#termite guys brisbane
bugoutpest · 4 months
Termite Inspection Morayfield
A termite inspection is an important step before purchasing a property in Queensland. Your inspector will thoroughly check the immediate surrounding area of your home and garden. They will look inside small spaces like kitchens, bathrooms and crawlspaces.
Make sure you clear these areas to allow for easy access by your inspector. They will also check for signs of termite activity on the outside walls of your home. To know more about Termite Inspection Morayfield, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
The warm climate of Australia makes it a great place to live and work but it is also a perfect environment for termites to thrive. These pesky pests will attack homes, buildings and properties if left unchecked and cause extensive damage resulting in expensive repairs.
The first step to taking control of your home and property is conducting a thorough inspection. This is a good idea for homeowners as well as those who are planning on purchasing properties.
All houses in Queensland are required to have a termite management system installed when they are constructed. This is to help prevent termite attacks. While these systems do impede and discourage concealed termite entry they do not prevent it altogether. Your building and pest inspector will provide a detailed report on the termite management system of your prospective property as well as make recommendations regarding conducive conditions that are likely to attract termites. They will also advise on construction methods that are considered to be effective against termite attack.
In Morayfield, properties offer a range of options and are highly desirable due to their affordability and close proximity to schools, shopping centres and a variety of facilities. There are also plenty of over 50s lifestyle communities, such as Thyme Lifestyle Resort Moreton Bay, in the area that are appealing to retirees looking for a quiet and relaxing lifestyle.
With a house median price of $620,000 and unit median of $390,000, it’s no wonder that Morayfield is a sought-after location for both buyers and investors. The suburb boasts a healthy rental market, with houses in the area renting for around $520 per week and units offering a return of 4.7%.
Buying a property is an exciting venture, but it’s important to have the right financial guidance to ensure your budget aligns with your goals. Bribie Island Lending can provide you with personalised financial guidance and help you find the right home loan for your needs.
Termites can destroy homes and other buildings by chewing through their soft interior wood to access life-sustaining cellulose. They are one of the most destructive pests in Australia and cause billions of dollars worth of damage each year. The best way to protect against these destructive pests is to regularly perform termite inspections.
A termite inspection can identify any visual signs of termites as well as any conducive conditions. A termite inspection can also reveal whether or not a property has a current termite management plan. It has become common practice for Queensland sellers to have a building and pest inspection done prior to listing their properties.
Termites are attracted to warm, moist climates and can invade homes from the outside or through plumbing leaks or cracks. Ensure that your home has adequate drainage, is not positioned too close to trees or shrubs and is well-sealed to prevent leaks and cracks. Also, regularly inspect and re-caulk any areas where pipes enter the home.
Termites are destructive wood-eating pests that can damage homes and commercial properties over time. If you suspect a problem, it’s important to contact a termite inspection company to get the situation under control. Otherwise, you could end up paying for costly renovations or even a total rebuild.
In order to ensure a thorough termite inspection, you should clear your home or business of clutter. This includes stacks of paper, clothing and book piles, and other items that can provide favorable hiding places for these pests. You should also remove any structures from touching walls or other structural elements in order to allow your inspector easy access to every part of the property. To know more about Termite Inspection Morayfield, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
Your inspector will check both the interior and exterior of your home for signs of infestations. They’ll also look at any external timbers, retaining wall fencing and drainage around the property. They’ll also scan your roof voids, checking for any potential problems or evidence of termite activity.
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bfranchiseaus · 9 months
Top Pest Control Franchises to Buy in Australia
Creepy crawlies, bugs, and rodents are no friends to a house or surrounding property. However, when living in Australia, you get used to these frequent unpleasant occurrences. Things can take a dire turn, like an infestation; that’s when you call professional pest control services. Australia has a thriving pest control industry that amasses significant revenue every year. The building pest control service alone is estimated at $1.5 billion in 2023, with a 0.4% CAGR. (Source:https://www.ibisworld.com/au/industry/building-pest-control-services/573/#IndustryStatisticsAndTrends)
The growth graph indicates an uphill climb in the coming years, making pest control services lucrative franchises to buy in Australia. Does that interest you? Let’s check out the top contenders in this category.
