keanearts · 3 months
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Hey look, we finally get the actual relationship chart and it's quite simple really,-
Here's a transcript of the text because I don't trust my handwriting:
Between Miyhu and Hien is '??? No label' Between Miyhu and Erenville is 'partners' Between Miyhu and Urianger is 'queer platonic partners' Between Miyhu and Thancred is 'partners' Between Thancred and Urianger is 'exes' Between Thancred and Riol is 'friends with benefits' Between Miyhu and G'raha is 'partners' Between Thancred and G'raha is 'boyfriends' Between G'raha and Estinien is 'boyfriends' An arrow pointing from Miyhu to Aymeric is 'besties' An arrow pointing from Aymeric to Miyhu is 'crushing' Between Miyhu and Haurchefant (r.i.p) is 'requited unrequited crush' Between Haurchefant and Aymeric is 'boyfriends' Between Haurchefant and Estinien is 'boyfriends' Between Aymeric and Estinien is 'partners'
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keanearts · 4 months
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I didn't mean to draw something smoochy on vday but hey. Maybe one day I'll draw this properly.
Miyhu (he/they) with his boyfriends (don't ask if Haurchefant is real or not-)
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keanearts · 11 months
Sleeping Arrangements
Teen and up
1566 words
Unrequited Haurchefant x WoL, mentioned Thancred x WoL
Includes Tataru and Alphinaud
Non sexual nudity, bittersweet
Haurchefant shows Miyhu, Alphinaud, and Tataru to their rooms in house Fortemps, and has a realisation about the Warrior of Light that he totally isn't crushing on.
Ao3 link:
Notes and fic under the cut;
I don't really describe them much so here is a link to my WoL, Miyhu: https://toyhou.se/21821261.miyhu-ruphar#66383828
With a sweep of his arm, Haurchefant gestured to the doorways in front of him, "these two are both empty, so you can pick which suits your needs, Tataru, Alphinaud," he informed the two stood beside him. Tataru let out a small gasp, unable to hold it in as she glanced into the closest of the large rooms while Alphinaud merely gave an approving nod.
Haurchefant took a few more steps down the hall, past more doors before pointing one out and smiling to the Miqo'te close to his side, "and you may have this room, Miyhu."
Miyhu instantly opened the door, their tail twitching as they looked around the room with wide eyes. It was far more elaborate than he was used to, and his fingers itched to go and touch the gaudy decorations hanging around the room.
After a moment longer than strictly necessary of watching Miyhu examine his new sleeping quarters, Haurchefant turned back to face the other two as well, "my room is the one next to this," he pointed it out as he spoke, "so if you have any need of me, feel free to enter regardless of the time."
Alphinaud tilted his head slightly, confusion on his face, "why is Miyhu set so far from us two?" He asked, glancing at Miyhu as he stepped further into their room.
Tataru groaned silently at the boy's obliviousness, but Haurchefant only smiled back at him, no trace of the embarrassment usually on his face when he was caught swooning over the Warrior of Light, "they prefer smaller quarters, and that room is the smallest we have that's currently empty," he let out a little laugh, "bar housing him in the servant's quarters, that is!"
Alphinaud and Tataru gave the statement some polite laughter whilst Miyhu just looked between them, his head poking out of the doorway, they would actually prefer to sleep in the servants quarters, small environments bustling with people were their preferred places to be but they had learnt the hard way that the higher in the food chain you are, the less 'appropriate' something like that is, and with his position, he was glad to at least be granted the smaller room.
"Now!" Haurchefant clapped his hands once, "it is late, and you must all be tired from your journey and tour! Pick a room, bed down, and we'll see each other in the morn," he smiled warmly.
Instead of turning in instantly, Tataru and Alphinaud instead turned towards Miyhu, who bounded back out of the room.  Haurchefant watched on with mild surprise as with a quick squat, they pulled Tataru into his arms, lifting her from the ground and hugging her tightly before giving her a kiss on the forehead and speaking brightly, "goodnight! Sleep well Ta!" 
He released her, and she stepped back with a giggle, "sleep well yourself, Mimi!"
Alphinaud stepped forward for his turn, a bemused expression on his face. Miyhu grabbed his face, pulling him into place so that they could kiss his forehead as well, "sleep well Alphy!" He spoke in his usual bright way, before tilting their head towards their door and adding much quieter for only the boy to hear, "if you need me."
Alphinaud nodded softly, and smiled, "sleep well, Miyhu," he said before nodding to Haurchefant, "goodnight."
Tataru gave a little wave to both Miyhu and Haurchefant before stepping sprightly towards the other rooms, already bargaining lightly with Alphinaud for the room she desired as he followed.
Miyhu waved back before turning to Haurchefant, who was wondering if it would be too presumptuous of him to bend down for a forehead kiss too. Before he could decide though, a sudden thought struck him, and with a muttered apology he stepped quickly towards Tataru and Alphinaud.
"I almost forgot, a maid will be by in the morn with spare clothing more appropriate for you," he informed them, "for tonight though I'm afraid you will have to make do with that which you already have."
Alphinaud nodded his thanks while Tataru waved him off.
