iloveabortions · 1 month
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Transparent chair by Jacqueline Terpins
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herdarkeyes · 1 month
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wintercorrybriea · 1 month
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jacqueline terpins
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monstermonstre · 10 months
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riflesparked · 2 years
Skylane has visited several continents and countries during her time on Earth, but few places ensnare her the way the rolling valleys and dark hollows of the Appalachain Mountains do.
Summer is the best time.
The cool dark of the deep forests in the evening is her favorite, when every bough is filled with the whistling calls of birds that bounce off the landscape and twist into more wild, stranger sounds. When the cacophony of tree frogs and crickets is deafening and endless. When the vegetation is so dense that not even a coyote can fit through it, so when she hears footsteps and the rustling of branches, she knows there is no danger. 
The frogs and snakes and lizards crawl up onto her plates for a high, warm place to perch while she bathes herself in the noise and peace. She doesn't mind. 
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aroraaromatics1 · 4 months
Peppermint Oil Manufacturers
Discover the finest Peppermint oil from Arora Aromatics, your trusted manufacturer. Experience unmatched purity and quality. Contact us today for more details!
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benchmarkbioponics · 1 year
Terpinator Advanced Nutrients
Terpinator is an advanced plant nutrient that increases aromatics and plant oils. It utilizes naturally occurring plant compounds and bio-osmotic potentiators to stimulate your plants to produce more terpinoids in the Aromatic Plant Oil glands. This will help protect and prolong the fragrance of your plants, herbs, flowers and fruit. It can be used in soil or hydroponics and can be added to any nutrient regimen.
Like Bud Candy, it can be added during all growth stages. The difference is that it can be used during the blossoming stage as well to increase terpene production, resulting in bigger, sweeter, and more flavorful buds. Unlike most liquid organic fertilizers, it doesn’t burn and can be applied in any growing medium. It also won’t affect your EC levels and can be mixed with any other plant nutrition.
The terpenes produced by your plant are genetically determined, and while you can artificially inflate the terpene profile of your crop with specific additives, it will not be true to your cultivar. By providing your plants the building blocks for increased natural terpene production, Terpinator will yield a terpene profile that is true to your cultivar.
Both Bud Candy and Terpinator are safe to use, but they are corrosive and should be kept out of reach of children and pets. They may cause skin irritation or stomach upset if swallowed. You should wear gloves when handling these fertilizers as they are fairly poisonous and can damage your skin if touched in large quantities.
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"Band-Aid Bandits" - Easy Company's Medics
Edwin Pepping and Albert "Al" Mampre were the self-proclaimed "Band-Aid Bandits."
When the regiment formed a medical detachment, Colonel Sink asked Mampre if he would like to be a medic. Mampre said yes and joined with Pepping. The two developed a knack for obtaining anything they needed without going through proper channels, calling themselves the “Band-Aid Bandits.” Both men considered medical training similar to what they learned in the Boy Scouts. The main difference: the medic candidates practiced giving shots to oranges. “I never ran into an orange in combat,” Mampre mused."
After Mampre and Pepping received their medical certifications, the regiment assigned a new lieutenant to toughen up the medics. He started off by teaching them to properly salute. In retaliation for the senseless exercise, Mampre lit a can of photo film on fire in his barracks. As smoke filled the room, Mampre ran outside to the lieutenant, shouting, “They’re trying to kill us!” The lieutenant went into the barrack and threw the burning can outside, telling Mampre, “I don’t think you’re gonna get killed.” 
While the training honed the men’s physical skills, it stimulated voracious appetites. One day, Mampre and his fellow medics caught the smell of fresh muffins wafting from the cook house. They found the tray of muffins and grabbed it, but not before the cooks grabbed the other end. The tug of war ended when the Military Police showed up and took down everyone’s names. “One guy said his name was ‘John Smith,’” explained Mampre, “another said ‘Terpin Hydrate,’ which means cough syrup.” Later, Mampre and his comrades snatched a line of milk bottles laid out for the battalion’s officers. “We were growing boys,” he defended, “we needed them.” The medics drank more than milk. They often drove to local watering holes in an ambulance. Mampre would sit up front with the driver and Captain Samuel “Shifty” Feiler, the dentist, between them. When they reached the bar, someone would shout, “Last one out buys!” and everyone poured out. Mampre and the driver made sure they opened their doors last, ensuring Feiler, stuck in the middle, paid.
Despite the intense training, the medics managed small rebellions. One medic, a cook, smuggled some local girls into a stable. Mampre and Lieutenant (Dr.) Jackson Neavles, the battalion surgeon, went to the stable where Neavles ordered the cook out. When he didn’t respond, they threw in colored smoke grenades. The girls ran out crying, their faces streaked with colors. “Those girls had to walk back to Swindon [about five miles away] like that,” said Mampre. The cook, on the other hand, refused to come out. Other medics had their own way of doing things. They dyed their hair with medicinal peroxide, turning them all blond or shades of red. When their hair grew back, leaving them with dual hair color, their British hosts did a double take. “They thought it was all the rage back in the U.S.,” said Mampre." 