Local Guys
It is a well-known pest control service in Australia, and probably most of you have heard about it. The franchise focuses on creating a balanced and flexible work routine for the franchisees. You can work independently under the franchisor’s umbrella. Unless you are on call for extermination, you can work from home. That eliminates the cost of leasing a physical outlet. The franchisor provides you with all the essential tools and equipment for the job, and marketing materials. Before initiation, franchisees are trained by the franchisor to ensure business success. The cost of buying this franchise is $44,950. 
Pest Control Australia
The company started in 1980. They specialize in termite and pest protection, majorly servicing residential property owners across Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, and Gold Coast. The company is seeking a team of professionals dedicated to offering safety and quality in their pest control services. The franchisor provides franchisees with a solid business model and strong leadership, making it one of the best franchises to buy in this category.
Safe Pest Management
One of the top Sydney franchises in the pest control genre is Safe Pest Management. Just like the name indicates, it has a safe and sure business model designed to bring profits to the franchisees. They offer full training, followed by licensing. Their goal is to help aspiring professionals build a career driven by the goodwill of the brand. Once you buy the rights, the company will provide you with the equipment, necessary chemicals and other tools for the job. Safe Pest Management has an active social media presence. They try to engage in marketing activities through social media and connect with potential customers. It’s one of the reasons why they have such a loyal customer base. If you are interested in buying this franchise, it will cost you $26,950 with additional GST.
Fantastic Pest Control
This is another one of the top Melbourne franchises that offers great opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. The cost of acquiring the rights is $10,300 which is lower considering the other brands. So, the risk of investment is low as well. The business is known for using easy-to-understand management systems and applications, which help franchisees, run the business seamlessly. Like the others, Fantastic Pest Control offers high-quality tools and equipment, to ensure the job is done right. Their specializations include rodents, termites, insects, birds and even possum removal. 
We hope that was useful to you. For more on different franchises, like the cleaning franchise in Australia, and likewise, do subscribe to https://www.businessfranchiseaustralia.com.au/. Check out our expert opinion here. 
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Definitive Guide to the Top 10 Pest Control Services in Brisbane, 2023
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‍Image Source: FreeImages
‍ In this comprehensive guide, we shine a spotlight on the top 10 pest control services in Brisbane for the year 2023. As urbanization continues to evolve, the need for effective pest control services has never been more crucial. Here, we delve into the cream of the crop in Brisbane's pest control scene, starting with the exceptional Control Pest Management Brisbane.
1. Control Pest Management Brisbane: The Forefront of Pest Control
This leading pest control business, situated in the heart of Brisbane, has carved a niche for itself through an extensive portfolio of services, noteworthy customer satisfaction, and industry recognition. The company's founder, Raymond McConville, is a two-time recipient and six-time nominee of the Citizen of the Year award, demonstrating the company's unwavering commitment to the community. Owing to its stellar service and customer-centric approach, Control Pest Management Brisbane has earned a string of 5-star customer reviews and a number of industry accolades.
Their services include:
Termite control
Bedbug removal
Bird removal
Rodent treatments
For queries, reach out to them via [email protected] or contact them at (07) 5241 1063. You can also follow them on Facebook for regular updates.
Blockquote: "Integrity, professionalism, and customer-centric service form the backbone of Control Pest Management Brisbane."
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2. Termite Guys Brisbane: The Termite Conquerors
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Termite Guys Brisbane has revolutionized the pest control industry with its innovative Termidor product. This company employs cutting-edge equipment to detect potential problem areas, including moisture, thermal, and motion detection. If termites are found, they are swiftly eradicated using highly effective and safe chemical compounds. Their Termidor treatment offers up to 8 years of protection for homes.
3. JDM Termite & Pest Management: Your Go-To Pest Control Expert
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With over a decade of industry experience, JDM Termite & Pest Management is the preferred choice for termite treatments, barriers, inspections, baiting and monitoring, and all aspects of pest control.
4. Peter the Possum & Bird Man: The Wildlife Pest Control Specialists
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Peter the Possum & Bird Man offers top-quality wildlife removal services backed by over 25 years' experience, excellent service, and genuine warranties. Their expertise lies in possum removal, rodent control, wasp and bee removal, bush turkey removal, bird proofing, and pigeon removal.
