calla-lilly · 2 years
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LITG: Bombshell (1/2) Artbreeders
disclaimer: i used the original art from the game to make these artbreeder portraits
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we should talk about how pretty my best friend thabi is like look at her?!?!
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I got too lazy to give them the pretty tattoos 😪
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litgpersonalities · 8 months
Can you do Thabi and Najuma?
Of course!! I love Season 4. I know that's not always the most popular opinion, but the characters are so fun. Naj and Thabi are so sweet! Wish Naj was more present as a bestie if you're not on her route (someone wanna write that?)
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alitgblog · 4 days
just some pretty people
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I have a bunch of leftover paint from a paint by numbers kit so that's why they're odd colors 😅
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luveyeland · 1 year
i see a handful of accounts who speak up about anti blackness in the litg fandom, and that’s great. what’s kinda funny n fucked up though is we question why people are acting like this, but the reality is even irl black women are treated like this on the actual love island show and pretty much every other reality tv show (especially dating ones). it’s terrible but it feels like this will always keep happening in the litg realm bc that’s literally the attitude many people have irl towards BW in general.
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oceanatydes · 2 months
I don’t have my ask box open but here’s the top 3 islanders that are most my type on paper :)
1.) thabi
2.) priya
3.) grace and gabi are tied for 3rd
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crimswnred · 1 year
out of all the end game couples throughout all of the seasons I can only see Thabi and James lasting
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litgreadersroom · 1 year
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Dylan (Oneshots)
Dylan's Redemption by PearlBracelet Someone Better Suited by rebelrayne
Hazeem (Chaptered - Incomplete)
Hazeem and The Bombshell by E_Roark Let It Grow by tammyisobsessedwith When Desire Blooms by Pine
James (Oneshot)
the other side by rebelrayne
Kobi (Oneshot)
Twenty Five by whatisreggieshortfor
Kelly (Oneshot)
Goodbye, then! Farewell by crimswnred
Lexi (Chaptered)
replay by orphan_account
Wrong Time, Right Person by whatisreggieshortfor
Thabi (Oneshot)
Missed Messages by Queen_of_Boops
Valentina (Oneshots)
Mirror by crimswnred Sterling McKenzie, Inc by rebelrayne
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csmicletters · 2 years
hello! if you’re still doing moodboards I would love one for thabi from s4 💛 if not no worries though :)
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mercedesdecorazon · 2 years
Something Real (Henrik/MC)
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Part 1/3
Author's Note: Okay this was supposed to be a one-shot but Henrik and Mariah wanted their story to be a bit longer so I'm stuck with three parts instead 🥴
This fic will discuss topics like interracial relationships, colourism, racism and black women's dynamic with black men when it comes to interracial relationships. If any of this is uncomfortable for you, PLEASE skip this fanfic. Thank you 😊
Sorry to my Chelsea and Ibrahim stans but this story is not for you either.
It all started with some blind date.
Blake had insisted that she went, that it would be good for her.
"Come on, Mariah. It's been a while since you broke up with Ibrahim. It's time to get back out there."
"I don't know. What if he doesn't like me?" Mariah asked.
"Then screw him! You can move on to the next guy," Blake said as she applied some blush to Mariah's cheeks.
"But what if he doesn't like dark-skinned girls? What if-?"
Blake grabbed her hands gently, stopping her upcoming tirade.
"Babe calm down. Breathe," Mariah obeyed, breathing hard. "Now then, if he doesn't like dark-skinned black girls, then he's a colourist and so not worth your time. There are men out there that adore beautiful dark-skinned black women like you. So don't be afraid."
Mariah nodded, "You're right. You're right."
"Of course I am. Now let's get your makeup done."
After Blake fixed her makeup, she wished Mariah well on her date and told her not to overthink. Mariah promised but she knew herself too well.
Most men she dated in the past either didn't like her skin tone, didn't like her African features or thought she was too fat - which is - come on! Black women were known for their curves!
Mariah didn't have much hope for this date. It always went badly.
Henrik was excited.