Mampre also returned to his Band-Aid Bandit ways. He and some medics decided to steal an armoire from the upper story of an officers’ barracks. Mampre attached ropes to the armoire and was lowering it out a window when a lieutenant walked up and asked, “What are you doing?” Mampre told him he was trying to haul the armoire up to the room. Seeing that Mampre was about to be yanked out the window, the lieutenant told him to lower it and departed. Mampre and his buddies had a new armoire. 
In need of a shower, Mampre went into the officers’ shower but, while he was showering, an officer came in and asked, “Lieutenant?” When Mampre didn’t answer, the officer asked, “Captain?” Mampre finished, wrapped himself in a towel, and as he left said, “No. Staff Sergeant, but I’m clean.”
While there he saw some washing machines in crates. He “borrowed” one and had his fellow medics dig a square into the ground to hide it. The medics looked cleaner than the rest of the regiment. “Colonel Sink was wondering what was going on,” he said.
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katjapetersart · 8 months
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"Tamashanks the Railway Cat". OOAK resin collaboration between three other friends and I. Design by Cinder, modelled by TerPine, printed by MultiversalMonocle, finished, assembled, based and painted by me. Pictures by Studio Aiksas. The pole is 10cm without the circular base. Blender/Maya, resin, Greenstuff, Milliput, XPS foam, plastic lid. Vallejo primer, Vallejo/Citadel/The Army Painter paints. Micron pens.
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cosmicanger · 1 month
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jacqueline terpins
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guess who just got 4 grams of resin for $60 With the terpines
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dreamyclouds69 · 2 years
Why it's Really not Smoking Anything
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As if meth didn't have enough lies and misinformation to deal with, the fucking anti-smoking narcissists had to stick their noses in and claim that where there's fire, there's smoke. To all those real pioneers of junk science:
It's not smoke for fuck's sake! It's vaporized methamphetamine, so shut up! They won't shut up. Remember these are PhD's in junk science so they studied for about 10 years on how to make shit up to support their obsessive, unscientific, hair-brained ideas they picked up off TV or from a book called "Old Wives Tales." They claim that vaping (anything) is equivalent to smoking as far as its negative effects on the lungs. They also invented this enormous landfill of mistruth that tries to make inhalling vapor, as a route of administration, a brand new invention by Big Tobacco and a really bad, fictional drug dealer who kills children for sport, even though they never have.
The FACT is they've been administering drugs by vaporization for centuries even back to ancient Egypt. Asthma and most respiratory meds are delivered through vapor. The anti-drug cults don't care about your health because you vaporize something, just like they didn't care if you died from cigarettes. They only care about their own narcissistic egos, and when they decide that you should think how they think and do what they do, live how they live. Hell or high water can't stop these obsessive, neurotic, illogical, zealots from doing anything that they think could slander their target and help them achieve their goal. Which, by the way, isn't to solve any health problem or to be helpful in any way. It's to impose their will onto you and me.
(I'll try to keep the nerd stuff to a minimum.)
When something is burned, it produces smoke in most cases because it rarely ever burns completely. The process is called combustion, or a combustion reaction. You start with some kind of fuel, like gasoline or wood or cannabis, and then combine that with Oxygen and a source of energy sufficient to break some molecular bond and get the whole thing started on fire.
Combustion is a Chemical Reaction and it gives off energy as heat, and uses it to break down molecules and rearrange them into different compounds. You may start with some weed and a Bic lighter, but you finish with CO, CO2, aC (soot), and probably a few hundred other cannabinoids and terpines and the other numerous compounds in ganja. In between the Bic lighter stage and the dead bowl full of ashes stage, there is one common product: Smoke.
Smoke is a collection of tiny solid, liquid and gas particles. Although smoke can contain hundreds of different chemicals and fumes, visible smoke is mostly carbon (soot), tar, oils and ash. Smoke occurs when there is incomplete combustion (not enough oxygen to burn the fuel completely). In complete combustion, everything is burned, producing just water and carbon dioxide. (1.)
So, it's mostly sticky, water INsoluble shit that can collect in your lungs. Since our lungs are 80% water and there's not a lot of solvents running around, the shit stays around longer than is healthy. It is eventually kind of flushed out but not immediately like a water Soluble compound.
What is Soluble in water? Methamphetamine. Meth is also a bit unusual in that it's melting point and it's boiling point (or vaporization) are really close together. In other words, it can go from a solid, a shard, to a liquid, a puddle, to a gas, a cloud, all in about 63°F. Compare that to other substances and it's a very small variance. Take water, for example, it's 180°F. Many metals are thousands of degrees as well as regular salt too.
Starting with meth at room temperature in the "Solid State", it's heated to about 347°F where it turns into a "Liquid State". As the temperature rises, the individual molecules in the liquid get excited as the heat source is providing them more energy. However, energy is not uniform for every molecule so just under the boiling point of 410°, like 402-408°F, some of the more highly energized liquid molecules can make that jump to the final "Gaseous Stage", which is the cloud.
