my-name-is-dahlia · 3 years
Vocabulary (pt.mxiii)
Words taken from #avLatinGreekRoots:
topography (n.) a detailed description, representation on a map, etc., of the natural and artificial features of a town, district, etc.
teleopsia (n.) a vision perception disorder, in which objects appear much farther away than they are. Teleopsia is a disorder associated with dysmetropsia. [x]
tokocyte (n.) a general term for the reproductive cells of sponges. They may be either gemmule cells or sexual cells. Also tococyte. Compare archeeocyte. [x]
telokinesis (n.) the closing phases of karyokinesis, or mitosis: same as telophase. [x]
tarsoplasty (n.) plastic surgery of the eyelids. [x]
tachyphagia (n.) rapid eating; bolting of food. [x]
taxon (n.) any taxonomic group.
theca (n.) botany. a receptacle, sheath, or cell, especially one enclosing some organ, part, or structure.
tonus (n.) the constant low-level activity of a body tissue, especially muscle tone.
thrombocyte (n.) a cell or platelet that circulates in the blood of vertebrates and is responsible for coagulation. 
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