#tfw you feel there is something wrong with things and you use 3d models and like
perelka-l · 1 year
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Natural conclusion of my thoughts. Supposed to be a warmup but I failed horribly.
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randomnameless · 6 years
Reactions to the interview under the cut
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TBH, I though i was reading a certain manga, but no. So, apparently, Arvis was afraid that making an ambush on a defenseless man wasn’t sufficient, and he Deedee-baited him out of guard to win.
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This part about the Dozels, Lex is supposedly a misfit in his family, but then all of his nephew sort of take after him, as in, aren’t raging douchebags.
Actually, Lex was the first modern Dozel? The others (Danan/Langbalt) were old Dozels?
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The reason why she turned into the most badass parental figure in the next game
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You hear the man, FE5 was going to be on SNES
and fig this N64 thing or 3D models
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This is where we’re not going to be on the same train of thought - no one is completely evil for the sake of it, but women can’t because “women!”??
Real world history, the killing of women is something that doesn’t happen so much even in real life? Are we living in the same world? I guess Marie-A from wonder France didn’t really lose her head, or something...
And again, Hilda is the “very definition of villainous”, “an evil witch” and all...
We killed her son gfdi, for sure it doesn’t lessen the impact of her participation in the child hunts, but damn it, we’re in Genealogy of the HW, of course children want to avenge their dads, and dads/moms want to avenge their kids. Like, iirc, Hilda is the only parent to lose a child, as opposed to everyone else who lost a parent, right?
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fig it, he’s the plainest prince of Persia a barbarian country we invaded for no good reason and we will never give it back to him
Jamke illustrates everything wrong with Granvalle in the first gen, but sure, he is plain.
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Major Naga heroine who is the only one who can get rid of Loptyr? What am i talking about, Falchion is a sword, not a sentient, human being!
OTOH what does he mean by “heroine”? Someone who’s heroic but with tiddies, or someone who supports the hero?
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hahaha, the epilogue said i played 66 hours, but i actually took nearly 3 years to finish the game!
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TFW Kaga himself says Edain has no respect for Azelle :’(
OTOH, yay for man-woman romances!
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... something something awakening something Tharja’s daughter
OTOH, I can’t see anyone else fitting this description.
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This is something I felt as I was playing, even if “many people” in the second gen was only “Seliph and Seliph post-F!Lewyn infodumping on what he should think”.
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Maybe the reason why a certain manga ended after Arvis’ defeat?
And you’re not supposed to be able to fight the evil dragon without Falchion even for laughs.
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I firmly believe that Seliph, put in Siggy’s shoes without a draconic advisor would have failed, maybe not the scene where he marries a woman he met once, but failed to see what Arvis and the other Granvallians were planning.
Sad thing, Sigurd was a knight during a time of peace/pre-war. Seliph is a man taught to be a King, during times of war.
We can’t compare them.
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And this is this foreshadowing chapter that everyone loved, as opposed to Seliph’s which is just... there.
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Big Meh here for Travant.
F!Lewyn be damned (seriously), Travant’s brand of justice is no different than F!Lewyn’s own brand if we talk about doing questionnable things for the greater good (Ishtore? Getting involved in Thracia only to put Leif on the Throne and getting rid of the Dain line?).
Travant is a “crass” person, alright, but he still wanted food for his people and honestly, I can’t really agree with the “no other way to be killed”.
I don’t know what happened for FE5 to see the day, and for Kaga to go back on those words, but in FE5, I could “see” Leif kind of working with Travant to get rid of the Loptyr goons or something, because FE5!Leif understands that the Thracians are in deep shit thanks to his dad and his grandpapa. Leif’d still hate his guts, but he managed to swallow his pride and ask Hannibal for his help in the game.
FE4!Leif only wants revenge, and will crush Thracia with an iron fist, before becoming the King of the united peninsula, with the people’s approval, of course!
So hm, yeah? I wonder if there is a Kaga interview about FE5.
Naesala is a modern Travant, but in the end, he doesn’t die, he can even get married to his heron!
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Azelle also felt suffocated by Deedee’s Loptyr blood? Is it a side effect of the Loptyr blood, or Kaga forgot about Deedee, or Azelle had to find an excuse to be scared of his bro?
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Falchion has some backstory?
Seriously, this is the reason why, despite the game making it possible for Seliph/Ares to kill Julius, Julia is the only one who can/should kill him.
Like, she’s a Falchion so of course she can do it, but also, she is the only sibling Julius had, blood relations be cursed. She is the only one to remember her bro, the only one to call out Loptyr on his possession.
Julia and Julius shared a bond (because they’re twins?) as siblings who grew up together, it’s normal that she’s the only one from the family to put him out of his misery.
and then depressive post!war!Julia happens
FE5 happened, so a chunk of this is not up-to-date, but seeing the different intentions of Kaga while making the game and what the fans managed to see while playing it is really telling.
Kaga managed to make his grandiose game, but Siggy’s story is the part everyone loves whereas it was supposed to be a glorified prologue - I am not okay with Hilda supposed to be Hans&Iago tier of being evil for the sake of it.
Arvis’ plan was shaky so he used Deedee to be sure to kill Siggy... I’m very disappointed here.
Edain doesn’t respect her husbands, it’s wonderful compared to her sister who has abandonment issues and wants recognition from her men - they’re twins but they’re complete opposites!
Lex being the only good Dozel...
The Prince of the land we trampled and called savage for no good reason, where people like to rape/pillage/burn whatever they can is a random, and we’re not supposed to care about Persia (which is a shame because anyone who played Civilization or who’s knowlegeable on the subject will tell you that Persia wasn’t a place ran by barbarians and everyone knew it, and i know it happened in the 90s, i’m still very sour about it )
F!Lewyn being one of Kaga’s favourite ideas - is F!Lewyn his own mouthpiece in the game? I surely hope not, or I will believe that FE5 was directed from afar by Kaga, but someone else “directed” the game.
Azelle being afraid of Arvis because of his Loptyr blood? Again something I’m not okay with.
Azelle comparing the perfect Lord Brother to Siggy and being disappointed in Siggy is definitively something I’m okay with (and then his POV changes through the game)
The Julia part where only she can defeat/save Julius is touching.
Julia being a Falchion with two legs is not.
But I think he adressed the reason why the 2nd gen feels so flat - Seliph’s story ends with Oldvis, but through the game, we can’t give a fig about this because we start to understand that those Loptyr goons are actually the big baddies running the show.
There is avenging Siggy and there is saving the World. Heck, F!Lewyn tries to sell the big adventure to Seliph by talking about Loptyr and the Dark Empire, but then we return to “we will kill those guys or the children of those guys who figged over Siggy and pals in the first gen”.
Or it’s only me, idk.
I’m actually a bit afraid at Jugdral Echoes, even moreso now. I guess that’s what happens when you spend too much time headcanoning things, taking headcanons for granted but when Kaga himself crashes it you can’t do a thing.
(we’re not on the levels of “Talisa was a Lannister spy --> no she was just that badass chick hanging out around the king and acting like no woman/person should act around a king” honeypoting)
Julia being a Falchion is definitively something I didn’t expect and something I didn’t want.
I hate it.
OTOH, having other than gameplay reasons as to why Julia should be the one to deafeat Julius, I always thought about it and I’m glad Kaga thought the same.
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