#terra zaccarda
spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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@ziva-sims ‘s Jana at the Meteorites Meet ‘N’ Greet
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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It’s a dark, damp evening here in Bridgeport, but if you thought a little rain would stop Meteorites fans, you’re wrong. Tonight is the second evening of two one-off reunion shows- and the freaks are lining up, with dyed hair, ripped fishnets and heavy makeup as far as the eye can see.
A lot has happened since the last time the Meteorites played together. Most notably, Tea Meteorite’s coming out as transgender and subsequent gender transition, a revelation that divided the Meteorites’ fanbase. Tonight, though, everyone’s come together with one purpose. Rumours fly about the night before- whispers of blood, profanity, insanity, nudity. They weren’t wrong.
Support band The Pyromantics are obviously a little awestruck to be performing. This three-piece obviously owes a lot of their aesthetic to The Meteorites, but add enough misfits-esque bass chug and whoa-oh to stir things up a little. They finished with an enthusiastic cover of ‘Dig Up Her Bones’, firmly setting themselves as a crowd-pleaser. There’s big things ahead for this little group.
Then comes the main event. The venue plunges into complete darkness, the stage filling with smoke. The atmosphere is set with eerie soundbites ripped straight from 'The Exorcist’. The crowd mutters quietly, shuffling forward- before being blinded by the sudden stage lights. There’s a deep riff from Matt Mcloughs guitar, and suddenly the whole band (sans Tea) are onstage, instruments in their hands. The crowd howls as they launch into their back catalogue. They open with 'Scream and Sugar’; a few bars into the song ‘Miss Meteorite’ saunters her way onto the stage, dressed in little more than fishnets, black panties and electrical tape across her nipples. Her appearance works the room into a frenzy, screaming and yelling as the whole sea of people surges forward towards the stage. Meteorite is as vicious as ever, reanimating old tracks as she screams her way through them.
Despite the intensity of the place, when Terra Meteorite wants to speak, the crowd shuts up and listens.
“So I heard you didn’t think I could sing anymore?” she growls, “And I’ll say this right now. You think I’m any less capable now than before, just because I’m being true to myself, then you can go fuck yourself!”
She slams down the mic stand while the crowd roars in approval.
“It’s fucking amazing to see you all here again tonight, Bridgeport!”
With that they start up their next track.
Even with their lengthy hiatus, The Meteorites seem like a well-oiled machine. They’re no longer the collective wild-child of the music scene, but that seems to have led to good things. Of course, it isn’t perfect- but even if Terra misses a note, her voice is pure rock and roll. Meteorite owns the stage. She grinds and struts, her whole performance somehow unnerving and strange. A few more songs, and quiet falls once more.
“So… Bridgeport.. I was thinking…” She teases, suddenly and jarringly coquettish. “I used to be on stage without a shirt all the time. Nobody batted an eyelid…”
Grinning, she slowly peels the electrical tape from her nipples. The act is met with roar from the crowd, but I can’t tell if it was roused by her words. Perhaps Meteorite is making a political statement, but the look in her eyes makes it seem that it was the attention she was craving.
The music begins again, and chaos descends. The band are all dripping blood from their mouths as they strike up the next song, the Meteorites classic 'Cyanide’. During the course of the song, Tea douses herself in fake blood, rubbing it over herself and grinding against the floor. It doesn’t take long before the stage looks like a set from Carrie. At some point, Meteorite loses her panties and takes to stage in nothing but a pair of fishnet tights and combat boots- and even those are lost in interludes between songs.
Soon Tea is fully nude and alone on the stage. 'The Exorcist’ excerpts are back, but this time we’re treated to a looping 'Let Jesus fuck you’ while some deep and distorted guitars growl away in the background. Strobe lights flash as she (hopefully) pretends to pleasure herself with a crucifix. It’s suddenly glaringly obvious why this show is both strictly 18+ and being held only at drummer Jacky Splatter’s own venue.
Darkness falls once more, briefly, before the band return to play a 5 song encore. Terra has disappeared- Matt Mclough takes her place on vocals as the band perform a 'Chainsaw Syndrome’ track. Zacharie Libby  from The Pyromantics makes a reappearance, adding rhythm guitar and some more backing vocals to the mix. The rest of the show contains some firm fan favorite tracks and a clothed Tea Meteorite who wastes no time getting the new guy on stage good and bloody. As the last chords of the last song ’ Bats of a feather’ ring out, Meteorite begins to smash her mic stand against the stage and is quickly joined by bassist Joey Glast who cleanly breaks the neck of his bass in two. The crowd are treated to a destructive rock and roll display as the band trash their instruments and toss out guitar picks. Tea drops from the stage, setting herself up behind the barriers and she shares out blood covered set lists, hugs, handshakes and broken pieces of instrument with the front row of the crowd.
As the band leave, their fans reaching desperately towards them, haunted house sounds blare over the PA system. It takes a moment for reality to descend, but I’m sure that many of them- including myself- were wondering what dimension they’d been in for the past evening.
