#than a typical horror movie 🤔
chryzure-archive · 2 years
i was watching a game grumps video where dan asked arin the scariest horror movie he’d seen and now i’m sitting here in dead silence, trying to figure out which horror movie i would say actually scares me, and, boy, am i struggling
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bnt0 · 1 year
15 OC Questions - @glammoose tagged me! i'd keep putting it off if i tried to answer in first person so i just went ahead and answered for her lol. thank you sm for the tag!
here's irene! i felt like i was a psychic answering these bc she's my newest oc and my sims only become fleshed out with time lol
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1. Are you named after anyone? a majority of the time, i name my sims off the back of my head and assign potential meaning later. i didn't have any particular intention with the name irene, but i'm thinking she may be named after one of her grandmothers or the catholic saint i just googled lol
2. When was the last time you cried? she doesn't cry often. if she was a happy crier it would be more often, but typically she only cries from grief. she is very close with her large family, so a cousin's death perhaps
3. Do you have kids? still deciding, single mother or no? 🤔 i think not yet
4. Do you use sarcasm? no, never. she has a dark sense of humor but knows when to reign it in. which is very often unless she's with people she's close to who she knows will be unoffended
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? tattoos, sense of humor, superiority complexes lol. more personality based i think!
6. What's your eye color? dark brown <3
7. Scary movies or happy endings? why not both? scary movies that leave you with a tight chest, but most other movies should end happy. she prefers horror but has a soft spot for cheesy romcoms
8. Any special talents? she's strong. i think she can do handstands and cartwheels, which are pretty scary bc she's so large. and she's the kind of artist whose drafts you'd hang on your wall
9. Where were you born? she is guatemalan-american, born on the northeast coast
10. What are your hobbies? concerts in dingy bars, charcoal drawing, movies, food, going out, staying in. she's a city girl and she can find anything to do with anyone
11. Have you any pets? birds. this just came to me so it's not developed any further lol several birds
12. What sports do you play/have played? she seems like she was a high school field hockey player. physically intimidating and competitive lol
13. How tall are you? she's def taller than average. around 5'10 or so...? exact height subject to change but she is a large woman
14. Favorite subject in school? i keep thinking biology. i didn't intend for her to be edgy but i feel she's into the macabre. things like anatomy and mutation are riveting to her. she's also into ecology and evolution-- how interconnected life is
15. Dream job? considering i made her originally to be my sexy, scary dentist, i think she's currently a dental assistant and pretty happy with that gig. maybe art but i think that's more of a hobby for her. tattooist but that's kinda cliche
this is a looong ask so def no pressure but i tag @blacknoiseabyss and @daydreamertrait 😊
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serenity-songbird · 2 years
Hey! I couldn't tell from mobile if your requests are currently open or not. If they are, could we have your headcanons about your 3 favorite SP superheros/villains interacting with a moody, cryptid AF Final Girl archetype superhero that FastPass knows from Lake Tardicaca and constantly vouches for? (She turns out to be a sweetheart, just a little... critical and undersocialized.) Thankyou! ^^ ~🍶
(Sooo...I admit. I had to look up what this means. I ain't never heard of this before. Lol. So what I got from the internat is that a final girl archetype means the last female role to survive a horror movie where all the other characters are dead. They are typically the last one standing to face the bad guy. I hope this is right. I did my best...🤔🤔🤔 I got more in depth with this than I meant to. Lol.)
Note: Using same storyline for all characters.
Jimmy had introduced you to the heroes after you helped them defeat Professor Chaos. They were near your house.
Your were very moody and grumpy (moreso than usual) since they awoke you from your slumber.
You were in your superhero outfit, Phoenix. You were a Fire bender. You had a fiery personality. (Get it? Cause she uses fire. 🤣😂🤣)
Jimmy had known you from Lake Tardicaca.
You were handicapped yourself. You had joined as a volunteer to help out your Dad. He was a Camp Counselors.
Jimmy asked if you could join the team. The others were skeptical at first since, you were very blunt and commented on every mistake they made.
After seeing you in action a few weeks later, you became a part of their team. You had saved their asses. It was the least they could do.
After getting to know you for a while they found out that you were actually a pretty sweet girl. You always would help them out and would listen to their problems.
They learned to appreciate your bluntness since you were just being honest. Plus, you shed light on things they didn't want to see. You made them humble.
Six months into being on their team, you all woke up in a strange room.
The walls were leaking, paint was chipped, it smelled like someone died, and rats and bugs were everywhere.
You all simultaneously freaked out. You were trapped with no way out. Then, the TV in the corner wall lit on.
"Good morning, Freedom Pals. It is I, Professor Chaos!!!" He laughed evily. "You'll notice that you are trapped in a room of my design. This entire building is a prison of Chaos! You will need to solve every puzzle in the room correctly. Or die!!! Muahahaha!!! Good luck trying to get out, you'll need it."
