#thank god my cousin came with me otherwise i dont think it would have enjoyed it as much
deans-asscot · 2 years
I really like how this turned out~
Just dissapointed that the lady didn't let me show them/explain to them myself what I wanted so I was so distracted talking to her that I didn't even get to directly interact with them. Like legit didn't even get to say hi to them, wtf. I blame myself for being so nervous, like I knew it would be fast but damn... I don't even think I got the chance to look at Misha 😭
Anyway, Jensen nailed it as always. I also have a cool/smug look, I was afraid I would smile durpy but I pulled through 🤧
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midyearflowers · 7 years
Not to be scary but I want to know everything abt ur cat
honestly ive done this to so many people it was only a matter of time before someone told me to answer every question so its cool lol
1. Name?: ive got 2 but ill use Smokey for this since i hand picked him as a kitten2. Fur color?: grey with a white patch on his chest, mouth, and feet like little socks. some patches actually turn brown in the sun and when he was a kitten he had stripes3. Any family you know (other than you)?: i met both his parents and he has two siblings however we only have him. and my other cat Princess is his reluctant roommate4. Age?: hes a grandpa now at like 13/145. Favorite toy?: we have these plastic cage balls with tiny bells in them and he absolutely loses his mind when he hears it6. Nicknames?: dumbass, weiner, goober, smoters, buddy, dumb butt, poop machine, my boi, the list goes on man7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fave for sure. hes a little shit. but i would also die for him8. Length of fluff?: i guess he would be a medium length9. Any funny habits?: literally everything he does. he makes this adorable little noise thats basically the “???” noise and when he drinks out of the toilet he stands on his hind legs and daintily dips his head down. he also looks like a galloping horse when he runs and his tail does this weird curve10. How old were they when you met?: i hand picked him as a kitten when i was like 1111. What does their food bowl look like?: a fuckin mess cause hes a slob. its shallow cause if we put too much food he eats until he throws up, thus the dumbass nickname12. Indoor or outdoor cat?: indoor for the same reason as Princess13. Recent picture?: boop and boop14. Old picture?: precious baby15. Cuddly?: oh hell yes he loves to snuggle up in your lap or on your chest. he would sleep hanging over my dads shoulder as a kitten and loves to be in contact with you16. Ever changed their name?: no i gave them the most stereotypical name since i was 11 and kept it18. Eye color?: a pretty emerald green with a tiny little brown speck in the right one19. How do they express love for you?: hes always licking me. every inch of skin. and he sounds like a motor boat when he snuggles up20. How do you express love for them?: i smother him with kisses and give him the chin scitchies he loves21. Any theories on what breed?: no idea. i honestly dont know much about cat breeds. they are just.. cats22. Do they ever wake you up?: GOD YES every single goddamn morning he is in my face licking me and pawing me cause he wants food23. How much do they meow?: he never used to be very vocal, only making that “???” noise but he meows more now. mostly when hes curious about something and not getting answers or when we come home24. Any hiding spots?: if he can get under it he will be there. the bed, the table, your chair, the china cabinet, you name it25. Do they enjoy guests?: yes and no. hes pretty friendly if theres only one person and theyre quiet but the moment my cousins step in he is gone26. Lofty objects to sit on?: loves to sit on desks and the backs of couches/chairs. we put the ottoman by the window so he can sit there too27. Wear a collar? (and describe collar?): no collar cause they never leave the apartment28. How much shedding?: lots. not as much as Princess and ive managed to clean him up a bit but man for a while there i wanted to fucking shave him29. Do they enjoy brushing?: yes though he is always trying to rub his face on the brush and will not sit still30. Ever drink from the toilet?: yea and he looks so silly doing it31. How do they get your attention?: stares at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, sometimes he meows, most of the time he licks himself cause i hate when they do that right beside me32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?: i once saw him trip up the stairs cartoon style, back legs went up over his head and i could practically hear the sound effect33. Weirdest thing they try to eat?: cat eats his own fucking vomit man. he is a vile creature who will eat just about anything34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?: he is my boi, my son, my precious companion35. What time do they eat breakfast?: before we leave for work so usually 7:30-8ish36. Do you cut their nails?: yes tho he doesnt like it one bit37. Do you think they understand you?: hes done things in the past