5. Tom's Pest Control: The Comprehensive Pest Control Provider
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Tom's Pest Control offers a wide range of services, from general bond and exit treatment services to specific individual pest control. Their treatments cover ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, silverfish, spiders, rodents, termites, moths, fleas, wasps, bees, beetles, possums, commercial and restaurant treatments, and general bond/exit treatments.
6. Log Fumigation Services: Your One-Stop Fumigation Solution
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Log Fumigation Services provides a comprehensive array of services, including timber pest inspections, pre-purchase inspections, baiting and monitoring. They specialize in grain, agricultural product, and space fumigations.
7. Bennetts Home Pest Control: The Trusted Pest Control Specialists
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Bennetts is one of the most trusted pest control specialists in Brisbane, offering professional pest management for all types of homes and properties.
8. Brisbane Pest Services: The Family-Run Pest Control Business
Brisbane Pest Services is a family-run business delivering safe and efficient pest control solutions to Brisbane, Logan, Bayside, and the Southside Suburbs for the past 10 years.
9. TermiTech Termite & Pest Control: The Complete Pest Control Service Provider
TermiTech offers termite and general pest control services including visual termite inspections, termite treatments, termite barriers, pre-sale and pre-purchase timber pest inspections, general pest control, rodent control, flea treatments, and funnel ant infestations.
10. Jim’s Termite And Pest Control: The Reliable Pest Control Service
Jim’s Pest Control offers commercial and domestic pest control services, including timber pest management services and termite control in Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
Choosing the right pest control service can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy, pest-free environment. From Control Pest Management Brisbane's stellar customer service to Termite Guys Brisbane's innovative solutions, the options are diverse and cater to various needs. Choose the one that suits you best and say goodbye to your pest problems!
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localguyspest · 1 year
Termite Treatment Brisbane
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Flying insects such as flies and mosquitos are not only a massive nuisance, but can also cause a health threat through the spreading of germs and communicable diseases. At The Local Guys – Pest Control, we have the knowledge and appropriate tools required in order to eliminate your flying insect problem. Contact us for the most reliable Spider Pest Control Adelaide solutions. So, if you’re fed up with flies or mosquitos infesting your home, call our friendly team today! Termite Treatment Brisbane
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Pest Control in North Lakes
You may be wondering whether you should hire a North Lakes pest control service, or should you go about finding one on your own? There are many types of pests to worry about, and a good North Lakes pest control company will know how to treat them. Read on to learn more about pest control in North Lakes. And don't forget to check out Local search's guide to North Lakes pest control. Here, you'll find the information you need about pest control companies and how to find them.
Termites are the number one concern for home owners, especially those who live in North Lakes. The neighborhood is located in the Moreton Bay Region, approximately 26 km north of the Brisbane CBD. Residents enjoy the scenic beauty of Lake Eden, several playgrounds, walking tracks, and cafes. Termite Guys Brisbane has been serving this area for decades, and has grown to become the area's leading pest control service provider.
Before deciding whether you need pest control services for ants, you should know how to identify them. Generally, ants are found in colonies of several dozen to millions. They consist of one queen and a large number of fertile males. The queen's sole function is to lay eggs, and the males have only one purpose: to mate. Workers, on the other hand, are sterile female ants with a wide variety of functions. These individuals also feed the colony and protect it.
Cockroaches can quickly establish a breeding cycle inside your home. They can be hard to see, but can often be found in dark, damp areas. The best place to look for cockroaches is under the floor or behind larger electrical appliances. Cockroaches will leave behind droppings that will indicate a severe infestation, so calling a North Lakes pest control company is important to prevent infestation and restore your home to its original condition.
It's important to hire a professional pest control company to keep your property mosquito-free. While most trash cans have covers, most of them don't, which means they can accumulate a lot of rainwater. This makes a great breeding ground for mosquitoes. Your pest control specialist will arrive at your home within an hour of scheduling your appointment and inspect your property thoroughly, including walls, doors, and windows, to eliminate possible breeding grounds.