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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@white-enamel ‘s Morgana at the Meteorites Meet ‘N’ Greet.
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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Almost nothing had changed. Terra perched on the edge of a chair in the basement green room of Club Cerberus. Her foot tapped nervously against the floor, her leg shook. Her body ached from the night before and her stomach twisted in knots. Battered shins from the stage, purple bruises trailing down her neck and a busted lip, from begging the fan she had fucked last night to hit her so she could feel something.
The Meteorites sat sprawled across sofas, their backs almost turned away from her, laughing about things she had never been a part of. Maybe they all looked a little older, more wrinkles around their eyes and across their foreheads. Aged not just by the past drug taking, drinking and heavy metal lifestyle. But from life, from relationships, from being a father.
Their voices all melded into one, they rang inside her ears.  Her eyes fixed on Jack, towering over the others. He seemed to grow larger as she shrunk away to nothing. Muscles bulged on his tattooed arms, large hands making the bottle in them look miniature. Last night had been the first of two after show parties and the alcohol had been flowing freely from behind the bar. Terra didn't remember too much, but what she did remember she wished she didn't. Jack's giant hand around her bony wrist. 'You broke me, Tea.' She had wanted to scream that he broke her, that she had been so desperate for a way out.
Tap tap tap. Her nails against the desk, her foot against the floor. They don't like you Terra. Well yes, she knew that. Feeling that the whole world hated her. She had become a monster. Her thumb touched against the screen of her phone, sliding to the side to unlock it. She didn't need to look at the pictures her thumb was automatically moving to find. They were burned into her brain, all she could see when she closed her eyes. But god she just had to see his face, even though the ache of of losing him, of abandonment, burned inside her chest so hard she couldn't breathe. She just wanted to see Luca, to see her and him happy, imagine no time had passed. Imagine she wasn't here. The tip of her thumb rubbed over his face on the screen. What a disappointment she had become.
The green room door opened a little too heavily, banging into and bouncing back from the bright green wall right behind it. There was a split second of silence that seemed to last forever as everyone's head turned to the door and upon seeing Antonio there, turned straight back again.
“Who is that woman with the green hair?” His voice was brash, his hand gesturing over one side of his head as he looked to Terra. Pulling a chair across the room, the legs scraping loudly over the linoleum floor.
“I say I am here to see Terra and that i am here last night,”' he continued, hands flying up in exasperation. “Yet she wishes to ask me so many questions.”
He clicked his tongue in disapproval. Terra said nothing, just quickly placing her phone screen side down on the table.
“You did not come home last night,” leaning down he slid a hand through the back of Terra’s bleached white hair, kissing the top of her head. Immediately Terra pushed him away, pulling his hand out of her hair, moving away from the kiss. She couldn’t bear to have him touch her. She didn't deserve or want his affection. Tony shrugged a little as he sat down, ever resilient to Terra’s recent new found anger towards him.
Terra felt like everyone in the room was staring at her and Antonio, silently judging her. She could feel their eyes even when she looked up from her knees and their backs were turned.
“...Ah. I see where you were.” Tony hadn't stopped talking, he gestured to the bruises on her neck. “Will you cover them or is that part of your 'look' tonight?”
He chuckled to himself even when she didn't respond. Talking to Terra was hard, but he knew if he didn't try no one else would make the effort.
“Anyway…” He continued, “will I get to meet the elusive Mr DeSilva tonight or…?”
Terra blocked him out. Tonight was her last obligation, she would keep her promise and then.. well, then nothing. Nothing left to live for. Stop your suffering, end it. And don't fuck it up this time. Living without Luca, without Giovanni, was so painful it felt impossible. He didn't want her, she could never have that back.
Part 2
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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‘This is what you did with the million dollars I gave you?’ Terra questioned with a raise of her brow. Her thin fingers wrapping around the mic stand, rocking it back and forth against the floor. It had been a long time since she’d stood on a stage but it felt familiar. Jacks club looked like every other club she’d ever played in back in her days fronting the band. Miserable looking with all the lights on, the floor a little sticky underfoot.
‘I never wanted your money.’ Jacks hand clenched into a fist, his top lip curled. She was already pushing his buttons. ‘You were just trying to pay off your guilt... Did it work?’
Terra turned around as she shook her head. Stepping away towards the drum kit at the back of the stage, fingertips dancing over drum skins, round the edges of golden cymbals. Distracting herself.
Jack couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was like a stranger wearing the skin of the person he’d once loved. The tattoo dedicated to him, stretched across her protruding collar bone. His eyes slid over her, the white bleached hair hanging down her back, every one of her ribs pushing against her thin pale skin.
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
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Limited Meteorites meet and greet packages are still available for their two dates in @ Club Cerberus, Bridgeport. 24th and 25th March.
(This is a last call to get a sim of yours in my game hanging out with the band. I’ll take pictures <3 One sim per person. Sim must be provided in .sim form and you must provide a folder or working links to ALL necessary CC, including clothes! I will use my default eyes.)
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