wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Aug 4 - Aug 20)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams in his post-war-babe gloom.“ 🎵 -Jethro Tull - Too Old To Rock ‘N’ Roll, Too Young To Die- _________________________________ End of March 2021: Dean and Bobby finally have the chance to catch up some now that Dean is no longer actively avoiding Bobby in an effort to not talk about where his head is at. . Castiel arrives at Singer Salvage after his time spent with Inias. Sam gets to cross something off The List, introducing Cas to his childhood hero Indiana Jones.  . Early April 2021: The next two weeks goes by, with the brothers taking some needed time off from hunting. Sam is back to early morning runs, late nights, and vegetables. Dean isn’t drinking quite as much. They take some day trips just to get out of the house. . Bobby has been avoiding them because he doesn’t want to bring up the indications that the Greeks are making moves. He wants to give them more time. Jody knows it’s wearing on him and speaks up. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Jul 23 - Aug 4)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
🎵 ”I work so hard, man, so don't trip me up Shakin' a leg like the tail o' the pup I'm payin' dues till I register heat Sure hope I don't end up on the street
Home, boy Everybody needs a home.” 🎵 ~ Iggy Pop - Home ~ ---------------------------------------------- Castiel and Inias go over how Harut and Marut are the King and Queen of the Fae. Like Gabriel, they apparently went into hiding. Why their Father would lie to Michael about their brethren being dead, when God must have known they were alive.... they cannot make sense of this.  Also, Castiel is unable to hide his feelings about Dean from Inias, explaining he cannot be open about this and risk losing his friendship.  . Sam wakes up in the afternoon, refreshed. The boys go for dinner, the younger Winchester getting to enjoy not being a ravenous carnivore anymore. Salads with seeds AND berries?! He’s back! But Dean doesn’t trust this yet. . Dean texts Castiel to let him know Sam’s awake and that they plan to get on the road later that evening.  . Sam asks Dean if Castiel has found out anything new about his newfound family, but Dean -- rightfully -- wants to give Castiel a moment to connect with Inias, one of the few angels he has always been able to trust, rather than prod their friend right back into work. They switch who is in the driver’s seat around midnight. As much as Sam tries to stay awake the entire way to Bobby’s, he nods off right as they reach the state line. . Sam is very excited to be back with Stevie Nicks McQueen. She is a good doggo.
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. Rufus’s truck cab cat, Blue, is now back living at the sheriff’s station so that Dean isn’t miserable with allergies. That doesn’t mean he’s all that happy about being around Stevie, though, especially considering not that long ago a witch brought his memories of being attacked by a hellhound to the surface. That trauma is no longer years behind him.  . Sam wrangles the dog outside so Dean is able to step inside the house without behind pounced on immediately, whistling so that the all clear is given. Dean heads inside to chat with Bobby.
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
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Usually Dean handles the bestowing of #WinchesterWisdom but he’s currently not in the mood. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (July 15 - 23)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
🎵 “The future's in the air Can feel it everywhere Blowing with the wind of change.” 🎵 The Scorpions - Wind of Change ___________________ The Fae might have some plans for that archangel grace.... . Dean and Castiel head back to the motel post-ritual with an exhausted Sam in tow. Once Sam heads inside, the two friends have a moment. . Castiel heads inside and talks to Sam. These two friends have a moment too. . Dean calls Bobby to fill him in, then he heads inside to join the group - well-lubricated. . Sam crashes. Castiel seeks out Inias to see if he can get more information about the Fae he just encountered that are apparently related to them. They decide to meet in person.