Black House Ants
If you notice small black ants in your home, call a pest control company. While many species of ants are similar and hard to spot with the naked eye, most of the species that invade homes are black and small. These insects feed on carbohydrates, sweet liquids, and other organic matter. If you notice a swarm of ants living in your home, contact a pest control company right away to get rid of the problem.
Origin Pest Management is a family owned and operated business located on the North side of Brisbane, we specialize in general pest treatment and termite treatments.
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Deadly Insects You Might Not Know Existed
Bullet ant
Bullet ants are one of the largest species of ants in the world and are infamous for their sting which has been known as one of the most painful sensations in the world. It is said that the bite of bullet ant feels similar to getting struck by a bullet and can take several weeks for the pain to subside from a single bite. They make a frightening shriek moment before the bite. It is primarily located in the rainforests of South America. Visit Termite Guys Brisbane to know more about pest.
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Human botfly or Dermatobia hominis
These flies are known to lay their eggs on mosquitoes and horse flies which in turn get rubbed of onto human and animals which burrow into the flesh where they feed and grow. The human bit fly is located in Central and South America.
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Japanese/Asian giant hornet
This wasp can inject its victim with 8 flesh-eating toxins and sting how many times it wants, making it undoubtedly one of the deadliest insects on earth. The Japanese/Giant hornet is native to China and central Asia but has spread to France and South Korea.
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Driver ant
These ants are not particularly poisonous nor do they possess sharp or powerful mandibles but what makes them dangerous is the ability to overcome their victims with the sheer size of their swarms. They engulf and carry away their pray. They are native to Central and South Africa as well as tropical Asia.
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Kissing bug
These bugs are known to feed on blood. They have got their names from their peculiar behavior to bite their victims on the lips when they are asleep. They are carriers of Chagas disease and are native to South, Central, and North America.
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Tsetse fly
The infamous Tsetse fly is the primary carrier of sleeping sickness which has killed over thousands of people. These flies are native to central Africa.
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Fatal diseases like the plague can be transmitted from fleas that bite infected animals or humans. It is sourced by coming in contact with infected prey. Fleas are native to all regions of the world.
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Locusts have been known to be the cause of food shortages and various famines for over thousands of years, killing millions of people. Although they can be controlled now, they do pose a real threat to our food supply.
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Mosquitoes can carry over thousands of diseases such as Malaria, Zika, and Encephalitis, etc. Mosquitoes are found everywhere on the globe except Antarctica. Malaria alone is known to kill over a million people while infecting more than 500,000 people a year. Keep your surroundings clean, prohibit stagnant water and consider using bug repellents, long pants and sleeve to prevent mosquitoes and their bites.
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counterblogwise · 5 years
Looooooong weekend
My time at CWI has ended so quick after 1.5 months of intense work!
This was a weird time all in all, tons of work and great skills I've learned! Especially solving technical problems (also for my supervisors), handling the power tools, machinery and a looot of improvising and creativity!
My co-workers, supervisors and the chef for sure created one the most liberal and yet effective company I've worked for! Long shifts and extensive party held the balance.
So with sour muscles and a hangover I finally start into my "long weekend", as I am in Brisbane now, ready and wealthy enough to continue my journey!
Here again the best party caused moments:
*me, driving the car to work in the morning*
Coworker: bro, please stop as soon as possible, I'm throwing up!
- throws up two times one the way to work and 5 times at work
During lunch break, after a heavy night out:
*supervisor sits in chair and slowly fades away until he falls asleep and starts snorring*
Chef, also super hangover: alright guys pack the things, this doesn't make sense, we come back tomorrow! (which was Wednesday!)
Coworker to me:
Adrian, we need you to drill some super straight holes. I'd do it, but my eyes are too bad and Matt said he took too much acid to drill it straight.
After another heavy night out: coworker accidentally drives the car into our postbox. Other coworker crashes it over the street bumper, later gets stuck with the forklift in a container. Coworker: fck, I'm not ready for this shit, ay!
*me, discovering the big hole in the wall*: holy shit, how did this hole get in there? Coworker: Matt was on mushrooms one day and was convinced there were termites behind the wall, so he urgently checked it. (he found a snakeskin instead)
This moment when the van shows up at the construction site, the doors open and before anything else, a couple of empty beer cans and bottles roll out of the car.
