#tentatively setting that verse LMAO it might as well just be normal cam but. either way
spirestar · 1 year
Magic is strange. Something that shouldn't exist but always has, that has always been a part of her but was rarely hers. Cam tries not to think too hard about it--The more she considers, the more she'll damage her own wish. A desire for knowledge and understanding can only survive for so long before it seeks the truth. The single one. And that truth could very well crush the world she's built. Perhaps that's why the Golden Witch has invited her to visit her board; Cam hardly has so many glorious titles or important functions as a witch of her stature, but Beatrice, known for her fickleness and strength of heart, is also recognized for her creativity.
Cam glares down at the board beneath them, her feet heavy on nonexistent solid ground. The teacup in her hand wafts tendrils of steam between the two of them. Hot coffee for her, though she's sure Beatrice is having her own black tea. Nodding toward one particular piece--the one who matches the witch's opponent, red hair bright in the murky darkness of the island's veil--she says, "You'd better let me help you with that." Her dark eyes are void-like in their depths of distaste. Abandoned / Forgotten. Cam has often wondered if she lacks empathy, but in this she is sure she doesn't. "Or am I here only to watch?" She looks inquisitively to Beatrice and finds that endless blue gaze on her. It would be more than enough to stagger her were she already a the witch's piece for this game. But she's yet to be claimed; Still only borrowed in name alone, nothing official. It only makes Cam more curious.
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