You all went from room to room solving puzzles. However, after each room the challenges got harder and harder. You started to lose people one by one.
After each puzzle if a mistake was made, someone would get dropped out. No one knew if any of your friends were alive...
You had reached the last room...who were you stuck with?
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It was just you and Human Kite left.
Human Kite was the first one to accept you into the group.
His didn't mind your moodiness since he was already used to his friends and their more crazy mood swings.
Human Kite was smart and resourceful.
He healed your wounds to help you go on in battle.
It didn't hurt that he was cute too.
During the fight with Professor Chaos, you were the one who fought and Human Kite would assist and heal.
You needed to distract him while Human Kite looked for a way to escape or an easier way to defeat the enemy.
The two of you were a great team.
Human Kite was the one to find a way to deactivate the giant robot Professor Chaos was using to fight.
Thanks to him Professor Chaos was defeated.
You found your friends after Chaos confessed where they were.
After that, You and Kyle became closer due to surviving the hell you went through together.
Kyle loved how real you were and would help you through your mood swings.
When the two of you started dating, he was the happiest he'd ever been.
He understood that you didn't socialize a lot with people and helped you develop better communication skills.
He always supported you 100%.
With your skills, the two of you were an unstoppable duo.
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It was just you and Call Girl left.
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She actually joined the Freedom Pals after you. (Since Cartman really tried to not let her in).
Being the only 2 girls on the team, she became your best friend.
Wendy understood you in ways no one else did.
Whenever you were moody, she wasn't offended or angry. She was kind of like you in that way.
She liked your blunt and honest personality.
When you criticized people, you were trying to help them get better.
It wasn't meant to be mean.
So that's why neither of you needed to say words during the Professor Chaos fight.
All you did was give each other a look or a gesture and you understood.
It was your job to distract Chaos while Call Girl used her phone skills to locate your team.
Once she found their location, she used her gadgets to free them from the prison.
It was easy winning after that.
After enduring that hell with you, she confessed her feelings.
Best girlfriend ever.
You were sweet and attentive towards her.
You were easy to talk to and gave honest opinions on outfits or hair.
You were a welcome change from the other two faced bitches in the school.
You were her true love and I'd anyone had a problem with it, she'd kick their ass.
Fastpass and you were the only ones left.
You'd known Jimmy for a year so you were best friends.
Jimmy and you were dating before you joined the team.
You both confessed on the same time on Valentine's Day.
After you helped them defeat Chaos, he vouched for you constantly.
The other boys were hesitant.
They thought that he was only saying that because you were dating.
But once they saw how powerful you were, they immediately let you in.
He knew you well enough that you never offended him or saw you as annoying or mean like some did.
You two had great teamwork.
Together you defeated Professor Chaos with your combo skills.
Fastpass hacked into Chaos' computer to see where the team was.
You had once again saved the day.
Jimmy was a sweet boyfriend.
He spoiled you with gifts and love.
And thought you were adorable.
He couldn't have asked for a better partner.
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cyanide-latte · 2 years
Ummmm 7, 17, 18, and 38 for the asks? 🤔
7. can you swim?
Just enough to not drown! 😂
17. an earliest obsession you remember?
There are a fair few, but Batman was easily the biggest one when I was a kid (and it never really left.)
18. do you play video games?
I do! Not necessarily with much regularity, but I enjoy them when I do. (I'm one of those people who won't touch a game for like a year, then suddenly play it several hours a day for like half a week, then I'll stop and forget about it again for another year or two.) Dead By Daylight is currently the only thing I play with even semi-regularity, and it's kind of astonishing that I've stuck with it for over a year because I typically don't like MMOs enough to stick with them for more than a couple of weeks. I'm guessing my squad's the reason for that.
38. what’s the meaning behind your url?
Poisons have interested me since I was a child; I would get nervous about anything that could possibly poison me and my mother decided to see if helping me to learn about them would calm me down, and it did! Cyanide in particular is the one that's always fascinated me the most (learned about Jonestown and the 80s cyanide-laced-Tylenol deaths WAY too young,) and at some point my former legal guardian said to me in an argument "you're just full of cyanide and cynicism, aren't you?" It stuck with me and when I decided to come back to Tumblr more regularly back in like 2017/2018, I was already leaning towards just switching all my online URLs to something closer to including cyanide in it. Some kind of personal change/metamorphic thing was taking place and my resurgent nosedive into horror movies in 2019 cemented the idea. I wanted a username that felt more associated with this part of me I was growing into. I was actually in line waiting for coffee when someone ahead of me ordered a latte with almond milk and the thought popped into my head that cyanide has that smell of almonds to it. And then it clicked. I'd be cyanide-latte from here on out (and do my inner Morticia Addams proud~.)
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