filthy-reckless-rp · 4 months
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Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of your Raquel Hernandez! I'm so excited to see this darling on the dash and can't wait for Jenny/Zeke/Raquel to get together!! As ever, please do send your account when you're ready <3
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filthy-reckless-rp · 9 months
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Congratulations Kit! You have been accepted for the roles of Agnes Andrews and Gabriela Archibald! I'm so, so, excited to see you play both of these characters! Your bios were excellent, hitting me right in my heart and eliciting some audible gasps! I can't wait for all the chaos and calm these two'll bring and all the joy having you join us will <3 Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 8 months
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Congratulations Kit! You have been accepted for the role of Jessica Knightly! As I should be getting to bed... I'll sum up my excitement with a big, whopping, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaw!! Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit <3
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filthy-reckless-rp · 9 months
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Congratulations Kayleigh! You have been accepted for the role of Scottie Takeda! I can sum up my feelings and excitement with a big, ole, yeeeeeeeeehaw! Let's gooooooo!! Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 1 year
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Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of Kelly Xu-King! I'm so excited to have Kelly on the dash-- the extended Xu-King family threads alone are going to be *chef's kiss*! I'm playing the Grey's Anatomy theme song for Kelly to make her double door entrance as our resident, badass, doctor too. We can't wait! Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit when ready too.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 1 year
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(A very special--) Congratulations Jo! You have been accepted for the role of Phoebe Walker! You will hear me screaming about this for the rest of time, friends!! For those who don't know, Jo is the originalTM, #founding, admin of this RP and an icon! Your app was gorgeous (and has my heart full of nostalgia) and ah! The secret. I'm literally buzzing to have you back on the dash-- welcome home <3 Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 1 year
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Congratulations Ryan! You have been accepted for the role of Ceren Çelik-Montgomery! *Brings out the boom box* I’m so excited, da da da, and I just can’t hide it!! I absolutely loved your gorgeous app for Ceren and can’t wait to see you bring her to life on the dash. The #unholytrinity-pluslogan is finally complete, the sun is shining down on us!
Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 1 month
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Congratulations Naomi! You've been accepted to play one of my absolute fave characters, Joy Greenaway! The 'FNB' family can't wait to have their shining star return. A big yeeeeeeeeeeehaw for you and Joy!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 7 months
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Congratulations Kayleigh! You have been accepted for the role of Asha Knightly! I can't wait to see your fabulous, ray of sunshine, 'no (sparkly heart)', queen on the dash <3 Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of your OC Eleanor Rose! I can't wait to see this sweetheart on the dash and all you'll do with her <3 'Gossip Girl' is buzzing!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 9 months
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Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of Louise Thomas-Bass! I was so excited to see your app in the inbox and I can't wait to have our fabulous Louise on the dash. The NJBC's arms are wide open to welcome her to the devious little family <3 Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 11 months
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Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of Latife Levent! What an absolute treat to see in the inbox!! I'm so excited to have Latife on the dash, she is one of my favourite messy Upper East Siders who live for drama. I can't wait to plot with her <3 Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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Congratulations Naomi! You have been accepted for the role of Baby Beaumont! I’m sooo excited you decided to app for her and you’ve hit the nail right on the head and more for her. An absolute sweetheart, I can’t wait to see her interact with everyone on the Upper East Side. (Especially bestie Sophia!!). Also, not me now thinking about the Baby x Parker break up scene on repeat, thank you.
Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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Congratulations Beth! You have been accepted for your character of Mackenzie ‘Kenzie’ Li Melchior! I’m sooo excited to see your silver screen legacy in action. It was a joy to read your para sample and I can’t wait to read every little headcanon about Kenzie. She will fit right into the Upper East Side (and you know we’ll be throwing the whole ‘Friday Night Bites’ team at ya!). As if Beth knows my siren song, she’ll be looking for a potential love triangle plot among other things, of course! Without further ado, welcome to the RP Beth!!
Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. I’ll send you over the OOC blog link once you’re ready. We also have a Discord group for members- if you would like to be added just let us know!
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filthy-reckless-rp · 6 years
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Congratulations Beth! Blair Waldorf is all yours. We love the way you see her character, the way you really know her, and it’s clear the group will be better with you in it. As Serena’s player I have to say I’m over the MOON about how you see the relationship between the two, and I’m sure Paige feels the same about Blair and Nate’s relationship. Just based on your para sample I can already tell you know her inside and out. Can’t wait to start roleplaying with you!
Please send your account in within 24 hrs. If you need more time just let us know! Remember to open your ask and submit. We also have a Whatsapp group for members; if you would like to be added just let us know. Finally, we currently have an event going on. All the information can be found here if you would like Blair to participate!