Thursday morning, jumping into the car: good morning Matt, how are you? - Still drunk, how about you? - Same..
Coworker: if you need to keep your food cool, there is a fridge in the back of the van! Just throw it in there. Me, opens the fridge: the entire fridge is filled with beer, bottom to top!
Every mentioned name was just changed to Matt! Hope you had a good laugh on this post!
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certifiedpestie · 5 years
The Most Destructive Termites In SEQ
New Post has been published on https://www.certifiedhomeservices.com.au/the-most-destructive-termites/
The Most Destructive Termites In SEQ
Advice and identification on The Most Destructive Termites in SEQ
Subterranean termites or white ants are a highly destructive timber pest, causing severe structural timber damage to homes and buildings in South  East Queensland  
A CSIRO Survey says almost 1 in 3 buildings have termites within their property boundary and  homes are more at risk,  if there are well established trees within 100 metres of the Homes or buildings. The reason being termites nest in Trees, some have visible nests and others nest within the tree crown.
Termite Nests in trees is very common
The Most Destructive Termites in SEQ
Termite damage to all Australian homes and buildings has increased dramatically since  1995 mainly due to construction methods eg: Concrete slab on ground construction and the phasing out of the toxic organochloride chemical under slab treatments and With the increasing use of softwoods in construction and the drop in building standards. The increased use of landscaping timbers and fencing and the destruction of their habitat and food sources. So the pressures have increased on our homes and buildings.. Termites cause in excess of a billion dollars a year damage to homes, buildings and other structures.. This is the reason you cannot get insured against damage caused by these destructive pests.
In this post i will give a full list of our Most Destructive Termites in South East Queensland and ways for you to protect your Homes. Most Termites in Australia are Subterranean Termites, which means they live underground. To identify a termite specie we rely on the soldier termites as they are the most distinguishable as most worker termites are very hard to distinguish. Starting with Subterranean termites.
We can identify the termites only by the soldier which protects the colony
NUMBER 1.Coptotermes:
These guys may not be the most destructive but by shear numbers they cause the most damage to structures in Australia. Commonly found throughout Australia - and especially in south east qld along coastal and urban areas and usually where there is gum trees . Yes Gum trees (hardwood)
There are a number 0f different species of Coptotermes throughout Australia but these White ants Cause more Damage than all the other species because they are more widespread and are a very secretive termite and don't have visible nests. There are more destructive species in Australia and if they were more prevalent it would be disastrous to Australian Homes but we will get to them later. In this map the coptotermes are found within the orange, green and brown areas so as you can see they are quite adaptable in most climates.
Coptotermes are widespread
Damage Caused by Coptotermes
This home was a young couple who had only just bought this home , they were completely devastated.
This termite will cause rapid damage to homes if undetected and are usually only found by mistake when cleaning, renovating or doors fall off. Some people say they can hear them chewing at night ,but what they are hearing is the termites communicating warning each other . They do this by shaking their heads which makes a clicking sound...Check out the video below you can hear them.
    This Homeowner only discovered termites because her door fell off
To keep them away from your home it is advisable to keep your Termite Barriers up to date and get regular Termite inspections Done.. Click on this link to find out more ways to keep them away from your Homes..
  Number 2 Schedorhinotermes .
  Schedorhinotermes are one of SEQ most Destructive Termites
Areas Found in Australia: Commonly found in South East Queensland - Mainly along the entire coast line to just below Sydney.
Nest Locations -Very Similar to Coptotermes, Schedorhinotermes generally build their nests in tree stumps, in the root crown of the living, dead and dying trees They also nest in subfloors under houses or within any enclosed areas where timber has been buried or stored in contact with the soil.
This nest was found in the subfloor and it was massive
Identification of this species is relatively easy with the soldiers and when you first find them, you can often see a major soldier (6mm in body length) and a minor soldier (4mm in body length). If you see both it is an indication that the colony is mature and there could be millions of worker termites and they can destroy homes in as little as 12 months and sometimes in a shorter time.
Schedorhinotermes sub nest behind where the hot water system was.