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So far (Jul 1 - Jul 15)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “Fire burning in hell with the cry of screaming pain Son of heaven set me free and let me go Sea turn dry, no salt from sand Seasons fly no helping hand ....... Someone, someone has drained the colour from my wings Broken my fairy circle ring” 🎵              ~Queen - My Fairy King~ ------------------------------------------- After driving to Michigan, Sam and Dean meet up with Castiel. They spend the last day and night trying to ignore how much time seems to drag. All that’s left is to wait until the next dawn. . The next day they arrive at the location where the ley lines criss-cross over St. Ignace. Sam, Dean, and Castiel enter into the aether, into the land of the fae.  . King Oberon and Queen Titania appear. Oberon appearing as rather androgynous and immediately winking at Castiel. Something about the royal couple seems familiar to Cas, but now isn’t the time to focus on it.  . When Sam steps into the faery circle a barrier goes up. Obviously, Dean has an immediate issue with this. . Once Sam and Castiel convince Dean that they can stop this if absolutely necessary, Sam steps back into the circle. Two Seelie fae, a leprechaun, and a clúrachán, the Welloch who freed Castiel from The Empty all sit down with the King and Queen outside the circle. . The chanting begins. As the ritual proceeds, Sam’s is violently dragged from his memories in the Cage back to the present as the the remnants of Lucifer’s grace that have attached themselves to his wounded soul as torn out of him painfully while the nectar of the gods works in an attempt to heal new damage.  . The queen presses Castiel’s hand to the surface of the barrier, teaching the angel to offer what he can of himself to try to assist Sam. Still, Castiel notices something strange about the queen, but once again it is put on hold. . As Dean pleads with Cas to ask what’s going on, the pieces of archangel grace that are dragged out of Sam’s torso wrench him backward into agony as a scream is wrenched out of his throat. Castiel has nanoseconds, taking a chance on using angelic communication with the queen while he charges at Dean to hold him back from attacking the fae in order to stop the ritual.  . The Queen speaks into Oberon’s mind. We learn that the king’s real name is Harut.  The royal couple use a silver knife to slice their hands open, using their own blood and some of their own grace to assist in removing the last bits of Lucifer’s grace from Sam’s soul before it can harm him further.  . As the barrier falls once the ritual is over, Castiel rushes forward to heal Sam. It takes a moment but Sam does become responsive. Dean feels immediate relief, but he still doesn’t trust that this might not fall apart any second. After a decade of things falling apart, can anyone blame him? . Whether it’s just because his characters -- his children -- are so engrossing to watch or because he realizes some of his old secrets are about to become known, Chuck has a single-word response to what he sees.
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Jun 7 - Jul 1)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
🎵 “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground.“ 🎵 -Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here --------------
Everyone is at the end of their rope. Sam and Cas are worried if Dean’s even has a grip on the end of his anymore.  . The next morning, after a rough night, Dean asks Sam if he’s okay with finishing up this deal with the Fae.  . Wards are scraped off and the redcap (that little shit) shows back up to inform them where they’ll meet up to get on faery turf. For the first time, they get some details on how this is going to happen.  . The directions direct the boys back to St. Ignace, Michigan, the location that had strong ley lines where Dean had to go to perform the second of the Greek trials. The boys ask Castiel to pop over there to make sure there’s no Greek gods laying a trap with the fae.  Sam and Dean are alone for the first time since they went after the third witch. Sam gives Dean some more rope to hold onto. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 28-Jun 7)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
🎵”Don't you know where is that place Where you hid the ace? Don't you know we not thick, slick? We all gotta play the three card trick.”🎵
-- The Clash ................................. The boys head inside a warded warehouse to go end the third witch.  . Donna gets picks up that lead as well - unbeknownst to anyone.  . Sam and Dean get separated. Sam trapped in one location, Dean seeking out the witch in the other. This does not go extremely well for Dean. . Donna arrives at the warehouse and happens on the outside of the room Sam is trapped in.  . Donna and Sam to the rescue. Sort of. . Dean gets his shot.  . Sam and Dean convince Donna to let them clean-up the scene and clear out. Castiel helps with that. . Donna makes a phone call to the person who happened to accidentally lead her straight into the occult. Well, Donna wanted answers from Jody. She’s going to get some. . Castiel jumps the boys back to Oklahoma. Sam seems to be stalling a little bit on seeing the fae. Dean is unsettled by this 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 20 - 28)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
🎵 “Well, I can see no reason You're living on your nerves When someone drops a cup and I submerge I'm swimming in a circle I feel I'm going down There has to be a fool to play this part Someone thought of healing And all I really wanna know Oh, won't you show me the way, yeah”🎵 - Peter Frampton  __________________
Sam and Dean are on the road, hitting possible safe house after possible safe house, coming up empty.  Things are... tense. . Bobby and Rufus are searching for rare spell ingredients. . Sam lets Cas know where they’ll be stopping after checking out the house in Oklahoma.
. Oklahoma is a bust. 
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Bobby calls Sam with good news that Rufus’s contact is getting hold of the botany needed.
. Sam calls Castiel with an update and an ask. Cas is going to play delivery-angel.
. Castiel gets in touch with Bobby seeking the details of where and when he’s needed.
. Sam thanks Rufus. 
. Both brothers are at their limits in different ways, as Sam fills in his brother on some good news for once, that they should have a location by the morning. That good news doesn’t really perk either one of them up, particularly when Sam says the wrong thing at the wrong time.
. In the morning, it’s a new day, but it doesn’t feel like it. The brothers start their day until they’re ready for Cas to show up. 
