haydensautism · 4 years
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haydensautism · 4 years
I'm proud of it
I don't care that I'm not normal because life would be very boring if everyone was the same.
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Yep. And dont care.
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haydensautism · 4 years
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Autism Information Highway
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haydensautism · 4 years
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haydensautism · 4 years
Can I share a little premonition I have about the next six months or so?
I think the rate of autism diagnosis in adults is going to increase, if it hasn’t started already. A lot of people are discovering that their day-to-day routine has been allowing them to keep their head above water, then COVID came along, and everything was disrupted. People spent more time on social media, started to find that they really resonated with some of the things people were saying about neurodivergence in general, the biggest thing I’ve noticed is the number of people who were afab and POC realising just how biased the ASD diagnostic criteria are against them.
Fast-forward to now, and, guess what? People are getting vaccines. Lots of people are getting vaccines. Can you see where I’m going with this?
So the autistic community is in for yet another rocky patch, to say the least. Combine that with Sia’s new movie, Music, which is a badly researched film about a non-verbal autistic girl, portrayed by the neurotypical Maddie Ziegler. CW: prone restraint. If you choose not to read on, whatever you do, do not watch this movie. Do not financially support it.
Keep reading
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haydensautism · 4 years
when i was younger i used to do what i now know is called anxious stimming. (I’m on the autism spectrum, Asperger’s to be precise) but my mother, both physically and figuratively beat it out of my system. I learned to physically force myself to stop because I knew it bothered her and didn’t want to get hit / in trouble. 
Now when I experience sensory overload, I just need and want to cry, because none of my stims provide the same relief that they did previously. 
I beg you not to do this to your child. 
Because it made me look ‘stupid’, and my mother didn’t like her image of her perfect family ruined, she physically forced me to stop my stims. 
because of this, I no longer ‘stim’. I have to either leave to room, to go somewhere private where I can sob, or I become super angry and irritable. 
Because my mother didn’t like that I used to flick my wrists repetitively to calm myself down. 
Please. If your child stims, let them be. Please. 
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haydensautism · 4 years
Age Regression in Mental Health (review of a scholarly article)
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This post is based off of the article “Understanding Age Regression” which was posted on the website Healthline and written by Kimberly Holland on August 30, 2019.
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Age Regression Itself
“Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person’s physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy.”
What People in Psychology Think About it
Sigmund Freud (a psychologist) said age regression was an unconscious defense mechanism. Carl Jung (a psychiatrist) believed it could be a positive experience and wasn’t meant to escape anything and could help people feel younger, more open, and less stressed. Other psychologists think of it as a way for people to achieve a therapeutic goal (Holland 2019).
Types of Age Regression
As a Symptom: it can be a result of a psychiatric or medical issue like schizophrenia, dementia, dissociative identity disorder, dementia, or borderline personality disorder. For those wo th personality disorders, it can be spontaneous when the person deals with triggers.
Clinical: it can be used as a therapeutic technique. Therapists can use hypnotherapy as well to get back to a certain age to relive and hopefully recover from a trauma.
Trauma Recovery: those with a history of trauma can be more likely to regress to cope with said trauma. Age regression when used in this sense is a form of security against insecurity or fear.
Self-Help: for some, age regression is intentional. It can be used to block out worry or stress and to avoid personal problems or tough issues.
“As a form of self-help, age regression may help you revert to a time in your life when you felt loved, cared for, and secure. In that sense, this can be a positive experience.”
Is Age Regression Sexual?
“Age regression is never considered sexual. It’s a type of defense mechanism that allows you to mentally escape to a different time in your life.”
Is Age Regression Safe?
If you find yourself involuntarily regressing without control, you should seek help from a medical professional. But if you’re doing it in a safe environment and as a form of relaxation or self-help, go for it.
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My thoughts on the article:
It is so refreshing to see an article on age regression on a form of mainstream media such as the website this article was posted on. I really appreciate how it’s written as well, because it’s factual and makes a ton of sense.
The author of this article really spoke about age regression in its true form and addressed the most important topics. I truly agree with everything the author wrote and highly suggest sending this article to whoever you want to tell about your age regression. It’s non-biased, straight to the point, and brings in all sides of age regression.
If you want me to post more information like this let me know! I hope this review can help you out in whatever way you need it to.
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haydensautism · 4 years
Couldn't of said it better myself
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Having a littleside or not isn't a choice, accepting it is. ☺️
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haydensautism · 4 years
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haydensautism · 4 years
I don't know why Tumblr would fracture such a good community for me to still see dicks and vag-ey-ey's all over :/. Just feels like nothing changed other than splitting up our community and flagging good posts, I don't get it.
