#tempted to just straight up call her a dumbass then but I'll leave that to ganieda
tricos-here Β· 1 year
πŸŽΆπŸ’―πŸ”±πŸ‰πŸ’”πŸ’˜πŸ–€πŸ˜ž for myrnahhhhhhhhh
🎢 MUSICAL NOTES β€” what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
She's not much of a music person but she does like the typical, Tavern/Inn Music - Fantasy Medieval Music (No Copyright) Vol. 2 kind of music , if for nothing more than background noise, though she won't to out of her way to listen to some
πŸ’― HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL β€” share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
- Allegedly had awakened around 1320AE, but the fact that by then she'd already been not only part of the Vigil, but also part of an all revenant squad in the Mists Wars who owned and utilized warclaws, when supposedly none of those had been discovered at that time, makes her origin and timeline a little dubious. Not that the Vigil is going to talk about it any
- Her warclaw's name is Radha, she disassembled its armor and stashed it away after she was discharged from the Mist Wars around 1324AE, only reassembling it again sometime in 1330AE (PoF)
- (you already know this but for the sake of the people) as a revenant instead of channeling legends she channels her fallen squadmates (renegade spec style), she was the only one to survive a mortar strike while they were fighting in the Mists Wars - something about them being in the Mists and all of them being revenants ended up getting their spirits attached to her
ps she's not having a good time with it
pss she's chugging that krait oil to keep them at bay
πŸ”± TRIDENT EMBLEM β€” can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
She sure can swim (see: at least two fics of swimming with Ganieda) and she's quite good at it too, swimming in general but also being able to hold her breath for a considerable amount of time and could potentially swim with her heavy armor on for a time. She does enjoy swimming as well, or just being in water in general, finds it quite relaxing after a long day
πŸ‰ DRAGON β€” what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
What's a mythical creature when you're fighting dragons and their minions for a living tbh.... but she's quite fascinated by the Great Giants (giganticus lupicus), coming upon their skeletons a lot throughout her travels prompted to read into them, even though there's not a lot of information on them
πŸ’” BROKEN HEART β€” what are three of your oc's negative traits?
she's quite blunt and often speaks before she really thinks about niceties or consequences, sometimes she'll catch herself and snap her mouth shut because she says some shit (or halfway through) but it's not often
will literally never not ask for help, she'd rather let a wound or thought fester than ask for help (case in point: the krait oil)
honestly, got a little too militaristic/ tactical of a mind, too often gets caught up in seeing people as just pawns on a war map. also social cue who
πŸ’˜ HEART WITH ARROW β€” what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
literally Ganieda above all else but you didn't hear the from me
πŸ–€ BLACK HEART β€” has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
considering she'd taken part in the Mist Wars, working as a bodyguard and then joined the Pact with the Vigil she's definitely killed and wounded her fair share of people
as for broken hearts and trust, not intentionally but, who's to say
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE β€” does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
she does attract others, she is attractive looking (my words not hers) and cuts a striking figure with her height and armor and typical straight backed soldier poise etc but if they stick around is a whole other subject
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