tennco · 2 months
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do you think remilia still loses sleep over this interaction? over how marisa just immediately shut her down?
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tennco · 3 months
satori's ideal form is if she looks like she would crumble into dust from taking a step. this is why she's perfect for patchouli. their sex would be crazy.
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tennco · 4 months
zun went like "im gonna make the perfect most specialest girl ever" and thgat's how we got reimu.
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tennco · 4 months
i want a tsukasa desktop pet that does absolutely nothing at all except at random intervals without warning this beast will walk across your screen. bonus points if you can swat it like a fly.
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tennco · 3 months
Touhou and Project, from Touhou Project!
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tennco · 1 year
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tennco · 1 month
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what did she mean by this
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tennco · 1 month
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tennco · 2 months
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ZUN was talking about how some of the girls smell. he said orin smells like corpses, yuugi probably doesn't smell good being an oni, generally everyone from chireiden stinks. and of course yukari stank.
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tennco · 6 months
i love that animation of reisen thinking she's hot shit spinning her gun but then it flies away
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tennco · 5 months
did you know? embodiment of scarlet devil is the only instance where ZUN himself has drawn artwork of the character Patchouli Knowledge, meaning he has not attempted to draw her again ever since. this is because she is without flaw.
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tennco · 2 months
"Gensokyo accepts all. That's a cruel, cruel statement."
that's one of my favorite touhou quotes and it's, a fucking generic yukari win-quote from IaMP. but it perfectly sums up all of ZUN's works in my opinion.
you could interpret it to mean simply that gensokyo welcomes in both the good and the bad equally. i think that's boring.
i personally like the idea that Hifuu presents a world that has forgotten its magic, and that it has become less because of it, with the two main characters looking to revitalize it. that's the clearest example of how ZUN romanticizes folklore and mythology, something i mentioned in another post. and he's right in a way, those things have always been a part of human nature, our attempts to explain that which has no explanation. it adds a hint of mysticism to daily life and makes it, just a little bit more special. i think for ZUN this is closely related to the concept of hare and ke, the sacred and the mundane, the extraordinary and the ordinary.
in contrast to the outside world of humans we have the gensokyo of youkai, a place where the extraordinary is ordinary, where magic is real and supernatural creatures roam around free. it is however, a world that exists purely because its residents have no other place to go. they are not welcome in the real world anymore, they are not needed as humans can explain everything by their own means. i think with her words yukari is lamenting this fact, maybe the same way she did when she herself was a human living in that world devoid of anything special.
with all that said the message is obviously not "we shouldn't aim to explain or discover anything, just accept that it was the gods", but rather i think it's a call to suspend your disbelief, just for a bit, and say "yeah, sure, maybe there is more to it than meets the eye". to find something special in the everyday. to not let mundanity overwhelm you.
in other words, gensokyo accepts all. because the world doesn't. don't let it be that way.
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tennco · 9 months
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tennco · 6 months
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tennco · 2 months
eosd locking you out of the final stage on easy mode is bad game design and unfairly punishes you for just playing the game on a lower difficulty
it is however really funny
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tennco · 5 months
speaking of look at this fucking reimu ZUN drew. she's so scrunkly. so shaped. the big bug-like eyes. her gay little booties.
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