that suggest he can tell when i need comfort but other than that hes an idiot38. Ever make fun of them?: literally all the time. im doing it right now39. Do you take their picture often?: my computer is filled with cat pictures like you have no idea40. Ever hiss at you?: not that i recall41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?: he goes for the bite all the time but im so used to it i dont care42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?: pulls away or tries to lick my hand43. Do they ever eat bugs?: he has a few times if it ended up on the floor. but mostly he just likes to stare at it44. Canned or dry food?: dry food. god help me if he only wanted wet45. Weight?: we used to make fun of him for being fat but honestly he has always been lean and solid. hes mostly heavy cause of his size and build.46. Ever got lost?: not lost per se but there was one instance where he somehow got out  of the house without anyone noticing (back when he was with my dad) and suddenly he was just in the window panting from being out and about. im so glad he came back cause we never would have known otherwise47. Do you buy them presents?: not really. we have so many toys as it is48. Do they respond when you call?: most times. if hes hyper and i over the top call him over he comes bolting49. Do they ever see other cats?: he grew up with two cats, one old female and the other a male around his age. now he lives with Princess50. Declawed?: unfortunately yes. i was too young to have any say and it was a long time ago51. Funniest expression?: his wide eyed empty stare52. Favorite place to be pet?: he likes chin and butt scritchies and will always move his head to meet your hand53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed?: nothing really comes to mind but he has ruined some plants by eating them and then the carpet when he threw them back up54. Give them a head kiss.: absolutely55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?: i dont think he can tell the difference56. Are they good at hunting real prey?: i doubt it. hes a little too hyper for his own good57. Do they ever attack nothing?: sometimes yea58. What are they doing right now?: no idea cause hes in the other room. probably cuddling with my mom59. How long have you had them?: his whole life so about 13/14 years60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?: honestly he still acts like one so the only difference is the size. but i like him as an adult. more to cuddle61. Ever baby-talk to them?: all the time. certain nicknames i will say in a baby voice62. Favorite napping position?: he likes to curl into a ball and turn his head upside down63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?: yes :(64. Ever tripped you on stairs?: not on the stairs but just about everywhere else cause hes so damn fast65. Any ear hair?: i think? idk i dont really look in his ears66. Favorite view from a window?: he likes to watch birds and cars67. Describe why they are precious.: he has been my baby for so long and i picked him myself and i can tell he is happy with me68. Fit the cat stereotype?: practically to a T69. Chaotic neutral?: chaotic chaotic more like it70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?: yes he follows me around if im home alone and wandering from room to room thinking out loud71. Are you their favorite human?: i like to think so72. Do they like tv?: not so much recently but we used to leave the aquarium channel on for him73. Favorite noise to make?: his “???” noise makes my heart make a “!!!” noise74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?: a string with a bell on the end
thanks for the questions!
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charlesef3 · 7 years
Not to be, not even a question
Damnit, i still miss her
Get over it
Nah, i love her
Man its been a year get over her
No not that stupid ass way yall mean when you say it the instant you go out with someone, i mean i honest to god love her
So what she doesnt even like you now
Maybe i can change, maybe she'll give another chance then
Shes done with you, shes onto better things
No way man i-
Look man heres the reality, regardless of how fucking 'heart-broken' you are she aint going for it, and if she did would you really wanna damn pity relationship? Honestly knowing that you love her more than she does you?
Look, shes special i get that. But your not, shes gonna date some fucking amazing guy or girl out there, like nobel Prize type shit, and your gonna still be the highschool fling
I know...
So why the fuck are you still agonizing over her. If you know that move the fuck on
I knew that from the get go, i shouldnt have let her convince me otherwise but i cant-
Shut the fuck up, this isnt a goddamnned story where the pauper gets the princess, fuck around, date other chicks, youll get over her
No, date one girl while wanting another? Fuck kinda bullshit is that
Well you're fucked then period
Well i could...
You could what
I honestly dont know anymore, ive tried everything, i even begged her
But i thought you didnt
But i did, for her
Wanna know the worst part?