. Donna Hanscum on the case. Her eagle eyes spot that Jody is asking for under the table favors from her friends in law enforcement. A suspicious Donna wants to check it out. 
. Let’s get this show on the road. Castiel arrives with spell ingredients. They get a location.
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Castiel transports Sam and Dean from Oklahoma to Minnesota. It’s time to kill a witch. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 10 - 20)
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. WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “The black queen chants the funeral march, The cracked brass bells will ring; To summon back the fire witch To the court of the crimson king.” 🎵   ~King Crimson - The Court of the Crimson King~
. ---------------------------------------- Continuing last week’s scene: Crowley burns McMurtry’s hex bag, breaking the spell for both brothers. Sam and Dean are shocked upon the realization that they just almost murdered each other. Dean realizes immediately that Crowley is there, and places the blame for the spell on him. Crowley certainly wasn’t informed that Castiel came back to life in January, but he has bigger fish to fry at the moment. . As Sam collects himself, his brain finally puts together that Crowley is here with him. If the spell-induced rage toward Dean was a sight to behold, this very real grudge he’s been holding ever since Crowley broke his Wall isn’t just blind fury, it’s tactical as well. . Dean and Cas want to prioritize getting information on where the witch went before killing Crowley, but once it begins to sound like Crowley’s peddling wares, Sam can’t hold himself back. No one can ask him to trust any information that’s going to come out of Crowley’s mouth, not after everything that happened. . Before Sam can make a move with the Kurdish blade, Crowley flings him up against the wall like a Muppet. He leaves a spell that will get around and magic she’s using to hide herself and list of potential places Malorie McMurtry would go to ground.   . Dean agrees to take the list, because there was never really a question about whether or not he was going to. Not when they were so close and they’re running out of time. . Crowley takes off so he isn’t immediately murdered. (Smart lad.) . Castiel heals the injured Winchesters, injuries they mostly beat into each other. Dealing with the guilt of almost shooting Sam, of actually shooting Cas, and of working with Crowley once more and believing he might have just ripped out a keystone to his relationship with his brother.... Dean’s spiraling. . Cas and Sam are just trying to do what they can. Castiel is offering to help find a rare herb for the spell, but they don’t know how much more they can involve him without it crossing into the faerie’s line on angelic interference. Sam stows his considerable fury to try to once again be the steady hand at the wheel for his brother. . Dean waits inside the Impala impatiently. Concerned doesn’t cover how Sam and Cas are feeling. . Sam calls Bobby to quickly fill him in. . Bobby, Jody, and Rufus discuss the situation at hand. . Jody covers her end of the deal, putting out an extremely low-key APB with the license plate number Sam gave her, hoping one of her friends in law enforcement can give her a call without approaching if they happen to spot the vehicle. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 7 - 10)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “I've got a black magic woman Got me so blind, I can't see That she's a black magic woman She's trying to make a devil outta me” 🎵        ~Black Magic Woman - Santana~ .
Meg is Back To The Future, arriving in Sheboygan. I wouldn't assume Abaddon is fading out to Johnny B. Goode if I were her.
. A Knight of Hell arrives in the present. Thanks for that, Meg. . Tamara arrives back in the U.S. carrying more baggage than just her carry-on. Bobby and Jody pick her up at the airport.
. Stressed brothers drive to Agua Dulce hoping their weak lead for witch #3 pans out. . Sam and Dean arrive in Agua Dulce. Cas is stationed nearby. But Malorie has her defenses in place and escapes. . The brothers attempt to fight to the death. . From far away, Chuck is enraptured with his favorite characters . Castiel intervenes. . Crowley shows his face.  .
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 1-May 7)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “Told you one you're never gonna win the race Same old no tomorrow kicked in the face. We are screaming, screaming for vengeance The world is a manacled place.” 🎵 - Judas Priest
Sam gets a puppy update from Jody on Stevie Nicks McQueen.
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After saving Charlie Bradbury and killed witch number 2, the boys get drunk on honey mead and enjoy Moondoor, California for a few hours. 
While packing up, Dean follows up on an earlier conversation where Sam had randomly mentioned that he got homesick at Stanford.
Something which hadn’t occurred to Dean before. 
Dean calls Bobby to fill him in on the death of witch number two and plans to head to Texas for a vague lead.  . With Frank’s help, Rufus finds Zeus and friends are behind a swath of changes to Minor League Baseball teams, looking for worshippers. Bobby and Rufus don’t want to tell the boys until witch number three is dead, but they decide it’s time to call more hunters in, because the Greek situation has amplified considerably. 
While Sam is inside ordering food, Charlie texts. It turns out she’s beginning to get a wee bit obsessive about monsters.