He hadn't been on a date for long while, not since Chelsea left him a year ago. Lucas had been adamant about him dating again though.
"You've been hiding in the wilderness for a year Henrik," Lucas told him. "It's time to get back out into the real world."
Despite his optimism, he was worried. Chelsea leaving him was... painful to say the least. He had loved her and he thought that he would be spending the rest of his life with her. Her leaving him for another man had hurt him deeply.
He knew that he couldn't go through anything like that again. He couldn't.
The date was in a cute little café that Mariah's friend Bobby owned. His pastries tasted out of this world so Mariah was excited.
Blake said that her date wore a dark blue shirt with green cargo pants so Mariah looked around.
And then she saw him.
He was pale-skinned, had long blond hair and kind blue eyes.
He sat by the two-seater by the window, looking out into the street.
He saw her.
She wore a baby blue dress that showed her curves and a little of her cleavage. Her hair was down and she wore cute baby blue barettes. Her dark brown skin clashed beautifully with the colour of the dress and her skin glowed in the sunlight. She wore very light makeup that highlighted her pretty face.
Henrik was enchanted by her.
He wanted to hold her close and never let her go. He didn't understand why he felt that way but he did.
He's white?
Mariah didn't understand this. She thought -
Of course! This was a blind date! She wasn't supposed to be know what he looked like.
But what if he's racist? Or fetishi-
Calm down Mariah, you can do this.
She gave him a polite smile, "Hi, I'm Mariah." And held her hand out.
The man muttered something under his breath in a language that she wasn't familiar with but he looked up at her with a smile.
"I'm Henrik. Nice to meet you." He shook her hand.
She sat down in front of him calmly, screaming internally. What if someone she knew saw her? Most of her friends hung out around here. She didn't want them to see her with him.
Henrik was confused as to why she was uncomfortable around him. Did he smell bad? Did he look bad? That couldn't be because Lucas approved of his ensemble before he left his flat and Lucas was Mr. Posh.
"What's wrong?" He asked curiously.
She looked embarrassed. "Nothing," she answered quietly, not meeting his eyes.
"Then why are you looking away from me? Did I do something wrong?"
She shook her head.
"Do you want to order something?" He asked, trying his best to engage with her. He didn't understand what was going with her but still he would try to win her over.
This was too much.
She didn't want to do this. This was wrong.
What if he was dating her to prank her? What if her brother found out? What would her father say if he heard of this? She knew that her parents would not approve of this at all. She thought she was ready to start back dating again but she wasn't.
"I have to go." She stood up.
He looked confused and a little hurt, "What? But-"
"I'm sorry!" She grabbed her purse and ran out of the café quickly.
She ran to her car in the parking lot, got in, started it and drove away quickly, her heart beating quickly.
She breathed hard, trying to calm herself. She knew she shouldn't have freaked out like that and ran off but she couldn't take any chances.
She decided to stop off by her friend Genevieve's house, knowing that she couldn't talk to Blake about this.
Henrik was hurt.
He couldn't understand why she left him. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong?
He sighed and called Lucas.
"Hey man, what's going on?" Lucas' voice sounded concerned.
"She left. I don't know what happened but she just left. It was confusing."
"Wow. Sorry man. I thought she might've been good for you."
"It's fine. I just thought... it doesn't matter, I might never seen her again..."
Truthfully, he did want to see her again. He wanted to know why she left and why she didn't like him.
She was so beautiful but she looked so sad.
He wanted to make her smile, to make her laugh. He didn't know why but he did.
"Hey, you wanna go hiking tomorrow?" Lucas suggested.
"Sure why not?"
His heart and his mind were still on that woman. He hoped to see her again.
"I don't know why I did that, Viv, I just freaked out," Mariah explained.
Mariah had sat Genevieve down and explained everything to her.
Genevieve nodded, carefully choosing her words.
"Mariah babe... do you freak out because he was white?" Genevieve asked calmly.
Mariah clammed up immediately, hugging herself. It was true. She freaked out partially because he was white. So far in her dating life, she dated only black men and black men only. Camilo, Mason and Ibrahim... she had loved Ibrahim and he left her. For a white woman no less.