*FC change to Danielle Camp has been accepted*
—Admin C
Name: Beth
Age: 25
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: EST
Do you have any triggers?: RFP
How active are you? (Please describe in words): Right now, I’m a barista, and I run one roleplay, and that is the limit of my commitments. I’m on tumblr 99% of the time and usually log in every other day at least, if not every day for replies.
How did you find out about us?: some of your homies aka Paige and Katy <3
What made you apply?: I love Blair! She’s one of my favorite characters of all time, so powerful and strong and intelligent, yet so misguided in how she uses that. The show was so fun and full of ups and downs, and I’d love to be able to explore that world in my own writing.
Canon Application:
Character Name: Blair Cornelia Waldorf
Why do you want this character?: Blair Waldorf and I go way back. Before the show was even a thought in the minds of network execs, I was reading the old school Gossip Girl books, becoming well acquainted with this demon of a lady. I related to Blair in many ways; the one that really struck a chord was the relationship she had with Serena. Always coming in second place, which left her in a tough spot: loving the stuffing out of her best friend, but being fed up with never getting where or what she wanted. The more I read about Blair, the more I understood her and empathized. I rooted for her, and I took to the parts of her that I understood best. Those I didn’t, I adopted into my own personality until I did. I was ecstatic when the show came around, and couldn’t have been more pleased with Leighton Meester and her golden portrayal of the character who had become one of my best friends. I fell away from the show during season two, when that teacher gave Blair a B and then cut her dream of Yale into little pieces (it was way too painful to watch my girl suffer like that, y’all!), but eventually went back and finished. Although the books and the show went different ways, the essence of Blair always remained, as has my love of her. BASICALLY I just love Blair and miss having her in my life. <3
Any changes? (If you wish to change an FC please discuss it with us, off anon, beforehand): I’d love to use Danielle Campbell if that’s okay!
Wanted connections?: I’m open to anything and everything! I believe Serena and Nate are an item now in the rp, so I’d love to chat with their players and get a feel for where her relationships with them stand before I move forward with everyone else. But outside of that, I’m good with anything! (Even if Blair isn’t lol. ALL THE MORE FUN!!!)
Character’s birthday: November 15 (WHICH IS ALSO MINE!!!!)
3 virtues and 3 flaws, explaining each:
+ ambitious: Once Blair Waldorf sets her eyes on something, she’s bound to get it. Why? Not through luck or crossed fingers. No, Blair Waldorf works hard for what she wants. The concept might be laughable to those who don’t know her well. After all, Blair is privileged, both financially and socially. While the upper hand she was born with does have its perks, Blair is well aware that she won’t be guaranteed anything. She’s not the only one with privilege galore, and sometimes, that means finding another way to stand out. That means fierce determination, and using the gifts she was given to spin her own web.
- manipulative: One of the many gifts Blair has been given is her ability to manipulate. It’s not her greatest gift, nor is it the most helpful, but it’s one that comes to her most easily. Lying, scheming, twisting circumstance in her direction— Blair’s capable of pulling off all of the above, and with gold stars as rewards for just how well she does them. Most of the time, though, her efforts end up backfiring in her face. Blair might have learned that hard work is key, but next will (hopefully) come the lesson of channeling that hard work into the right place. For now— Well, what would Gossip Girl have to talk about if it wasn’t for Blair’s scheming, anyway?
+ independent: Although there are moments that Blair resents her mother for the affection she seems to show every important thing in her life but her own daughter, she’s at least grateful for the important trait it gave her: independence. The Upper East Side might be posh and glamorous, filled to the brim with people who are well taken care of by others – whether it be their parents, their spouses, or their ancestors – but money and power only go so far if you don’t know how to use them. Her mother might not be as present as Blair likes, but those long years of keeping herself on top of her homework assignments and planning grocery lists for Dorota have at least resulted in a self-sufficient girl who’s ready to head out into the world.
- insecure: Just because Blair is confident in her ability to get by doesn’t mean she’s confident in everything. The lower layers of Maslow’s hierarchy might have been easy to master, but she struggles about halfway up (although what teenager doesn’t?) She’s independent, sure, but what about her is so wrong that her mother can’t be bothered to check in every now and again? If Serena’s got the power to captivate her mother (and Nate, and Gossip girl, and everyone else), then clearly Blair’s missing something, isn’t she? What if Yale’s looking for that special x factor she’s never been able to find? What if—
+ loving: *EATING DISORDER CW* Blair knows too well how terrible it is to be made to feel like a C-lister by the people most important to you. She tries to never do that to those close to her—at least, not if they don’t deserve it. To her inner circle, Blair is supportive and consoling. She’s never missed one of Nate’s lacrosse games, and even when Serena is commanding more attention from him than Blair can stand, she’s there with a pint of ice cream and the ingredients to whatever Serena’s favorite cocktail recipe is that week if she’s having a hard time (she’s even so kind as to wait until she gets home to purge her share). If you’re on her good side, you’re practically guaranteed copious amounts of love and support from Blair. At least until she deems you unworthy of it.