The worst part is, after she broke me off like a month later she hmu wanting to get back together. And you know what my dumbass did?
Whatd you do
I said no, i said motherfucking no just because i was scared shed leave me again. Saddest part about that? I already couldnt function right without her. She was my bestfriend, my girlfriend, my everything already, yet i said no. Wait a littlw longer make sure shes sure
Damn so its your fault
Yeah, and then i had the nerve to try to aak her out a month later, and youll never guess what she said
She said no, didnt tell me why just no
She waa probably already moving on talking to someone else man, itd been what? 2 months?
She was, she told me that after awhile, but honestly man? Honestly i probably couldve bounced back or maybe tried to forget her a little better had she not said that one thing
Whatd she say?
'I do still love you, not like a friend or a bestfriend, i love you'
Then not even 15 minutes later i fucked up
Howd you manage that this time?
I was talking to her bestfriend about everything like it was just ok to, like it wasnt on purpose, it came up in conversation while she was complaining about her first love, but my dumbass sat there talking to her going back and forth about it
... And what did the girl do when she found out?
She cut me off again, that was enough to just snip the last thread of a chance i might've had, went from maybe i could have a chance again to she wants to be strictly social media type friends, not bestfriends, not even good friends
And i can honestly say its all my fault you know?
...i know
It was fun though, i enjoyed every second with her, and even now stuck on her. I know id never take any of that back. She was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Probably the best thing that ever will
There's other girls out there man
None like her, shes one of a kind i promise you
You know, your the only one i can talk to like this
I know
Anyone else somehow itd get out, or theyd just find some reason to be mad at me and never talk to me again
I know, ive seen
Is it ok for me to just stay single for good? Everyone thinks i have hoes anyways
The way you think, until you stop loving her thats probably the best move
Ill never stop loving her
You'll never find love that'll be reciprocated then
Thats something ill have to deal with
Why, why so head over heels for her
What about her makes her so special from the trillions of people on this earth
Everything, from how she liked to bury her face in my chest when she was feeling shy. To how she never would believe anything i told her not from first hand experience, hell even the way she likes to switch it up how she dresses, she goes from a couple days looking comfortable asf to a couple days belonging on a throne,
Theres plenty of girls like that out there, shes special not all that special
And then shes caring beyond belief, like god. There were times where i honestly didnt want to tell her things because shed be sad for someone elses sake you know? And jesus how she hated it when i wouldnt tell her things, i actually had to weigh out whether itd be worse to actually not tell her 😂,
Awe man and don't even get me started on hoe creative she is, like she honestly made me think about allot of things in a new light. Albeit she was a tad bit impatient, but even that i thought was cute asf,
And man she had some beautiful eyes, like honestly whoever eyes are the windows to the soul? HAD to have seen hers
And i hated seeing her sad dog, like that shits actually painful, like there was this one time where i was about to move right? She started crying, like honestly crying and it hurt so fucking much man, like i actually went around and had to move in with my cousin near me cause i straight couldnt deal with the thought of making her that sad
Damn dog, sounds like you had something special there
Mannnnn i haven't told even quarter of it, that would take more time than this entire conversation
LMAO chill
Lol aight aight.... But man she had the body of a goddess too 😵, like everything about her is just right, like head to toe she is gorgeous
Lol but that's enough i guess man, im depressed ats and lo and behold of course my depression hit there,
Depression? Cause of her?
Pfft, she is in no way shape or form the cause or even assistant of my depression. She was one of maybe 2 people i trusted to help me deal with it
Ah damn ok
Well shit it was a little relieving talking to myself but now its time to bury this conversation under a ton of aesthetic pictures
Because everyone i trust with this kinda info about me invariably leaves me, one reason or another after having a convo like this they just *poof* , its at the point where i dont even trust them to read it and not disappear
Damn dog
Its cool though, i still got a bit of time before the pressure kills me
Yeah but we need someone
We do
Like i said, burying this whole thing, you get the morale though, whatever else. We still love her, and we always will
Yeah... I guess she was kinda the best thing to happen to us
Goodbye, and goodluck
Thanks man we need it...
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