"Babe," Genevieve sighed. "You shouldn't be so prejudiced!"
"I know! I just freaked out!" Mariah covered her face in shame. "I got so intimidated by him. And I've never dated a white guy before so I didn't know what to do!"
"There's no formula in dating white guys. Just be yourself. All men are the same, no matter his skin colour. Just make sure he ain't racist."
"I wish I knew that before I went! Now he thinks I'm weird." All guys think you're weird anyway.
"Oh babe," Genevieve hugged her kindly. Genevieve knew Mariah was a shy woman. Growing up with an overprotective brother and father made it harder for Mariah to come out her shell and boldly take on the world. Genevieve hoped that at some point, Mariah would get her chance to be bold.
The front door to Genevieve's flat opened, and a young black man stepped in, "Hey ladies!"
"Hey Nicky!" Genevieve called. "We're in the living room!"
Nicky walked in, guitar hanging on his back. He gave Genevieve a light kiss on the lips and ruffled Mariah's hair, "Hey little sis."
"Nick stop! You'll mess up my hair!" Mariah protested. Nicky chuckled and sat next to Genevieve on the couch.
Nicholas, or Nicky as he's known as to his friends and family, was Mariah's older brother by two years. Like most good older brothers, he's very overprotective and caring to Mariah. When their father isn't present, Nicky would be the one to watch over Mariah. Nicky worked at the primary school nearby the hair salon Mariah worked at as a Music Teacher.
"So, what were you ladies talking about?" Nicky asked.
Mariah gave Genevieve a worried look, Please don't tell him!
"Just girl stuff babe, you wouldn't care," Genevieve covered easily.
"Fine. I'm going to wash up. Long day at work," Nicky grabbed his things and walked away.
Mariah breathed in relief. The last thing she wanted was for her brother to find out that she had started dating again and that she went on a date with a white guy. After what happened with Ibrahim, she didn't need Nicky's pestering.
While Nicky showered, Mariah helped Genevieve cook some jollof rice, macaroni pie, callaloo and stew chicken - pretty much mixing Nigerian and Trinidadian cuisine together. Nicky came out of the bedroom at some point and helped to dish out everyone's food.
"So," Nicky said as he and the two women began to eat the food at the dining room. "Why are you dressed up so nicely?" He looked at Mariah.
"Because I want to," Mariah replied snarkily.
Nicky raised an eyebrow, "Fine." He decided to ignore his sister's antics for now. "By the way, I hired a landscape designer for Daddy and Mummy's backyard."
Genevieve looked concerned, "Can you afford that?"
"I was thinking that Mariah and I can pay for everything..." Nicky faltered at Mariah's stern glare. "It's Mummy and Daddy's anniversary coming up and Daddy always said that he wanted to have barbecue in the yard. He can't because the backyard is..."
"Cursed?" Genevieve joked.
"Yeah. It needs a lot of work and neither of us are qualified to do it. I just want to do something nice for their anniversary and Daddy's retirement."
It was true. The backyard in their parents' home was... horrible to say the least. The place was dirt and nasty and... ugh.
"Okay fine," Mariah sighed. "But we're going to have to rake up a lot of money though because that yard is bad."
"Ain't that the truth," Nicky groaned.
One week later...
In his office, Henrik organised appointments for his landscape designing. One particular client had a backyard that was... wow.
"I know," the client, Nicky, had said when Henrik came to his home for the site visit. "It's really awful. My Dad hadn't cleaned up... or anything in years."
Henrik had sighed. This would take a month at the least.
"When is your parents' anniversary?" Henrik had asked.
"In two months, on September. My parents are away in Trinidad visiting my grandparents for those two months. If you can get it done before then, that would be awesome!"
"I can. But it would cost you extra because I have to buy supplies, repair the water pipe, the fountain and everything."
Nicky gave a tight smile, "I was afraid of that."
Henrik shook his head as he recalled that conversation. He was unsure if he could do that in a short space of time but he still wanted to take on the challenge.
