#thabk you. sm. why does it sound like we're reaching the end or something damn HAHHAHA thank you guys for your kind words
shakingparadigm · 6 months
dude you're smart as hell AND your art js so good 😭
thank you for doing the alien stage fandom a service with your analysis adn drawings 🫡
you guys are gonna kill me like actually I might start sobbing in this very public area??? hello??? thank you???!! I wouldn't call myself smart HAHAHHAH just really prone to overthinking and very pretentious sounding.
thank you for enjoying the stuff I put out!! It's doing a great service to me too, you know! It feels great to unabashedly talk about the things that I love at length, and to have people that fully reciprocate and add on their own ideas has been just amazing. truly there is nothing that strengthens bonds like the collective fear of Alien Stage ROUND 6.
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