Persephone prepares to leave her husband’s side before the equinox. 
. The demon Malphas returns to see the King of Hell with new information at his fingertips. Crowley is intrigued. . The British hunter Tamara (The Magnificent Seven, S3E1) still reeling from her husband’s death, is making it the only way she now knows how. Alone. ........  Until Bobby reels her back in.  . Bobby lets Rufus know Tamara is on the way. . Rowena and her mentee-witch Kaylee are still on the road together.  . Bobby and Jody make some plans. . The Morrigan - AKA Gladys Augusta - AKA Malorie McMurtry - is preparing for battle. . The boys stop in Tombstone, AZ on their way to find The Morrigan. In the final leg of the journey, Dean’s fuel tank for belief that they will succeed is pretty much empty. Sam is concerned. They leave before the sun is up to head the rest of the way to Texas. .
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
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Sam Winchester gets mad at Scholastic Book Club. 
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Apr 16-30)
WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
 🎵“Look over yonder Where's my shotgun so I can blow this fool away? Get away, brother! Ow, look over yonder, baby!” 🎵- Mr. Bad Luck - Jimi Hendrix
Way back in the 1950s, Abaddon can’t find the escaped Meg.  . The soul of Richard Bowes goes to Hell. The demon that owned his soul wants to know why so many witches are coming down there before their contracts are up. All he knows is that the Winchesters are targeting them. The demon goes to see the King of Hell to inform him that the two lummoxes might be back to directly interfering in Hell’s designs. Crowley doesn’t want to hear questions, though. He wants answers.  . Both pushing their limits, Sam and Dean search out the source of the address the dead DoorDash driver delivered to. (Say that 5x fast). The house turns up empty. Dean is close to losing it, Sam is exhausted, but they push through, heading to the park where Moondoor is going to be held. Sam takes Friday to recuperate so he’s on task to assist with killing a witch.  . Heading to Moondoor on Saturday morning, the spriggan is on the loose with its bad luck. Sam tackles Charlie Bradbury before she can get murdered by a turtle. . Dean heads to the woods to hunt this little bitch down. Valerie Tyrell is watching. Her Villainess Banter isn’t going to save her life, but she tries. . Sam tries to explain to the Queen of Moondoor what’s going on without completely lifting the veil on the supernatural. As it turns out this is futile.    . Dean makes a run to get to his brother and Charlie before the witch and an additional spriggan can work their evil ends. In classic Supernatural style, Sam Winchester gets strangled. Charlie makes the save by spilling some salt while Dean tangles (quite literally) with the witch outside the tent.  . Sam has to make a call. In the end, he holds back his instinct to set his brother up to make the kill. Goodbye, Valerie Tyrell. You won’t be missed.  
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Apr 9-Apr 16)
WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
                        🎵 “Who are you?” 🎵  -- The Who
Jody texts Sam to check in.
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. After meeting Charlie Bradbury at the hospital for the first time, Sam and Dean split up for a couple hours. Dean is not happy about it. . Charlie managed to sneak around the back and didn't park directly at her house, so Dean doesn't know she's inside. She emails "Agent Sam Holden" the list of people in Moondoor. . Sam makes the mistake of emailing her back. Charlie digs in and figures out it's a spoofed email address. . Charlie calls Bobby to check on agents Holden and Burton. Bobby and Rufus chat after the phone call. Bobby texts the boys to let them know a "Charlie Drummer" called. . Sam immediately begins kicking himself for using names from The Expanse. Not that he knew that this case was going to merge with Sci-Fi/Fantasy lovers, but it's a problem that the potential target of the witch and fae they're after has burned their aliases. . Charlie starts trying to hack Bobby, but Dean warns him and Bobby pulls everything out of the wall before she can get into his computer. . Sam and Dean ponder next moves and decide to ask Cas for help. . LARPing suddenly doesn't sound as dumb to Dean as it originally did. . Castiel appears invisibly in Charlie's place. He scopes the place out. . Castiel appears outside by the car and scares the shit out of Dean, per usual. The trio discuss how to handle things. Castiel agrees to keep an eye on Charlie and invisibly ward her house against the fae. Her car and work are also on the agenda, so the boys have time to track down other leads. The boys keep working but break up the evening with some LotR talk. . The next day of the case, the boys get hold of the deceased DoorDash driver's phone and try to work out which addresses might belong to the witch. . Castiel texts Dean, Dean figured out which car is Charlie's. Sam asks Castiel what car Charlie is driving, because sometimes they two don't have the best communication skills. Especially when Dean isn't in the mood to joke about someone driving a Gremlin. .
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