As he pondered on his upcoming project, he thought about the woman that he went on a date with. Well, she ran off so it wasn't really a date.
He couldn't stop thinking about her. He didn't understand why but he couldn't stop.
I hope I can get a chance to meet her again.
Little did he know.
Thanks to Nicky's sentimental gift for their parents, Mariah found herself having to request for more work hours at the hair salon.
"Wow, all that money for some dirt?" Mariah's boss and friend Elisa asked as she booked appointments for Mariah to do.
"Nicky has this vision of this pretty backyard for our parents. It's so annoying."
Elisa Bowens owned the hair salon that Mariah worked at. Elisa had built the business from the ground and up, catering the salon for black women to get their hair done and get glammed up. Mariah's co-workers and friends, Erikah and Thabi, worked at the salon as well; Erikah specializing in braids and Thabi specializing in styling natural hair. While Mariah specialized in relaxed and straight hair, wigs and weaves mostly.
"And what's this I hear about you dating white men now?" Elisa asked, looking at her quizzically.
Ugh. Blake and her big mouth, Mariah thought in annoyance.
"HUH?! Mariah is dating white men now?!" Erikah screeched.
"Aw, that's so romantic," Thabi swooned.
Erikah glared at Thabi angrily, "What?! No! There's nothing romantic about dating colonizers Thabi!"
"That's really mean Erikah! They're not that bad."
"Can you two shut up for a second?!" Elisa snapped, glaring at the two women for a moment before turning to Mariah. "So? What happened?"
"Nothing. I... I left early." Mariah looked away in embarrassment.
"Left early? You ran away, didn't you?"
Mariah sighed, "Yes."
"That's good news," Erikah nodded. "That was the ancestors telling you not to engage with the colonizer."
Thabi rolled her eyes while Elisa glared at Erikah.
"Erikah, can you please stop being a hotepress for a minute. Just one minute?!" Elisa groaned.
"No, it has to be said! We shouldn't betray our black men by dating those men! We have to stand by our black men!"
"Really now? What about the black men who only date white women? Wouldn't they be betraying us black women?" Thabi raised an eyebrow.
"No! If a black man has a baby with a white woman then the baby is still black-"
"Stop. Please stop." Elisa interrupted Erikah, looking at her tiredly. "It's too early for your hotep preaching Erikah."
Erikah huffed and stomped off.
After that, Elisa opened the salon and Mariah was flat-ironing her first customer's hair when Blake stormed in.
"Mariah! Why have you forsaken me?!"
Mariah sighed while her customer looked confused.
"Blake sweetie! We're open!" Elisa called from her station.
"Fine! I'll wait!" Blake sat down on the couch dramatically.
Ten minutes later, Mariah was finished with her customer and after her customer paid and left, Blake stormed up to her.
"Why did you run?!" Blake snapped.
"Why didn't you tell me he was white?!" Mariah snapped back.
"Because it was a blind date!"
"Oh my gosh, Blake, did you set Mariah up with that colonizer?!" Erikah screeched from her station.
Blake glared at Erikah in annoyance, "I don't want to hear from you, Miss Hotep!"
"It's my job to tell my sista what's up! But you wouldn't even understand because you're not fully black, aren't you?"
Blake gasped loudly. "You take that back!" She snarled.
"Enough you two!" Elisa shouted. She turned to Blake. "Unless you're here to get your hair done, you need to leave."
"Fine. I can use a touch up," Blake turned to Mariah. "I can wait. We need to talk."
Mariah sighed, "Fine." She looked at her clipboard. "Colleen Harris?"
The woman smiled, "That's me! But you can just call me Coco."
After Mariah was finished with Coco's hair, she did a silk press for Blake.
"Why did you run? You promised me that you wouldn't run," Blake said, as Mariah washed her hair.
"I panicked, okay? I got overwhelmed and I got in my head. It was bad."
"I know that you've been struggling ever since Ibrahim left but you've got to get yourself back out there. Don't let what he did hold you back."
