#tensei's soul ascended when they confessed xD
iprincezzinuyoukai · 6 years
U.A. Students Days Headcanons
Part 2/5 | Part 1
A lot of headcanons...
Shouta has difficulties during the physical admission exam, so he's put in the General Studies. Hizashi had no complications and was one of the first five.
Shouta isn't very social. He came here to be a hero not to have friends, goddammit! Hizashi's first friend is Tensei. Tensei was a little nervous and thought that Hizashi was only his friend because of his family, Hizashi didn't know that he was related to the famous Iida family until he saw his quirk for the first time. Weeks later Sekijirou joins when Hizashi recognizes him at the vet buying food for his St Bernard.
Maybe Shouta isn't good with physical attacks, but he discovers that he's good at parkour when he follows his black kitty all over the city, although that doesn't stop him from asking his sister to teach him some defensive movements, just in case.
When the sports festival starts, Shouta's determined to win the first place; Hizashi just wants to have fun, Tensei wants to make his family feel proud, and Sekijirou just wants to make sure that his friends don't damage what little brain they have left.
In the final matches, Shouta has to fight against Hizashi. He was on the verge of losing since he was confident that Hizashi didn't know how to fight properly, since all he had done with his previous opponents was screaming until their ears bled. That's because Hizashi recognized Shouta as a cool and hard opponent. Anyway, Hizashi ended up losing and Shouta went on to the next round against Tensei, in which he won the sports festival. Hizashi tried to talk to him when the festival ended but he didn't see him anywhere.
Shouta was transferred in the middle of the first semester, and he almost killed Hizashi as the latter didn't stop bothering him to be his friend. Even so Hizashi didn't give up (this boy had a death wish, they whispered) and he challenged Shouta in the Arcade in the claw machine. If he managed to draw a prize, Shouta would accept to be his friend. Shouta accepted knowing that those games were impossible (because he'd already tried and lost). For a conflict of emotions, Hizashi managed to get a stuffed cat (after almost running out of yen).
The surprise of the whole classroom was the next day and to see that Shouta had a lively conversation with Hizashi.
Hizashi teaches him sign language and also some words in other languages. He doesn't know if it's good or bad, but Shouta only remembers the swearwords, and often says it, like very often, especially towards teachers and some classmates. Shouta decides to teach him parkour, which can serve him someday since to trust on the quirks isn't good, according to him.
Having obtained their hero names, whoever dared to make fun of his hero name or Hizashi's, Shouta would break their nose.
The first time they wore their hero costumes, Eraser and Mic ended up entangled with the scarf and hundreds of nicknames.
Shouta was so used to people getting mad when he erased their quirk that when he did the same with Hizashi (when he started to get too loud) Hizashi started telling him how fantastic Shouta's quirk was.
Hizashi's eyes always seemed interesting to Shouta, especially because they look like rings. Hizashi gets excited every time Shouta's eyes change to red when he uses his quirk and sometimes he has an eye drops in case Shouta will forget his.
Hizashi and Shouta have the same route from home to school and walk together in the evenings, and often they meet in the mornings.
Shouta loves having naps, and Hizashi enjoys joining him. However, it's so peaceful to be sleeping on the roof of the U.A. that often they forget to set an alarm.
Nemuri ends up becoming part of the group after the 1st year fight against the 2nd year in their exam. Besides, her quirk is useful to Shouta when he has insomnia and is the first to suspect that Shouta has a crush on Hizashi when she flirts with the blonde to irk him, but to be frank, she just know how to charm people.
Hizashi has several playlists for different occasions, and even creates a playlist with names of his friends with songs that remind him of each of them.
As optimistic as Hizashi is, and although he rarely seems upset or frustrated – Shouta knows when Hizashi fakes his smiles. The same for Hizashi, who notices when Shouta is more grumpy than usual.
Both realize their crush on the other during their vacation, despite sending messages every day, their minds rambling to think about each other.
Tensei almost went bald for all the mutual pining he witnessed. He even gave several hints to both, he even made several excuses not to go to the Arcade for a whole week – That and that Tenya had just born and he didn't want to leave helpless his beautiful mother. Sekijirou and Nemuri made bets about who would confess first. Tensei scolded them, though inside he was divided into who would confess first and why.
Once Sekijirou bought a motorcycle... Hizashi and Shouta ended up destroying it.
On the other's birthday, Shouta has no idea what album to give to Hizashi (since he loves all kinds of music), so instead he gives him a polaroid camera. While Hizashi gives him a sleeping bag, so Shouta will have a more comfortable place to rest. Hizashi has many photos of Shouta sleeping because only then his face doesn't have that expression of 'I'm going to kill you'.
Shouta invited only Hizashi to his sister's wedding. And for the honeymoon Shouta went to live with Hizashi's family. “No.” “But you're going to be alone for a whole week!” “I don't care.” “My mom have a veterinary – and she's gotten kittens!” “... Okay, I'm going.” The moment that Hizashi sees Shouta smile (and I'm not talking about those smiles he does today) his heart skipped a beat.
Hizashi had several dates, but none lasted more than a week. Shouta was also confessed several times, all of them being rejected instantly, though he did agree to go out with a general studies classmate.
During the holidays and when his sister couldn't be at home, Hizashi invited Shouta to his house. Hizashi's mothers treat him like another son and were used to finding him sleeping everywhere.
During their second year they both confessed at the same time. Tensei fainted because he'll finally be able to sleep peacefully and won't have to keep thinking about more matchmaker strategies. Nemuri doesn't accept having lost so she proposes another bet with Sekijirou about their future wedding.
Because their friends are too meddling, Hizashi and Shouta can't act at all romantically, although secret messages are sent during classes and Hizashi likes to flirt with him using sign language.
During the hero licensing test, Shouta meets Emi (Ms. Joke), who studied at Ketsubutsu – He has no idea why, but Emi names him her best friend – And to Shino, Yawara, Ryuuko, and Tomoko (Wild Wild Pussycats), who were Class B of the same year.
A few months later his sister announces that she's pregnant. Tensei gives Shouta advice on how he should deal with a newborn baby - even lending him a book, as well as looking for the opportunity to show off what a good brother he is and how beautiful Baby Tenya is.
Hitoshi is Shouta's nephew. (Yes! Insert freedie mercury pose)
Hizashi takes several photos of Shouta carrying Hitoshi. Shouta decides not to comment on anything more than his nephew seems to have inherited more from the mother's side.
Before Nemuri graduated, Hizashi and she organized an outdoor camping trip with all their friends. Nemuri's intention was to have a party where there were no police or neighbors complaining, but they all ended up around a campfire making fun of everyone in general and planning what they would do as soon as they stopped being students.
“You cannot sit with the cool kids.” “Don't listen to her, take a seat next to me.” “Do you realize that we are nine persons in a six-person table?” “I got this.” Cue to Sekijirou putting Hizashi on Shouta's lap.
The first time they tried to kiss... They couldn't because it felt very clumsy and awkward, especially when they noticed their friends watching them.
“That's why love hotel exists!” “Dang it! leave them alone!” “My children have grown so much~” Then someone starts to hum the wedding march and the next thing is to Hizashi hyperventilating and Shouta wanting to die right there and at the same time thinking about how to kill their friends and hide the evidence.
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