- jealous: Blair puts her loved ones so high up on a pedestal (though they do come falling down quite often), and she expects the same. When she isn’t given the same amount of attention, affection, or support she shows another person, she takes this as a heavy blow—especially when there are others getting the love she deserves. In Blair’s eyes, no one works as hard as she does. No one cares as much as she does. And if that’s true, then who deserves more attention or recognition than her? No one, that’s who.
If you don’t get this character, who would be your second choice?: I’d be down for just about anyone. SEND ME YOUR RECS!
Para Sample: *def not hc-ing this as having happened or god-moding or anything; just thought it would be a fun way to explore her insecurities with Serena! so sorry if Serena is OOC in this D:*
Blair had gotten her first fake ID when she was fourteen years old.
She still remembered the thickness of the plastic between her fingers, down to the millimeter. It was different than the card they’d given her at Constance Billard; she wasn’t sure if that was a good sign, or a bad one. Would that be something the bouncers would look for? Would it be a red flag? She remembered looking nervously at her picture, tiny and bright with blush and lipstick that she’d caked on to look older. While Serena had fluttered around her closet, deciding on an outfit for the big night, Blair had frowned at her clownish looking picture, nervousness caking the lining of her veins like cholesterol as the hour drew closer. If she didn’t have a panic attack by the time they got into the club opening, she would absolutely have a heart attack instead.
The line went on forever, rounding the corner to the next block. Great. She could already hear her heart beating in her ears, thunderously loud. By the time they made it to the front of the line, it would drown out the music inside.
“Oh, no, We’re not waiting in this!” Blair thought that confusion was almost worst, at least until they came face to face with one of the three bouncers and she realized what Serena was doing. She quickly narrowed her eyes and tried to put on a brave face, but she thought she saw one of the bouncers watching her knees quake together. “Excuse me, sir, but—”
“Twenty-one and up,” the bouncer smirked. Serena presented her ID proudly. All three of the bouncers had crowded together at this point—more so to get a look at Serena rather than her flamboyantly falsified identity. “Alright. You can go on in.” The crowd behind them groaned as the second bouncer allowed Serena through the velvet rope ahead of them. “But you—”
“I look just as old as she does!” It was a stupid thing to say, possibly the stupidest, but Blair couldn’t take it back. Instead, she shoved her ID under the bouncer’s nose. “Twenty-two.”
The bouncer opened his mouth again without even looking at the card—
“She’s with me,” Serena said, grabbing Blair by the wrist and pulling her past the rope before anyone could argue. “Someone’s got to make sure I get home in time for Philosophy 300. Thanks, guys!”
As Blair sipped on her martini at the very same bar Serena had slipped her into all those years ago, her frown was far more sour than the drink. She tried to remember the last time Serena had given her something rather than taken it away— But as she thought about it, that was all she could come up with. Her mother, her friends, Nate— Blair pushed her martini back and swung her purse over her shoulder. She’d taken this place, too: she’d tainted it with her memory. What would be next? Yale?
“Taxi!” Blurs of yellow bullets sped past her on the shockingly empty New York street. Blair pounded her heel into the cement and screeched. “TAXI!” One halted in front of her immediately. Pleased with herself, Blair bounced into the backseat of the car, high on a newfound independence. How silly it was to think she needed Serena to get what she needed.
She was Blair Waldorf, after all. She just had to remember that.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 7 years
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Congratulations Jo! Hazel Williams is all yours. Honestly what can I say except eeeeeeeeeeh. We’ve waited so long for you to come back to us, and it’s finally happened (and with a brilliant take on a fan-fave character, too, how lucky are we?)! Paige and I are so so glad to have you back, and we can’t wait to see where you take Hazel and what wonderful things you do with her.
*FC change to Dove Cameron has been accepted*
Please send your account in ASAP and you know the rest.
---Admin C
Name: Joana (Jo)
Age:26 (old af)
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: GMT
Do you have any triggers?: nada
How active are you? (Please describe in words):not as active as I’d like. For sure! But I promise i’ll try my best. 6/10
How did you find out about us?: you know how ;)
What made you apply?: I really miss roleplaying… and this is the perfect fit for me. It just is.. i didn’t even think about applying elsewhere. I’m yours.
Canon Application:
Character Name: Hazel Williams.