"Right..." Mariah murmured. "It's hard though."
"Yeah but it's good for you." Blake smiled at her kindly.
Mariah smiled back.
After Mariah was done with work for the day, Nicky came to the salon to pick her up.
"Have you seriously started on this project already?" Mariah groaned as Nicky drove.
"Yes, I want it done before Mummy and Daddy come back. And you have to meet the designer too."
Mariah rolled her eyes, "Fine."
When the siblings got to their parents' home, a truck was already parked in their parents' driveway.
Nicky and Mariah got out of Nicky's car, entered the house and walked into the backyard.
There were three men already working, all of them digging the dirt. A fourth man directed all of them, the wind blowing his blond hair.
"Hey Henrik!" Nicky called. "I want you to meet someone!"
Wait, Henrik?!
Said man turned from his work at Nicky's voice, his eyes widening when he saw Mariah. He walked over cautiously, obvious remembering what happened last time.
"This is my little sister Mariah," Nicky said. "Mariah, this is Henrik."
The man stared at her in shock.
"I-I-" Mariah stammered.
Part Two coming soon!
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Wrong Time Right Person
Fira broke up with the only person she’s ever loved. It was meant to grant her ex freedom.
But in reality it just broke both of their hearts.
But now life, and love, are coming with a second chance.
Najuma x MC
It just wasn’t the right time.
That was the lie Fira had always told herself when she thought about her ex again and again.
It burned too bright, so it fizzled too quick, but she always comforted herself with the lie, it just wasn’t the right time for them.
But in all honesty, Fira didn’t think there was ever a right time to have met the woman that lived life by the seat of her pants and loved so hard it felt like it unearthed the ground under your feet like her demolitions.
Najuma was her first real love, her only ever love, of course it wasn’t meant to last. She needed excitement and thrills and adrenaline, new experiences and new faces and new challenges. It was why Fira had loved her, because she was never afraid.
But Fira wasn’t what Najuma needed, she had realized that in the days before she let her go.
Najuma didn’t break her heart like her mates expected, Fira broke hers.
Because she knew the life she planned to lead wouldn’t give Najuma the rush she wanted, the feeling she often pursued.
Fira was destined to inherit her mum’s book shoppe. She lived through stories, not adventures. Never sure how Najuma had loved her to begin with, Fira had decided for both of them that they weren’t meant to be.
But she had never truly moved on.
The most risky she ever got were flings she’d met at the pub, never investing in feelings to avoid the emptiness she felt when Najuma had cleared herself from her life.
So what was Fira to do when it felt like life was slapping that lost love in her face?
She had just been meeting Thabi for a drink, just to catch up on the week gone by, when she saw the braids, heard the laugh. She felt like her stomach had dropped out of her feet.
Thabi had grabbed her shoulder, confused and concerned when she saw her friend frozen halfway to the bartop, but then the recognition registered on her face and she spun around to see her.
Fira’s gaze was stuck to her like glue, watching as Najuma through her head back and laughed as the man next to her finished his joke. She recognized him as her mate, Bruno.
She knew she had to look away, but she couldn’t- like Najuma was a black hole sucking life and light right to her.
And then their gazes locked.
Fira could see the surprise written on her face, the sparkle in her gaze that Fira had so desperately missed seeing.
But that sparkle wasn’t hers to cherish anymore, it hadn’t been for three years.
Thabi gently squeezed her shoulder, “Do you wanna go? We should go, right? There are other pubs.”
“Your boyfriend works at this one,” Fira sighed, more to herself than at Thabi, finally breaking the eye contact. The girl could be too sweet for her own good, falling easily into the fold of Fira’s life after the couple had joined the book club Fira ran from the shoppe. She couldn’t let her leave when the woman had promised her boyfriend they’d be here. “She probably doesn’t even know it’s me…”
Neither of them believed that, but Thabi let her guide the way to their stools, greeting James quickly. He didn’t pry for affection even though he hadn’t seen Thabi all day, letting Fira confirm the suspicion he had known Najuma was there. She knew that if he had a free minute she would’ve received a heads up text. Clearing her throat, her sweet best mate tried to take her mind off things, “So… what book were you thinking of next for the club?”