This specie if it was more widespread would equal or surpass the damage caused by coptotermes. We have found them in a lot of homes in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Ipswich areas and have had homes with over $100,000 worth of damage caused and even beyond repair.
These termites caused 120k worth of damage to this home
We have had them destroy hardwood and Cypress framed homes , so don't  think you are safe if your homes are constructed from these timbers. In fact our Most destructive termites hardwood is their preferred food. Even steel framed homes are at risk because there is plenty of timber elements in them.
Nasutitermes 3 .
one of the easiest termites to identify
Areas Found: Commonly found in southern areas of Queensland and NSW, ACT, Victoria and Western Australia - Found in urban areas or where trees are highly prevalent. These guys have visible nests usually in trees and ground nests which makes it a lot easier to treat and to eliminate the colony. This is probably one of the main reasons why they don't get put in the same class as the other two.
Treating Termites with Bait
    Destruction - Nasutitermes can be very destructive to buildings ,homes and other timber structures if not detected. Sometimes severe damage can occur, but not so much as the nests are usually visible. We always advise to treat visible nests as this will take the pressure off your homes. I get told by a lot of people if we leave them alone they won't come to my house but this is not advisable as termites need to feed their ever growing colony and are always foraging around for new food sources and our homes and buildings are a smorgasbourg for them.
  Nests are easy to find and treat
Visible Nests is the main reason these guys aren't classed as a major Destructive Termite, but they can cause severe damage to home if undetected.
Heterotermes 4.
  Areas found:  found throughout South East Qld, NSW, the ACT, Victoria, and southern parts of South Australia and Western Australia - Mostly found in urban areas or where  trees are highly prevalent. This termite is hard to identify and can get confused with Microcerotermes but these guys aren't classed in the major destructive category.
Nest located by fence
Nest Location - Heterotermes  will build their colony nest next to stumps, logs and in trees or other timber in direct contact with the soil where some wood decay or rotting is present.
Destructive Nature - Heterotermes  are  destructive to damp timbers and are usually found attacking fences, poles and other timber structures that have wood decay from weathering or from being in contact with the soil. This species can be confused with the less aggressive and destructive microcerotermes  species.
Both these species are found attacking retaining walls fences and landscaping timbers that are decayed and they are a smaller termite compared to the major ones.
typical damage found with Heterotermes to fences, mainly damage decayed timbers
They can cause damage to homes but it is unusual to find major damage but does happen on occasions.
This is a common sign of Heterotermes in a home with mud leads through the drywall
We recommend they get treated when found in your yard as they can cause damage to your home.
This specie is known for having strange mud leads..I have seen them making leads to nowhere..
The Last but not least Number 5 Microcerotermes..
Typical Micro nest
  Very Similar to number 4 and our least destructive out of the subterranean termites but as mentioned above they can cause damage to decayed fences, landscaping timbers and retaining walls. Generally the colonies a small compared to the other species and if you find the nest they are real easy to treat. Micros Rarely attack homes and if they do they will take a long time to do any significant damage.
  Drywood Termites...
The native drywood termite.
These were found in the Wynnum Manly area
The native drywood termite Cryptotermes primus is found throughout coastal areas and is common in most areas settled before 1940. It attacks the dead wood of living trees and timber in our homes. Colonies have up to 200 Termites and less than 10 soldiers. These Termites aren't considered a major destructive termite. Soldiers are a creamy colour, 4–6 mm long with short, thick, dark heads. Alates (winged reproductives) are pale yellow-brown with wings. They can cause damage to house stumps, flooring, skirting boards,  support beams, furniture and fences. The local drywood termite is  common in the  house stumps.
West Indian Drywood Termite Cryptotermes Brevis.
Here is one of the worlds most destructive termites and they have landed on our shores. If we find them we must report them to DAF who take over and treat them. They are trying to eradicate this species because if they get a foothold in Australia it will be a disaster. I have only found them 3 times and all have been in the Manly Wynnum areas. They can literally fly into your home and start a colony as they dont need ground contact and they get all their food needs including moisture from the timber in your homes. An indication they are in your home is the presence of Faecal Pellets.
west indian droppings
Lets just hope they can get rid of these guys because they can cause some serious damage.