Why do you want this character?: She’ll be my comeback character. I need her apparent simplicity, and flirtatious nature to make this return feel natural, but at the same time she has so much space to grow that it keeps me very excited. I just want a character that fits my rp life like a glove and she’s exactly it. She’s spontaneous, but restrained; flexible but conservative. She’s a walking antithesis… and that’s a big deal for me! She’ll be interesting to develop with my own vision of how a girl that had everrything growing up deals with highschool, friends, relationships, aspirations, and ultimately… rejection.
Any changes? Can i change the FC to Dove Cameron? She looks younger, more naive and I think she’d fit Hazel wonderfully.
Wanted connections? Nothing for now, besides the known ones. I know she’ll throw herself to everything that moves that has a pedigree, so…
Character’s birthday: October 2nd
3 virtues and 3 flaws, explaining each:
loyal - Hazel knows loyalty; specially to herself. She puts her feelings and aspirations first and always pursues what she wants. Even so, she knows her place in the chain of command and respects it like no other. Her father was in the navy and if there’s one thing she learned from him was respect and loyalty to those who are superior to her and help her achieve her goals.
Elegant - She’s an UESer to the core. She knows how to properly walk, talk and carry herself. In Constance, the looks are everything and Hazel knows how to play her angles and talk smoothly like any other girl who ever used the crown. She knows she’ll never get there and she’s okay with it. There’s no need to ruin her perfectly combed hair for a cat fight.
Smart - Hazel’s the definition of street smart, if there’s an Upper east side version of it. She couldn’t care less about knowing french flawlessly, but she does know how to negotiate with her friends to make sure she gets to wear the most gorgeous dress in the store. She’s scheming and manipulative but she considers it a strength. It’s the only way people in this world will take her seriously without any ivy league university behind her.
Selfish - Isn’t this the most heard flaw in Manhattan? Most probably… but Hazel reeks of it, any way. She doesn’t want much. But what she does want… she gets it. She’s the centre of her universe and hopefully of others as well. She craves attention, and diamonds and pretty things; and daddy gives it all.
Slow - A lot of people thinks of Hazel as a “slow” girl. In her mind, she has time for everything. That includes studying and getting to classes on time (which she never does). She’s also very narrow minded and distracted, and that only makes it harder for her to understand people’s intentions and thoughts.
forgettable - This is Hazel’s biggest insecurity. If you pay close attention, she’s always trying to be memorable, to make an impact, but she fails regularly. She ends up being the 3rd most beautiful girl in her circle, or being ditched by a boy who just thought Blair looked at him.This is the flaw Hazel worries about the most. She doesn’t care about her big list of “bad labels”… she just wants to be known for something; and this usually goes south.
If you don’t get this character, who would be your second choice?:
Para Sample (A couple of paragraphs, as the character you’re applying for):
The room was silent, dark. Hazel still had her crimson headband making pressure behing her ears and she was just lying on top of her bed, waiting for Paulette to call her for dinner. The day wasn’t the best, to say the least. Blair made her run some errands for her spring party and distracted Hazel, yet again, didn’t perform as expected. Meh! She dropped the coffee order before first class on her way to the Met steps and everyone laughed, as usual. Obviously, Hazel shrugged and made it look like it was someone else’s fault, but Blair knew. She looked at her like she would look at a lost puppy: with sheer pity and scorn. And that was only the start.
In the middle of first term, Professor Anne decided to ask her about French Revolution!! Why again?
“That was like… five hundred years ago, and in another continent. Why should I know anything about it? I saw Les Miserábles, though. The red haired guy was cute.”
-And then it goes again: the laughter from half the class, the strong eye roll from the teacher and yet another “little note” to her parents. Thank God she knew how to make sure they would never know about its existence. Hazel just wanted to die! That was totally not the way she wanted to get noticed around the school, even though everyone knew she had other virtues.
During the rest of the day she just stood there. She had a cleansing juice for lunch, another two hours of math and ricardo to pick her up after school. Now there was just a few more hours to go and a dull dinner with mom and dad. Hopefully she could squeeze in a bath but only time would tell. For now she’s just going to keep looking at the ceiling as if the French revolution would just pop out of there.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 7 years
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Congratulations Maya! You’ve been accepted to play the devious dreamer Penelope Shafai. I honestly don’t even have the words to describe how much we loved your app--mainly because the whole thing blew us away! You really have a fantastic grasp of the character and her motivations, and we can’t wait to see you bring her to life the way she deserves. Your para sample was BEAUTIFUL and all the descriptions had us in tears. We are so glad you applied here! Hashtag Blessed.
Please send your account in within 24 hrs. If you need more time just let us know! Remember to open your ask and submit. We also have a Whatsapp group for members; if you would like to be added just let us know.
---Admin P
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