dizzying echoes, The ivory chamber churns A lifetime of guesses As it’s perched on The towering foundation Of broad experiences, Yet there lies a feeling, A force in thought, Waiting to be caught, To be heard, To be said, And to be freed.
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normanduenas · 3 years
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The Other Side of Rain by Norman Duenas
Let the rain drench your soul Until it’s completely full Let the darkness spill out Until the stars reach the night Beyond the rain it is bright There is life without a doubt.
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normanduenas · 4 years
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High On Life by Norman Duenas
Like a grey garden, your eyes Bloom beneath the broken skies, A warden of the dreams you carry Painstakingly, you never seem weary Watering yourself with cries. Gracefully, the moves you make In life, despite the troubling wake, You soar ahead of the pack Arresting clouds, you never look back Flowers forming your quiet ache.
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normanduenas · 4 years
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Contemplation of Time by Norman Duenas
Every morning I would take a stroll Down by the river To unwind. I happened upon An abandoned boat One day With both the paddles Nowhere to be found. I searched and searched With no such luck It had been a whole day When I noticed It was dark out. With the full moon Guiding my futile quest I continued a bit more, But I was ready To take a much needed rest. And I realized I had been Fatigued for sometime, With just the river rushing, Soothing my body and mind; The only reason I kept returning Is to hear its sound. And I realized at that moment That the boat with no paddles Had always been there I didn’t care for it Until that day Because I wanted a reminder That it was not meant For anyone. I wanted to remember That I grew up, A wish I had When I was young. For the Time’s job Is to flow indefinitely, Without its hands To paddle back To where it’s from, To remind us that It’s only meant to be observed As we continue The stroll back home.
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normanduenas · 4 years
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Farther Away Than Tomorrow by Norman Duenas
It was all but dead A memory disappearing On its way to oblivion Fleeting, a blur I stood still Above the world Of my own creation Gazing at a far distant Dream I’ve had It was a list of things I wanted, some crossed off Others left untouched It was Yesterday Seemed like a while ago Clinging to my awakened self.
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normanduenas · 4 years
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Just See Me Through by Norman Duenas
I broke reality. My dreams are all but delayed Or the darkness lost them With me. I’m in a lull, Deceiving of calmness, But I’ll wander around Before returning To the reality That broke me.
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normanduenas · 4 years
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Free Time by Norman Duenas
My eyes carry the heaviness Of those ticking hands As they drag memories Out of my mind Often muddling thoughts And thrusting guilt As my misery makes you sing. I never once want regrets For things carried on in the past, Though there’s always a reminder Of your presence. What reason could there be To long for your unending journey? While you’ve done as you please, Even begging to slow down Won’t accomplish anything To surpass your progress. And to run a whole lifetime Until this body finally breaks down Seems to be the only solution To this problem of mine. If only those striking hands Couldn’t hold my existence hostage, I would have never been obsessed With finding my happiness Beyond this cage of a world.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Life from The Darkest Existence by Norman Duenas
Fading while I sleep at last Lingering while the body shatters Into shiny fragments of the past Until there’s nothing left but stars Seeping through the darkness Revealing the only being That still matters.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Capturing Dreams by Norman Duenas
Stars in the sky sparkling With dreams sought after Like dainty diamonds Brimming with brilliance, Constantly plucked out Of the deepening darkness By our hungry hunterselves So as to permanently Keep them from getting lost Into the void that is regret.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Shared Time (A Memory) by Norman Duenas
We didn’t know We were lonely people then When we first met We were so naive and young Like we had just woken up From a very long nap And we didn’t know Where we were Or what we should be doing.
We were afraid to go outside Of the only world We grew up knowing.
It took awhile Before we talked You said I was Too intimidating and aloof I didn’t realize I was I didn’t mean to come across Like that I was nervous And frustrated with myself But you calmed me down With your smile.
It was awkward at first Because it was new We became friends For some time We made memories so vivid I could paint them.
Until I felt differently about you And I was afraid again But you didn’t know I took some time Because I didn’t know What to say to you Or if I wanted things To change between us.
I finally wrote you a letter A few pages long I passed it to your friend To give to you After a church service On a Sunday afternoon.
My mind was racing And my heart was getting Ripped out of my chest I felt like I died So I went home.
Days passed and nothing I made a mistake I thought And then you wrote back And I was right You said you just wanted To be friends And I died again.
It took a while But we talked again And things did change And I know I was A lonely person then.
A month passed And I suddenly moved Far away But it wasn’t my choice We kept in touch By writing to each other Because you were a friend And I was still hoping For something to change But then it stopped.
I moved on And you moved on Years passed No communication And then you Friend requested me Out of nowhere And I accepted.
We were talking again Like nothing changed And we were still young And just discovering New things I finally accepted We were just friends.
A few more years passed We grew up Made new memories Without each other And then I heard You passed on And I died again inside.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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The Overthinker by Norman Duenas To be present in reality, Encapsulated In flesh and bones Concurrently, To be nowhere But inside As a ponderer Of things Not yet known. Impossibilities Swirling to ascend Outside Of its familiar, Complicated world To dare be open To criticism and The hatred From the other self And everyone else Lingering, Analyzing Every aspect Of being. The fear Of betrayal And failure Or that all Is for naught. It is perhaps Just overthinking. Or perhaps not, Who knows.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Seeker of Dreams by Norman Duenas
I long for things I have yet To write down, For Love To save me From hurt And always remain, For Hope To emanate From nothing When the only Option Is to give up, I only dream Because I long For a Life.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Now or Never by Norman Duenas
My mind has always been Somewhere Trying to find Something That could shine on me In my seemingly Inescapable darkness Something That could ease The worst pain I have long been feeling Perhaps, Someone Who could live the life I just existed in Is there one? I hope I find it I hope I’m not too late.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Stabbed in the Back and Still Blooming by Norman Duenas
She sauntered slowly, Slight somberness struck Heavy hurt hovered-over Her hidden haunted heart She sensed such strange shadow, Sudden stab spawned shock He hurled harmful hearsay, Hindered her heated hacks She shielded struggling self, Strew strong silent scares He hounded her hostility, Hoisted his harbored hate She shattered shackled soul, Spilled sharp searing stares Held her head higher Harnessed her hunted honor She stirred self steady, Spring shortly spread Hope hinted her happy Hastened her healing heart.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Alternate Realities by Norman Duenas
I smile, In awe of the world She created I frown, To not witness The realm of possibilities That will become hidden The different paths That will remain untraveled But somehow I feel more free To roam around Such places of profound Connections, To possess a deeper Understanding It makes more sense to me. Still, I’m filled with optimism That she’ll find her way Back to us again Constantly exploring NDEs Performing movements Discovering memories And dreams In whatever reality Or dimension She ends up existing.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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 Lost in Its Own Existence (Whale) by Norman Duenas
There was a time When I hit rock bottom I dove deeper Than I could ever imagine I was drowning Slowly and steady Descending Into a darkened dream.
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normanduenas · 5 years
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Ponder Until You Lose Yourself  by Norman Duenas I saw nothing but darkness I heard nothing but silence I was lost in my thoughts Navigating the unknown To find out who I am. 
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