#terugerine answers
orenjibot · 10 months
5, 10, 11, 23, 29 :3c
ask meme
5. favorite form of potato
mashed and fries (i accept any fry form like french fry, waffle fry, and curly fries, etc.)
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
orange juice!
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
I have a really old Bijou (from Hamtaro) plush and a Mickey Mouse (specifically Wizard Mickey) that I still have! They are quite dirty though! haha!
It's not all I have but just a few things from my childhood! These are one of the oldest things I own.
23. do you wear jewelry?
I don't usually because I start stimming when I wear bracelets and rings lmao
I do have a necklace I'm wearing right now for some feng shui stuff to protect me for the coming year.
I can't wear earrings though because my ears are really sensitive to metal.
ALL THAT SAID THOUGH, I do want to wear jewelry more or just someday wear it some more
29. preferred pasta noodle?
UHH... Good question. Maybe the twisty kind, macaroni, and angel hair pasta (its just spaghetti pasta but thinner but it reminds me of rice noodles).
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orenjibot · 2 years
Sticks this note right in here: Do any of your oc’s have anything they’re self conscious about and if so, do they have ways to feel less conscious about themselves? (Example as in like appearances or the way they talk or even having a favorite hobby or interest!)
omg thank u for the ask!!!
I do have a handful of OCs but I'll talk about one!!
My arknights doctor oc, Quinn (linking u my incomplete gdoc for them by the way, best viewed in pc), in the past before they lost their memories and also before they went through the worst depression of their life (their life is very tragic), they actually got very self conscious about their naturally messy hair and would try to make sure their hair never gets too messy by trying to straighten it with a hair iron. It actually gets worse when the weather is hot and humid.
Of course, it still bothers them even now but they're so busy that they don't really have much time to fix their hair.
Random fun fact: surprisingly their hair never gets tangled up despite it looking like a huge mess and actually looks like a sea anemone when submerged in water
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