"You and your family are truly too kind," Alphinaud said.
"I've worn worse!" Tataru assured him.
Haurchefant smiled, "I wish the both of you a good night," he said before leaving them to enter their respective rooms, and turning back towards his own. Miyhu was no longer in the hallway, but their door was still open and so Haurchefant knocked gently on the wood as he let himself in.
Miyhu gave him a glance before turning back to examining the view from their window, and Haurchefant leant against the wall, allowing himself a long moment to gaze over his back, taking in the way their tail flicked and his fluffy ears twitched in response to things he saw outside. They had already removed their shoes and gloves, the items thrown haphazardly on a chair.
"I did argue that you would feel more at home with the staff," Haurchefant said softly, watching one of Miyhu's ears twitching towards him as they listened, "but father wouldn't have it, he was so very vehemently against allowing a ward of his to sleep down there, despite it being better suited for your comforts."
Miyhu smiled at him over his shoulder, "thank you," before moving towards their small bag that they had thrown on the large bed. 
Haurchefant watched as they started removing the leather harness they wore regardless of the cold, and realised they intended to change into his night clothes even with him in the room. The tips of Haurchefant's ears heated up as he watched the scars rippling along their pale back, but even as he told himself he should leave, he stayed rooted to the spot, glad no one else was there to see him so openly oogling his friend.
And then the skirt he wore dropped along with their smallclothes, and Haurchefant's whole face went bright red. He closed his eyes, needing a moment to compose himself before he would excuse himself to allow the much smaller man their privacy, but when he opened his eyes again he saw them holding out a black tunic that was far too large for themself, and annoyingly familiar. 
With brows furrowed he watched as they hugged it to their chest, burying his face in it momentarily. It was only as he pulled it over his head that the realisation hit him.
His face softened to a sorrowful gaze as Miyhu picked their discarded clothes up to place with his other items.
"You really miss him," Haurchefant stated softly.
He felt as though his heart seized as they turned to look at him with a face so sad he was surprised they weren't yet crying, "yeah…"
Haurchefant had never seen him like this before, no matter what they had managed to keep an upbeat air even as the others around him broke. He remembered when Alphinaud and they had first turned up before him as fugitives of Ul'dah, how broken the young boy had been and how quick Miyhu had been to comfort him, and then Tataru once she had learnt of the disappearance of the other Scions and almost jolted with the realisation that the brave, strong Warrior of Light before him, dwarfed in the clothes of a man they had no idea if he was even alive anymore, had no pillar of strength for themself, no one to share their burden with as he was too busy keeping everyone else afloat.
It was a snap decision that pushed him from his place at the wall, walking purposefully towards the bed and Miyhu. This was his friend, someone he loved dearly, and if they needed comfort he knew exactly how to help him, he just hoped what he could offer would be enough for now.
Miyhu watched him with his head tilted as Haurchefant started removing his clothing, folding them neatly upon the bedside table, until he was in his underclothes.  Once suitably undressed, he pulled the covers of the bed down, and settled himself against the many pillows, glad for his foresight to request extras for this room. He looked to Miyhu and opened his arms in an unmistakable invitation.
It only took Miyhu a moment to perk up their ears before they all but pounced on the man, burying his face in his chest and gripping him tightly, his tail wrapping around the Elezen's leg. Haurchefant maneuvered them to pull the covers back up, covering the two of them from the night's chill, and then wrapped his arms around their waist, running gentle fingers soothingly up their back.
They didn't cry, although their body shuddered as though in tears, so Haurchefant ran the fingers of his other hand through their hair, pulling the hair tie from it to release it from it's ponytail, occasionally scratching at the base of his ears as he hummed an old lullaby he could barely remember.
It didn't take long for the emotionally exhausted Miqo'te to fall asleep, safe in his arms, and Haurchefant felt his heart ache for the fact he may never truly be able to have this, that their heart belonged to someone else, so he buried his face in the soft hair, between their fluffy ears and placed a gentle kiss there, along with the words he could never utter to him were he awake.
"I love you."
Howdy howdy I have just gotten to That part in Heavensward and so I am writing to Cope-
If only Haurchefant knew that Miyhu and Thancred would b more than willin to include him-
This was mainly written for the Funny interaction where Miyhu strips, n then for the huggin to sleep but I also Needed to add the Alphy n Tataru parts bcause y'all need to know that Miyhu loves them so much-
Alphy is basically Miyhus adopted lil brother despite how he feels about it-
Idk if anyone will read this but anygay I was thinkin of doin some lil wolcred fics wi Miyhu too I jus need to find some prompts-
(Also very important note that the ship name for Miyhu n Than is thancyhu bcause it sounds like thank u-)
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keanearts · 11 months
Three's Company
Teen and up
1027 words
Thancred X WoL, Haurchefant X WoL
Thancred realises that Haurchefant is in love with his Warrior of Light, and decides to let him know that it's okay.
And at this point Miyhu's just here for the ride-
[Post Heavensward /AU]
Ao3 link:
Notes and fic under the cut;
Here's my WoL, Miyhu;
The meeting had been useless from the moment it started, Thancred knew, seeing that Lord Haurchefant walking in with the assistance of a cane yet still insisting that he could fight as he used to.