Mastotermes darwiniensis, some of the names they go by, giant northern termite, the super termite and Darwin termite, and it is mainly found only in northern Australia. It is the most primitive termite alive. They have been found a few times in SEQ but let's hope they don't make it to our homes in SEQ. And they are hungry blighters and will eat just about anything and have been known to eat rubber tyres, leather, hide, plastic or electrical cables and even bitumen. These guys are the reason there is hardly any crop farming up north. Well that's about it for our destructive termites and we all have to be Vigilant at keeping our homes safe from these destructive pests because they do not discriminate they will quite happily destroy any building given the chance.
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bugoutpest · 7 months
Termite Guys Brisbane
If termites are left untreated they can cause major damage to your home. Regular termite inspections help prevent the need for expensive repairs.
Look for discarded wings around windows or areas with indoor lighting. A swarm of winged swarmers could also indicate an active termite colony. To know more about Termite Guys Brisbane, visit the Bug Out Pest Control website or call 0426263320.
Termites are attracted to damp spots and a good termite control solution is a reticulation system. These are installed in residential and commercial buildings during construction.
Our termite pest control specialists offer quality, cost effective termite inspections. Our accredited termite inspectors strictly follow Australian Standards AS 3660.2-2000 for all termite inspections completed.
Unlike free “termite checks” offered by some companies, our professional termite inspections include visual checking of the interior of your home or building, accessible roof cavities and beneath the floor of your house. We also check for loose or damaged flooring boards and signs of timber decay as well as identifying areas around your property that need to be addressed to make your property less attractive to termites.
Located south west of Brisbane, Kenmore is made up of many newer medium density housing blocks and townhouses. Because of this we get lots of calls each month from Kenmore residents whose properties appear to be at risk from termite attack.
A termite treatment is needed to eliminate the termites and protect your home from further damage. Our licensed pest control technicians use a premium termite treatment called Termidor, which has an enviable reputation around Australia as the best product for long term residual protection.
Termites can cause significant damage to your property, often leaving extensive repairs and financial losses behind. Our team of experienced pest control professionals can quickly find and eradicate active termites with a range of high-tech equipment, including thermal imaging cameras.
Our Termite Inspections are performed in accordance with Australian Standards and include all safely accessible areas of the property within 50 metres of your home. We can also install a physical or chemical termite barrier to new homes, extensions and renovations, as well as reticulation systems (TermX Replenishment System) for ongoing protection of existing buildings and landscaping. Our reticulation system is designed to be easily installed during the construction phase, but can be retrofitted for existing buildings as well.
Physical termite barriers are a common option for new constructions and renovations. These are usually stainless steel meshes or granulated rock that are fixed around pipe penetrations and other areas where termites might be able to get in.
These prevent inconspicuous termite entry and also keep future infestations away from the property. They also help maintain the structural integrity of a home, which is crucial for its longevity.
Termite barriers can be chemical or non-chemical and are best done as part of a long term termite treatment plan. They should also be backed up with regular termite inspections and baiting stations.
We offer three types of termite barrier products; (Biforce) with the active ingredient bifenthrin, (Termidor) with fipronil and (Termidor) with hexachlorophene. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks. We will recommend the best one for your home based on a comprehensive termite inspection of the site and property. All termite barriers need to be installed by a licensed pest control professional.
Termites can cause extensive damage to the timber structure of your home. If they are left undetected, the result is costly and possibly catastrophic. Termite damage costs Australian homeowners over 1 billion dollars each year – more than fire and flood damage combined.
Regular Termite Inspections performed by our qualified professionals are the key to early detection and managing your termite risk. Our inspectors will conduct a full, thorough investigation of your property as per Australian Standards. This includes inspecting all safely accessible areas within 50 m of your home. To know more about Termite Guys Brisbane, visit the Bug Out Pest Control website or call 0426263320.
Termite reticulation is designed to prevent concealed termite ingress into homes and buildings. The system comprises of a series of slender pipes filled with termiticide which are positioned in the soil around the base of your home or building. The termiticide is then slowly released, saturating the soil and creating a protective barrier. When used in conjunction with a timber bait treatment, the termiticide provides effective long-term protection from invasive and destructive termites.
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