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haydensautism · 4 years
A further note to the psa a lot of abdls I know have autism and part of autism is sensory processing disorder which makes the airport hell as it is without any additional hassle and searches. Also not looking someone in the eye is a trait of someone who is lying. So we're already being more scrutinized as it is. I have never flown and also don't wear but what I said makes logical sense to me
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✈️👶🏼😎 Changing after TSA! Was in a single diapee dat Iz wet right after going through security. Iz had to change when Iz got to da airport cause I was wet from the ride there. After TSA, Iz Changed again into a dry double diaper wif 2 XXL boosters for my looong flight!! Hehe Of course Iz wore one of da bestest diapees, Rearz Safari!! From CooshieTooshiez! Use code JAKEY10 to save monies! 👶🏼🤑 Iz didn’t want any leakies while wif da famn damily around! Woulda been SUUUPER embarrassing! Hehe
Iz made holes in da inner layer wif finger nail clippers dat has da nail file! It’s okay to go through TSA, or you can use keys! They work just as Guds!
TSA tips for the 24/7 Diaperer! 👶🏼😎👮🏼‍♂️
1: Go through in a Dry Diaper!!
2: Single layer!
3: Be calm and respectful if you get called in for a more thorough search.
PSA: Please be careful, because some dumb actions from one, could make the next abdl who goes through tsa and gets more searched, feel very uncomfortable. This is not the place to get a thrill. Lots of incontinent people have to do this often, and just cause you get a thrill off of exhibition and exposure, I just ask you to be respectful to others who don’t, and have no choice but to wear during TSA.
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haydensautism · 4 years
Say it louder for the people in the back.
Also I'm looking at you autism speaks
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haydensautism · 4 years
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Diapers are to the potty what Nintendo Switch is to video games. Thanks to diapers and Switch, I can play games anywhere and never stop for a potty break!
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haydensautism · 4 years
I don’t know who needs to know this but all organizations for autistic kids and their neurotypical parents run by allistic people are ultimately worthless and can’t be reworked to be progressive.The ultimate goal for these organizations and therapies is to eliminate neurodivergent communication, history, body language, and traits so we can assimilate to abled white cishet norms. 
I can guarantee that autistic people should be the ones to teach autistic kids all they need to know about themselves and to help them live better lives, but neurotypical people don’t feel comfortable with that because they don’t want neurodivergent people to exist in society with them. 
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haydensautism · 4 years
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Wearing diapers isn't wrong in any way shape or form. A need to wear diapers be it a physical need or psychological is always valid, and it shouldn't be a taboo or thing to redicule. it can be very embarrassing for the individual and a tough thing to deal with, therefore you should never make fun of someone for wearing one.
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haydensautism · 4 years
F*ck you, Myka Stauffer.
Autistic people are NOT toys. We are not dolls you can throw out at your convenience. We are not tools for you to use to prop up your career. 
You do not get to quit raising an autistic child three years in because he doesn’t fit your Youtube aesthetic. You don’t get to toss him out of your home like trash because he’s not the cash cow you hoped he’d be. 
When you adopt a child, you adopt them for life or you don’t adopt at all. 
Autistic people. Are. PEOPLE!!!
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haydensautism · 4 years
They definitely never should of adopted him in the first place but if they cared so little about him that they would return him I'm glad they did return him.
Okay I don’t do this often,
But this situation is so upsetting and I don’t see many people talking about it here, so I just thought I’d say something.
Quick disclaimer: I’m not an adoptee, or autistic, or a parent, so feel free to add on your thoughts about this whole mess. Also, I’m not from the US so I don’t know much about the adoption process there.
Myka and James Stauffer are horrible, disgusting people.
This couple from the US (Ohio I think) has a family channel on YouTube, where they (mostly Myka) make videos about their daily routines, their family, their home, and their kids. About two and a half years ago, they adopted a little boy from China named Huxley, who they know had special needs, and severe medical conditions that were likely to worsen throughout his life. They proceeded to document thoroughly the adoption process, and they gave regular updates about his life in their family. Almost every video and instagram post were either monetized or sponsored.
A few months ago, Huxley apparently completely disappeared from their socials (I’m not following them so I’m fuzzy on the timeline for this), and they deleted comments from people who were asking about him. After a while, people started writing to their sponsors to make them react, and then came a wonderful pity party of a video featuring both parents, a few days ago. Basically, they announced they had to “re-home” (hear abandon) Huxley, mostly because of his special needs, and that they hadn’t said anything before in order to “respect his privacy” (rich coming from people who put their kids, and particularly him, on constant display).
I am APPALLED by this. Seriously I am disgusted, I can’t even imagine the trauma this little boy is going through, losing a family for the second time in his very short life. His adoptive siblings must be lost too, probably grieving and not understanding why their brother is gone. The parents made this horrific video where they are basically throwing themselves a pity party and wanting people to feel bad for them because they just had to abandon their son.
Keep reading
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