Fira gave her a tired smile, chuckling that it was the best she could come up with, but she didn’t have a chance before the voice that haunted her sweetest dreams spoke up, “Have you done Words in Deep Blue yet? It was always her fave.” Fira could feel her presence behind her back, shifting from one foot to the other uncertainly, “I mean… if it still is a fave, I guess.”
Thabi gave a strained smile, unsure how she should react because she knew Fira’s feelings still ran deep, so her best mate took pity on her, “Yeah, Naj… it’s still my fave.”
Thabi’s gaze resembled that of a tennis match spectator, bouncing between them for a moment before she suddenly jumped to her feet, “What was that, James?” Her boyfriend’s head jerked over from the other side of the bar, unsure why he’d heard his name while trying to take a drink order, “You need me to grab a bottle from the back? Right away!”
Fira huffed with a small smile, Najuma’s chuckle drifting in the air around her like it was forming a cocoon of her favorite sound, “She still isn’t subtle.”
“No, she is not.” Fira looked after her, an appreciative look flitting over her face, “But she means well. Do you… do you wanna sit?”
“I wanted to, maybe, catch up?” Najuma perched on Thabi’s vacated stool, hands tucked under her thighs as she jiggled her leg anxiously, “It’s, uh, it’s been a while.”
Fira pursed his lips, nodding in agreement, “It has. Da’ tells me Reid Demolition is thriving.”
Najuma snorted, “Your pops was always too generous talking me up.” They shared a laugh before their eyes met and it faded away, making her ex girlfriend give her a shrug, “I’ve had a handful of clients. Not too big a deal, but enough to keep afloat.”
Fira’s face scrunched up, phrases tossing around in her head before she spoke slowly, “I wanted to say I’m proud of you… just doesn’t feel like my place anymore.”
Najuma’s expression dropped, like that was the saddest thing she’s heard in weeks, “Couldn’t it be though?” Fira blinked, shocked at how softly she spoke. Najuma wasn’t soft and quiet- she was loud and vibrant and present. “I still don’t understand what happened with us, Fierce.”
She felt her heart jump at the old nickname, one she had never dreamed to hear again and tears filled her eyes, “Just wasn’t the right time, ya know? You needed freedom. You needed to live a real life.”
“I could’ve done that with you!” Najuma argued, “Even if living meant staying home because you hate going out. Freedom could’ve been singing to the radio while we did chores together and binge watching the same shows every weekend.”
“Is it the right time now?”
Fira’s breath lodged in her throat, eyes wide as she stared at the love of her life, “W-What?”
Najuma’s hand flew out, snatching Fira’s off the counter in such a gentle movement for such a rough notion, “If it wasn’t the right time before… could it be the right time now?”
Fira tried to press her tears back, keep them at bay, “Haven’t you moved on? I mean I left you- three years ago!”
Najuma gave her a weak smirk, “That wasn’t a no.”
The first tear slipped down both of their cheeks, “You can’t still want me, Naj.”
“More than I’ve ever wanted anyone…” Najuma whispered, barely audible over the din of the pub, “You were my best mate before you were my girlfriend. I lost both when I lost you. But if you’ve moved on- I get it, I-“
“Never.” Fira squeezed her hand as it started pulling from her grasp, “I’ve never moved on.”
“So, please,” Najuma leaned over to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek because she was always the brave one, “Let this be the time. I’ve had three years of what you call ‘freedom’. Now I just want you.”
How could Fira say no when life was giving her a second chance?
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i hate it here
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so i will go to secret gardens in my mind
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The Princess Leia of my dreams 🫢💕
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rebelrayne · 2 years
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↩ back to s4 directory character list
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missed messages by @queen-of-boops Rated T (complete)
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choctalksalot · 8 months
mll posting months after it ended. whoops. anyway i died :D
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ft. thabis (yellow), els (green), and alora (lil thang at the top of the right comic) !!
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