The compound, meth, never burns at the proper temperature. It's molecular structure makes it a very inefficient fuel so it will not combust at all while at these temperatures. Once you inhale the cloud, the gaseous, water soluble meth molecules go back to the liquid state as the temperature lowers, then the meth/water solution sits on the capillaries in the lungs and then passes through to the bloodstream. The water does not and is exhaled along with CO2 as part of the normal respiratory routine. It's possible that some excess meth wasn't utilized by the capillaries and it's also exhaled.
Let's review... No, let's not but I want to drive this point home. To all you anti-drug cultists, you obsessed narcissists, you displaced anti-smoking zealots, and especially you corrupt and ethically bankrupt, low IQ true miscreants in the Treatment Industry and at DEA,
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(1.) Bing; Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, University of Waikato, www.sciencelearn.org.nz
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silverwanderingcrow · 9 months
Top 5 horrible histories songs
Ohhh tough one
1: raf pilot song
2: Charles the second (party king)
3: dick terpin song
4: born to rule (4 king Georges)
5: Ra Ra Cleopatra
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Ethnocentrism harshly affects the media around the world. 
by Sofia Terpins
How does ethnocentrism affect supremacist views in the media around the globe? In modern days, the internet dominates the world, and in many ways affects the ideas and ideologies of every chronicle user. In this text I´m going to present the concept of ethnocentrism and give data to analyze how we can make it less present in our lives.  
Firstly, ethnocentrism is the use of one's culture to determine other people's way of living through a culturally biased point of view. When practicing ethnocentrism, we judge other cultures considering one, as the “right one” despite that this does not even exist. The social identity approach states that ethnocentric beliefs are caused by someone's strong identification with a culture, which not only does lead to a positive view of it, but also makes them denigrate other cultures. When someone has ethnocentric ideas, it can undoubtedly lead to racism and supremacist views. 
Secondly, when put in use, ethnocentrism can be extremely dangerous, for example: The text “how to beat stereotypes by seeing people as individuals” tell us a story of a black man who sowed members of the KKK how his culture is not how they think it is, because they were evaluating his people through supremacist eyes, not understanding how someone could live differently or have another skin color and the same intellectual capacity as them. In the end, he convinces over two hundred members of the organization to leave it because they realized that this view of minorities was wrong and biased. This text also presents an interesting idea, in which our mind creates mental shortcuts to navigate through the world, and they are called heuristics. Those, as well as helping us, can also lead us to make bad assumptions of other people, such as prejudice against anyone slightly different from us. 
Thirdly, In the media, most of the content is from the Global North, so Western ethnocentrism is more exposed in comparison to any other. We can identify this in movies, series, music, etc. Besides that, some of them portray other cultures as inferior or less intellectual than their own culture. For those reasons, experts have recommended that the way to defeat ethnocentrism is to block any stereotypes used in movies. An interesting study made in Malaysia by Jusang Bolong (2008) concluded that social media and the internet is resource to create solidarity, but, despite that, it can also lead to ethnocentrism, because, the Malaysian people, for example, are more inclined to 2 interact only with members of its own culture in the media, which creates a closed view of the world and other ideas. 
 Finally, in conclusion, ethnocentric views are extremely damaging to our society, because it leads to clear culture segregation and prejudiced cultural biased points of view. It can be identified in social media, and any type of internet content. We need to fight it by excluding any ethnocentric representation in such vias. The glorification of one's culture can´t, by any means, lead to the deterioration of other people's way of living, because it culminates in stereotypes and all the consequences mentioned.  
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womenscraftbeer · 2 years
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IT WAS A DAM GOOD DECADE I know you’ve already heard me congratulate our local @belchingbeaver on their 10 years, but I dawdled on cracking this special Anniversary Terps #ipa 🍺 Dam Good Decade Terps IPA uses aromatic floral notes from Terpenes. Plus hops of El Dorado, Simcoe & Mosaic! Definitely kinda cool! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for my friends at the Beaver! 🦫 Football Sunday seemed like the perfect time to sip this 6.9% tropical treat, and if I’m allowed to brag for a moment, right before this photo was taken, I strolled the beach barefoot on this perfect sunny day in Carlsbad 😎🌴 Happy Winter y’all 🌞 • • • • • • • • • • • #WOMENSBEERCOLLECTIVE #womenofcraftbeer #beer #craftbeer #beerporn #instabeer #beerstagram #beergeek #cerveza #cerveja #beertography #beernerd #beerlover #craftbeerporn #cheers #beers #beerme #beersnob #brewery #beertime #drinklocal #craftbeerlife #craftbeernotcrapbeer #craftbrew #drink #sandiegobeer #sdbeer #oceansidebeer #terpines (at Carlsbad, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLHT7hPYFe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thetriggeredhappy · 2 years
♫Every year we celebrate, with stupid hats and plastic plates, on the fact that you were able to make another trip around the Sun♫
♫Now the whole crowd gathers round, with Joys and laughter all abound, your family and friends all stand around to sing this stupid song♫
Dave? John? Sarah? Lacy? Jack? Conner? Jeramy? Claude? Ada? Terpin?...
(Family birthday song, hap birth)
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