#tentatively calling it lightbreaker
journey-to-the-attic · 9 months
hello !!!!!!
first of all, i wanted to say that I LOVE JOURNEY TO THE ATTIC SO MUCH MY HEART IS ACHING
especially when i found a fic through searching the platonic relationship tag?? IVE BEEN FED
the way you portray the characters are so good that im smiling so wide while reading. AND THE WORLDBUILDING, THE WORLDBUILDING!!!!!! ive legit sobbed so hard throughout the fic and especially at 47 like??????? ok, youve done it
i was also wondering if youre going to do a nightbringer adaption?? if not, it's fine! jtta is enough to feed me and make me cry about everything LMAOOO
ahh thank you so much!! always v v happy to hear that <33
as for your question, i don't have plans to do a full-length nb adaptation, but i've been contemplating adding a fic for scattershot au/hypothetical oneshots - and i do have a few pieces of a jtta nb concept written, so it'd go in there!! that's all subject to change though, i'm still kind of see-sawing on things to do after i've finished the fic
but!! in the mean-time, these are the snippets that i've written:
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turbletoops · 5 years
Curse of Castle Halloway, Pt. 12
Our current party consists of:
Anala, Dragonborn Cleric of Pelor, from the clans to south. (+ An albino dragon egg) Bartleby, Halfling Rogue, a Halloway native. Camlib, Lizardfolk Druid, from the eastern swamps. Fengari, Aasimar Sorcerer, from Lightbreak Temple. Rowan, Half-Elven Paladin, currently serving Eldath. Shade, a Tiefling Warlock of the Raven Queen.
Who will win this heated tournament for... what honor, exactly?
“[Maracas intensify]”
~ 14 Days Until the Dark Hunter’s Moon ~
Bartleby and Rowan take their places in the arena, ready to face off.
Some mutual bashing/stabbing goes on, before Bartleby decides he's done with that and does what rogues do best, instead.
He disappears from sight!
This enrages the lizardfolk crowd, and they send a hail of spears down. Luckily, their aim is not great against a target they can't see. Neither is Rowan's.
Bartleby uses this advantage to get in a sneaky sneak attack.
It then devolves into a melee back-and-forth until Rowan is eventually knocked out.
Bartleby is crowned winner on this round!
Oh, now what did this remind me of? There was an old story like this, I swear... what was it called...
Nevermind. Anyway -
Shade graces us with her prescence, this time with a stamped reminder on the back of her hand to be gentle with company property.
Seeing her companions bloodied and surrounded by unknown lizardfolk, she readies a crackle of eldritch energy, but is soon talked down by Bartleby.
The lizardfolk escort Bartleby and Rowan off to the healer's tent, and Camlib decides that she wants to join in on the festivities.
She makes a graceful leap down from the stands... but falls and slips in the mud.
It then becomes a battle between Shade's spooky warlock magic and a crocodile.
Camlib seems to have a devoted fan section, being a hometown favorite, but Shade has the wildcard energy on her side.
The crocodile succumbs.
Shade is crowned winner of this impromptu third match!
Which she feels slightly guilty about, because she didn't want to hurt her friends in the first place, but... she did win...
Moving right along, a loser's bracket is held. Rowan and Fengari go back and forth, while Camlib seems just fine keeping her distance.
Rowan is overcome and this bout becomes almost a case of deja vu, just with less crocodile.
Camlib wins the consolation bracket!
The final match is also a 3 person free-for-all, this one between Shade, Anala, and Bartleby.
Anala summons a guardian, but Bartleby circumvents it, and manages to take her down.
Now down to Shade and Bartleby, Bartleby attempts their invisibility scheme again, met with another hail of javelins. Not very effective, one of the lizarfolk manages to stab themselves instead somehow. The stand grog must be flowing strong.
Shade holds up better against the surprise attack, and summons a weird... slurpy... void...
Bartleby moves out of the void and strikes out, but Shade manages to edge out the win.
Shade wins this tourna- wait, Anala is back up somehow??
Shade wins the tournament!!
C̗̠̥͜o̢̤̝̙͍n̠̭̭̘͍̥͓g̻̻ŕa̼̲tu̯̱͔̣̻̗̠l̦͎͔ḁ͖t̼̠̯͝iọ̻̼͕͝n͏͇̞̦͎ͅs҉͈̼̭̩̗͖͕,͉̺̯͈͈̟͉ ̡͇l͖̜̗ͅi̬̪t̷͍̙̼̺t̩̩̜̠ļ͕͉̻̰̳e͖̦͍͔͉̲̞ ̥̺͓ó͔̼n̺̬̙͢e҉
It is determined that Shade will be the holder of the statuette of Semuanya, complete with a crowning of a chain of swamp flowers.
There is a celebratory feast.
Fengari tries the food, but it doesn't agree with him much. Camlib digs it, though.
Rowan asks when he'll be sacrificed. Anala thinks the winner should be sacrificed.
The next morning, the group sets off into the swamps with a 6-person escort of lizardfolk unaffected by the illness.
A huge stone monolith marks the beginning of the deep swamps.
Camlib produces the keystone, and shares it with the group.
They determine the pictograph means "move towards the sun", so they do.
After wandering a bit, they reach a very water-logged, marshy area, that requires them to use the table as a canoe. It's surrounded in patches of deep water and filled with ancient, gnarled tree roots and fallen branches.
There's a mingling stench of rotten plant matter and... death.
They notice the sound of a drowning woman calling out for help, and spot her clinging to a downed tree, struggling to hold on.
Rowing up, Bartleby offers his hand out to the woman.
She grabs on, and thanks him emphatically, then promptly attempts to drag him down into the water.
Bartleby pulls back, and yanks off her decomposing arm.
A shrill, echoing scream echoes throughout the swamp.
Huge mounds of congealed, decaying flesh emerge from the water and rise up around them, random limbs and heads moving separate of the mound.
Bartleby throws her arm back at her, and the group draws their weapons as they realize they're surrounded.
So! What is in store for our heroes(?) next time??? Will the group be able to navigate through the fetid swamps of Ikedzi? Will the ceremony be successful when they reach the correct altar? What awaits in the ruins of Old Sacred Grove? At that, will they even survive this extremely stinky encounter?
Find out – Next session!
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