Thancred had spent the entire argument, as that was what it truly was, with his hand resting on Miyhu's thigh. It might have been a waste of time, but at the very least he could have some fun with it. He pretended not to know why Miyhu had to be there too, to let the small Miqo'te think he was hiding his guilt well enough until the day he could get it through their dumb little head that it wasn't their fault.
Haurchefant had been grievously injured protecting them, but it had been Miyhu that didn't give up, throwing every potion and curative they owned at the Elezen, and even if it had taken him a long while to recover enough to even leave his bed, it was Miyhu who had secured his life and gave him the chance to stand before them and claim he wasn't wincing every time he lifted his arms.
And of course, if Miyhu was going to be there, Thancred had to go as well, the older man knowing there would be points or words that Miyhu would later ask him to explain, and he might as well be there for the full context.
As the other occupants filed from the room, handing Haurchefant their unwanted condolences after throwing his disability in his face, Thancred thought that maybe there was something to be gained from this meeting after all. Miyhu was rubbing Haurchefant's arm soothingly, and instead of the strained politeness that the others were granted, Haurchefant actually smiled at them, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless.
Thancred let them talk softly as he observed them, recalling every moment he'd seen them together. Haurchefant brightening up from even the most dour of moods the moment he saw Miyhu, the hugs and touches that lingered longer than politeness dictated, and the looks that turned sour for a moment once he saw Thancred with them.
Lord Haurchefant had it bad for his Warrior of Light, and the poor sod didn't even realise that he did actually have a chance. Well, that's what happens when you fall for someone as oblivious as Miyhu, he supposed.
As their conversation ended, Thancred settled for putting the poor guy out of his misery. After a moment more, that is, he can only go so long without causing some small mischief after all.
Miyhu had barely closed their mouth when Thancred grasped their chin and pulled their head round, pressing his lips against theirs, grinning at the surprised noise he let out against his mouth. As he deepened the kiss, feeling Miyhu brace themself against his chest, Thancred glanced to Haurchefant. The (stupidly, in Thancred's opinion) taller male had averted his gaze with an odd expression on his face while the tips of his long ears burned bright red.
After a moment longer, he released his small lover, chuckling at the whine they gave him at the seperation. As an apology, he gave him a quick, and far more chaste kiss before he settled back in his seat, a smug grin aimed at Haurchefant.
Haurchefant cleared his throat, still not looking at the two of them, and spoke up, "well, if we're quite done here, I shall be t-"
"I wonder," Thancred said, cutting him off loudly, "if you know the nature of our relationship," and he gestured between himself and Miyhu, who looked at him with confusion.
"Why're you mentioning it?" They asked, head tilted, as Haurchefant started stuttering.
"Well, you- you're lovers-"
Thancred laughed as Haurchefant flustered, "correct, but I was wondering if you knew that our relationship is more on the… open side."
Haurchefant looked at him with wide eyes as Miyhu looked between the two of them, his single braincell working overtime to figure out the correlation.
"You… you two…" Haurchefant's whole face reddened and Thancred laughed again, "am I truly that transparent?" Haurchefant asked as he covered his face with his hands, attempting to regain what was left of his dignity.
"To everyone but the most oblivious hero in the realm," Thancred teased as he stood and grabbed Miyhu under their arms, lifting him easily and plonking him on Haurchefant's lap.
Miyhu glanced over his shoulder at Thancred, who smiled encouragingly, before turning back to face Haurchefant, still with some confusion, but an inkling had formed, "you like me?" 
The much taller male continued to cover his face, even as Miyhu tried to gently move them, and very quietly said, "since we first met."
"Don't 'aw', you never caught on!" Thancred laughed, giving them a playful slap on the arm.
He turned to poke his tongue out at him, before turning back and wiggling happily on Haurchefant's lap, "I like you too! If you're okay with sharing, then you can have me too!"
Haurchefant glanced between the Warrior of Light and his partner, then smiled gently at them, moving one of his hands to cup Miyhu's cheek. They nuzzled his head into the hand, a quiet purr starting up.
"I would be delighted to be given the chance to love you openly," he spoke softly, not giving away the fact that he wasn't entirely pleased with the 'sharing' aspect, but he was in too deep now to deny himself the happiness of being with them.
Thancred snorted and patted Haurchefant's shoulder, then pressed a kiss to Miyhu's unoccupied cheek, "I'll leave you two to uh, work out the details," he winked with a smirk, "if you need me, you know where our room is."
He moved towards the door, stopping just before he left to give the two another wide grin, "or if you want to let me join in the fun."
Haurchefant blushed bright red again, and Miyhu laughed loudly, "Thancred!" 
Thancred laughed himself and ducked out of the room before anyone could throw anything at him, it was about time for him to find some trouble to get into while they figure themselves out anyway.
Haurchefant may not wanna share Miyhu but he ain't gonna look a gift chocobo in the mouth-
Don't worry tho I'm sure he'd work things out wi Than-
This isn't canon to Miyhu bcause Haurchefant dies for them but I had a convo wi a friend n this is what came out of it-
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