#th e last two are so hard ??? it's just I mmediate Action being taken how .   how long d id it last . how long d id it take .
partiallystcrs · 4 years
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the show really said ‘ who cares abt the team’s mental health ? ’  & i said loudly that I DO & so here’s part two of surayra’s timeline during season 3
events of episode 6 
christine johnson takes over the arc.  as surayra is not a part of the team that has anything to do with the artifact ,  she is not impacted as the rest are. she spends most of the morning gathering files in order to brief her on the team.  she also suffers her first panic attack within the walls of the arc , no one knows but dog.   she & captain becker spend whatever free time they have trying to find a way to oust christine ,   sar offers to spy on her for him ; he nearly locks her in her office .   she spends the rest of the day having impromptu sessions in the hallways with the rest of the staff , trying to help them adjust to the sudden change.  when lester & the team return , she spends the rest of the evening with sarah discussing the day’s events. it isn’t for therapy , it’s a discussion between friends. 
sometime during the following week , she gets a hand on a bottle of wine similar to the one they sacrificed to the terror birds. it gets a good laugh from the team, as a whole, she’s starting to be accepted. 
 events during & following episode 7
upon discovering rex for sale online ,  connor nearly breaks in sar’s door to confess to her what’s happened , appealing to the confidentiality between doctor & patient.  it gets him a raised brow , but they bounce ideas off each other on how to get the little dino back.  the alarm sounds , connor leaves. surayra makes a note to have a window installed in her office door so that people can see when she’s occupied or not.  
in the midst of her session with lester , she receives a phone call - how should we talk to a  knight displaced in time ?   the idea fascinates her , & just as she’s gathering her notebooks , lester reminds her that she is not cleared for the field.  the session becomes an hour long discussion as to why she should be allowed into the field , & how they can make it possible.  neither side relents , but they come to the conclusion that any witness to an incursion is allowed to contact her should they need therapy. the non-disclosure agreements are rewritten , & she is allowed to leave business cards in the team’s vehicles to be passed out. 
most of the team scoffs at the very idea , a few of the men ‘ lose ’ the cards ;  sarah & connor are the two biggest supporters of the idea , & pass them to those who need it happily. 
events of episode 8 
upon the return of the team from their latest mission , sarah & surayra have an impromptu session to discuss bugs.  they can both agree that they’re nasty , & worse when they’re bigger.  surayra helps her with a few breathing exercises , everything goes back to normal. while the team is out, she has her normal sessions with the arc staff members . these can range anywhere from relationship advice , to dealing with night terrors involving dinosaurs. 
when learning that the team has returned from a rescue mission,  sar immediately heads to the scene, having hitched a ride with one becker’s men. though not quite yet cleared for field work , she desperately wants to offer her help  to jack maitland.  she arrives to find the team in the worst shape she’s seen them to date ,  but puts her focus to jack (  note : he is her first civilian patient , & they keep in touch especially in light of the final episodes ) .
she provides emotional triage among the physical triage , & it’s when lester is forced to admit that she can be of use in the field.  upon her return to the arc she is given the proper clearance for field work , & dog gets an official ARC patch for his work vest. 
at the end of the long day , having given a proper session for every member of the team that’s gone through the most recent anomaly ,  surayra helps danny with the bandages on his neck .  somehow they spend a final night together. he’s gone before daybreak & out spying on christine johnson. surayra spends the entire morning in her office with the shades drawn tight, & a citrus candle burning. the only time she brings emotions into work. 
events of episodes 9 & 10 
at hearing about the most recent anomaly , & the location , sar is allowed to go with the team , but under strict orders not to get involved with any creatures. she follows orders perfectly, sitting with anyone who needs it ,  especially with one embarrassed bachelor.  it is the first time she sees any sort of creature up close , & she develops a new appreciation for what the team actually does.  
with the anomaly closed , she gets to work ensuring that the mental health of all those having been evacuated by men with guns is fine.  it’s quick work for her , & when she returns to the arc , she is greeted with a hostage situation. it’s terrifying , she has no problems admitting. takes note of lester’s remarks, schedules a session for them later.  has to keep her mind focused on anything aside from the many guns.  
the crisis is averted , & the core team rushes off ,   surayra has no time to process what’s happened & the panic it brings up within herself, she immediately goes to those who were caught in the middle of it, & brings them to her office. the evening is spent holding a few crying researchers, & letting one or two men vent out their frustrations. 
it is the last time she sees danny , connor & abby until the events of season four.
by the next morning , the team has already gone on the hunt for helen. surayra takes an hour to herself to be anxious in her office, it’s the first time she allows dog to comfort her . he climbs on her lap , & no one coming in for their sessions questions why he’s there. everyone knows , & shares the same fears, it is a stressful day within the arc as it is for those on the outside , & sar is there for each & every one of them. she sits in her office the whole day , awaiting for a phone call from sarah. when it does come , it only brings bad news.  surayra calms her friend over the phone , & again helps her to breathe.  
though surayra is not a member of the core team , when she can convince sarah to return ; she , sarah & becker all begin working at a plan to get them back. they keep working at it for as long as they can , surayra being the voice of reason to stop them when they need a break. she continues to be the voice of comfort for the staff & team through the entire ordeal. 
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